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store_impl.go 31.19 KB
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Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package pvtdatastorage
import (
var logger = flogging.MustGetLogger("pvtdatastorage")
type provider struct {
dbProvider *leveldbhelper.Provider
type store struct {
db *leveldbhelper.DBHandle
ledgerid string
btlPolicy pvtdatapolicy.BTLPolicy
isEmpty bool
lastCommittedBlock uint64
batchPending bool
purgerLock sync.Mutex
collElgProcSync *collElgProcSync
// After committing the pvtdata of old blocks,
// the `isLastUpdatedOldBlocksSet` is set to true.
// Once the stateDB is updated with these pvtdata,
// the `isLastUpdatedOldBlocksSet` is set to false.
// isLastUpdatedOldBlocksSet is mainly used during the
// recovery process. During the peer startup, if the
// isLastUpdatedOldBlocksSet is set to true, the pvtdata
// in the stateDB needs to be updated before finishing the
// recovery operation.
isLastUpdatedOldBlocksSet bool
type blkTranNumKey []byte
type dataEntry struct {
key *dataKey
value *rwset.CollectionPvtReadWriteSet
type expiryEntry struct {
key *expiryKey
value *ExpiryData
type expiryKey struct {
expiringBlk uint64
committingBlk uint64
type nsCollBlk struct {
ns, coll string
blkNum uint64
type dataKey struct {
txNum uint64
type missingDataKey struct {
isEligible bool
type storeEntries struct {
dataEntries []*dataEntry
expiryEntries []*expiryEntry
missingDataEntries map[missingDataKey]*bitset.BitSet
// lastUpdatedOldBlocksList keeps the list of last updated blocks
// and is stored as the value of lastUpdatedOldBlocksKey (defined in kv_encoding.go)
type lastUpdatedOldBlocksList []uint64
type entriesForPvtDataOfOldBlocks struct {
// for each <ns, coll, blkNum, txNum>, store the dataEntry, i.e., pvtData
dataEntries map[dataKey]*rwset.CollectionPvtReadWriteSet
// store the retrieved (& updated) expiryData in expiryEntries
expiryEntries map[expiryKey]*ExpiryData
// for each <ns, coll, blkNum>, store the retrieved (& updated) bitmap in the missingDataEntries
missingDataEntries map[nsCollBlk]*bitset.BitSet
//////// Provider functions /////////////
// NewProvider instantiates a StoreProvider
func NewProvider() Provider {
dbPath := ledgerconfig.GetPvtdataStorePath()
dbProvider := leveldbhelper.NewProvider(&leveldbhelper.Conf{DBPath: dbPath})
return &provider{dbProvider: dbProvider}
// OpenStore returns a handle to a store
func (p *provider) OpenStore(ledgerid string) (Store, error) {
dbHandle := p.dbProvider.GetDBHandle(ledgerid)
s := &store{db: dbHandle, ledgerid: ledgerid,
collElgProcSync: &collElgProcSync{
notification: make(chan bool, 1),
procComplete: make(chan bool, 1),
if err := s.initState(); err != nil {
return nil, err
logger.Debugf("Pvtdata store opened. Initial state: isEmpty [%t], lastCommittedBlock [%d], batchPending [%t]",
s.isEmpty, s.lastCommittedBlock, s.batchPending)
return s, nil
// Close closes the store
func (p *provider) Close() {
//////// store functions ////////////////
func (s *store) initState() error {
var err error
var blist lastUpdatedOldBlocksList
if s.isEmpty, s.lastCommittedBlock, err = s.getLastCommittedBlockNum(); err != nil {
return err
if s.batchPending, err = s.hasPendingCommit(); err != nil {
return err
if blist, err = s.getLastUpdatedOldBlocksList(); err != nil {
return err
if len(blist) > 0 {
s.isLastUpdatedOldBlocksSet = true
} // false if not set
return nil
func (s *store) Init(btlPolicy pvtdatapolicy.BTLPolicy) {
s.btlPolicy = btlPolicy
// Prepare implements the function in the interface `Store`
func (s *store) Prepare(blockNum uint64, pvtData []*ledger.TxPvtData, missingPvtData ledger.TxMissingPvtDataMap) error {
if s.batchPending {
return &ErrIllegalCall{`A pending batch exists as as result of last invoke to "Prepare" call.
Invoke "Commit" on the pending batch before invoking "Prepare" function`}
expectedBlockNum := s.nextBlockNum()
if expectedBlockNum != blockNum {
return &ErrIllegalArgs{fmt.Sprintf("Expected block number=%d, received block number=%d", expectedBlockNum, blockNum)}
batch := leveldbhelper.NewUpdateBatch()
var err error
var keyBytes, valBytes []byte
storeEntries, err := prepareStoreEntries(blockNum, pvtData, s.btlPolicy, missingPvtData)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, dataEntry := range storeEntries.dataEntries {
keyBytes = encodeDataKey(dataEntry.key)
if valBytes, err = encodeDataValue(dataEntry.value); err != nil {
return err
batch.Put(keyBytes, valBytes)
for _, expiryEntry := range storeEntries.expiryEntries {
keyBytes = encodeExpiryKey(expiryEntry.key)
if valBytes, err = encodeExpiryValue(expiryEntry.value); err != nil {
return err
batch.Put(keyBytes, valBytes)
for missingDataKey, missingDataValue := range storeEntries.missingDataEntries {
keyBytes = encodeMissingDataKey(&missingDataKey)
if valBytes, err = encodeMissingDataValue(missingDataValue); err != nil {
return err
batch.Put(keyBytes, valBytes)
batch.Put(pendingCommitKey, emptyValue)
if err := s.db.WriteBatch(batch, true); err != nil {
return err
s.batchPending = true
logger.Debugf("Saved %d private data write sets for block [%d]", len(pvtData), blockNum)
return nil
// Commit implements the function in the interface `Store`
func (s *store) Commit() error {
if !s.batchPending {
return &ErrIllegalCall{"No pending batch to commit"}
committingBlockNum := s.nextBlockNum()
logger.Debugf("Committing private data for block [%d]", committingBlockNum)
batch := leveldbhelper.NewUpdateBatch()
batch.Put(lastCommittedBlkkey, encodeLastCommittedBlockVal(committingBlockNum))
if err := s.db.WriteBatch(batch, true); err != nil {
return err
s.batchPending = false
s.isEmpty = false
atomic.StoreUint64(&s.lastCommittedBlock, committingBlockNum)
logger.Debugf("Committed private data for block [%d]", committingBlockNum)
return nil
// CommitPvtDataOfOldBlocks commits the pvtData (i.e., previously missing data) of old blocks.
// The parameter `blocksPvtData` refers a list of old block's pvtdata which are missing in the pvtstore.
// Given a list of old block's pvtData, `CommitPvtDataOfOldBlocks` performs the following four
// operations
// (1) construct dataEntries for all pvtData
// (2) construct update entries (i.e., dataEntries, expiryEntries, missingDataEntries, and
// lastUpdatedOldBlocksList) from the above created data entries
// (3) create a db update batch from the update entries
// (4) commit the update entries to the pvtStore
func (s *store) CommitPvtDataOfOldBlocks(blocksPvtData map[uint64][]*ledger.TxPvtData) error {
if s.isLastUpdatedOldBlocksSet {
return &ErrIllegalCall{`The lastUpdatedOldBlocksList is set. It means that the
stateDB may not be in sync with the pvtStore`}
// (1) construct dataEntries for all pvtData
dataEntries := constructDataEntriesFromBlocksPvtData(blocksPvtData)
// (2) construct update entries (i.e., dataEntries, expiryEntries, missingDataEntries) from the above created data entries
logger.Debugf("Constructing pvtdatastore entries for pvtData of [%d] old blocks", len(blocksPvtData))
updateEntries, err := s.constructUpdateEntriesFromDataEntries(dataEntries)
if err != nil {
return err
// (3) create a db update batch from the update entries
logger.Debug("Constructing update batch from pvtdatastore entries")
batch, err := constructUpdateBatchFromUpdateEntries(updateEntries)
if err != nil {
return err
// (4) commit the update entries to the pvtStore
logger.Debug("Committing the update batch to pvtdatastore")
if err := s.commitBatch(batch); err != nil {
return err
s.isLastUpdatedOldBlocksSet = true
return nil
func constructDataEntriesFromBlocksPvtData(blocksPvtData map[uint64][]*ledger.TxPvtData) []*dataEntry {
// construct dataEntries for all pvtData
var dataEntries []*dataEntry
for blkNum, pvtData := range blocksPvtData {
// prepare the dataEntries for the pvtData
dataEntries = append(dataEntries, prepareDataEntries(blkNum, pvtData)...)
return dataEntries
func (s *store) constructUpdateEntriesFromDataEntries(dataEntries []*dataEntry) (*entriesForPvtDataOfOldBlocks, error) {
updateEntries := &entriesForPvtDataOfOldBlocks{
dataEntries: make(map[dataKey]*rwset.CollectionPvtReadWriteSet),
expiryEntries: make(map[expiryKey]*ExpiryData),
missingDataEntries: make(map[nsCollBlk]*bitset.BitSet)}
// for each data entry, first, get the expiryData and missingData from the pvtStore.
// Second, update the expiryData and missingData as per the data entry. Finally, add
// the data entry along with the updated expiryData and missingData to the update entries
for _, dataEntry := range dataEntries {
// get the expiryBlk number to construct the expiryKey
expiryKey, err := s.constructExpiryKeyFromDataEntry(dataEntry)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// get the existing expiryData ntry
var expiryData *ExpiryData
if !neverExpires(expiryKey.expiringBlk) {
if expiryData, err = s.getExpiryDataFromUpdateEntriesOrStore(updateEntries, expiryKey); err != nil {
return nil, err
if expiryData == nil {
// data entry is already expired
// and purged (a rare scenario)
// get the existing missingData entry
var missingData *bitset.BitSet
nsCollBlk := dataEntry.key.nsCollBlk
if missingData, err = s.getMissingDataFromUpdateEntriesOrStore(updateEntries, nsCollBlk); err != nil {
return nil, err
if missingData == nil {
// data entry is already expired
// and purged (a rare scenario)
if expiryData != nil { // would be nill for the never expiring entry
expiryEntry := &expiryEntry{&expiryKey, expiryData}
updateEntries.updateAndAddExpiryEntry(expiryEntry, dataEntry.key)
updateEntries.updateAndAddMissingDataEntry(missingData, dataEntry.key)
return updateEntries, nil
func (s *store) constructExpiryKeyFromDataEntry(dataEntry *dataEntry) (expiryKey, error) {
// get the expiryBlk number to construct the expiryKey
nsCollBlk := dataEntry.key.nsCollBlk
expiringBlk, err := s.btlPolicy.GetExpiringBlock(nsCollBlk.ns, nsCollBlk.coll, nsCollBlk.blkNum)
if err != nil {
return expiryKey{}, err
return expiryKey{expiringBlk, nsCollBlk.blkNum}, nil
func (s *store) getExpiryDataFromUpdateEntriesOrStore(updateEntries *entriesForPvtDataOfOldBlocks, expiryKey expiryKey) (*ExpiryData, error) {
expiryData, ok := updateEntries.expiryEntries[expiryKey]
if !ok {
var err error
expiryData, err = s.getExpiryDataOfExpiryKey(&expiryKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return expiryData, nil
func (s *store) getMissingDataFromUpdateEntriesOrStore(updateEntries *entriesForPvtDataOfOldBlocks, nsCollBlk nsCollBlk) (*bitset.BitSet, error) {
missingData, ok := updateEntries.missingDataEntries[nsCollBlk]
if !ok {
var err error
missingDataKey := &missingDataKey{nsCollBlk, true}
missingData, err = s.getBitmapOfMissingDataKey(missingDataKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return missingData, nil
func (updateEntries *entriesForPvtDataOfOldBlocks) addDataEntry(dataEntry *dataEntry) {
dataKey := dataKey{dataEntry.key.nsCollBlk, dataEntry.key.txNum}
updateEntries.dataEntries[dataKey] = dataEntry.value
func (updateEntries *entriesForPvtDataOfOldBlocks) updateAndAddExpiryEntry(expiryEntry *expiryEntry, dataKey *dataKey) {
txNum := dataKey.txNum
nsCollBlk := dataKey.nsCollBlk
// update
expiryEntry.value.addPresentData(nsCollBlk.ns, nsCollBlk.coll, txNum)
// we cannot delete entries from MissingDataMap as
// we keep only one entry per missing <ns-col>
// irrespective of the number of txNum.
// add
expiryKey := expiryKey{expiryEntry.key.expiringBlk, expiryEntry.key.committingBlk}
updateEntries.expiryEntries[expiryKey] = expiryEntry.value
func (updateEntries *entriesForPvtDataOfOldBlocks) updateAndAddMissingDataEntry(missingData *bitset.BitSet, dataKey *dataKey) {
txNum := dataKey.txNum
nsCollBlk := dataKey.nsCollBlk
// update
// add
updateEntries.missingDataEntries[nsCollBlk] = missingData
func constructUpdateBatchFromUpdateEntries(updateEntries *entriesForPvtDataOfOldBlocks) (*leveldbhelper.UpdateBatch, error) {
batch := leveldbhelper.NewUpdateBatch()
// add the following four types of entries to the update batch: (1) new data entries
// (i.e., pvtData), (2) updated expiry entries, (3) updated missing data entries, and
// (4) updated block list
// (1) add new data entries to the batch
if err := addNewDataEntriesToUpdateBatch(batch, updateEntries); err != nil {
return nil, err
// (2) add updated expiryEntry to the batch
if err := addUpdatedExpiryEntriesToUpdateBatch(batch, updateEntries); err != nil {
return nil, err
// (3) add updated missingData to the batch
if err := addUpdatedMissingDataEntriesToUpdateBatch(batch, updateEntries); err != nil {
return nil, err
// (4) add lastUpdatedOldBlocksList to the batch
addLastUpdatedOldBlocksList(batch, updateEntries)
return batch, nil
func addNewDataEntriesToUpdateBatch(batch *leveldbhelper.UpdateBatch, entries *entriesForPvtDataOfOldBlocks) error {
var keyBytes, valBytes []byte
var err error
for dataKey, pvtData := range entries.dataEntries {
keyBytes = encodeDataKey(&dataKey)
if valBytes, err = encodeDataValue(pvtData); err != nil {
return err
batch.Put(keyBytes, valBytes)
return nil
func addUpdatedExpiryEntriesToUpdateBatch(batch *leveldbhelper.UpdateBatch, entries *entriesForPvtDataOfOldBlocks) error {
var keyBytes, valBytes []byte
var err error
for expiryKey, expiryData := range entries.expiryEntries {
keyBytes = encodeExpiryKey(&expiryKey)
if valBytes, err = encodeExpiryValue(expiryData); err != nil {
return err
batch.Put(keyBytes, valBytes)
return nil
func addUpdatedMissingDataEntriesToUpdateBatch(batch *leveldbhelper.UpdateBatch, entries *entriesForPvtDataOfOldBlocks) error {
var keyBytes, valBytes []byte
var err error
for nsCollBlk, missingData := range entries.missingDataEntries {
keyBytes = encodeMissingDataKey(&missingDataKey{nsCollBlk, true})
// if the missingData is empty, we need to delete the missingDataKey
if missingData.None() {
if valBytes, err = encodeMissingDataValue(missingData); err != nil {
return err
batch.Put(keyBytes, valBytes)
return nil
func addLastUpdatedOldBlocksList(batch *leveldbhelper.UpdateBatch, entries *entriesForPvtDataOfOldBlocks) {
// create a list of blocks' pvtData which are being stored. If this list is
// found during the recovery, the stateDB may not be in sync with the pvtData
// and needs recovery. In a normal flow, once the stateDB is synced, the
// block list would be deleted.
updatedBlksListMap := make(map[uint64]bool)
for dataKey := range entries.dataEntries {
updatedBlksListMap[dataKey.blkNum] = true
var updatedBlksList lastUpdatedOldBlocksList
for blkNum := range updatedBlksListMap {
updatedBlksList = append(updatedBlksList, blkNum)
// better to store as sorted list
sort.SliceStable(updatedBlksList, func(i, j int) bool {
return updatedBlksList[i] < updatedBlksList[j]
buf := proto.NewBuffer(nil)
for _, blkNum := range updatedBlksList {
batch.Put(lastUpdatedOldBlocksKey, buf.Bytes())
func (s *store) commitBatch(batch *leveldbhelper.UpdateBatch) error {
// commit the batch to the store
if err := s.db.WriteBatch(batch, true); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// GetLastUpdatedOldBlocksPvtData implements the function in the interface `Store`
func (s *store) GetLastUpdatedOldBlocksPvtData() (map[uint64][]*ledger.TxPvtData, error) {
if !s.isLastUpdatedOldBlocksSet {
return nil, nil
updatedBlksList, err := s.getLastUpdatedOldBlocksList()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
blksPvtData := make(map[uint64][]*ledger.TxPvtData)
for _, blkNum := range updatedBlksList {
if blksPvtData[blkNum], err = s.GetPvtDataByBlockNum(blkNum, nil); err != nil {
return nil, err
return blksPvtData, nil
func (s *store) getLastUpdatedOldBlocksList() ([]uint64, error) {
var v []byte
var err error
if v, err = s.db.Get(lastUpdatedOldBlocksKey); err != nil {
return nil, err
if v == nil {
return nil, nil
var updatedBlksList []uint64
buf := proto.NewBuffer(v)
numBlks, err := buf.DecodeVarint()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i := 0; i < int(numBlks); i++ {
blkNum, err := buf.DecodeVarint()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
updatedBlksList = append(updatedBlksList, blkNum)
return updatedBlksList, nil
// ResetLastUpdatedOldBlocksList implements the function in the interface `Store`
func (s *store) ResetLastUpdatedOldBlocksList() error {
batch := leveldbhelper.NewUpdateBatch()
if err := s.db.WriteBatch(batch, true); err != nil {
return err
s.isLastUpdatedOldBlocksSet = false
return nil
// GetPvtDataByBlockNum implements the function in the interface `Store`.
// If the store is empty or the last committed block number is smaller then the
// requested block number, an 'ErrOutOfRange' is thrown
func (s *store) GetPvtDataByBlockNum(blockNum uint64, filter ledger.PvtNsCollFilter) ([]*ledger.TxPvtData, error) {
logger.Debugf("Get private data for block [%d], filter=%#v", blockNum, filter)
if s.isEmpty {
return nil, &ErrOutOfRange{"The store is empty"}
lastCommittedBlock := atomic.LoadUint64(&s.lastCommittedBlock)
if blockNum > lastCommittedBlock {
return nil, &ErrOutOfRange{fmt.Sprintf("Last committed block=%d, block requested=%d", lastCommittedBlock, blockNum)}
startKey, endKey := getDataKeysForRangeScanByBlockNum(blockNum)
logger.Debugf("Querying private data storage for write sets using startKey=%#v, endKey=%#v", startKey, endKey)
itr := s.db.GetIterator(startKey, endKey)
defer itr.Release()
var blockPvtdata []*ledger.TxPvtData
var currentTxNum uint64
var currentTxWsetAssember *txPvtdataAssembler
firstItr := true
for itr.Next() {
dataKeyBytes := itr.Key()
v11Fmt, err := v11Format(dataKeyBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if v11Fmt {
return v11RetrievePvtdata(itr, filter)
dataValueBytes := itr.Value()
dataKey, err := decodeDatakey(dataKeyBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
expired, err := isExpired(dataKey.nsCollBlk, s.btlPolicy, lastCommittedBlock)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if expired || !passesFilter(dataKey, filter) {
dataValue, err := decodeDataValue(dataValueBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if firstItr {
currentTxNum = dataKey.txNum
currentTxWsetAssember = newTxPvtdataAssembler(blockNum, currentTxNum)
firstItr = false
if dataKey.txNum != currentTxNum {
blockPvtdata = append(blockPvtdata, currentTxWsetAssember.getTxPvtdata())
currentTxNum = dataKey.txNum
currentTxWsetAssember = newTxPvtdataAssembler(blockNum, currentTxNum)
currentTxWsetAssember.add(dataKey.ns, dataValue)
if currentTxWsetAssember != nil {
blockPvtdata = append(blockPvtdata, currentTxWsetAssember.getTxPvtdata())
return blockPvtdata, nil
// InitLastCommittedBlock implements the function in the interface `Store`
func (s *store) InitLastCommittedBlock(blockNum uint64) error {
if !(s.isEmpty && !s.batchPending) {
return &ErrIllegalCall{"The private data store is not empty. InitLastCommittedBlock() function call is not allowed"}
batch := leveldbhelper.NewUpdateBatch()
batch.Put(lastCommittedBlkkey, encodeLastCommittedBlockVal(blockNum))
if err := s.db.WriteBatch(batch, true); err != nil {
return err
s.isEmpty = false
s.lastCommittedBlock = blockNum
logger.Debugf("InitLastCommittedBlock set to block [%d]", blockNum)
return nil
// GetMissingPvtDataInfoForMostRecentBlocks implements the function in the interface `Store`
func (s *store) GetMissingPvtDataInfoForMostRecentBlocks(maxBlock int) (ledger.MissingPvtDataInfo, error) {
// we assume that this function would be called by the gossip only after processing the
// last retrieved missing pvtdata info and committing the same.
if maxBlock < 1 {
return nil, nil
missingPvtDataInfo := make(ledger.MissingPvtDataInfo)
numberOfBlockProcessed := 0
lastProcessedBlock := uint64(0)
isMaxBlockLimitReached := false
// as we are not acquiring a read lock, new blocks can get committed while we
// construct the MissingPvtDataInfo. As a result, lastCommittedBlock can get
// changed. To ensure consistency, we atomically load the lastCommittedBlock value
lastCommittedBlock := atomic.LoadUint64(&s.lastCommittedBlock)
startKey, endKey := createRangeScanKeysForEligibleMissingDataEntries(lastCommittedBlock)
dbItr := s.db.GetIterator(startKey, endKey)
defer dbItr.Release()
for dbItr.Next() {
missingDataKeyBytes := dbItr.Key()
missingDataKey := decodeMissingDataKey(missingDataKeyBytes)
if isMaxBlockLimitReached && (missingDataKey.blkNum != lastProcessedBlock) {
// esnures that exactly maxBlock number
// of blocks' entries are processed
// check whether the entry is expired. If so, move to the next item.
// As we may use the old lastCommittedBlock value, there is a possibility that
// this missing data is actually expired but we may get the stale information.
// Though it may leads to extra work of pulling the expired data, it will not
// affect the correctness. Further, as we try to fetch the most recent missing
// data (less possibility of expiring now), such scenario would be rare. In the
// best case, we can load the latest lastCommittedBlock value here atomically to
// make this scenario very rare.
lastCommittedBlock = atomic.LoadUint64(&s.lastCommittedBlock)
expired, err := isExpired(missingDataKey.nsCollBlk, s.btlPolicy, lastCommittedBlock)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if expired {
// check for an existing entry for the blkNum in the MissingPvtDataInfo.
// If no such entry exists, create one. Also, keep track of the number of
// processed block due to maxBlock limit.
if _, ok := missingPvtDataInfo[missingDataKey.blkNum]; !ok {
if numberOfBlockProcessed == maxBlock {
isMaxBlockLimitReached = true
// as there can be more than one entry for this block,
// we cannot `break` here
lastProcessedBlock = missingDataKey.blkNum
valueBytes := dbItr.Value()
bitmap, err := decodeMissingDataValue(valueBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// for each transaction which misses private data, make an entry in missingBlockPvtDataInfo
for index, isSet := bitmap.NextSet(0); isSet; index, isSet = bitmap.NextSet(index + 1) {
txNum := uint64(index)
missingPvtDataInfo.Add(missingDataKey.blkNum, txNum, missingDataKey.ns, missingDataKey.coll)
return missingPvtDataInfo, nil
// ProcessCollsEligibilityEnabled implements the function in the interface `Store`
func (s *store) ProcessCollsEligibilityEnabled(committingBlk uint64, nsCollMap map[string][]string) error {
key := encodeCollElgKey(committingBlk)
m := newCollElgInfo(nsCollMap)
val, err := encodeCollElgVal(m)
if err != nil {
return err
batch := leveldbhelper.NewUpdateBatch()
batch.Put(key, val)
if err = s.db.WriteBatch(batch, true); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *store) performPurgeIfScheduled(latestCommittedBlk uint64) {
if latestCommittedBlk%ledgerconfig.GetPvtdataStorePurgeInterval() != 0 {
go func() {
logger.Debugf("Purger started: Purging expired private data till block number [%d]", latestCommittedBlk)
defer s.purgerLock.Unlock()
err := s.purgeExpiredData(0, latestCommittedBlk)
if err != nil {
logger.Warningf("Could not purge data from pvtdata store:%s", err)
logger.Debug("Purger finished")
func (s *store) purgeExpiredData(minBlkNum, maxBlkNum uint64) error {
batch := leveldbhelper.NewUpdateBatch()
expiryEntries, err := s.retrieveExpiryEntries(minBlkNum, maxBlkNum)
if err != nil || len(expiryEntries) == 0 {
return err
for _, expiryEntry := range expiryEntries {
// this encoding could have been saved if the function retrieveExpiryEntries also returns the encoded expiry keys.
// However, keeping it for better readability
dataKeys, missingDataKeys := deriveKeys(expiryEntry)
for _, dataKey := range dataKeys {
for _, missingDataKey := range missingDataKeys {
s.db.WriteBatch(batch, false)
logger.Infof("[%s] - [%d] Entries purged from private data storage till block number [%d]", s.ledgerid, len(expiryEntries), maxBlkNum)
return nil
func (s *store) retrieveExpiryEntries(minBlkNum, maxBlkNum uint64) ([]*expiryEntry, error) {
startKey, endKey := getExpiryKeysForRangeScan(minBlkNum, maxBlkNum)
logger.Debugf("retrieveExpiryEntries(): startKey=%#v, endKey=%#v", startKey, endKey)
itr := s.db.GetIterator(startKey, endKey)
defer itr.Release()
var expiryEntries []*expiryEntry
for itr.Next() {
expiryKeyBytes := itr.Key()
expiryValueBytes := itr.Value()
expiryKey, err := decodeExpiryKey(expiryKeyBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
expiryValue, err := decodeExpiryValue(expiryValueBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
expiryEntries = append(expiryEntries, &expiryEntry{key: expiryKey, value: expiryValue})
return expiryEntries, nil
func (s *store) launchCollElgProc() {
maxBatchSize := ledgerconfig.GetPvtdataStoreCollElgProcMaxDbBatchSize()
batchesInterval := ledgerconfig.GetPvtdataStoreCollElgProcDbBatchesInterval()
go func() {
s.processCollElgEvents(maxBatchSize, batchesInterval) // process collection eligibility events when store is opened - in case there is an unprocessed events from previous run
for {
logger.Debugf("Waiting for collection eligibility event")
s.processCollElgEvents(maxBatchSize, batchesInterval)
func (s *store) processCollElgEvents(maxBatchSize, batchesInterval int) {
logger.Debugf("Starting to process collection eligibility events")
defer s.purgerLock.Unlock()
collElgStartKey, collElgEndKey := createRangeScanKeysForCollElg()
eventItr := s.db.GetIterator(collElgStartKey, collElgEndKey)
defer eventItr.Release()
batch := leveldbhelper.NewUpdateBatch()
totalEntriesConverted := 0
for eventItr.Next() {
collElgKey, collElgVal := eventItr.Key(), eventItr.Value()
blkNum := decodeCollElgKey(collElgKey)
CollElgInfo, err := decodeCollElgVal(collElgVal)
logger.Debugf("Processing collection eligibility event [blkNum=%d], CollElgInfo=%s", blkNum, CollElgInfo)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("This error is not expected %s", err)
for ns, colls := range CollElgInfo.NsCollMap {
var coll string
for _, coll = range colls.Entries {
logger.Infof("Converting missing data entries from ineligible to eligible for [ns=%s, coll=%s]", ns, coll)
startKey, endKey := createRangeScanKeysForIneligibleMissingData(blkNum, ns, coll)
collItr := s.db.GetIterator(startKey, endKey)
collEntriesConverted := 0
for collItr.Next() { // each entry
originalKey, originalVal := collItr.Key(), collItr.Value()
modifiedKey := decodeMissingDataKey(originalKey)
modifiedKey.isEligible = true
copyVal := make([]byte, len(originalVal))
copy(copyVal, originalVal)
batch.Put(encodeMissingDataKey(modifiedKey), copyVal)
if batch.Len() > maxBatchSize {
s.db.WriteBatch(batch, true)
batch = leveldbhelper.NewUpdateBatch()
sleepTime := time.Duration(batchesInterval)
logger.Infof("Going to sleep for %d milliseconds between batches. Entries for [ns=%s, coll=%s] converted so far = %d",
sleepTime, ns, coll, collEntriesConverted)
time.Sleep(sleepTime * time.Millisecond)
} // entry loop
logger.Infof("Converted all [%d] entries for [ns=%s, coll=%s]", collEntriesConverted, ns, coll)
totalEntriesConverted += collEntriesConverted
} // coll loop
} // ns loop
batch.Delete(collElgKey) // delete the collection eligibility event key as well
} // event loop
s.db.WriteBatch(batch, true)
logger.Debugf("Converted [%d] inelligible mising data entries to elligible", totalEntriesConverted)
// LastCommittedBlockHeight implements the function in the interface `Store`
func (s *store) LastCommittedBlockHeight() (uint64, error) {
if s.isEmpty {
return 0, nil
return atomic.LoadUint64(&s.lastCommittedBlock) + 1, nil
// HasPendingBatch implements the function in the interface `Store`
func (s *store) HasPendingBatch() (bool, error) {
return s.batchPending, nil
// IsEmpty implements the function in the interface `Store`
func (s *store) IsEmpty() (bool, error) {
return s.isEmpty, nil
// Shutdown implements the function in the interface `Store`
func (s *store) Shutdown() {
// do nothing
func (s *store) nextBlockNum() uint64 {
if s.isEmpty {
return 0
return atomic.LoadUint64(&s.lastCommittedBlock) + 1
func (s *store) hasPendingCommit() (bool, error) {
var v []byte
var err error
if v, err = s.db.Get(pendingCommitKey); err != nil {
return false, err
return v != nil, nil
func (s *store) getLastCommittedBlockNum() (bool, uint64, error) {
var v []byte
var err error
if v, err = s.db.Get(lastCommittedBlkkey); v == nil || err != nil {
return true, 0, err
return false, decodeLastCommittedBlockVal(v), nil
type collElgProcSync struct {
notification, procComplete chan bool
func (sync *collElgProcSync) notify() {
select {
case sync.notification <- true:
logger.Debugf("Signaled to collection eligibility processing routine")
default: //noop
logger.Debugf("Previous signal still pending. Skipping new signal")
func (sync *collElgProcSync) waitForNotification() {
func (sync *collElgProcSync) done() {
select {
case sync.procComplete <- true:
func (sync *collElgProcSync) waitForDone() {
func (s *store) getBitmapOfMissingDataKey(missingDataKey *missingDataKey) (*bitset.BitSet, error) {
var v []byte
var err error
if v, err = s.db.Get(encodeMissingDataKey(missingDataKey)); err != nil {
return nil, err
if v == nil {
return nil, nil
return decodeMissingDataValue(v)
func (s *store) getExpiryDataOfExpiryKey(expiryKey *expiryKey) (*ExpiryData, error) {
var v []byte
var err error
if v, err = s.db.Get(encodeExpiryKey(expiryKey)); err != nil {
return nil, err
if v == nil {
return nil, nil
return decodeExpiryValue(v)
马建仓 AI 助手
