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validator.go 8.59 KB
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package graphql
import (
type ValidationResult struct {
IsValid bool
Errors []gqlerrors.FormattedError
* Implements the "Validation" section of the spec.
* Validation runs synchronously, returning an array of encountered errors, or
* an empty array if no errors were encountered and the document is valid.
* A list of specific validation rules may be provided. If not provided, the
* default list of rules defined by the GraphQL specification will be used.
* Each validation rules is a function which returns a visitor
* (see the language/visitor API). Visitor methods are expected to return
* GraphQLErrors, or Arrays of GraphQLErrors when invalid.
func ValidateDocument(schema *Schema, astDoc *ast.Document, rules []ValidationRuleFn) (vr ValidationResult) {
if len(rules) == 0 {
rules = SpecifiedRules
vr.IsValid = false
if schema == nil {
vr.Errors = append(vr.Errors, gqlerrors.NewFormattedError("Must provide schema"))
return vr
if astDoc == nil {
vr.Errors = append(vr.Errors, gqlerrors.NewFormattedError("Must provide document"))
return vr
typeInfo := NewTypeInfo(&TypeInfoConfig{
Schema: schema,
vr.Errors = VisitUsingRules(schema, typeInfo, astDoc, rules)
if len(vr.Errors) == 0 {
vr.IsValid = true
return vr
// VisitUsingRules This uses a specialized visitor which runs multiple visitors in parallel,
// while maintaining the visitor skip and break API.
// @internal
// Had to expose it to unit test experimental customizable validation feature,
// but not meant for public consumption
func VisitUsingRules(schema *Schema, typeInfo *TypeInfo, astDoc *ast.Document, rules []ValidationRuleFn) []gqlerrors.FormattedError {
context := NewValidationContext(schema, astDoc, typeInfo)
visitors := []*visitor.VisitorOptions{}
for _, rule := range rules {
instance := rule(context)
visitors = append(visitors, instance.VisitorOpts)
// Visit the whole document with each instance of all provided rules.
visitor.Visit(astDoc, visitor.VisitWithTypeInfo(typeInfo, visitor.VisitInParallel(visitors...)), nil)
return context.Errors()
type HasSelectionSet interface {
GetKind() string
GetLoc() *ast.Location
GetSelectionSet() *ast.SelectionSet
var _ HasSelectionSet = (*ast.OperationDefinition)(nil)
var _ HasSelectionSet = (*ast.FragmentDefinition)(nil)
type VariableUsage struct {
Node *ast.Variable
Type Input
type ValidationContext struct {
schema *Schema
astDoc *ast.Document
typeInfo *TypeInfo
errors []gqlerrors.FormattedError
fragments map[string]*ast.FragmentDefinition
variableUsages map[HasSelectionSet][]*VariableUsage
recursiveVariableUsages map[*ast.OperationDefinition][]*VariableUsage
recursivelyReferencedFragments map[*ast.OperationDefinition][]*ast.FragmentDefinition
fragmentSpreads map[*ast.SelectionSet][]*ast.FragmentSpread
func NewValidationContext(schema *Schema, astDoc *ast.Document, typeInfo *TypeInfo) *ValidationContext {
return &ValidationContext{
schema: schema,
astDoc: astDoc,
typeInfo: typeInfo,
fragments: map[string]*ast.FragmentDefinition{},
variableUsages: map[HasSelectionSet][]*VariableUsage{},
recursiveVariableUsages: map[*ast.OperationDefinition][]*VariableUsage{},
recursivelyReferencedFragments: map[*ast.OperationDefinition][]*ast.FragmentDefinition{},
fragmentSpreads: map[*ast.SelectionSet][]*ast.FragmentSpread{},
func (ctx *ValidationContext) ReportError(err error) {
formattedErr := gqlerrors.FormatError(err)
ctx.errors = append(ctx.errors, formattedErr)
func (ctx *ValidationContext) Errors() []gqlerrors.FormattedError {
return ctx.errors
func (ctx *ValidationContext) Schema() *Schema {
return ctx.schema
func (ctx *ValidationContext) Document() *ast.Document {
return ctx.astDoc
func (ctx *ValidationContext) Fragment(name string) *ast.FragmentDefinition {
if len(ctx.fragments) == 0 {
if ctx.Document() == nil {
return nil
defs := ctx.Document().Definitions
fragments := map[string]*ast.FragmentDefinition{}
for _, def := range defs {
if def, ok := def.(*ast.FragmentDefinition); ok {
defName := ""
if def.Name != nil {
defName = def.Name.Value
fragments[defName] = def
ctx.fragments = fragments
f, _ := ctx.fragments[name]
return f
func (ctx *ValidationContext) FragmentSpreads(node *ast.SelectionSet) []*ast.FragmentSpread {
if spreads, ok := ctx.fragmentSpreads[node]; ok && spreads != nil {
return spreads
spreads := []*ast.FragmentSpread{}
setsToVisit := []*ast.SelectionSet{node}
for {
if len(setsToVisit) == 0 {
var set *ast.SelectionSet
// pop
set, setsToVisit = setsToVisit[len(setsToVisit)-1], setsToVisit[:len(setsToVisit)-1]
if set.Selections != nil {
for _, selection := range set.Selections {
switch selection := selection.(type) {
case *ast.FragmentSpread:
spreads = append(spreads, selection)
case *ast.Field:
if selection.SelectionSet != nil {
setsToVisit = append(setsToVisit, selection.SelectionSet)
case *ast.InlineFragment:
if selection.SelectionSet != nil {
setsToVisit = append(setsToVisit, selection.SelectionSet)
ctx.fragmentSpreads[node] = spreads
return spreads
func (ctx *ValidationContext) RecursivelyReferencedFragments(operation *ast.OperationDefinition) []*ast.FragmentDefinition {
if fragments, ok := ctx.recursivelyReferencedFragments[operation]; ok && fragments != nil {
return fragments
fragments := []*ast.FragmentDefinition{}
collectedNames := map[string]bool{}
nodesToVisit := []*ast.SelectionSet{operation.SelectionSet}
for {
if len(nodesToVisit) == 0 {
var node *ast.SelectionSet
node, nodesToVisit = nodesToVisit[len(nodesToVisit)-1], nodesToVisit[:len(nodesToVisit)-1]
spreads := ctx.FragmentSpreads(node)
for _, spread := range spreads {
fragName := ""
if spread.Name != nil {
fragName = spread.Name.Value
if res, ok := collectedNames[fragName]; !ok || !res {
collectedNames[fragName] = true
fragment := ctx.Fragment(fragName)
if fragment != nil {
fragments = append(fragments, fragment)
nodesToVisit = append(nodesToVisit, fragment.SelectionSet)
ctx.recursivelyReferencedFragments[operation] = fragments
return fragments
func (ctx *ValidationContext) VariableUsages(node HasSelectionSet) []*VariableUsage {
if usages, ok := ctx.variableUsages[node]; ok && usages != nil {
return usages
usages := []*VariableUsage{}
typeInfo := NewTypeInfo(&TypeInfoConfig{
Schema: ctx.schema,
visitor.Visit(node, visitor.VisitWithTypeInfo(typeInfo, &visitor.VisitorOptions{
KindFuncMap: map[string]visitor.NamedVisitFuncs{
kinds.VariableDefinition: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
return visitor.ActionSkip, nil
kinds.Variable: {
Kind: func(p visitor.VisitFuncParams) (string, interface{}) {
if node, ok := p.Node.(*ast.Variable); ok && node != nil {
usages = append(usages, &VariableUsage{
Node: node,
Type: typeInfo.InputType(),
return visitor.ActionNoChange, nil
}), nil)
ctx.variableUsages[node] = usages
return usages
func (ctx *ValidationContext) RecursiveVariableUsages(operation *ast.OperationDefinition) []*VariableUsage {
if usages, ok := ctx.recursiveVariableUsages[operation]; ok && usages != nil {
return usages
usages := ctx.VariableUsages(operation)
fragments := ctx.RecursivelyReferencedFragments(operation)
for _, fragment := range fragments {
fragmentUsages := ctx.VariableUsages(fragment)
usages = append(usages, fragmentUsages...)
ctx.recursiveVariableUsages[operation] = usages
return usages
func (ctx *ValidationContext) Type() Output {
return ctx.typeInfo.Type()
func (ctx *ValidationContext) ParentType() Composite {
return ctx.typeInfo.ParentType()
func (ctx *ValidationContext) InputType() Input {
return ctx.typeInfo.InputType()
func (ctx *ValidationContext) FieldDef() *FieldDefinition {
return ctx.typeInfo.FieldDef()
func (ctx *ValidationContext) Directive() *Directive {
return ctx.typeInfo.Directive()
func (ctx *ValidationContext) Argument() *Argument {
return ctx.typeInfo.Argument()
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