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ccprovider.go 18.33 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package ccprovider
import (
persistence "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/chaincode/persistence/intf"
pb "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/peer"
var ccproviderLogger = flogging.MustGetLogger("ccprovider")
var chaincodeInstallPath string
// CCPackage encapsulates a chaincode package which can be
// raw ChaincodeDeploymentSpec
// SignedChaincodeDeploymentSpec
// Attempt to keep the interface at a level with minimal
// interface for possible generalization.
type CCPackage interface {
//InitFromBuffer initialize the package from bytes
InitFromBuffer(buf []byte) (*ChaincodeData, error)
// PutChaincodeToFS writes the chaincode to the filesystem
PutChaincodeToFS() error
// GetDepSpec gets the ChaincodeDeploymentSpec from the package
GetDepSpec() *pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec
// GetDepSpecBytes gets the serialized ChaincodeDeploymentSpec from the package
GetDepSpecBytes() []byte
// ValidateCC validates and returns the chaincode deployment spec corresponding to
// ChaincodeData. The validation is based on the metadata from ChaincodeData
// One use of this method is to validate the chaincode before launching
ValidateCC(ccdata *ChaincodeData) error
// GetPackageObject gets the object as a proto.Message
GetPackageObject() proto.Message
// GetChaincodeData gets the ChaincodeData
GetChaincodeData() *ChaincodeData
// GetId gets the fingerprint of the chaincode based on package computation
GetId() []byte
// SetChaincodesPath sets the chaincode path for this peer
func SetChaincodesPath(path string) {
if s, err := os.Stat(path); err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
if err := os.Mkdir(path, 0755); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Could not create chaincodes install path: %s", err))
} else {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Could not stat chaincodes install path: %s", err))
} else if !s.IsDir() {
panic(fmt.Errorf("chaincode path exists but not a dir: %s", path))
chaincodeInstallPath = path
// isPrintable is used by CDSPackage and SignedCDSPackage validation to
// detect garbage strings in unmarshaled proto fields where printable
// characters are expected.
func isPrintable(name string) bool {
notASCII := func(r rune) bool {
return !unicode.IsPrint(r)
return strings.IndexFunc(name, notASCII) == -1
// GetChaincodePackage returns the chaincode package from the file system
func GetChaincodePackageFromPath(ccname string, ccversion string, ccInstallPath string) ([]byte, error) {
path := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s.%s", ccInstallPath, ccname, ccversion)
var ccbytes []byte
var err error
if ccbytes, err = ioutil.ReadFile(path); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ccbytes, nil
// ChaincodePackageExists returns whether the chaincode package exists in the file system
func ChaincodePackageExists(ccname string, ccversion string) (bool, error) {
path := filepath.Join(chaincodeInstallPath, ccname+"."+ccversion)
_, err := os.Stat(path)
if err == nil {
// chaincodepackage already exists
return true, nil
return false, err
type CCCacheSupport interface {
// GetChaincode is needed by the cache to get chaincode data
GetChaincode(ccname string, ccversion string) (CCPackage, error)
// CCInfoFSImpl provides the implementation for CC on the FS and the access to it
// It implements CCCacheSupport
type CCInfoFSImpl struct{}
// GetChaincodeFromFS this is a wrapper for hiding package implementation.
// It calls GetChaincodeFromPath with the chaincodeInstallPath
func (cifs *CCInfoFSImpl) GetChaincode(ccname string, ccversion string) (CCPackage, error) {
return cifs.GetChaincodeFromPath(ccname, ccversion, chaincodeInstallPath)
func (cifs *CCInfoFSImpl) GetChaincodeCodePackage(ccname, ccversion string) ([]byte, error) {
ccpack, err := cifs.GetChaincode(ccname, ccversion)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ccpack.GetDepSpec().CodePackage, nil
// GetChaincodeFromPath this is a wrapper for hiding package implementation.
func (*CCInfoFSImpl) GetChaincodeFromPath(ccname string, ccversion string, path string) (CCPackage, error) {
// try raw CDS
cccdspack := &CDSPackage{}
_, _, err := cccdspack.InitFromPath(ccname, ccversion, path)
if err != nil {
// try signed CDS
ccscdspack := &SignedCDSPackage{}
_, _, err = ccscdspack.InitFromPath(ccname, ccversion, path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ccscdspack, nil
return cccdspack, nil
// PutChaincodeIntoFS is a wrapper for putting raw ChaincodeDeploymentSpec
//using CDSPackage. This is only used in UTs
func (*CCInfoFSImpl) PutChaincode(depSpec *pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec) (CCPackage, error) {
buf, err := proto.Marshal(depSpec)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cccdspack := &CDSPackage{}
if _, err := cccdspack.InitFromBuffer(buf); err != nil {
return nil, err
err = cccdspack.PutChaincodeToFS()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return cccdspack, nil
// DirEnumerator enumerates directories
type DirEnumerator func(string) ([]os.FileInfo, error)
// ChaincodeExtractor extracts chaincode from a given path
type ChaincodeExtractor func(ccname string, ccversion string, path string) (CCPackage, error)
// ListInstalledChaincodes retrieves the installed chaincodes
func (cifs *CCInfoFSImpl) ListInstalledChaincodes(dir string, ls DirEnumerator, ccFromPath ChaincodeExtractor) ([]chaincode.InstalledChaincode, error) {
var chaincodes []chaincode.InstalledChaincode
if _, err := os.Stat(dir); err != nil && os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, nil
files, err := ls(dir)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed reading directory %s", dir)
for _, f := range files {
// Skip directories, we're only interested in normal files
if f.IsDir() {
// A chaincode file name is of the type "name.version"
// We're only interested in the name.
// Skip files that don't adhere to the file naming convention of "A.B"
i := strings.Index(f.Name(), ".")
if i == -1 {
ccproviderLogger.Info("Skipping", f.Name(), "because of missing separator '.'")
ccName := f.Name()[:i] // Everything before the separator
ccVersion := f.Name()[i+1:] // Everything after the separator
ccPackage, err := ccFromPath(ccName, ccVersion, dir)
if err != nil {
ccproviderLogger.Warning("Failed obtaining chaincode information about", ccName, ccVersion, ":", err)
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed obtaining information about %s, version %s", ccName, ccVersion)
chaincodes = append(chaincodes, chaincode.InstalledChaincode{
Name: ccName,
Version: ccVersion,
Hash: ccPackage.GetId(),
ccproviderLogger.Debug("Returning", chaincodes)
return chaincodes, nil
// ccInfoFSStorageMgr is the storage manager used either by the cache or if the
// cache is bypassed
var ccInfoFSProvider = &CCInfoFSImpl{}
// ccInfoCache is the cache instance itself
var ccInfoCache = NewCCInfoCache(ccInfoFSProvider)
// GetChaincodeFromFS retrieves chaincode information from the file system
func GetChaincodeFromFS(ccname string, ccversion string) (CCPackage, error) {
return ccInfoFSProvider.GetChaincode(ccname, ccversion)
// PutChaincodeIntoFS puts chaincode information in the file system (and
// also in the cache to prime it) if the cache is enabled, or directly
// from the file system otherwise
func PutChaincodeIntoFS(depSpec *pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec) error {
_, err := ccInfoFSProvider.PutChaincode(depSpec)
return err
// GetChaincodeData gets chaincode data from cache if there's one
func GetChaincodeData(ccname string, ccversion string) (*ChaincodeData, error) {
ccproviderLogger.Debugf("Getting chaincode data for <%s, %s> from cache", ccname, ccversion)
return ccInfoCache.GetChaincodeData(ccname, ccversion)
func CheckInstantiationPolicy(name, version string, cdLedger *ChaincodeData) error {
ccdata, err := GetChaincodeData(name, version)
if err != nil {
return err
// we have the info from the fs, check that the policy
// matches the one on the file system if one was specified;
// this check is required because the admin of this peer
// might have specified instantiation policies for their
// chaincode, for example to make sure that the chaincode
// is only instantiated on certain channels; a malicious
// peer on the other hand might have created a deploy
// transaction that attempts to bypass the instantiation
// policy. This check is there to ensure that this will not
// happen, i.e. that the peer will refuse to invoke the
// chaincode under these conditions. More info on
// https://jira.hyperledger.org/browse/FAB-3156
if ccdata.InstantiationPolicy != nil {
if !bytes.Equal(ccdata.InstantiationPolicy, cdLedger.InstantiationPolicy) {
return fmt.Errorf("Instantiation policy mismatch for cc %s/%s", name, version)
return nil
// GetCCPackage tries each known package implementation one by one
// till the right package is found
func GetCCPackage(buf []byte) (CCPackage, error) {
// try raw CDS
cds := &CDSPackage{}
if ccdata, err := cds.InitFromBuffer(buf); err != nil {
cds = nil
} else {
err = cds.ValidateCC(ccdata)
if err != nil {
cds = nil
// try signed CDS
scds := &SignedCDSPackage{}
if ccdata, err := scds.InitFromBuffer(buf); err != nil {
scds = nil
} else {
err = scds.ValidateCC(ccdata)
if err != nil {
scds = nil
if cds != nil && scds != nil {
// Both were unmarshaled successfully, this is exactly why the approach of
// hoping proto fails for bad inputs is fatally flawed.
ccproviderLogger.Errorf("Could not determine chaincode package type, guessing SignedCDS")
return scds, nil
if cds != nil {
return cds, nil
if scds != nil {
return scds, nil
return nil, errors.New("could not unmarshal chaincode package to CDS or SignedCDS")
// GetInstalledChaincodes returns a map whose key is the chaincode id and
// value is the ChaincodeDeploymentSpec struct for that chaincodes that have
// been installed (but not necessarily instantiated) on the peer by searching
// the chaincode install path
func GetInstalledChaincodes() (*pb.ChaincodeQueryResponse, error) {
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(chaincodeInstallPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// array to store info for all chaincode entries from LSCC
var ccInfoArray []*pb.ChaincodeInfo
for _, file := range files {
// split at first period as chaincode versions can contain periods while
// chaincode names cannot
fileNameArray := strings.SplitN(file.Name(), ".", 2)
// check that length is 2 as expected, otherwise skip to next cc file
if len(fileNameArray) == 2 {
ccname := fileNameArray[0]
ccversion := fileNameArray[1]
ccpack, err := GetChaincodeFromFS(ccname, ccversion)
if err != nil {
// either chaincode on filesystem has been tampered with or
// _lifecycle chaincode files exist in the chaincodes directory.
cdsfs := ccpack.GetDepSpec()
name := cdsfs.GetChaincodeSpec().GetChaincodeId().Name
version := cdsfs.GetChaincodeSpec().GetChaincodeId().Version
if name != ccname || version != ccversion {
// chaincode name/version in the chaincode file name has been modified
// by an external entity
ccproviderLogger.Errorf("Chaincode file's name/version has been modified on the filesystem: %s", file.Name())
path := cdsfs.GetChaincodeSpec().ChaincodeId.Path
// since this is just an installed chaincode these should be blank
input, escc, vscc := "", "", ""
ccInfo := &pb.ChaincodeInfo{Name: name, Version: version, Path: path, Input: input, Escc: escc, Vscc: vscc, Id: ccpack.GetId()}
// add this specific chaincode's metadata to the array of all chaincodes
ccInfoArray = append(ccInfoArray, ccInfo)
// add array with info about all instantiated chaincodes to the query
// response proto
cqr := &pb.ChaincodeQueryResponse{Chaincodes: ccInfoArray}
return cqr, nil
// CCContext pass this around instead of string of args
type CCContext struct {
// Name chaincode name
Name string
// Version used to construct the chaincode image and register
Version string
// ID the identifier for this chaincode (for now, the hash of the package)
ID []byte
// InitRequired indicates whether the chaincode must have 'Init' invoked
// before other transactions can proceed.
InitRequired bool
//-------- ChaincodeDefinition - interface for ChaincodeData ------
// ChaincodeDefinition describes all of the necessary information for a peer to decide whether to endorse
// a proposal and whether to validate a transaction, for a particular chaincode.
type ChaincodeDefinition interface {
// CCName returns the name of this chaincode (the name it was put in the ChaincodeRegistry with).
CCName() string
// Hash returns the hash of the chaincode.
Hash() []byte
// CCVersion returns the version of the chaincode.
CCVersion() string
// Validation returns how to validate transactions for this chaincode.
// The string returned is the name of the validation method (usually 'vscc')
// and the bytes returned are the argument to the validation (in the case of
// 'vscc', this is a marshaled pb.VSCCArgs message).
Validation() (string, []byte)
// Endorsement returns how to endorse proposals for this chaincode.
// The string returns is the name of the endorsement method (usually 'escc').
Endorsement() string
// RequiresInit indicates whether or not we must enforce Init exactly once semantics
RequiresInit() bool
//-------- ChaincodeData is stored on the LSCC -------
// ChaincodeData defines the datastructure for chaincodes to be serialized by proto
// Type provides an additional check by directing to use a specific package after instantiation
// Data is Type specifc (see CDSPackage and SignedCDSPackage)
type ChaincodeData struct {
// Name of the chaincode
Name string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=name"`
// Version of the chaincode
Version string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=version"`
// Escc for the chaincode instance
Escc string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=escc"`
// Vscc for the chaincode instance
Vscc string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=vscc"`
// Policy endorsement policy for the chaincode instance
Policy []byte `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=policy,proto3"`
// Data data specific to the package
Data []byte `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=data,proto3"`
// Id of the chaincode that's the unique fingerprint for the CC This is not
// currently used anywhere but serves as a good eyecatcher
Id []byte `protobuf:"bytes,7,opt,name=id,proto3"`
// InstantiationPolicy for the chaincode
InstantiationPolicy []byte `protobuf:"bytes,8,opt,name=instantiation_policy,proto3"`
// CCName returns the name of this chaincode (the name it was put in the ChaincodeRegistry with).
func (cd *ChaincodeData) CCName() string {
return cd.Name
// Hash returns the hash of the chaincode.
func (cd *ChaincodeData) Hash() []byte {
return cd.Id
// CCVersion returns the version of the chaincode.
func (cd *ChaincodeData) CCVersion() string {
return cd.Version
// Validation returns how to validate transactions for this chaincode.
// The string returned is the name of the validation method (usually 'vscc')
// and the bytes returned are the argument to the validation (in the case of
// 'vscc', this is a marshaled pb.VSCCArgs message).
func (cd *ChaincodeData) Validation() (string, []byte) {
return cd.Vscc, cd.Policy
// Endorsement returns how to endorse proposals for this chaincode.
// The string returns is the name of the endorsement method (usually 'escc').
func (cd *ChaincodeData) Endorsement() string {
return cd.Escc
// RequiresInit always returns true as this is the legacy form of chaincode.
func (cd *ChaincodeData) RequiresInit() bool {
return true
// implement functions needed from proto.Message for proto's mar/unmarshal functions
// Reset resets
func (cd *ChaincodeData) Reset() { *cd = ChaincodeData{} }
// String converts to string
func (cd *ChaincodeData) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(cd) }
// ProtoMessage just exists to make proto happy
func (*ChaincodeData) ProtoMessage() {}
// ChaincodeContainerInfo is yet another synonym for the data required to start/stop a chaincode.
type ChaincodeContainerInfo struct {
PackageID persistence.PackageID
Path string
Type string
// ContainerType is not a great name, but 'DOCKER' and 'SYSTEM' are the valid types
ContainerType string
// FIXME: Name and Version fields must disappear from this struct
// because they are *NOT* a property of the chaincode container (FAB-14561)
Name string
Version string
// TransactionParams are parameters which are tied to a particular transaction
// and which are required for invoking chaincode.
type TransactionParams struct {
TxID string
ChannelID string
NamespaceID string
SignedProp *pb.SignedProposal
Proposal *pb.Proposal
TXSimulator ledger.TxSimulator
HistoryQueryExecutor ledger.HistoryQueryExecutor
CollectionStore privdata.CollectionStore
IsInitTransaction bool
// this is additional data passed to the chaincode
ProposalDecorations map[string][]byte
// ChaincodeProvider provides an abstraction layer that is
// used for different packages to interact with code in the
// chaincode package without importing it; more methods
// should be added below if necessary
type ChaincodeProvider interface {
// ExecuteLegacyInit is a special case for executing chaincode deployment specs,
// which are not already in the LSCC, needed for old lifecycle
ExecuteLegacyInit(txParams *TransactionParams, cccid *CCContext, spec *pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec) (*pb.Response, *pb.ChaincodeEvent, error)
// Stop stops the chaincode give
Stop(ccci *ChaincodeContainerInfo) error
func DeploymentSpecToChaincodeContainerInfo(cds *pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec) *ChaincodeContainerInfo {
return &ChaincodeContainerInfo{
Name: cds.ChaincodeSpec.ChaincodeId.Name,
Version: cds.ChaincodeSpec.ChaincodeId.Version,
Path: cds.ChaincodeSpec.ChaincodeId.Path,
Type: cds.ChaincodeSpec.Type.String(),
ContainerType: cds.ExecEnv.String(),
PackageID: persistence.PackageID(cds.ChaincodeSpec.ChaincodeId.Name + ":" + cds.ChaincodeSpec.ChaincodeId.Version),
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