#!/usr/bin/env ipython
# Scripts for helping us to identify doable tasks in the eICU.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pdb
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
import sklearn.metrics
import itertools
def get_train_data(df, n_hours, seq_length, resample_time,
sao2_low=96, heartrate_low=75, respiration_low=15, systemicmean_low=75,
heartrate_high=100, respiration_high=20, systemicmean_high=100):
seq_length is how many measurements we use for training
patients = set(df.pid)
window_size = int(n_hours*60/resample_time) # this is how many rows in the window
X = np.empty(shape=(len(patients), 4*seq_length)) # we have 4*seq_length features
Y = np.empty(shape=(len(patients), 7)) # we have 7 labels
i = 0
kept_patients = [-1337]*len(patients)
for pat in patients:
df_pat_withlabels = get_labels(df, pat, seq_length, window_size,
future_window_size, sao2_low, heartrate_low, respiration_low,
systemicmean_low, heartrate_high, respiration_high, systemicmean_high)
if df_pat_withlabels is None:
print('Skipping patient', pat, 'for having too little data')
# subset to train period
df_pat_train = df_pat_withlabels.head(seq_length)
if df_pat_train.shape[0] < seq_length:
print('Skipping patient', pat, 'for having too little data')
X_pat = df_pat_train[['sao2', 'heartrate', 'respiration', 'systemicmean']].values.reshape(4*seq_length)
if np.isnan(X_pat).any():
# this should not happen any more btw
print('Dropping patient', pat, 'for having NAs')
# just ignore this row
X[i, :] = X_pat
Y[i, :] = df_pat_train.tail(1)[['low_sao2', 'low_heartrate', 'low_respiration', \
'low_systemicmean', 'high_heartrate', 'high_respiration', 'high_systemicmean']].values.reshape(7)*1
kept_patients[i] = pat
i += 1
print('Kept data on', i, 'patients (started with', len(patients), ')')
# delete the remaining rows
X = X[:i]
Y = Y[:i]
return X, Y, kept_patients
def train_model(X, Y, X_test=None, Y_test=None):
simple classification task
results = []
n_labels = Y.shape[1]
if X_test is None and Y_test is None:
n_samples = X.shape[0]
n_train = int(0.8*n_samples)
perm = np.random.permutation(n_samples)
train_indices = perm[:n_train]
test_indices = perm[n_train:]
X_test = X[test_indices]
X_train = X[train_indices]
Y_test = Y[test_indices]
Y_train = Y[train_indices]
X_train = X
Y_train = Y
for label in range(n_labels):
y = Y[:, label]
model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=50).fit(X_train, Y_train[:, label])
predict = model.predict(X_test)
accuracy = sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score(Y_test[:, label], predict)
precision = sklearn.metrics.precision_score(Y_test[:, label], predict)
recall = sklearn.metrics.recall_score(Y_test[:, label], predict)
results.append([accuracy, precision, recall])
return results
#sao2_high = 105 # does not exist
heartrate_low = 75
heartrate_high = 100
respiration_low = 15
respiration_high = 20
systemicmean_low = 65
systemicmean_high = 100
def get_df(resample_time=15, n_hours=1, seq_length=16):
derived_dir = 'REDACTED'
print('getting patients')
patients = list(map(int, np.loadtxt(derived_dir + 'cohort_complete_resampled_pats_' + str(resample_time) + 'min.csv')))
data = derived_dir + 'resampled_pats_' + str(resample_time) + 'min.csv'
print('getting data')
df = pd.read_csv(data)
print('subsetting to "complete" patients')
max_offset = 1.5*(seq_length*resample_time + 60*n_hours) # for good measure
print('subsetting by time')
df = df[df.offset < max_offset]
# drop patients missing any data in this region (this is slow but it's worth it)
df = df.groupby('pid').filter(lambda x: np.all(np.isfinite(x.values)) and x.shape[0] > seq_length)
return df
def run_grid(seq_length=16, future_window_size=0):
sao2_low_vals = [95, 90, 80]
heartrate_low_vals = [50, 60, 75]
respiration_low_vals = [5, 10, 15]
systemicmean_low_vals = [65, 75]
heartrate_high_vals = [90, 100, 110]
respiration_high_vals = [20, 30]
systemicmean_high_vals = [110, 130, 150]
derived_dir = 'REDACTED'
grid_file = open('grid_out.txt', 'w')
grid_file.write('resample_time n_hours seq_length future_window_size sao2_low heartrate_low \
respiration_low systemicmean_low heartrate_high respiration_high \
systemicmean_high \
sao2_low_accuracy sao2_low_precision sao2_low_recall \
heartrate_low_accuracy heartrate_low_precision heartrate_low_recall \
respiration_low_accuracy respiration_low_precision respiration_low_recall \
systemicmean_low_accuracy systemicmean_low_precision systemicmean_low_recall \
heartrate_high_accuracy heartrate_high_precision heartrate_high_recall \
respiration_high_accuracy respiration_high_precision respiration_high_recall \
systemicmean_high_accuracy systemicmean_high_precision systemicmean_high_recall\n')
for resample_time in [15, 30]:
print('getting patients')
patients = list(map(int, np.loadtxt(derived_dir + 'cohort_complete_resampled_pats_' + str(resample_time) + 'min.csv')))
data = derived_dir + 'resampled_pats_' + str(resample_time) + 'min.csv'
print('getting data')
df = pd.read_csv(data)
print('subsetting to "complete" patients')
df = df[df.pid.isin(patients)]
for n_hours in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10]:
max_offset = 1.5*(seq_length*resample_time + 60*n_hours) # for good measure
print('subsetting by time')
df = df[df.offset < max_offset]
# drop patients missing any data in this region (this is slow but it's worth it)
print('deleting patients missing data and with too little data')
df = df.groupby('pid').filter(lambda x: np.all(np.isfinite(x.values)) and x.shape[0] > seq_length)
for (sao2_low, heartrate_low, respiration_low, systemicmean_low, heartrate_high, respiration_high, systemicmean_high) in itertools.product(sao2_low_vals, heartrate_low_vals, respiration_low_vals, systemicmean_low_vals, heartrate_high_vals, respiration_high_vals, systemicmean_high_vals):
# restrict
settings = [resample_time, n_hours, seq_length, future_window_size, sao2_low,
heartrate_low, respiration_low, systemicmean_low,
heartrate_high, respiration_high, systemicmean_high]
grid_file.write(' '.join(map(str, settings)) + ' ')
X, Y = get_train_data(df, n_hours, seq_length, resample_time, future_window_size,
sao2_low, heartrate_low, respiration_low, systemicmean_low,
heartrate_high, respiration_high, systemicmean_high)
results = train_model(X, Y)
for accuracy, precision, recall in results:
grid_file.write(str(accuracy) + ' ' + str(precision) + ' ' + str(recall))
return True
def get_labels(df, patient, seq_length, window_size, future_window_size,
sao2_low, heartrate_low, respiration_low, systemicmean_low,
heartrate_high, respiration_high, systemicmean_high):
df_pat = df[df.pid == patient]
if df_pat.shape[0] < seq_length + window_size:
return None
df_pat.set_index('offset', inplace=True)
df_pat_rollmins = df_pat.fillna(1337).rolling(window_size).min()
df_pat_rollmaxs = df_pat.fillna(-1337).rolling(window_size).max()
# get thresholds
low_sao2 = df_pat_rollmins.sao2 < sao2_low
low_heartrate = df_pat_rollmins.heartrate < heartrate_low
low_respiration = df_pat_rollmins.respiration < respiration_low
low_systemicmean = df_pat_rollmins.systemicmean < systemicmean_low
high_heartrate = df_pat_rollmaxs.heartrate > heartrate_high
high_respiration = df_pat_rollmaxs.respiration > respiration_high
high_systemicmean = df_pat_rollmaxs.systemicmean > systemicmean_high
# extremes
df_pat_labels = pd.DataFrame({'low_sao2': low_sao2.values,
'low_heartrate': low_heartrate.values,
'low_respiration': low_respiration.values,
'low_systemicmean': low_systemicmean.values,
'high_heartrate': high_heartrate.values,
'high_respiration': high_respiration.values,
'high_systemicmean': high_systemicmean.values})
# now we need to align it - first move it back to 0 (subtract window_size),
# then shift it forward by future_window_size (when we want to make
# predictions about)
df_pat_labels_aligned = df_pat_labels.shift(-window_size + 1 + future_window_size)
df_pat_labels_aligned.index = df_pat.index
df_pat_withlabels = pd.concat([df_pat, df_pat_labels_aligned], axis=1)
return df_pat_withlabels
def gen_data():
""" just run the whole thing """
df = get_df(resample_time=15, n_hours=1, seq_length=16)
X, Y, pids = get_train_data(df, 1, 16, 15, sao2_low=95, respiration_low=13, respiration_high=25, heartrate_low=70, heartrate_high=100, systemicmean_low=70, systemicmean_high=110)
extreme_heartrate = Y[:, 1] + Y[:, 4]
extreme_respiration = Y[:, 2] + Y[:, 5]
extreme_MAP = Y[:, 3] + Y[:, 6]
Y_OR = np.vstack((extreme_heartrate, extreme_respiration, extreme_MAP)).T
Y_OR = (Y_OR>0)*1
pp = [p for p in pids if not p == -1337]
X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test, pids_train, pids_test = sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split(X, Y, pp, test_size=0.2, stratify=Y)
X_train, X_vali, Y_train, Y_vali, pids_train, pids_vali = sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split(X_train, Y_train, pids_train, test_size=0.25, stratify=Y_train)
Y_columns = ['low_sao2', 'low_heartrate', 'low_respiration', 'low_systemicmean', 'high_heartrate', 'high_respiration', 'high_systemicmean']
data = dict()
data['X_train'] = X_train
data['X_vali'] = X_vali
data['X_test'] = X_test
data['Y_train'] = Y_train
data['Y_vali'] = Y_vali
data['Y_test'] = Y_test
data['pids_train'] = pids_train
data['pids_vali'] = pids_vali
data['pids_test'] = pids_test
data['Y_columns'] = Y_columns
data['Y_ORs'] = Y_OR
np.save('eICU_task_data2.npy', data)
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