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resthandler.go 12.09 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package apiserver
import (
gpath "path"
// ContextFunc returns a Context given a request - a context must be returned
type ContextFunc func(req *restful.Request) api.Context
// ScopeNamer handles accessing names from requests and objects
type ScopeNamer interface {
// Namespace returns the appropriate namespace value from the request (may be empty) or an
// error.
Namespace(req *restful.Request) (namespace string, err error)
// Name returns the name from the request, and an optional namespace value if this is a namespace
// scoped call. An error is returned if the name is not available.
Name(req *restful.Request) (namespace, name string, err error)
// ObjectName returns the namespace and name from an object if they exist, or an error if the object
// does not support names.
ObjectName(obj runtime.Object) (namespace, name string, err error)
// SetSelfLink sets the provided URL onto the object. The method should return nil if the object
// does not support selfLinks.
SetSelfLink(obj runtime.Object, url string) error
// GenerateLink creates a path and query for a given runtime object that represents the canonical path.
GenerateLink(req *restful.Request, obj runtime.Object) (path, query string, err error)
// GenerateLink creates a path and query for a list that represents the canonical path.
GenerateListLink(req *restful.Request) (path, query string, err error)
// GetResource returns a function that handles retrieving a single resource from a RESTStorage object.
func GetResource(r RESTGetter, ctxFn ContextFunc, namer ScopeNamer, codec runtime.Codec) restful.RouteFunction {
return func(req *restful.Request, res *restful.Response) {
w := res.ResponseWriter
namespace, name, err := namer.Name(req)
if err != nil {
notFound(w, req.Request)
ctx := ctxFn(req)
ctx = api.WithNamespace(ctx, namespace)
result, err := r.Get(ctx, name)
if err != nil {
errorJSON(err, codec, w)
if err := setSelfLink(result, req, namer); err != nil {
errorJSON(err, codec, w)
writeJSON(http.StatusOK, codec, result, w)
func parseSelectorQueryParams(query url.Values, version, apiResource string) (label, field labels.Selector, err error) {
label, err = labels.ParseSelector(query.Get("labels"))
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
convertToInternalVersionFunc := func(label, value string) (newLabel, newValue string, err error) {
return api.Scheme.ConvertFieldLabel(version, apiResource, label, value)
field, err = labels.ParseAndTransformSelector(query.Get("fields"), convertToInternalVersionFunc)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return label, field, nil
// ListResource returns a function that handles retrieving a list of resources from a RESTStorage object.
func ListResource(r RESTLister, ctxFn ContextFunc, namer ScopeNamer, codec runtime.Codec, requestInfoResolver *APIRequestInfoResolver) restful.RouteFunction {
return func(req *restful.Request, res *restful.Response) {
w := res.ResponseWriter
namespace, err := namer.Namespace(req)
if err != nil {
notFound(w, req.Request)
ctx := ctxFn(req)
ctx = api.WithNamespace(ctx, namespace)
requestInfo, err := requestInfoResolver.GetAPIRequestInfo(req.Request)
if err != nil {
errorJSON(err, codec, w)
label, field, err := parseSelectorQueryParams(req.Request.URL.Query(), requestInfo.APIVersion, requestInfo.Resource)
if err != nil {
errorJSON(err, codec, w)
result, err := r.List(ctx, label, field)
if err != nil {
errorJSON(err, codec, w)
if err := setListSelfLink(result, req, namer); err != nil {
errorJSON(err, codec, w)
writeJSON(http.StatusOK, codec, result, w)
// CreateResource returns a function that will handle a resource creation.
func CreateResource(r RESTCreater, ctxFn ContextFunc, namer ScopeNamer, codec runtime.Codec, resource string, admit admission.Interface) restful.RouteFunction {
return func(req *restful.Request, res *restful.Response) {
w := res.ResponseWriter
// TODO: we either want to remove timeout or document it (if we document, move timeout out of this function and declare it in api_installer)
timeout := parseTimeout(req.Request.URL.Query().Get("timeout"))
namespace, err := namer.Namespace(req)
if err != nil {
notFound(w, req.Request)
ctx := ctxFn(req)
ctx = api.WithNamespace(ctx, namespace)
body, err := readBody(req.Request)
if err != nil {
errorJSON(err, codec, w)
obj := r.New()
if err := codec.DecodeInto(body, obj); err != nil {
errorJSON(err, codec, w)
err = admit.Admit(admission.NewAttributesRecord(obj, namespace, resource, "CREATE"))
if err != nil {
errorJSON(err, codec, w)
result, err := finishRequest(timeout, func() (runtime.Object, error) {
out, err := r.Create(ctx, obj)
if status, ok := out.(*api.Status); ok && err == nil && status.Code == 0 {
status.Code = http.StatusCreated
return out, err
if err != nil {
errorJSON(err, codec, w)
if err := setSelfLink(result, req, namer); err != nil {
errorJSON(err, codec, w)
writeJSON(http.StatusCreated, codec, result, w)
// UpdateResource returns a function that will handle a resource update
func UpdateResource(r RESTUpdater, ctxFn ContextFunc, namer ScopeNamer, codec runtime.Codec, resource string, admit admission.Interface) restful.RouteFunction {
return func(req *restful.Request, res *restful.Response) {
w := res.ResponseWriter
// TODO: we either want to remove timeout or document it (if we document, move timeout out of this function and declare it in api_installer)
timeout := parseTimeout(req.Request.URL.Query().Get("timeout"))
namespace, name, err := namer.Name(req)
if err != nil {
notFound(w, req.Request)
ctx := ctxFn(req)
ctx = api.WithNamespace(ctx, namespace)
body, err := readBody(req.Request)
if err != nil {
errorJSON(err, codec, w)
obj := r.New()
if err := codec.DecodeInto(body, obj); err != nil {
errorJSON(err, codec, w)
// check the provided name against the request
if objNamespace, objName, err := namer.ObjectName(obj); err == nil {
if objName != name {
errorJSON(errors.NewBadRequest("the name of the object does not match the name on the URL"), codec, w)
if len(namespace) > 0 {
if len(objNamespace) > 0 && objNamespace != namespace {
errorJSON(errors.NewBadRequest("the namespace of the object does not match the namespace on the request"), codec, w)
err = admit.Admit(admission.NewAttributesRecord(obj, namespace, resource, "UPDATE"))
if err != nil {
errorJSON(err, codec, w)
wasCreated := false
result, err := finishRequest(timeout, func() (runtime.Object, error) {
obj, created, err := r.Update(ctx, obj)
wasCreated = created
return obj, err
if err != nil {
errorJSON(err, codec, w)
if err := setSelfLink(result, req, namer); err != nil {
errorJSON(err, codec, w)
status := http.StatusOK
if wasCreated {
status = http.StatusCreated
writeJSON(status, codec, result, w)
// DeleteResource returns a function that will handle a resource deletion
func DeleteResource(r RESTDeleter, ctxFn ContextFunc, namer ScopeNamer, codec runtime.Codec, resource, kind string, admit admission.Interface) restful.RouteFunction {
return func(req *restful.Request, res *restful.Response) {
w := res.ResponseWriter
// TODO: we either want to remove timeout or document it (if we document, move timeout out of this function and declare it in api_installer)
timeout := parseTimeout(req.Request.URL.Query().Get("timeout"))
namespace, name, err := namer.Name(req)
if err != nil {
notFound(w, req.Request)
ctx := ctxFn(req)
if len(namespace) > 0 {
ctx = api.WithNamespace(ctx, namespace)
err = admit.Admit(admission.NewAttributesRecord(nil, namespace, resource, "DELETE"))
if err != nil {
errorJSON(err, codec, w)
result, err := finishRequest(timeout, func() (runtime.Object, error) {
return r.Delete(ctx, name)
if err != nil {
errorJSON(err, codec, w)
// if the RESTDeleter returns a nil object, fill out a status. Callers may return a valid
// object with the response.
if result == nil {
result = &api.Status{
Status: api.StatusSuccess,
Code: http.StatusOK,
Details: &api.StatusDetails{
ID: name,
Kind: kind,
} else {
// when a non-status response is returned, set the self link
if _, ok := result.(*api.Status); !ok {
if err := setSelfLink(result, req, namer); err != nil {
errorJSON(err, codec, w)
writeJSON(http.StatusOK, codec, result, w)
// resultFunc is a function that returns a rest result and can be run in a goroutine
type resultFunc func() (runtime.Object, error)
// finishRequest makes a given resultFunc asynchronous and handles errors returned by the response.
// Any api.Status object returned is considered an "error", which interrupts the normal response flow.
func finishRequest(timeout time.Duration, fn resultFunc) (result runtime.Object, err error) {
ch := make(chan runtime.Object)
errCh := make(chan error)
go func() {
if result, err := fn(); err != nil {
errCh <- err
} else {
ch <- result
select {
case result = <-ch:
if status, ok := result.(*api.Status); ok {
return nil, errors.FromObject(status)
return result, nil
case err = <-errCh:
return nil, err
case <-time.After(timeout):
return nil, errors.NewTimeoutError("request did not complete within allowed duration")
// setSelfLink sets the self link of an object (or the child items in a list) to the base URL of the request
// plus the path and query generated by the provided linkFunc
func setSelfLink(obj runtime.Object, req *restful.Request, namer ScopeNamer) error {
// TODO: SelfLink generation should return a full URL?
path, query, err := namer.GenerateLink(req, obj)
if err == errEmptyName {
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
newURL := *req.Request.URL
// use only canonical paths
newURL.Path = gpath.Clean(path)
newURL.RawQuery = query
newURL.Fragment = ""
return namer.SetSelfLink(obj, newURL.String())
// setListSelfLink sets the self link of a list to the base URL, then sets the self links
// on all child objects returned.
func setListSelfLink(obj runtime.Object, req *restful.Request, namer ScopeNamer) error {
if !runtime.IsListType(obj) {
return nil
// TODO: List SelfLink generation should return a full URL?
path, query, err := namer.GenerateListLink(req)
if err != nil {
return err
newURL := *req.Request.URL
newURL.Path = path
newURL.RawQuery = query
// use the path that got us here
newURL.Fragment = ""
if err := namer.SetSelfLink(obj, newURL.String()); err != nil {
glog.V(4).Infof("Unable to set self link on object: %v", err)
// Set self-link of objects in the list.
items, err := runtime.ExtractList(obj)
if err != nil {
return err
for i := range items {
if err := setSelfLink(items[i], req, namer); err != nil {
return err
return runtime.SetList(obj, items)
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