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idemixopts.go 9.17 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package bccsp
import (
// RevocationAlgorithm identifies the revocation algorithm
type RevocationAlgorithm int32
const (
// IDEMIX constant to identify Idemix related algorithms
const (
// AlgNoRevocation means no revocation support
AlgNoRevocation RevocationAlgorithm = iota
// IdemixIssuerKeyGenOpts contains the options for the Idemix Issuer key-generation.
// A list of attribytes may be optionally passed
type IdemixIssuerKeyGenOpts struct {
// Temporary tells if the key is ephemeral
Temporary bool
// AttributeNames is a list of attributes
AttributeNames []string
// Algorithm returns the key generation algorithm identifier (to be used).
func (*IdemixIssuerKeyGenOpts) Algorithm() string {
return IDEMIX
// Ephemeral returns true if the key to generate has to be ephemeral,
// false otherwise.
func (o *IdemixIssuerKeyGenOpts) Ephemeral() bool {
return o.Temporary
// IdemixIssuerPublicKeyImportOpts contains the options for importing of an Idemix issuer public key.
type IdemixIssuerPublicKeyImportOpts struct {
Temporary bool
// AttributeNames is a list of attributes to ensure the import public key has
AttributeNames []string
// Algorithm returns the key generation algorithm identifier (to be used).
func (*IdemixIssuerPublicKeyImportOpts) Algorithm() string {
return IDEMIX
// Ephemeral returns true if the key to generate has to be ephemeral,
// false otherwise.
func (o *IdemixIssuerPublicKeyImportOpts) Ephemeral() bool {
return o.Temporary
// IdemixUserSecretKeyGenOpts contains the options for the generation of an Idemix credential secret key.
type IdemixUserSecretKeyGenOpts struct {
Temporary bool
// Algorithm returns the key generation algorithm identifier (to be used).
func (*IdemixUserSecretKeyGenOpts) Algorithm() string {
return IDEMIX
// Ephemeral returns true if the key to generate has to be ephemeral,
// false otherwise.
func (o *IdemixUserSecretKeyGenOpts) Ephemeral() bool {
return o.Temporary
// IdemixUserSecretKeyImportOpts contains the options for importing of an Idemix credential secret key.
type IdemixUserSecretKeyImportOpts struct {
Temporary bool
// Algorithm returns the key generation algorithm identifier (to be used).
func (*IdemixUserSecretKeyImportOpts) Algorithm() string {
return IDEMIX
// Ephemeral returns true if the key to generate has to be ephemeral,
// false otherwise.
func (o *IdemixUserSecretKeyImportOpts) Ephemeral() bool {
return o.Temporary
// IdemixNymKeyDerivationOpts contains the options to create a new unlinkable pseudonym from a
// credential secret key with the respect to the specified issuer public key
type IdemixNymKeyDerivationOpts struct {
// Temporary tells if the key is ephemeral
Temporary bool
// IssuerPK is the public-key of the issuer
IssuerPK Key
// Algorithm returns the key derivation algorithm identifier (to be used).
func (*IdemixNymKeyDerivationOpts) Algorithm() string {
return IDEMIX
// Ephemeral returns true if the key to derive has to be ephemeral,
// false otherwise.
func (o *IdemixNymKeyDerivationOpts) Ephemeral() bool {
return o.Temporary
// IssuerPublicKey returns the issuer public key used to derive
// a new unlinkable pseudonym from a credential secret key
func (o *IdemixNymKeyDerivationOpts) IssuerPublicKey() Key {
return o.IssuerPK
// IdemixNymPublicKeyImportOpts contains the options to import the public part of a pseudonym
type IdemixNymPublicKeyImportOpts struct {
// Temporary tells if the key is ephemeral
Temporary bool
// Algorithm returns the key derivation algorithm identifier (to be used).
func (*IdemixNymPublicKeyImportOpts) Algorithm() string {
return IDEMIX
// Ephemeral returns true if the key to derive has to be ephemeral,
// false otherwise.
func (o *IdemixNymPublicKeyImportOpts) Ephemeral() bool {
return o.Temporary
// IdemixCredentialRequestSignerOpts contains the option to create a Idemix credential request.
type IdemixCredentialRequestSignerOpts struct {
// Attributes contains a list of indices of the attributes to be included in the
// credential. The indices are with the respect to IdemixIssuerKeyGenOpts#AttributeNames.
Attributes []int
// IssuerPK is the public-key of the issuer
IssuerPK Key
// IssuerNonce is generated by the issuer and used by the client to generate the credential request.
// Once the issuer gets the credential requests, it checks that the nonce is the same.
IssuerNonce []byte
// HashFun is the hash function to be used
H crypto.Hash
func (o *IdemixCredentialRequestSignerOpts) HashFunc() crypto.Hash {
return o.H
// IssuerPublicKey returns the issuer public key used to derive
// a new unlinkable pseudonym from a credential secret key
func (o *IdemixCredentialRequestSignerOpts) IssuerPublicKey() Key {
return o.IssuerPK
// IdemixAttributeType represents the type of an idemix attribute
type IdemixAttributeType int
const (
// IdemixHiddenAttribute represents an hidden attribute
IdemixHiddenAttribute IdemixAttributeType = iota
// IdemixStringAttribute represents a sequence of bytes
// IdemixIntAttribute represents an int
type IdemixAttribute struct {
// Type is the attribute's type
Type IdemixAttributeType
// Value is the attribute's value
Value interface{}
// IdemixCredentialSignerOpts contains the options to produce a credential starting from a credential request
type IdemixCredentialSignerOpts struct {
// Attributes to include in the credentials. IdemixHiddenAttribute is not allowed here
Attributes []IdemixAttribute
// IssuerPK is the public-key of the issuer
IssuerPK Key
// HashFun is the hash function to be used
H crypto.Hash
// HashFunc returns an identifier for the hash function used to produce
// the message passed to Signer.Sign, or else zero to indicate that no
// hashing was done.
func (o *IdemixCredentialSignerOpts) HashFunc() crypto.Hash {
return o.H
func (o *IdemixCredentialSignerOpts) IssuerPublicKey() Key {
return o.IssuerPK
// IdemixSignerOpts contains the options to generate an Idemix signature
type IdemixSignerOpts struct {
// Nym is the pseudonym to be used
Nym Key
// IssuerPK is the public-key of the issuer
IssuerPK Key
// Credential is the byte representation of the credential signed by the issuer
Credential []byte
// Attributes specifies which attribute should be disclosed and which not.
// If Attributes[i].Type = IdemixHiddenAttribute
// then the i-th credential attribute should not be disclosed, otherwise the i-th
// credential attribute will be disclosed.
// At verification time, if the i-th attribute is disclosed (Attributes[i].Type != IdemixHiddenAttribute),
// then Attributes[i].Value must be set accordingly.
Attributes []IdemixAttribute
// RhIndex is the index of attribute containing the revocation handler.
// Notice that this attributed cannot be discloused
RhIndex int
// CRI contains the credential revocation information
CRI []byte
// Epoch is the revocation epoch the signature should be produced against
Epoch int
// RevocationPublicKey is the revocation public key
RevocationPublicKey Key
// H is the hash function to be used
H crypto.Hash
func (o *IdemixSignerOpts) HashFunc() crypto.Hash {
return o.H
// IdemixNymSignerOpts contains the options to generate an idemix pseudonym signature.
type IdemixNymSignerOpts struct {
// Nym is the pseudonym to be used
Nym Key
// IssuerPK is the public-key of the issuer
IssuerPK Key
// H is the hash function to be used
H crypto.Hash
// HashFunc returns an identifier for the hash function used to produce
// the message passed to Signer.Sign, or else zero to indicate that no
// hashing was done.
func (o *IdemixNymSignerOpts) HashFunc() crypto.Hash {
return o.H
// IdemixRevocationKeyGenOpts contains the options for the Idemix revocation key-generation.
type IdemixRevocationKeyGenOpts struct {
// Temporary tells if the key is ephemeral
Temporary bool
// Algorithm returns the key generation algorithm identifier (to be used).
func (*IdemixRevocationKeyGenOpts) Algorithm() string {
return IDEMIX
// Ephemeral returns true if the key to generate has to be ephemeral,
// false otherwise.
func (o *IdemixRevocationKeyGenOpts) Ephemeral() bool {
return o.Temporary
// IdemixRevocationPublicKeyImportOpts contains the options for importing of an Idemix revocation public key.
type IdemixRevocationPublicKeyImportOpts struct {
Temporary bool
// Algorithm returns the key generation algorithm identifier (to be used).
func (*IdemixRevocationPublicKeyImportOpts) Algorithm() string {
return IDEMIX
// Ephemeral returns true if the key to generate has to be ephemeral,
// false otherwise.
func (o *IdemixRevocationPublicKeyImportOpts) Ephemeral() bool {
return o.Temporary
// IdemixCRISignerOpts contains the options to generate an Idemix CRI.
// The CRI is supposed to be generated by the Issuing authority and
// can be verified publicly by using the revocation public key.
type IdemixCRISignerOpts struct {
Epoch int
RevocationAlgorithm RevocationAlgorithm
UnrevokedHandles [][]byte
// H is the hash function to be used
H crypto.Hash
func (o *IdemixCRISignerOpts) HashFunc() crypto.Hash {
return o.H
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