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Victor Marmol 提交于 2015-03-09 17:53 . Update cAdvisor godep.
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Handler for Docker containers.
package docker
import (
cgroup_fs "github.com/docker/libcontainer/cgroups/fs"
containerLibcontainer "github.com/google/cadvisor/container/libcontainer"
info "github.com/google/cadvisor/info/v1"
// Relative path from Docker root to the libcontainer per-container state.
const pathToLibcontainerState = "execdriver/native"
// Path to aufs dir where all the files exist.
// aufs/layers is ignored here since it does not hold a lot of data.
// aufs/mnt contains the mount points used to compose the rootfs. Hence it is also ignored.
var pathToAufsDir = "aufs/diff"
type dockerContainerHandler struct {
client *docker.Client
name string
id string
aliases []string
machineInfoFactory info.MachineInfoFactory
// Path to the libcontainer config file.
libcontainerConfigPath string
// Path to the libcontainer state file.
libcontainerStatePath string
// TODO(vmarmol): Remove when we depend on a newer Docker.
// Path to the libcontainer pid file.
libcontainerPidPath string
// Absolute path to the cgroup hierarchies of this container.
// (e.g.: "cpu" -> "/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/test")
cgroupPaths map[string]string
cgroup cgroups.Cgroup
usesAufsDriver bool
fsInfo fs.FsInfo
storageDirs []string
// Time at which this container was created.
creationTime time.Time
func DockerStateDir() string {
return path.Join(*dockerRootDir, pathToLibcontainerState)
func newDockerContainerHandler(
client *docker.Client,
name string,
machineInfoFactory info.MachineInfoFactory,
fsInfo fs.FsInfo,
dockerRootDir string,
usesAufsDriver bool,
cgroupSubsystems *containerLibcontainer.CgroupSubsystems,
) (container.ContainerHandler, error) {
// Create the cgroup paths.
cgroupPaths := make(map[string]string, len(cgroupSubsystems.MountPoints))
for key, val := range cgroupSubsystems.MountPoints {
cgroupPaths[key] = path.Join(val, name)
id := ContainerNameToDockerId(name)
stateDir := DockerStateDir()
handler := &dockerContainerHandler{
id: id,
client: client,
name: name,
machineInfoFactory: machineInfoFactory,
libcontainerConfigPath: path.Join(stateDir, id, "container.json"),
libcontainerStatePath: path.Join(stateDir, id, "state.json"),
libcontainerPidPath: path.Join(stateDir, id, "pid"),
cgroupPaths: cgroupPaths,
cgroup: cgroups.Cgroup{
Parent: "/",
Name: name,
usesAufsDriver: usesAufsDriver,
fsInfo: fsInfo,
handler.storageDirs = append(handler.storageDirs, path.Join(dockerRootDir, pathToAufsDir, id))
// We assume that if Inspect fails then the container is not known to docker.
ctnr, err := client.InspectContainer(id)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to inspect container %q: %v", id, err)
handler.creationTime = ctnr.Created
// Add the name and bare ID as aliases of the container.
handler.aliases = append(handler.aliases, strings.TrimPrefix(ctnr.Name, "/"))
handler.aliases = append(handler.aliases, id)
return handler, nil
func (self *dockerContainerHandler) ContainerReference() (info.ContainerReference, error) {
return info.ContainerReference{
Name: self.name,
Aliases: self.aliases,
Namespace: DockerNamespace,
}, nil
// TODO(vmarmol): Switch to getting this from libcontainer once we have a solid API.
func (self *dockerContainerHandler) readLibcontainerConfig() (*libcontainer.Config, error) {
out, err := ioutil.ReadFile(self.libcontainerConfigPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read libcontainer config from %q: %v", self.libcontainerConfigPath, err)
var config libcontainer.Config
err = json.Unmarshal(out, &config)
if err != nil {
// TODO(vmarmol): Remove this once it becomes the standard.
// Try to parse the old config. The main difference is that namespaces used to be a map, now it is a slice of structs.
// The JSON marshaler will use the non-nested field before the nested one.
type oldLibcontainerConfig struct {
OldNamespaces map[string]bool `json:"namespaces,omitempty"`
var oldConfig oldLibcontainerConfig
err2 := json.Unmarshal(out, &oldConfig)
if err2 != nil {
// Use original error.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse libcontainer config at %q: %v", self.libcontainerConfigPath, err)
// Translate the old config into the new config.
config = oldConfig.Config
for ns := range oldConfig.OldNamespaces {
config.Namespaces = append(config.Namespaces, libcontainer.Namespace{
Type: libcontainer.NamespaceType(ns),
// Replace cgroup parent and name with our own since we may be running in a different context.
config.Cgroups.Name = self.cgroup.Name
config.Cgroups.Parent = self.cgroup.Parent
return &config, nil
func (self *dockerContainerHandler) readLibcontainerState() (state *libcontainer.State, err error) {
// TODO(vmarmol): Remove this once we can depend on a newer Docker.
// Libcontainer changed how its state was stored, try the old way of a "pid" file
if !utils.FileExists(self.libcontainerStatePath) {
if utils.FileExists(self.libcontainerPidPath) {
// We don't need the old state, return an empty state and we'll gracefully degrade.
return &libcontainer.State{}, nil
f, err := os.Open(self.libcontainerStatePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to open %s - %s\n", self.libcontainerStatePath, err)
defer f.Close()
d := json.NewDecoder(f)
retState := new(libcontainer.State)
err = d.Decode(retState)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse libcontainer state at %q: %v", self.libcontainerStatePath, err)
state = retState
// Create cgroup paths if they don't exist. This is since older Docker clients don't write it.
if len(state.CgroupPaths) == 0 {
state.CgroupPaths = self.cgroupPaths
func libcontainerConfigToContainerSpec(config *libcontainer.Config, mi *info.MachineInfo) info.ContainerSpec {
var spec info.ContainerSpec
spec.HasMemory = true
spec.Memory.Limit = math.MaxUint64
spec.Memory.SwapLimit = math.MaxUint64
if config.Cgroups.Memory > 0 {
spec.Memory.Limit = uint64(config.Cgroups.Memory)
if config.Cgroups.MemorySwap > 0 {
spec.Memory.SwapLimit = uint64(config.Cgroups.MemorySwap)
// Get CPU info
spec.HasCpu = true
spec.Cpu.Limit = 1024
if config.Cgroups.CpuShares != 0 {
spec.Cpu.Limit = uint64(config.Cgroups.CpuShares)
spec.Cpu.Mask = utils.FixCpuMask(config.Cgroups.CpusetCpus, mi.NumCores)
spec.HasNetwork = true
spec.HasDiskIo = true
return spec
func (self *dockerContainerHandler) GetSpec() (info.ContainerSpec, error) {
mi, err := self.machineInfoFactory.GetMachineInfo()
if err != nil {
return info.ContainerSpec{}, err
libcontainerConfig, err := self.readLibcontainerConfig()
if err != nil {
return info.ContainerSpec{}, err
spec := libcontainerConfigToContainerSpec(libcontainerConfig, mi)
spec.CreationTime = self.creationTime
if self.usesAufsDriver {
spec.HasFilesystem = true
return spec, err
func (self *dockerContainerHandler) getFsStats(stats *info.ContainerStats) error {
// No support for non-aufs storage drivers.
if !self.usesAufsDriver {
return nil
// As of now we assume that all the storage dirs are on the same device.
// The first storage dir will be that of the image layers.
deviceInfo, err := self.fsInfo.GetDirFsDevice(self.storageDirs[0])
if err != nil {
return err
mi, err := self.machineInfoFactory.GetMachineInfo()
if err != nil {
return err
var limit uint64 = 0
// Docker does not impose any filesystem limits for containers. So use capacity as limit.
for _, fs := range mi.Filesystems {
if fs.Device == deviceInfo.Device {
limit = fs.Capacity
fsStat := info.FsStats{Device: deviceInfo.Device, Limit: limit}
var usage uint64 = 0
for _, dir := range self.storageDirs {
// TODO(Vishh): Add support for external mounts.
dirUsage, err := self.fsInfo.GetDirUsage(dir)
if err != nil {
return err
usage += dirUsage
fsStat.Usage = usage
stats.Filesystem = append(stats.Filesystem, fsStat)
return nil
func (self *dockerContainerHandler) GetStats() (stats *info.ContainerStats, err error) {
state, err := self.readLibcontainerState()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
stats, err = containerLibcontainer.GetStats(self.cgroupPaths, state)
if err != nil {
return stats, err
err = self.getFsStats(stats)
if err != nil {
return stats, err
return stats, nil
func (self *dockerContainerHandler) ListContainers(listType container.ListType) ([]info.ContainerReference, error) {
if self.name != "/docker" {
return []info.ContainerReference{}, nil
opt := docker.ListContainersOptions{
All: true,
containers, err := self.client.ListContainers(opt)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := make([]info.ContainerReference, 0, len(containers)+1)
for _, c := range containers {
if !strings.HasPrefix(c.Status, "Up ") {
ref := info.ContainerReference{
Name: FullContainerName(c.ID),
Aliases: append(c.Names, c.ID),
Namespace: DockerNamespace,
ret = append(ret, ref)
return ret, nil
func (self *dockerContainerHandler) GetCgroupPath(resource string) (string, error) {
path, ok := self.cgroupPaths[resource]
if !ok {
return "", fmt.Errorf("could not find path for resource %q for container %q\n", resource, self.name)
return path, nil
func (self *dockerContainerHandler) ListThreads(listType container.ListType) ([]int, error) {
return nil, nil
func (self *dockerContainerHandler) ListProcesses(listType container.ListType) ([]int, error) {
return cgroup_fs.GetPids(&self.cgroup)
func (self *dockerContainerHandler) WatchSubcontainers(events chan container.SubcontainerEvent) error {
return fmt.Errorf("watch is unimplemented in the Docker container driver")
func (self *dockerContainerHandler) StopWatchingSubcontainers() error {
// No-op for Docker driver.
return nil
func (self *dockerContainerHandler) Exists() bool {
// We consider the container existing if both libcontainer config and state files exist.
return utils.FileExists(self.libcontainerConfigPath) && utils.FileExists(self.libcontainerStatePath)
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