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gossip_service.go 18.88 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Gari Singh 提交于 2020-03-30 10:52 . Move comm pkg to internal
Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package service
import (
gproto "github.com/hyperledger/fabric-protos-go/gossip"
tspb "github.com/hyperledger/fabric-protos-go/transientstore"
gossipcommon "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/gossip/common"
gossipmetrics "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/gossip/metrics"
gossipprivdata "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/gossip/privdata"
corecomm "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/internal/pkg/comm"
// gossipSvc is the interface of the gossip component.
type gossipSvc interface {
// SelfMembershipInfo returns the peer's membership information
SelfMembershipInfo() discovery.NetworkMember
// SelfChannelInfo returns the peer's latest StateInfo message of a given channel
SelfChannelInfo(common.ChannelID) *protoext.SignedGossipMessage
// Send sends a message to remote peers
Send(msg *gproto.GossipMessage, peers ...*comm.RemotePeer)
// SendByCriteria sends a given message to all peers that match the given SendCriteria
SendByCriteria(*protoext.SignedGossipMessage, gossip.SendCriteria) error
// GetPeers returns the NetworkMembers considered alive
Peers() []discovery.NetworkMember
// PeersOfChannel returns the NetworkMembers considered alive
// and also subscribed to the channel given
PeersOfChannel(common.ChannelID) []discovery.NetworkMember
// UpdateMetadata updates the self metadata of the discovery layer
// the peer publishes to other peers
UpdateMetadata(metadata []byte)
// UpdateLedgerHeight updates the ledger height the peer
// publishes to other peers in the channel
UpdateLedgerHeight(height uint64, channelID common.ChannelID)
// UpdateChaincodes updates the chaincodes the peer publishes
// to other peers in the channel
UpdateChaincodes(chaincode []*gproto.Chaincode, channelID common.ChannelID)
// Gossip sends a message to other peers to the network
Gossip(msg *gproto.GossipMessage)
// PeerFilter receives a SubChannelSelectionCriteria and returns a RoutingFilter that selects
// only peer identities that match the given criteria, and that they published their channel participation
PeerFilter(channel common.ChannelID, messagePredicate api.SubChannelSelectionCriteria) (filter.RoutingFilter, error)
// Accept returns a dedicated read-only channel for messages sent by other nodes that match a certain predicate.
// If passThrough is false, the messages are processed by the gossip layer beforehand.
// If passThrough is true, the gossip layer doesn't intervene and the messages
// can be used to send a reply back to the sender
Accept(acceptor common.MessageAcceptor, passThrough bool) (<-chan *gproto.GossipMessage, <-chan protoext.ReceivedMessage)
// JoinChan makes the Gossip instance join a channel
JoinChan(joinMsg api.JoinChannelMessage, channelID common.ChannelID)
// LeaveChan makes the Gossip instance leave a channel.
// It still disseminates stateInfo message, but doesn't participate
// in block pulling anymore, and can't return anymore a list of peers
// in the channel.
LeaveChan(channelID common.ChannelID)
// SuspectPeers makes the gossip instance validate identities of suspected peers, and close
// any connections to peers with identities that are found invalid
SuspectPeers(s api.PeerSuspector)
// IdentityInfo returns information known peer identities
IdentityInfo() api.PeerIdentitySet
// IsInMyOrg checks whether a network member is in this peer's org
IsInMyOrg(member discovery.NetworkMember) bool
// Stop stops the gossip component
// GossipServiceAdapter serves to provide basic functionality
// required from gossip service by delivery service
type GossipServiceAdapter interface {
// PeersOfChannel returns slice with members of specified channel
PeersOfChannel(gossipcommon.ChannelID) []discovery.NetworkMember
// AddPayload adds payload to the local state sync buffer
AddPayload(channelID string, payload *gproto.Payload) error
// Gossip the message across the peers
Gossip(msg *gproto.GossipMessage)
// DeliveryServiceFactory factory to create and initialize delivery service instance
type DeliveryServiceFactory interface {
// Returns an instance of delivery client
Service(g GossipServiceAdapter, ordererSource *orderers.ConnectionSource, msc api.MessageCryptoService, isStaticLead bool) deliverservice.DeliverService
type deliveryFactoryImpl struct {
signer identity.SignerSerializer
credentialSupport *corecomm.CredentialSupport
deliverGRPCClient *corecomm.GRPCClient
deliverServiceConfig *deliverservice.DeliverServiceConfig
// Returns an instance of delivery client
func (df *deliveryFactoryImpl) Service(g GossipServiceAdapter, ordererSource *orderers.ConnectionSource, mcs api.MessageCryptoService, isStaticLeader bool) deliverservice.DeliverService {
return deliverservice.NewDeliverService(&deliverservice.Config{
IsStaticLeader: isStaticLeader,
CryptoSvc: mcs,
Gossip: g,
Signer: df.signer,
DeliverGRPCClient: df.deliverGRPCClient,
DeliverServiceConfig: df.deliverServiceConfig,
OrdererSource: ordererSource,
type privateHandler struct {
support Support
coordinator gossipprivdata.Coordinator
distributor gossipprivdata.PvtDataDistributor
reconciler gossipprivdata.PvtDataReconciler
func (p privateHandler) close() {
type GossipService struct {
privateHandlers map[string]privateHandler
chains map[string]state.GossipStateProvider
leaderElection map[string]election.LeaderElectionService
deliveryService map[string]deliverservice.DeliverService
deliveryFactory DeliveryServiceFactory
lock sync.RWMutex
mcs api.MessageCryptoService
peerIdentity []byte
secAdv api.SecurityAdvisor
metrics *gossipmetrics.GossipMetrics
serviceConfig *ServiceConfig
privdataConfig *gossipprivdata.PrivdataConfig
// This is an implementation of api.JoinChannelMessage.
type joinChannelMessage struct {
seqNum uint64
members2AnchorPeers map[string][]api.AnchorPeer
func (jcm *joinChannelMessage) SequenceNumber() uint64 {
return jcm.seqNum
// Members returns the organizations of the channel
func (jcm *joinChannelMessage) Members() []api.OrgIdentityType {
members := make([]api.OrgIdentityType, 0, len(jcm.members2AnchorPeers))
for org := range jcm.members2AnchorPeers {
members = append(members, api.OrgIdentityType(org))
return members
// AnchorPeersOf returns the anchor peers of the given organization
func (jcm *joinChannelMessage) AnchorPeersOf(org api.OrgIdentityType) []api.AnchorPeer {
return jcm.members2AnchorPeers[string(org)]
var logger = util.GetLogger(util.ServiceLogger, "")
// New creates the gossip service.
func New(
peerIdentity identity.SignerSerializer,
gossipMetrics *gossipmetrics.GossipMetrics,
endpoint string,
s *grpc.Server,
mcs api.MessageCryptoService,
secAdv api.SecurityAdvisor,
secureDialOpts api.PeerSecureDialOpts,
credSupport *corecomm.CredentialSupport,
deliverGRPCClient *corecomm.GRPCClient,
gossipConfig *gossip.Config,
serviceConfig *ServiceConfig,
privdataConfig *gossipprivdata.PrivdataConfig,
deliverServiceConfig *deliverservice.DeliverServiceConfig,
) (*GossipService, error) {
serializedIdentity, err := peerIdentity.Serialize()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
logger.Infof("Initialize gossip with endpoint %s", endpoint)
gossipComponent := gossip.New(
return &GossipService{
gossipSvc: gossipComponent,
mcs: mcs,
privateHandlers: make(map[string]privateHandler),
chains: make(map[string]state.GossipStateProvider),
leaderElection: make(map[string]election.LeaderElectionService),
deliveryService: make(map[string]deliverservice.DeliverService),
deliveryFactory: &deliveryFactoryImpl{
signer: peerIdentity,
credentialSupport: credSupport,
deliverGRPCClient: deliverGRPCClient,
deliverServiceConfig: deliverServiceConfig,
peerIdentity: serializedIdentity,
secAdv: secAdv,
metrics: gossipMetrics,
serviceConfig: serviceConfig,
privdataConfig: privdataConfig,
}, nil
// DistributePrivateData distribute private read write set inside the channel based on the collections policies
func (g *GossipService) DistributePrivateData(channelID string, txID string, privData *tspb.TxPvtReadWriteSetWithConfigInfo, blkHt uint64) error {
handler, exists := g.privateHandlers[channelID]
if !exists {
return errors.Errorf("No private data handler for %s", channelID)
if err := handler.distributor.Distribute(txID, privData, blkHt); err != nil {
err := errors.WithMessagef(err, "failed to distribute private collection, txID %s, channel %s", txID, channelID)
return err
if err := handler.coordinator.StorePvtData(txID, privData, blkHt); err != nil {
logger.Error("Failed to store private data into transient store, txID",
txID, "channel", channelID, "due to", err)
return err
return nil
// NewConfigEventer creates a ConfigProcessor which the channelconfig.BundleSource can ultimately route config updates to
func (g *GossipService) NewConfigEventer() ConfigProcessor {
return newConfigEventer(g)
// Support aggregates functionality of several
// interfaces required by gossip service
type Support struct {
Validator txvalidator.Validator
Committer committer.Committer
CollectionStore privdata.CollectionStore
IdDeserializeFactory gossipprivdata.IdentityDeserializerFactory
CapabilityProvider gossipprivdata.CapabilityProvider
// InitializeChannel allocates the state provider and should be invoked once per channel per execution
func (g *GossipService) InitializeChannel(channelID string, ordererSource *orderers.ConnectionSource, store *transientstore.Store, support Support) {
defer g.lock.Unlock()
// Initialize new state provider for given committer
logger.Debug("Creating state provider for channelID", channelID)
servicesAdapter := &state.ServicesMediator{GossipAdapter: g, MCSAdapter: g.mcs}
// Initialize private data fetcher
dataRetriever := gossipprivdata.NewDataRetriever(store, support.Committer)
collectionAccessFactory := gossipprivdata.NewCollectionAccessFactory(support.IdDeserializeFactory)
fetcher := gossipprivdata.NewPuller(g.metrics.PrivdataMetrics, support.CollectionStore, g.gossipSvc, dataRetriever,
collectionAccessFactory, channelID, g.serviceConfig.BtlPullMargin)
coordinatorConfig := gossipprivdata.CoordinatorConfig{
TransientBlockRetention: g.serviceConfig.TransientstoreMaxBlockRetention,
PullRetryThreshold: g.serviceConfig.PvtDataPullRetryThreshold,
SkipPullingInvalidTransactions: g.serviceConfig.SkipPullingInvalidTransactionsDuringCommit,
selfSignedData := g.createSelfSignedData()
mspID := string(g.secAdv.OrgByPeerIdentity(selfSignedData.Identity))
coordinator := gossipprivdata.NewCoordinator(mspID, gossipprivdata.Support{
ChainID: channelID,
CollectionStore: support.CollectionStore,
Validator: support.Validator,
Committer: support.Committer,
Fetcher: fetcher,
CapabilityProvider: support.CapabilityProvider,
}, store, selfSignedData, g.metrics.PrivdataMetrics, coordinatorConfig,
var reconciler gossipprivdata.PvtDataReconciler
if g.privdataConfig.ReconciliationEnabled {
reconciler = gossipprivdata.NewReconciler(channelID, g.metrics.PrivdataMetrics,
support.Committer, fetcher, g.privdataConfig)
} else {
reconciler = &gossipprivdata.NoOpReconciler{}
pushAckTimeout := g.serviceConfig.PvtDataPushAckTimeout
g.privateHandlers[channelID] = privateHandler{
support: support,
coordinator: coordinator,
distributor: gossipprivdata.NewDistributor(channelID, g, collectionAccessFactory, g.metrics.PrivdataMetrics, pushAckTimeout),
reconciler: reconciler,
blockingMode := !g.serviceConfig.NonBlockingCommitMode
stateConfig := state.GlobalConfig()
g.chains[channelID] = state.NewGossipStateProvider(
if g.deliveryService[channelID] == nil {
g.deliveryService[channelID] = g.deliveryFactory.Service(g, ordererSource, g.mcs, g.serviceConfig.OrgLeader)
// Delivery service might be nil only if it was not able to get connected
// to the ordering service
if g.deliveryService[channelID] != nil {
// Parameters:
// - peer.gossip.useLeaderElection
// - peer.gossip.orgLeader
// are mutual exclusive, setting both to true is not defined, hence
// peer will panic and terminate
leaderElection := g.serviceConfig.UseLeaderElection
isStaticOrgLeader := g.serviceConfig.OrgLeader
if leaderElection && isStaticOrgLeader {
logger.Panic("Setting both orgLeader and useLeaderElection to true isn't supported, aborting execution")
if leaderElection {
logger.Debug("Delivery uses dynamic leader election mechanism, channel", channelID)
g.leaderElection[channelID] = g.newLeaderElectionComponent(channelID, g.onStatusChangeFactory(channelID,
support.Committer), g.metrics.ElectionMetrics)
} else if isStaticOrgLeader {
logger.Debug("This peer is configured to connect to ordering service for blocks delivery, channel", channelID)
g.deliveryService[channelID].StartDeliverForChannel(channelID, support.Committer, func() {})
} else {
logger.Debug("This peer is not configured to connect to ordering service for blocks delivery, channel", channelID)
} else {
logger.Warning("Delivery client is down won't be able to pull blocks for chain", channelID)
func (g *GossipService) createSelfSignedData() protoutil.SignedData {
msg := make([]byte, 32)
sig, err := g.mcs.Sign(msg)
if err != nil {
logger.Panicf("Failed creating self signed data because message signing failed: %v", err)
return protoutil.SignedData{
Data: msg,
Signature: sig,
Identity: g.peerIdentity,
// updateAnchors constructs a joinChannelMessage and sends it to the gossipSvc
func (g *GossipService) updateAnchors(config Config) {
myOrg := string(g.secAdv.OrgByPeerIdentity(api.PeerIdentityType(g.peerIdentity)))
if !g.amIinChannel(myOrg, config) {
logger.Error("Tried joining channel", config.ChannelID(), "but our org(", myOrg, "), isn't "+
"among the orgs of the channel:", orgListFromConfig(config), ", aborting.")
jcm := &joinChannelMessage{seqNum: config.Sequence(), members2AnchorPeers: map[string][]api.AnchorPeer{}}
for _, appOrg := range config.Organizations() {
logger.Debug(appOrg.MSPID(), "anchor peers:", appOrg.AnchorPeers())
jcm.members2AnchorPeers[appOrg.MSPID()] = []api.AnchorPeer{}
for _, ap := range appOrg.AnchorPeers() {
anchorPeer := api.AnchorPeer{
Host: ap.Host,
Port: int(ap.Port),
jcm.members2AnchorPeers[appOrg.MSPID()] = append(jcm.members2AnchorPeers[appOrg.MSPID()], anchorPeer)
// Initialize new state provider for given committer
logger.Debug("Creating state provider for channelID", config.ChannelID())
g.JoinChan(jcm, gossipcommon.ChannelID(config.ChannelID()))
// AddPayload appends message payload to for given chain
func (g *GossipService) AddPayload(channelID string, payload *gproto.Payload) error {
defer g.lock.RUnlock()
return g.chains[channelID].AddPayload(payload)
// Stop stops the gossip component
func (g *GossipService) Stop() {
defer g.lock.Unlock()
for chainID := range g.chains {
logger.Info("Stopping chain", chainID)
if le, exists := g.leaderElection[chainID]; exists {
logger.Infof("Stopping leader election for %s", chainID)
if g.deliveryService[chainID] != nil {
func (g *GossipService) newLeaderElectionComponent(channelID string, callback func(bool),
electionMetrics *gossipmetrics.ElectionMetrics) election.LeaderElectionService {
PKIid := g.mcs.GetPKIidOfCert(g.peerIdentity)
adapter := election.NewAdapter(g, PKIid, gossipcommon.ChannelID(channelID), electionMetrics)
config := election.ElectionConfig{
StartupGracePeriod: g.serviceConfig.ElectionStartupGracePeriod,
MembershipSampleInterval: g.serviceConfig.ElectionMembershipSampleInterval,
LeaderAliveThreshold: g.serviceConfig.ElectionLeaderAliveThreshold,
LeaderElectionDuration: g.serviceConfig.ElectionLeaderElectionDuration,
return election.NewLeaderElectionService(adapter, string(PKIid), callback, config)
func (g *GossipService) amIinChannel(myOrg string, config Config) bool {
for _, orgName := range orgListFromConfig(config) {
if orgName == myOrg {
return true
return false
func (g *GossipService) onStatusChangeFactory(channelID string, committer blocksprovider.LedgerInfo) func(bool) {
return func(isLeader bool) {
if isLeader {
yield := func() {
le := g.leaderElection[channelID]
logger.Info("Elected as a leader, starting delivery service for channel", channelID)
if err := g.deliveryService[channelID].StartDeliverForChannel(channelID, committer, yield); err != nil {
logger.Errorf("Delivery service is not able to start blocks delivery for chain, due to %+v", err)
} else {
logger.Info("Renounced leadership, stopping delivery service for channel", channelID)
if err := g.deliveryService[channelID].StopDeliverForChannel(channelID); err != nil {
logger.Errorf("Delivery service is not able to stop blocks delivery for chain, due to %+v", err)
func orgListFromConfig(config Config) []string {
var orgList []string
for _, appOrg := range config.Organizations() {
orgList = append(orgList, appOrg.MSPID())
return orgList
