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// vim: ts=8 sw=8 noet ai
package perigee
import (
// The UnexpectedResponseCodeError structure represents a mismatch in understanding between server and client in terms of response codes.
// Most often, this is due to an actual error condition (e.g., getting a 404 for a resource when you expect a 200).
// However, it needn't always be the case (e.g., getting a 204 (No Content) response back when a 200 is expected).
type UnexpectedResponseCodeError struct {
Url string
Expected []int
Actual int
Body []byte
func (err *UnexpectedResponseCodeError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Expected HTTP response code %d when accessing URL(%s); got %d instead with the following body:\n%s", err.Expected, err.Url, err.Actual, string(err.Body))
// Request issues an HTTP request, marshaling parameters, and unmarshaling results, as configured in the provided Options parameter.
// The Response structure returned, if any, will include accumulated results recovered from the HTTP server.
// See the Response structure for more details.
func Request(method string, url string, opts Options) (*Response, error) {
var body io.Reader
var response Response
client := opts.CustomClient
if client == nil {
client = new(http.Client)
contentType := opts.ContentType
body = nil
if opts.ReqBody != nil {
if contentType == "" {
contentType = "application/json"
if contentType == "application/json" {
bodyText, err := json.Marshal(opts.ReqBody)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
body = strings.NewReader(string(bodyText))
if opts.DumpReqJson {
log.Printf("Making request:\n%#v\n", string(bodyText))
} else {
// assume opts.ReqBody implements the correct interface
body = opts.ReqBody.(io.Reader)
req, err := http.NewRequest(method, url, body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if contentType != "" {
req.Header.Add("Content-Type", contentType)
if opts.ContentLength > 0 {
req.ContentLength = opts.ContentLength
req.Header.Add("Content-Length", string(opts.ContentLength))
if opts.MoreHeaders != nil {
for k, v := range opts.MoreHeaders {
req.Header.Add(k, v)
if accept := req.Header.Get("Accept"); accept == "" {
accept = opts.Accept
if accept == "" {
accept = "application/json"
req.Header.Add("Accept", accept)
if opts.SetHeaders != nil {
err = opts.SetHeaders(req)
if err != nil {
return &response, err
httpResponse, err := client.Do(req)
if httpResponse != nil {
response.HttpResponse = *httpResponse
response.StatusCode = httpResponse.StatusCode
if err != nil {
return &response, err
// This if-statement is legacy code, preserved for backward compatibility.
if opts.StatusCode != nil {
*opts.StatusCode = httpResponse.StatusCode
acceptableResponseCodes := opts.OkCodes
if len(acceptableResponseCodes) != 0 {
if not_in(httpResponse.StatusCode, acceptableResponseCodes) {
b, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(httpResponse.Body)
return &response, &UnexpectedResponseCodeError{
Url: url,
Expected: acceptableResponseCodes,
Actual: httpResponse.StatusCode,
Body: b,
if opts.Results != nil {
defer httpResponse.Body.Close()
jsonResult, err := ioutil.ReadAll(httpResponse.Body)
response.JsonResult = jsonResult
if err != nil {
return &response, err
err = json.Unmarshal(jsonResult, opts.Results)
// This if-statement is legacy code, preserved for backward compatibility.
if opts.ResponseJson != nil {
*opts.ResponseJson = jsonResult
return &response, err
// not_in returns false if, and only if, the provided needle is _not_
// in the given set of integers.
func not_in(needle int, haystack []int) bool {
for _, straw := range haystack {
if needle == straw {
return false
return true
// Post makes a POST request against a server using the provided HTTP client.
// The url must be a fully-formed URL string.
// DEPRECATED. Use Request() instead.
func Post(url string, opts Options) error {
r, err := Request("POST", url, opts)
if opts.Response != nil {
*opts.Response = r
return err
// Get makes a GET request against a server using the provided HTTP client.
// The url must be a fully-formed URL string.
// DEPRECATED. Use Request() instead.
func Get(url string, opts Options) error {
r, err := Request("GET", url, opts)
if opts.Response != nil {
*opts.Response = r
return err
// Delete makes a DELETE request against a server using the provided HTTP client.
// The url must be a fully-formed URL string.
// DEPRECATED. Use Request() instead.
func Delete(url string, opts Options) error {
r, err := Request("DELETE", url, opts)
if opts.Response != nil {
*opts.Response = r
return err
// Put makes a PUT request against a server using the provided HTTP client.
// The url must be a fully-formed URL string.
// DEPRECATED. Use Request() instead.
func Put(url string, opts Options) error {
r, err := Request("PUT", url, opts)
if opts.Response != nil {
*opts.Response = r
return err
// Options describes a set of optional parameters to the various request calls.
// The custom client can be used for a variety of purposes beyond selecting encrypted versus unencrypted channels.
// Transports can be defined to provide augmented logging, header manipulation, et. al.
// If the ReqBody field is provided, it will be embedded as a JSON object.
// Otherwise, provide nil.
// If JSON output is to be expected from the response,
// provide either a pointer to the container structure in Results,
// or a pointer to a nil-initialized pointer variable.
// The latter method will cause the unmarshaller to allocate the container type for you.
// If no response is expected, provide a nil Results value.
// The MoreHeaders map, if non-nil or empty, provides a set of headers to add to those
// already present in the request. At present, only Accepted and Content-Type are set
// by default.
// OkCodes provides a set of acceptable, positive responses.
// If provided, StatusCode specifies a pointer to an integer, which will receive the
// returned HTTP status code, successful or not. DEPRECATED; use the Response.StatusCode field instead for new software.
// ResponseJson, if specified, provides a means for returning the raw JSON. This is
// most useful for diagnostics. DEPRECATED; use the Response.JsonResult field instead for new software.
// DumpReqJson, if set to true, will cause the request to appear to stdout for debugging purposes.
// This attribute may be removed at any time in the future; DO NOT use this attribute in production software.
// Response, if set, provides a way to communicate the complete set of HTTP response, raw JSON, status code, and
// other useful attributes back to the caller. Note that the Request() method returns a Response structure as part
// of its public interface; you don't need to set the Response field here to use this structure. The Response field
// exists primarily for legacy or deprecated functions.
// SetHeaders allows the caller to provide code to set any custom headers programmatically. Typically, this
// facility can invoke, e.g., SetBasicAuth() on the request to easily set up authentication.
// Any error generated will terminate the request and will propegate back to the caller.
type Options struct {
CustomClient *http.Client
ReqBody interface{}
Results interface{}
MoreHeaders map[string]string
OkCodes []int
StatusCode *int `DEPRECATED`
DumpReqJson bool `UNSUPPORTED`
ResponseJson *[]byte `DEPRECATED`
Response **Response
ContentType string `json:"Content-Type,omitempty"`
ContentLength int64 `json:"Content-Length,omitempty"`
Accept string `json:"Accept,omitempty"`
SetHeaders func(r *http.Request) error
// Response contains return values from the various request calls.
// HttpResponse will return the http response from the request call.
// Note: HttpResponse.Body is always closed and will not be available from this return value.
// StatusCode specifies the returned HTTP status code, successful or not.
// If Results is specified in the Options:
// - JsonResult will contain the raw return from the request call
// This is most useful for diagnostics.
// - Result will contain the unmarshalled json either in the Result passed in
// or the unmarshaller will allocate the container type for you.
type Response struct {
HttpResponse http.Response
JsonResult []byte
Results interface{}
StatusCode int
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