• run gradle clean buildPlugin --stacktrace without annotationProcessor,
Starting a Gradle Daemon (subsequent builds will be faster)

> Task :compileJava
/.../EasyCode/src/main/java/com/sjhy/plugin/ui/AbstractTableGroupPanel.java:108: error: cannot find symbol
            TableColumn tableColumn = table.getColumn(column.getTitle());
  symbol:   method getTitle()
  location: variable column of type ColumnConfig
/.../EasyCode/src/main/java/com/sjhy/plugin/ui/AbstractTableGroupPanel.java:109: error: cannot find symbol
            switch (column.getType()) {
  symbol:   method getType()
  location: variable column of type ColumnConfig
/.../EasyCode/src/main/java/com/sjhy/plugin/ui/AbstractTableGroupPanel.java:110: error: cannot find symbol
                case TEXT:
  symbol:   variable TEXT
  location: class AbstractTableGroupPanel<T,E>

It shows that Lombok does not work.

  • run gradle clean buildPlugin --stacktrace after add annotationProcessor:BUILD SUCCESSFUL

Feel free to close this PR if there is another way to generate the plug-ins