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rules.go 55.25 KB
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package graphql
import (
// SpecifiedRules set includes all validation rules defined by the GraphQL spec.
var SpecifiedRules = []ValidationRuleFn{
type ValidationRuleInstance struct {
VisitorOpts *visitor.VisitorOptions
type ValidationRuleFn func(context *ValidationContext) *ValidationRuleInstance
func newValidationError(message string, nodes []ast.Node) *gqlerrors.Error {
return gqlerrors.NewError(
nil, // TODO: this is interim, until we port "better-error-messages-for-inputs"
func reportError(context *ValidationContext, message string, nodes []ast.Node) (string, interface{}) {
context.ReportError(newValidationError(message, nodes))
return visitor.ActionNoChange, nil
// ArgumentsOfCorrectTypeRule Argument values of correct type
// A GraphQL document is only valid if all field argument literal values are
// of the type expected by their position.
func ArgumentsOfCorrectTypeRule(context *ValidationContext) *ValidationRuleInstance {
visitorOpts := &visitor.VisitorOptions{
KindFuncMap: map[string]visitor.NamedVisitFuncs{
kinds.Argument: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
if argAST, ok := p.Node.(*ast.Argument); ok {
value := argAST.Value
argDef := context.Argument()
if argDef != nil {
isValid, messages := isValidLiteralValue(argDef.Type, value)
if !isValid {
argNameValue := ""
if argAST.Name != nil {
argNameValue = argAST.Name.Value
messagesStr := ""
if len(messages) > 0 {
messagesStr = "\n" + strings.Join(messages, "\n")
fmt.Sprintf(`Argument "%v" has invalid value %v.%v`,
argNameValue, printer.Print(value), messagesStr),
return visitor.ActionSkip, nil
return &ValidationRuleInstance{
VisitorOpts: visitorOpts,
// DefaultValuesOfCorrectTypeRule Variable default values of correct type
// A GraphQL document is only valid if all variable default values are of the
// type expected by their definition.
func DefaultValuesOfCorrectTypeRule(context *ValidationContext) *ValidationRuleInstance {
visitorOpts := &visitor.VisitorOptions{
KindFuncMap: map[string]visitor.NamedVisitFuncs{
kinds.VariableDefinition: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
if varDefAST, ok := p.Node.(*ast.VariableDefinition); ok {
name := ""
if varDefAST.Variable != nil && varDefAST.Variable.Name != nil {
name = varDefAST.Variable.Name.Value
defaultValue := varDefAST.DefaultValue
ttype := context.InputType()
if ttype, ok := ttype.(*NonNull); ok && defaultValue != nil {
fmt.Sprintf(`Variable "$%v" of type "%v" is required and will not use the default value. Perhaps you meant to use type "%v".`,
name, ttype, ttype.OfType),
isValid, messages := isValidLiteralValue(ttype, defaultValue)
if ttype != nil && defaultValue != nil && !isValid {
messagesStr := ""
if len(messages) > 0 {
messagesStr = "\n" + strings.Join(messages, "\n")
fmt.Sprintf(`Variable "$%v" has invalid default value: %v.%v`,
name, printer.Print(defaultValue), messagesStr),
return visitor.ActionSkip, nil
kinds.SelectionSet: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
return visitor.ActionSkip, nil
kinds.FragmentDefinition: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
return visitor.ActionSkip, nil
return &ValidationRuleInstance{
VisitorOpts: visitorOpts,
func quoteStrings(slice []string) []string {
quoted := []string{}
for _, s := range slice {
quoted = append(quoted, fmt.Sprintf(`"%v"`, s))
return quoted
// quotedOrList Given [ A, B, C ] return '"A", "B", or "C"'.
// Notice oxford comma
func quotedOrList(slice []string) string {
maxLength := 5
if len(slice) == 0 {
return ""
quoted := quoteStrings(slice)
if maxLength > len(quoted) {
maxLength = len(quoted)
if maxLength > 2 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v, or %v", strings.Join(quoted[0:maxLength-1], ", "), quoted[maxLength-1])
if maxLength > 1 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v or %v", strings.Join(quoted[0:maxLength-1], ", "), quoted[maxLength-1])
return quoted[0]
func UndefinedFieldMessage(fieldName string, ttypeName string, suggestedTypeNames []string, suggestedFieldNames []string) string {
message := fmt.Sprintf(`Cannot query field "%v" on type "%v".`, fieldName, ttypeName)
if len(suggestedTypeNames) > 0 {
message = fmt.Sprintf(`%v Did you mean to use an inline fragment on %v?`, message, quotedOrList(suggestedTypeNames))
} else if len(suggestedFieldNames) > 0 {
message = fmt.Sprintf(`%v Did you mean %v?`, message, quotedOrList(suggestedFieldNames))
return message
// FieldsOnCorrectTypeRule Fields on correct type
// A GraphQL document is only valid if all fields selected are defined by the
// parent type, or are an allowed meta field such as __typenamme
func FieldsOnCorrectTypeRule(context *ValidationContext) *ValidationRuleInstance {
visitorOpts := &visitor.VisitorOptions{
KindFuncMap: map[string]visitor.NamedVisitFuncs{
kinds.Field: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
var action = visitor.ActionNoChange
var result interface{}
if node, ok := p.Node.(*ast.Field); ok {
ttype := context.ParentType()
if ttype != nil {
fieldDef := context.FieldDef()
if fieldDef == nil {
// This field doesn't exist, lets look for suggestions.
nodeName := ""
if node.Name != nil {
nodeName = node.Name.Value
// First determine if there are any suggested types to condition on.
suggestedTypeNames := getSuggestedTypeNames(context.Schema(), ttype, nodeName)
// If there are no suggested types, then perhaps this was a typo?
suggestedFieldNames := []string{}
if len(suggestedTypeNames) == 0 {
suggestedFieldNames = getSuggestedFieldNames(context.Schema(), ttype, nodeName)
UndefinedFieldMessage(nodeName, ttype.Name(), suggestedTypeNames, suggestedFieldNames),
return action, result
return &ValidationRuleInstance{
VisitorOpts: visitorOpts,
// getSuggestedTypeNames Go through all of the implementations of type, as well as the interfaces
// that they implement. If any of those types include the provided field,
// suggest them, sorted by how often the type is referenced, starting
// with Interfaces.
func getSuggestedTypeNames(schema *Schema, ttype Output, fieldName string) []string {
possibleTypes := schema.PossibleTypes(ttype)
suggestedObjectTypes := []string{}
suggestedInterfaces := []*suggestedInterface{}
// stores a map of interface name => index in suggestedInterfaces
suggestedInterfaceMap := map[string]int{}
// stores a maps of object name => true to remove duplicates from results
suggestedObjectMap := map[string]bool{}
for _, possibleType := range possibleTypes {
if field, ok := possibleType.Fields()[fieldName]; !ok || field == nil {
// This object type defines this field.
suggestedObjectTypes = append(suggestedObjectTypes, possibleType.Name())
suggestedObjectMap[possibleType.Name()] = true
for _, possibleInterface := range possibleType.Interfaces() {
if field, ok := possibleInterface.Fields()[fieldName]; !ok || field == nil {
// This interface type defines this field.
// - find the index of the suggestedInterface and retrieving the interface
// - increase count
index, ok := suggestedInterfaceMap[possibleInterface.Name()]
if !ok {
suggestedInterfaces = append(suggestedInterfaces, &suggestedInterface{
name: possibleInterface.Name(),
count: 0,
index = len(suggestedInterfaces) - 1
suggestedInterfaceMap[possibleInterface.Name()] = index
if index < len(suggestedInterfaces) {
s := suggestedInterfaces[index]
if s.name == possibleInterface.Name() {
s.count = s.count + 1
// sort results (by count usage for interfaces, alphabetical order for objects)
// return concatenated slices of both interface and object type names
// and removing duplicates
// ordered by: interface (sorted) and object (sorted)
results := []string{}
for _, s := range suggestedInterfaces {
if _, ok := suggestedObjectMap[s.name]; !ok {
results = append(results, s.name)
results = append(results, suggestedObjectTypes...)
return results
// getSuggestedFieldNames For the field name provided, determine if there are any similar field names
// that may be the result of a typo.
func getSuggestedFieldNames(schema *Schema, ttype Output, fieldName string) []string {
fields := FieldDefinitionMap{}
switch ttype := ttype.(type) {
case *Object:
fields = ttype.Fields()
case *Interface:
fields = ttype.Fields()
return []string{}
possibleFieldNames := []string{}
for possibleFieldName := range fields {
possibleFieldNames = append(possibleFieldNames, possibleFieldName)
return suggestionList(fieldName, possibleFieldNames)
// suggestedInterface an internal struct to sort interface by usage count
type suggestedInterface struct {
name string
count int
type suggestedInterfaceSortedSlice []*suggestedInterface
func (s suggestedInterfaceSortedSlice) Len() int {
return len(s)
func (s suggestedInterfaceSortedSlice) Swap(i, j int) {
s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i]
func (s suggestedInterfaceSortedSlice) Less(i, j int) bool {
if s[i].count == s[j].count {
return s[i].name < s[j].name
return s[i].count > s[j].count
// FragmentsOnCompositeTypesRule Fragments on composite type
// Fragments use a type condition to determine if they apply, since fragments
// can only be spread into a composite type (object, interface, or union), the
// type condition must also be a composite type.
func FragmentsOnCompositeTypesRule(context *ValidationContext) *ValidationRuleInstance {
visitorOpts := &visitor.VisitorOptions{
KindFuncMap: map[string]visitor.NamedVisitFuncs{
kinds.InlineFragment: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
if node, ok := p.Node.(*ast.InlineFragment); ok {
ttype := context.Type()
if node.TypeCondition != nil && ttype != nil && !IsCompositeType(ttype) {
fmt.Sprintf(`Fragment cannot condition on non composite type "%v".`, ttype),
return visitor.ActionNoChange, nil
kinds.FragmentDefinition: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
if node, ok := p.Node.(*ast.FragmentDefinition); ok {
ttype := context.Type()
if ttype != nil && !IsCompositeType(ttype) {
nodeName := ""
if node.Name != nil {
nodeName = node.Name.Value
fmt.Sprintf(`Fragment "%v" cannot condition on non composite type "%v".`, nodeName, printer.Print(node.TypeCondition)),
return visitor.ActionNoChange, nil
return &ValidationRuleInstance{
VisitorOpts: visitorOpts,
func unknownArgMessage(argName string, fieldName string, parentTypeName string, suggestedArgs []string) string {
message := fmt.Sprintf(`Unknown argument "%v" on field "%v" of type "%v".`, argName, fieldName, parentTypeName)
if len(suggestedArgs) > 0 {
message = fmt.Sprintf(`%v Did you mean %v?`, message, quotedOrList(suggestedArgs))
return message
func unknownDirectiveArgMessage(argName string, directiveName string, suggestedArgs []string) string {
message := fmt.Sprintf(`Unknown argument "%v" on directive "@%v".`, argName, directiveName)
if len(suggestedArgs) > 0 {
message = fmt.Sprintf(`%v Did you mean %v?`, message, quotedOrList(suggestedArgs))
return message
// KnownArgumentNamesRule Known argument names
// A GraphQL field is only valid if all supplied arguments are defined by
// that field.
func KnownArgumentNamesRule(context *ValidationContext) *ValidationRuleInstance {
visitorOpts := &visitor.VisitorOptions{
KindFuncMap: map[string]visitor.NamedVisitFuncs{
kinds.Argument: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
var action = visitor.ActionNoChange
var result interface{}
if node, ok := p.Node.(*ast.Argument); ok {
var argumentOf ast.Node
if len(p.Ancestors) > 0 {
argumentOf = p.Ancestors[len(p.Ancestors)-1]
if argumentOf == nil {
return action, result
var fieldArgDef *Argument
if argumentOf.GetKind() == kinds.Field {
fieldDef := context.FieldDef()
if fieldDef == nil {
return action, result
nodeName := ""
if node.Name != nil {
nodeName = node.Name.Value
argNames := []string{}
for _, arg := range fieldDef.Args {
argNames = append(argNames, arg.Name())
if arg.Name() == nodeName {
fieldArgDef = arg
if fieldArgDef == nil {
parentType := context.ParentType()
parentTypeName := ""
if parentType != nil {
parentTypeName = parentType.Name()
unknownArgMessage(nodeName, fieldDef.Name, parentTypeName, suggestionList(nodeName, argNames)),
} else if argumentOf.GetKind() == kinds.Directive {
directive := context.Directive()
if directive == nil {
return action, result
nodeName := ""
if node.Name != nil {
nodeName = node.Name.Value
argNames := []string{}
var directiveArgDef *Argument
for _, arg := range directive.Args {
argNames = append(argNames, arg.Name())
if arg.Name() == nodeName {
directiveArgDef = arg
if directiveArgDef == nil {
unknownDirectiveArgMessage(nodeName, directive.Name, suggestionList(nodeName, argNames)),
return action, result
return &ValidationRuleInstance{
VisitorOpts: visitorOpts,
func MisplaceDirectiveMessage(directiveName string, location string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(`Directive "%v" may not be used on %v.`, directiveName, location)
// KnownDirectivesRule Known directives
// A GraphQL document is only valid if all `@directives` are known by the
// schema and legally positioned.
func KnownDirectivesRule(context *ValidationContext) *ValidationRuleInstance {
visitorOpts := &visitor.VisitorOptions{
KindFuncMap: map[string]visitor.NamedVisitFuncs{
kinds.Directive: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
var action = visitor.ActionNoChange
var result interface{}
if node, ok := p.Node.(*ast.Directive); ok {
nodeName := ""
if node.Name != nil {
nodeName = node.Name.Value
var directiveDef *Directive
for _, def := range context.Schema().Directives() {
if def.Name == nodeName {
directiveDef = def
if directiveDef == nil {
return reportError(
fmt.Sprintf(`Unknown directive "%v".`, nodeName),
candidateLocation := getDirectiveLocationForASTPath(p.Ancestors)
directiveHasLocation := false
for _, loc := range directiveDef.Locations {
if loc == candidateLocation {
directiveHasLocation = true
if candidateLocation == "" {
MisplaceDirectiveMessage(nodeName, node.GetKind()),
} else if !directiveHasLocation {
MisplaceDirectiveMessage(nodeName, candidateLocation),
return action, result
return &ValidationRuleInstance{
VisitorOpts: visitorOpts,
func getDirectiveLocationForASTPath(ancestors []ast.Node) string {
var appliedTo ast.Node
if len(ancestors) > 0 {
appliedTo = ancestors[len(ancestors)-1]
if appliedTo == nil {
return ""
kind := appliedTo.GetKind()
if kind == kinds.OperationDefinition {
appliedTo, _ := appliedTo.(*ast.OperationDefinition)
if appliedTo.Operation == ast.OperationTypeQuery {
return DirectiveLocationQuery
if appliedTo.Operation == ast.OperationTypeMutation {
return DirectiveLocationMutation
if appliedTo.Operation == ast.OperationTypeSubscription {
return DirectiveLocationSubscription
if kind == kinds.Field {
return DirectiveLocationField
if kind == kinds.FragmentSpread {
return DirectiveLocationFragmentSpread
if kind == kinds.InlineFragment {
return DirectiveLocationInlineFragment
if kind == kinds.FragmentDefinition {
return DirectiveLocationFragmentDefinition
if kind == kinds.SchemaDefinition {
return DirectiveLocationSchema
if kind == kinds.ScalarDefinition {
return DirectiveLocationScalar
if kind == kinds.ObjectDefinition {
return DirectiveLocationObject
if kind == kinds.FieldDefinition {
return DirectiveLocationFieldDefinition
if kind == kinds.InterfaceDefinition {
return DirectiveLocationInterface
if kind == kinds.UnionDefinition {
return DirectiveLocationUnion
if kind == kinds.EnumDefinition {
return DirectiveLocationEnum
if kind == kinds.EnumValueDefinition {
return DirectiveLocationEnumValue
if kind == kinds.InputObjectDefinition {
return DirectiveLocationInputObject
if kind == kinds.InputValueDefinition {
var parentNode ast.Node
if len(ancestors) >= 3 {
parentNode = ancestors[len(ancestors)-3]
if parentNode.GetKind() == kinds.InputObjectDefinition {
return DirectiveLocationInputFieldDefinition
} else {
return DirectiveLocationArgumentDefinition
return ""
// KnownFragmentNamesRule Known fragment names
// A GraphQL document is only valid if all `...Fragment` fragment spreads refer
// to fragments defined in the same document.
func KnownFragmentNamesRule(context *ValidationContext) *ValidationRuleInstance {
visitorOpts := &visitor.VisitorOptions{
KindFuncMap: map[string]visitor.NamedVisitFuncs{
kinds.FragmentSpread: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
var action = visitor.ActionNoChange
var result interface{}
if node, ok := p.Node.(*ast.FragmentSpread); ok {
fragmentName := ""
if node.Name != nil {
fragmentName = node.Name.Value
fragment := context.Fragment(fragmentName)
if fragment == nil {
fmt.Sprintf(`Unknown fragment "%v".`, fragmentName),
return action, result
return &ValidationRuleInstance{
VisitorOpts: visitorOpts,
func unknownTypeMessage(typeName string, suggestedTypes []string) string {
message := fmt.Sprintf(`Unknown type "%v".`, typeName)
if len(suggestedTypes) > 0 {
message = fmt.Sprintf(`%v Did you mean %v?`, message, quotedOrList(suggestedTypes))
return message
// KnownTypeNamesRule Known type names
// A GraphQL document is only valid if referenced types (specifically
// variable definitions and fragment conditions) are defined by the type schema.
func KnownTypeNamesRule(context *ValidationContext) *ValidationRuleInstance {
visitorOpts := &visitor.VisitorOptions{
KindFuncMap: map[string]visitor.NamedVisitFuncs{
kinds.ObjectDefinition: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
return visitor.ActionSkip, nil
kinds.InterfaceDefinition: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
return visitor.ActionSkip, nil
kinds.UnionDefinition: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
return visitor.ActionSkip, nil
kinds.InputObjectDefinition: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
return visitor.ActionSkip, nil
kinds.Named: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
if node, ok := p.Node.(*ast.Named); ok {
typeNameValue := ""
typeName := node.Name
if typeName != nil {
typeNameValue = typeName.Value
ttype := context.Schema().Type(typeNameValue)
if ttype == nil {
suggestedTypes := []string{}
for key := range context.Schema().TypeMap() {
suggestedTypes = append(suggestedTypes, key)
unknownTypeMessage(typeNameValue, suggestionList(typeNameValue, suggestedTypes)),
return visitor.ActionNoChange, nil
return &ValidationRuleInstance{
VisitorOpts: visitorOpts,
// LoneAnonymousOperationRule Lone anonymous operation
// A GraphQL document is only valid if when it contains an anonymous operation
// (the query short-hand) that it contains only that one operation definition.
func LoneAnonymousOperationRule(context *ValidationContext) *ValidationRuleInstance {
var operationCount = 0
visitorOpts := &visitor.VisitorOptions{
KindFuncMap: map[string]visitor.NamedVisitFuncs{
kinds.Document: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
if node, ok := p.Node.(*ast.Document); ok {
operationCount = 0
for _, definition := range node.Definitions {
if definition.GetKind() == kinds.OperationDefinition {
operationCount = operationCount + 1
return visitor.ActionNoChange, nil
kinds.OperationDefinition: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
if node, ok := p.Node.(*ast.OperationDefinition); ok {
if node.Name == nil && operationCount > 1 {
`This anonymous operation must be the only defined operation.`,
return visitor.ActionNoChange, nil
return &ValidationRuleInstance{
VisitorOpts: visitorOpts,
func CycleErrorMessage(fragName string, spreadNames []string) string {
via := ""
if len(spreadNames) > 0 {
via = " via " + strings.Join(spreadNames, ", ")
return fmt.Sprintf(`Cannot spread fragment "%v" within itself%v.`, fragName, via)
// NoFragmentCyclesRule No fragment cycles
func NoFragmentCyclesRule(context *ValidationContext) *ValidationRuleInstance {
// Tracks already visited fragments to maintain O(N) and to ensure that cycles
// are not redundantly reported.
visitedFrags := map[string]bool{}
// Array of AST nodes used to produce meaningful errors
spreadPath := []*ast.FragmentSpread{}
// Position in the spread path
spreadPathIndexByName := map[string]int{}
// This does a straight-forward DFS to find cycles.
// It does not terminate when a cycle was found but continues to explore
// the graph to find all possible cycles.
var detectCycleRecursive func(fragment *ast.FragmentDefinition)
detectCycleRecursive = func(fragment *ast.FragmentDefinition) {
fragmentName := ""
if fragment.Name != nil {
fragmentName = fragment.Name.Value
visitedFrags[fragmentName] = true
spreadNodes := context.FragmentSpreads(fragment.SelectionSet)
if len(spreadNodes) == 0 {
spreadPathIndexByName[fragmentName] = len(spreadPath)
for _, spreadNode := range spreadNodes {
spreadName := ""
if spreadNode.Name != nil {
spreadName = spreadNode.Name.Value
cycleIndex, ok := spreadPathIndexByName[spreadName]
if !ok {
spreadPath = append(spreadPath, spreadNode)
if visited, ok := visitedFrags[spreadName]; !ok || !visited {
spreadFragment := context.Fragment(spreadName)
if spreadFragment != nil {
spreadPath = spreadPath[:len(spreadPath)-1]
} else {
cyclePath := spreadPath[cycleIndex:]
spreadNames := []string{}
for _, s := range cyclePath {
name := ""
if s.Name != nil {
name = s.Name.Value
spreadNames = append(spreadNames, name)
nodes := []ast.Node{}
for _, c := range cyclePath {
nodes = append(nodes, c)
nodes = append(nodes, spreadNode)
CycleErrorMessage(spreadName, spreadNames),
delete(spreadPathIndexByName, fragmentName)
visitorOpts := &visitor.VisitorOptions{
KindFuncMap: map[string]visitor.NamedVisitFuncs{
kinds.OperationDefinition: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
return visitor.ActionSkip, nil
kinds.FragmentDefinition: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
if node, ok := p.Node.(*ast.FragmentDefinition); ok && node != nil {
nodeName := ""
if node.Name != nil {
nodeName = node.Name.Value
if _, ok := visitedFrags[nodeName]; !ok {
return visitor.ActionSkip, nil
return &ValidationRuleInstance{
VisitorOpts: visitorOpts,
func UndefinedVarMessage(varName string, opName string) string {
if opName != "" {
return fmt.Sprintf(`Variable "$%v" is not defined by operation "%v".`, varName, opName)
return fmt.Sprintf(`Variable "$%v" is not defined.`, varName)
// NoUndefinedVariablesRule No undefined variables
// A GraphQL operation is only valid if all variables encountered, both directly
// and via fragment spreads, are defined by that operation.
func NoUndefinedVariablesRule(context *ValidationContext) *ValidationRuleInstance {
var variableNameDefined = map[string]bool{}
visitorOpts := &visitor.VisitorOptions{
KindFuncMap: map[string]visitor.NamedVisitFuncs{
kinds.OperationDefinition: {
Enter: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
variableNameDefined = map[string]bool{}
return visitor.ActionNoChange, nil
Leave: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
if operation, ok := p.Node.(*ast.OperationDefinition); ok && operation != nil {
usages := context.RecursiveVariableUsages(operation)
for _, usage := range usages {
if usage == nil {
if usage.Node == nil {
varName := ""
if usage.Node.Name != nil {
varName = usage.Node.Name.Value
opName := ""
if operation.Name != nil {
opName = operation.Name.Value
if res, ok := variableNameDefined[varName]; !ok || !res {
UndefinedVarMessage(varName, opName),
[]ast.Node{usage.Node, operation},
return visitor.ActionNoChange, nil
kinds.VariableDefinition: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
if node, ok := p.Node.(*ast.VariableDefinition); ok && node != nil {
variableName := ""
if node.Variable != nil && node.Variable.Name != nil {
variableName = node.Variable.Name.Value
variableNameDefined[variableName] = true
return visitor.ActionNoChange, nil
return &ValidationRuleInstance{
VisitorOpts: visitorOpts,
// NoUnusedFragmentsRule No unused fragments
// A GraphQL document is only valid if all fragment definitions are spread
// within operations, or spread within other fragments spread within operations.
func NoUnusedFragmentsRule(context *ValidationContext) *ValidationRuleInstance {
var fragmentDefs = []*ast.FragmentDefinition{}
var operationDefs = []*ast.OperationDefinition{}
visitorOpts := &visitor.VisitorOptions{
KindFuncMap: map[string]visitor.NamedVisitFuncs{
kinds.OperationDefinition: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
if node, ok := p.Node.(*ast.OperationDefinition); ok && node != nil {
operationDefs = append(operationDefs, node)
return visitor.ActionSkip, nil
kinds.FragmentDefinition: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
if node, ok := p.Node.(*ast.FragmentDefinition); ok && node != nil {
fragmentDefs = append(fragmentDefs, node)
return visitor.ActionSkip, nil
kinds.Document: {
Leave: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
fragmentNameUsed := map[string]bool{}
for _, operation := range operationDefs {
fragments := context.RecursivelyReferencedFragments(operation)
for _, fragment := range fragments {
fragName := ""
if fragment.Name != nil {
fragName = fragment.Name.Value
fragmentNameUsed[fragName] = true
for _, def := range fragmentDefs {
defName := ""
if def.Name != nil {
defName = def.Name.Value
isFragNameUsed, ok := fragmentNameUsed[defName]
if !ok || isFragNameUsed != true {
fmt.Sprintf(`Fragment "%v" is never used.`, defName),
return visitor.ActionNoChange, nil
return &ValidationRuleInstance{
VisitorOpts: visitorOpts,
func UnusedVariableMessage(varName string, opName string) string {
if opName != "" {
return fmt.Sprintf(`Variable "$%v" is never used in operation "%v".`, varName, opName)
return fmt.Sprintf(`Variable "$%v" is never used.`, varName)
// NoUnusedVariablesRule No unused variables
// A GraphQL operation is only valid if all variables defined by an operation
// are used, either directly or within a spread fragment.
func NoUnusedVariablesRule(context *ValidationContext) *ValidationRuleInstance {
var variableDefs = []*ast.VariableDefinition{}
visitorOpts := &visitor.VisitorOptions{
KindFuncMap: map[string]visitor.NamedVisitFuncs{
kinds.OperationDefinition: {
Enter: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
variableDefs = []*ast.VariableDefinition{}
return visitor.ActionNoChange, nil
Leave: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
if operation, ok := p.Node.(*ast.OperationDefinition); ok && operation != nil {
variableNameUsed := map[string]bool{}
usages := context.RecursiveVariableUsages(operation)
for _, usage := range usages {
varName := ""
if usage != nil && usage.Node != nil && usage.Node.Name != nil {
varName = usage.Node.Name.Value
if varName != "" {
variableNameUsed[varName] = true
for _, variableDef := range variableDefs {
variableName := ""
if variableDef != nil && variableDef.Variable != nil && variableDef.Variable.Name != nil {
variableName = variableDef.Variable.Name.Value
opName := ""
if operation.Name != nil {
opName = operation.Name.Value
if res, ok := variableNameUsed[variableName]; !ok || !res {
UnusedVariableMessage(variableName, opName),
return visitor.ActionNoChange, nil
kinds.VariableDefinition: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
if def, ok := p.Node.(*ast.VariableDefinition); ok && def != nil {
variableDefs = append(variableDefs, def)
return visitor.ActionNoChange, nil
return &ValidationRuleInstance{
VisitorOpts: visitorOpts,
func getFragmentType(context *ValidationContext, name string) Type {
frag := context.Fragment(name)
if frag == nil {
return nil
ttype, _ := typeFromAST(*context.Schema(), frag.TypeCondition)
return ttype
func doTypesOverlap(schema *Schema, t1 Type, t2 Type) bool {
if t1 == t2 {
return true
if _, ok := t1.(*Object); ok {
if _, ok := t2.(*Object); ok {
return false
if t2, ok := t2.(Abstract); ok {
for _, ttype := range schema.PossibleTypes(t2) {
if ttype == t1 {
return true
return false
if t1, ok := t1.(Abstract); ok {
if _, ok := t2.(*Object); ok {
for _, ttype := range schema.PossibleTypes(t1) {
if ttype == t2 {
return true
return false
t1TypeNames := map[string]bool{}
for _, ttype := range schema.PossibleTypes(t1) {
t1TypeNames[ttype.Name()] = true
if t2, ok := t2.(Abstract); ok {
for _, ttype := range schema.PossibleTypes(t2) {
if hasT1TypeName, _ := t1TypeNames[ttype.Name()]; hasT1TypeName {
return true
return false
return false
// PossibleFragmentSpreadsRule Possible fragment spread
// A fragment spread is only valid if the type condition could ever possibly
// be true: if there is a non-empty intersection of the possible parent types,
// and possible types which pass the type condition.
func PossibleFragmentSpreadsRule(context *ValidationContext) *ValidationRuleInstance {
visitorOpts := &visitor.VisitorOptions{
KindFuncMap: map[string]visitor.NamedVisitFuncs{
kinds.InlineFragment: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
if node, ok := p.Node.(*ast.InlineFragment); ok && node != nil {
fragType := context.Type()
parentType, _ := context.ParentType().(Type)
if fragType != nil && parentType != nil && !doTypesOverlap(context.Schema(), fragType, parentType) {
fmt.Sprintf(`Fragment cannot be spread here as objects of `+
`type "%v" can never be of type "%v".`, parentType, fragType),
return visitor.ActionNoChange, nil
kinds.FragmentSpread: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
if node, ok := p.Node.(*ast.FragmentSpread); ok && node != nil {
fragName := ""
if node.Name != nil {
fragName = node.Name.Value
fragType := getFragmentType(context, fragName)
parentType, _ := context.ParentType().(Type)
if fragType != nil && parentType != nil && !doTypesOverlap(context.Schema(), fragType, parentType) {
fmt.Sprintf(`Fragment "%v" cannot be spread here as objects of `+
`type "%v" can never be of type "%v".`, fragName, parentType, fragType),
return visitor.ActionNoChange, nil
return &ValidationRuleInstance{
VisitorOpts: visitorOpts,
// ProvidedNonNullArgumentsRule Provided required arguments
// A field or directive is only valid if all required (non-null) field arguments
// have been provided.
func ProvidedNonNullArgumentsRule(context *ValidationContext) *ValidationRuleInstance {
visitorOpts := &visitor.VisitorOptions{
KindFuncMap: map[string]visitor.NamedVisitFuncs{
kinds.Field: {
Leave: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
// Validate on leave to allow for deeper errors to appear first.
if fieldAST, ok := p.Node.(*ast.Field); ok && fieldAST != nil {
fieldDef := context.FieldDef()
if fieldDef == nil {
return visitor.ActionSkip, nil
argASTs := fieldAST.Arguments
argASTMap := map[string]*ast.Argument{}
for _, arg := range argASTs {
name := ""
if arg.Name != nil {
name = arg.Name.Value
argASTMap[name] = arg
for _, argDef := range fieldDef.Args {
argAST, _ := argASTMap[argDef.Name()]
if argAST == nil {
if argDefType, ok := argDef.Type.(*NonNull); ok {
fieldName := ""
if fieldAST.Name != nil {
fieldName = fieldAST.Name.Value
fmt.Sprintf(`Field "%v" argument "%v" of type "%v" `+
`is required but not provided.`, fieldName, argDef.Name(), argDefType),
return visitor.ActionNoChange, nil
kinds.Directive: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
// Validate on leave to allow for deeper errors to appear first.
if directiveAST, ok := p.Node.(*ast.Directive); ok && directiveAST != nil {
directiveDef := context.Directive()
if directiveDef == nil {
return visitor.ActionSkip, nil
argASTs := directiveAST.Arguments
argASTMap := map[string]*ast.Argument{}
for _, arg := range argASTs {
name := ""
if arg.Name != nil {
name = arg.Name.Value
argASTMap[name] = arg
for _, argDef := range directiveDef.Args {
argAST, _ := argASTMap[argDef.Name()]
if argAST == nil {
if argDefType, ok := argDef.Type.(*NonNull); ok {
directiveName := ""
if directiveAST.Name != nil {
directiveName = directiveAST.Name.Value
fmt.Sprintf(`Directive "@%v" argument "%v" of type `+
`"%v" is required but not provided.`, directiveName, argDef.Name(), argDefType),
return visitor.ActionNoChange, nil
return &ValidationRuleInstance{
VisitorOpts: visitorOpts,
// ScalarLeafsRule Scalar leafs
// A GraphQL document is valid only if all leaf fields (fields without
// sub selections) are of scalar or enum types.
func ScalarLeafsRule(context *ValidationContext) *ValidationRuleInstance {
visitorOpts := &visitor.VisitorOptions{
KindFuncMap: map[string]visitor.NamedVisitFuncs{
kinds.Field: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
if node, ok := p.Node.(*ast.Field); ok && node != nil {
nodeName := ""
if node.Name != nil {
nodeName = node.Name.Value
ttype := context.Type()
if ttype != nil {
if IsLeafType(ttype) {
if node.SelectionSet != nil {
fmt.Sprintf(`Field "%v" of type "%v" must not have a sub selection.`, nodeName, ttype),
} else if node.SelectionSet == nil {
fmt.Sprintf(`Field "%v" of type "%v" must have a sub selection.`, nodeName, ttype),
return visitor.ActionNoChange, nil
return &ValidationRuleInstance{
VisitorOpts: visitorOpts,
// UniqueArgumentNamesRule Unique argument names
// A GraphQL field or directive is only valid if all supplied arguments are
// uniquely named.
func UniqueArgumentNamesRule(context *ValidationContext) *ValidationRuleInstance {
knownArgNames := map[string]*ast.Name{}
visitorOpts := &visitor.VisitorOptions{
KindFuncMap: map[string]visitor.NamedVisitFuncs{
kinds.Field: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
knownArgNames = map[string]*ast.Name{}
return visitor.ActionNoChange, nil
kinds.Directive: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
knownArgNames = map[string]*ast.Name{}
return visitor.ActionNoChange, nil
kinds.Argument: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
if node, ok := p.Node.(*ast.Argument); ok {
argName := ""
if node.Name != nil {
argName = node.Name.Value
if nameAST, ok := knownArgNames[argName]; ok {
fmt.Sprintf(`There can be only one argument named "%v".`, argName),
[]ast.Node{nameAST, node.Name},
} else {
knownArgNames[argName] = node.Name
return visitor.ActionSkip, nil
return &ValidationRuleInstance{
VisitorOpts: visitorOpts,
// UniqueFragmentNamesRule Unique fragment names
// A GraphQL document is only valid if all defined fragments have unique names.
func UniqueFragmentNamesRule(context *ValidationContext) *ValidationRuleInstance {
knownFragmentNames := map[string]*ast.Name{}
visitorOpts := &visitor.VisitorOptions{
KindFuncMap: map[string]visitor.NamedVisitFuncs{
kinds.OperationDefinition: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
return visitor.ActionSkip, nil
kinds.FragmentDefinition: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
if node, ok := p.Node.(*ast.FragmentDefinition); ok && node != nil {
fragmentName := ""
if node.Name != nil {
fragmentName = node.Name.Value
if nameAST, ok := knownFragmentNames[fragmentName]; ok {
fmt.Sprintf(`There can only be one fragment named "%v".`, fragmentName),
[]ast.Node{nameAST, node.Name},
} else {
knownFragmentNames[fragmentName] = node.Name
return visitor.ActionSkip, nil
return &ValidationRuleInstance{
VisitorOpts: visitorOpts,
// UniqueInputFieldNamesRule Unique input field names
// A GraphQL input object value is only valid if all supplied fields are
// uniquely named.
func UniqueInputFieldNamesRule(context *ValidationContext) *ValidationRuleInstance {
knownNameStack := []map[string]*ast.Name{}
knownNames := map[string]*ast.Name{}
visitorOpts := &visitor.VisitorOptions{
KindFuncMap: map[string]visitor.NamedVisitFuncs{
kinds.ObjectValue: {
Enter: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
knownNameStack = append(knownNameStack, knownNames)
knownNames = map[string]*ast.Name{}
return visitor.ActionNoChange, nil
Leave: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
// pop
knownNames, knownNameStack = knownNameStack[len(knownNameStack)-1], knownNameStack[:len(knownNameStack)-1]
return visitor.ActionNoChange, nil
kinds.ObjectField: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
if node, ok := p.Node.(*ast.ObjectField); ok {
fieldName := ""
if node.Name != nil {
fieldName = node.Name.Value
if knownNameAST, ok := knownNames[fieldName]; ok {
fmt.Sprintf(`There can be only one input field named "%v".`, fieldName),
[]ast.Node{knownNameAST, node.Name},
} else {
knownNames[fieldName] = node.Name
return visitor.ActionSkip, nil
return &ValidationRuleInstance{
VisitorOpts: visitorOpts,
// UniqueOperationNamesRule Unique operation names
// A GraphQL document is only valid if all defined operations have unique names.
func UniqueOperationNamesRule(context *ValidationContext) *ValidationRuleInstance {
knownOperationNames := map[string]*ast.Name{}
visitorOpts := &visitor.VisitorOptions{
KindFuncMap: map[string]visitor.NamedVisitFuncs{
kinds.OperationDefinition: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
if node, ok := p.Node.(*ast.OperationDefinition); ok && node != nil {
operationName := ""
if node.Name != nil {
operationName = node.Name.Value
if nameAST, ok := knownOperationNames[operationName]; ok {
fmt.Sprintf(`There can only be one operation named "%v".`, operationName),
[]ast.Node{nameAST, node.Name},
} else {
knownOperationNames[operationName] = node.Name
return visitor.ActionSkip, nil
kinds.FragmentDefinition: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
return visitor.ActionSkip, nil
return &ValidationRuleInstance{
VisitorOpts: visitorOpts,
// UniqueVariableNamesRule Unique variable names
// A GraphQL operation is only valid if all its variables are uniquely named.
func UniqueVariableNamesRule(context *ValidationContext) *ValidationRuleInstance {
knownVariableNames := map[string]*ast.Name{}
visitorOpts := &visitor.VisitorOptions{
KindFuncMap: map[string]visitor.NamedVisitFuncs{
kinds.OperationDefinition: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
if node, ok := p.Node.(*ast.OperationDefinition); ok && node != nil {
knownVariableNames = map[string]*ast.Name{}
return visitor.ActionNoChange, nil
kinds.VariableDefinition: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
if node, ok := p.Node.(*ast.VariableDefinition); ok && node != nil {
variableName := ""
var variableNameAST *ast.Name
if node.Variable != nil && node.Variable.Name != nil {
variableNameAST = node.Variable.Name
variableName = node.Variable.Name.Value
if nameAST, ok := knownVariableNames[variableName]; ok {
fmt.Sprintf(`There can only be one variable named "%v".`, variableName),
[]ast.Node{nameAST, variableNameAST},
} else {
knownVariableNames[variableName] = variableNameAST
return visitor.ActionNoChange, nil
return &ValidationRuleInstance{
VisitorOpts: visitorOpts,
// VariablesAreInputTypesRule Variables are input types
// A GraphQL operation is only valid if all the variables it defines are of
// input types (scalar, enum, or input object).
func VariablesAreInputTypesRule(context *ValidationContext) *ValidationRuleInstance {
visitorOpts := &visitor.VisitorOptions{
KindFuncMap: map[string]visitor.NamedVisitFuncs{
kinds.VariableDefinition: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
if node, ok := p.Node.(*ast.VariableDefinition); ok && node != nil {
ttype, _ := typeFromAST(*context.Schema(), node.Type)
// If the variable type is not an input type, return an error.
if ttype != nil && !IsInputType(ttype) {
variableName := ""
if node.Variable != nil && node.Variable.Name != nil {
variableName = node.Variable.Name.Value
fmt.Sprintf(`Variable "$%v" cannot be non-input type "%v".`,
variableName, printer.Print(node.Type)),
return visitor.ActionNoChange, nil
return &ValidationRuleInstance{
VisitorOpts: visitorOpts,
// If a variable definition has a default value, it's effectively non-null.
func effectiveType(varType Type, varDef *ast.VariableDefinition) Type {
if varDef.DefaultValue == nil {
return varType
if _, ok := varType.(*NonNull); ok {
return varType
return NewNonNull(varType)
// VariablesInAllowedPositionRule Variables passed to field arguments conform to type
func VariablesInAllowedPositionRule(context *ValidationContext) *ValidationRuleInstance {
varDefMap := map[string]*ast.VariableDefinition{}
visitorOpts := &visitor.VisitorOptions{
KindFuncMap: map[string]visitor.NamedVisitFuncs{
kinds.OperationDefinition: {
Enter: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
varDefMap = map[string]*ast.VariableDefinition{}
return visitor.ActionNoChange, nil
Leave: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
if operation, ok := p.Node.(*ast.OperationDefinition); ok {
usages := context.RecursiveVariableUsages(operation)
for _, usage := range usages {
varName := ""
if usage != nil && usage.Node != nil && usage.Node.Name != nil {
varName = usage.Node.Name.Value
varDef, _ := varDefMap[varName]
if varDef != nil && usage.Type != nil {
varType, err := typeFromAST(*context.Schema(), varDef.Type)
if err != nil {
varType = nil
if varType != nil && !isTypeSubTypeOf(context.Schema(), effectiveType(varType, varDef), usage.Type) {
fmt.Sprintf(`Variable "$%v" of type "%v" used in position `+
`expecting type "%v".`, varName, varType, usage.Type),
[]ast.Node{varDef, usage.Node},
return visitor.ActionNoChange, nil
kinds.VariableDefinition: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
if varDefAST, ok := p.Node.(*ast.VariableDefinition); ok {
defName := ""
if varDefAST.Variable != nil && varDefAST.Variable.Name != nil {
defName = varDefAST.Variable.Name.Value
if defName != "" {
varDefMap[defName] = varDefAST
return visitor.ActionNoChange, nil
return &ValidationRuleInstance{
VisitorOpts: visitorOpts,
// Utility for validators which determines if a value literal AST is valid given
// an input type.
// Note that this only validates literal values, variables are assumed to
// provide values of the correct type.
func isValidLiteralValue(ttype Input, valueAST ast.Value) (bool, []string) {
// A value must be provided if the type is non-null.
if ttype, ok := ttype.(*NonNull); ok {
if valueAST == nil {
if ttype.OfType.Name() != "" {
return false, []string{fmt.Sprintf(`Expected "%v!", found null.`, ttype.OfType.Name())}
return false, []string{"Expected non-null value, found null."}
ofType, _ := ttype.OfType.(Input)
return isValidLiteralValue(ofType, valueAST)
if valueAST == nil {
return true, nil
// This function only tests literals, and assumes variables will provide
// values of the correct type.
if valueAST.GetKind() == kinds.Variable {
return true, nil
// Lists accept a non-list value as a list of one.
if ttype, ok := ttype.(*List); ok {
itemType, _ := ttype.OfType.(Input)
if valueAST, ok := valueAST.(*ast.ListValue); ok {
messagesReduce := []string{}
for _, value := range valueAST.Values {
_, messages := isValidLiteralValue(itemType, value)
for idx, message := range messages {
messagesReduce = append(messagesReduce, fmt.Sprintf(`In element #%v: %v`, idx+1, message))
return (len(messagesReduce) == 0), messagesReduce
return isValidLiteralValue(itemType, valueAST)
// Input objects check each defined field and look for undefined fields.
if ttype, ok := ttype.(*InputObject); ok {
valueAST, ok := valueAST.(*ast.ObjectValue)
if !ok {
return false, []string{fmt.Sprintf(`Expected "%v", found not an object.`, ttype.Name())}
fields := ttype.Fields()
messagesReduce := []string{}
// Ensure every provided field is defined.
fieldASTs := valueAST.Fields
fieldASTMap := map[string]*ast.ObjectField{}
for _, fieldAST := range fieldASTs {
fieldASTName := ""
if fieldAST.Name != nil {
fieldASTName = fieldAST.Name.Value
fieldASTMap[fieldASTName] = fieldAST
field, ok := fields[fieldASTName]
if !ok || field == nil {
messagesReduce = append(messagesReduce, fmt.Sprintf(`In field "%v": Unknown field.`, fieldASTName))
// Ensure every defined field is valid.
for fieldName, field := range fields {
fieldAST, _ := fieldASTMap[fieldName]
var fieldASTValue ast.Value
if fieldAST != nil {
fieldASTValue = fieldAST.Value
if isValid, messages := isValidLiteralValue(field.Type, fieldASTValue); !isValid {
for _, message := range messages {
messagesReduce = append(messagesReduce, fmt.Sprintf("In field \"%v\": %v", fieldName, message))
return (len(messagesReduce) == 0), messagesReduce
if ttype, ok := ttype.(*Scalar); ok {
if isNullish(ttype.ParseLiteral(valueAST)) {
return false, []string{fmt.Sprintf(`Expected type "%v", found %v.`, ttype.Name(), printer.Print(valueAST))}
if ttype, ok := ttype.(*Enum); ok {
if isNullish(ttype.ParseLiteral(valueAST)) {
return false, []string{fmt.Sprintf(`Expected type "%v", found %v.`, ttype.Name(), printer.Print(valueAST))}
return true, nil
// Internal struct to sort results from suggestionList()
type suggestionListResult struct {
Options []string
Distances []float64
func (s suggestionListResult) Len() int {
return len(s.Options)
func (s suggestionListResult) Swap(i, j int) {
s.Options[i], s.Options[j] = s.Options[j], s.Options[i]
func (s suggestionListResult) Less(i, j int) bool {
return s.Distances[i] < s.Distances[j]
// suggestionList Given an invalid input string and a list of valid options, returns a filtered
// list of valid options sorted based on their similarity with the input.
func suggestionList(input string, options []string) []string {
dists := []float64{}
filteredOpts := []string{}
inputThreshold := float64(len(input) / 2)
for _, opt := range options {
dist := lexicalDistance(input, opt)
threshold := math.Max(inputThreshold, float64(len(opt)/2))
threshold = math.Max(threshold, 1)
if dist <= threshold {
filteredOpts = append(filteredOpts, opt)
dists = append(dists, dist)
//sort results
suggested := suggestionListResult{filteredOpts, dists}
return suggested.Options
// lexicalDistance Computes the lexical distance between strings A and B.
// The "distance" between two strings is given by counting the minimum number
// of edits needed to transform string A into string B. An edit can be an
// insertion, deletion, or substitution of a single character, or a swap of two
// adjacent characters.
// This distance can be useful for detecting typos in input or sorting
func lexicalDistance(a, b string) float64 {
d := [][]float64{}
aLen := len(a)
bLen := len(b)
for i := 0; i <= aLen; i++ {
d = append(d, []float64{float64(i)})
for k := 1; k <= bLen; k++ {
d[0] = append(d[0], float64(k))
for i := 1; i <= aLen; i++ {
for k := 1; k <= bLen; k++ {
cost := 1.0
if a[i-1] == b[k-1] {
cost = 0.0
minCostFloat := math.Min(
minCostFloat = math.Min(
d[i] = append(d[i], minCostFloat)
if i > 1 && k < 1 &&
a[i-1] == b[k-2] &&
a[i-2] == b[k-1] {
d[i][k] = math.Min(d[i][k], d[i-2][k-2]+cost)
return d[aLen][bLen]
马建仓 AI 助手
