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container.go 5.05 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package v2
import (
// TODO(rjnagal): Remove dependency after moving all stats structs from v1.
// using v1 now for easy conversion.
const (
TypeName = "name"
TypeDocker = "docker"
type CpuSpec struct {
// Requested cpu shares. Default is 1024.
Limit uint64 `json:"limit"`
// Requested cpu hard limit. Default is unlimited (0).
// Units: milli-cpus.
MaxLimit uint64 `json:"max_limit"`
// Cpu affinity mask.
// TODO(rjnagal): Add a library to convert mask string to set of cpu bitmask.
Mask string `json:"mask,omitempty"`
type MemorySpec struct {
// The amount of memory requested. Default is unlimited (-1).
// Units: bytes.
Limit uint64 `json:"limit,omitempty"`
// The amount of guaranteed memory. Default is 0.
// Units: bytes.
Reservation uint64 `json:"reservation,omitempty"`
// The amount of swap space requested. Default is unlimited (-1).
// Units: bytes.
SwapLimit uint64 `json:"swap_limit,omitempty"`
type ContainerSpec struct {
// Time at which the container was created.
CreationTime time.Time `json:"creation_time,omitempty"`
// Other names by which the container is known within a certain namespace.
// This is unique within that namespace.
Aliases []string `json:"aliases,omitempty"`
// Namespace under which the aliases of a container are unique.
// An example of a namespace is "docker" for Docker containers.
Namespace string `json:"namespace,omitempty"`
HasCpu bool `json:"has_cpu"`
Cpu CpuSpec `json:"cpu,omitempty"`
HasMemory bool `json:"has_memory"`
Memory MemorySpec `json:"memory,omitempty"`
type ContainerStats struct {
// The time of this stat point.
Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"`
// CPU statistics
HasCpu bool `json:"has_cpu"`
Cpu v1.CpuStats `json:"cpu,omitempty"`
// Disk IO statistics
HasDiskIo bool `json:"has_diskio"`
DiskIo v1.DiskIoStats `json:"diskio,omitempty"`
// Memory statistics
HasMemory bool `json:"has_memory"`
Memory v1.MemoryStats `json:"memory,omitempty"`
// Network statistics
HasNetwork bool `json:"has_network"`
Network []v1.NetworkStats `json:"network,omitempty"`
// Filesystem statistics
HasFilesystem bool `json:"has_filesystem"`
Filesystem []v1.FsStats `json:"filesystem,omitempty"`
// Task load statistics
HasLoad bool `json:"has_load"`
Load v1.LoadStats `json:"load_stats,omitempty"`
type Percentiles struct {
// Indicates whether the stats are present or not.
// If true, values below do not have any data.
Present bool `json:"present"`
// Average over the collected sample.
Mean uint64 `json:"mean"`
// Max seen over the collected sample.
Max uint64 `json:"max"`
// 90th percentile over the collected sample.
Ninety uint64 `json:"ninety"`
type Usage struct {
// Indicates amount of data available [0-100].
// If we have data for half a day, we'll still process DayUsage,
// but set PercentComplete to 50.
PercentComplete int32 `json:"percent_complete"`
// Mean, Max, and 90p cpu rate value in milliCpus/seconds. Converted to milliCpus to avoid floats.
Cpu Percentiles `json:"cpu"`
// Mean, Max, and 90p memory size in bytes.
Memory Percentiles `json:"memory"`
// latest sample collected for a container.
type InstantUsage struct {
// cpu rate in cpu milliseconds/second.
Cpu uint64 `json:"cpu"`
// Memory usage in bytes.
Memory uint64 `json:"memory"`
type DerivedStats struct {
// Time of generation of these stats.
Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"`
// Latest instantaneous sample.
LatestUsage InstantUsage `json:"latest_usage"`
// Percentiles in last observed minute.
MinuteUsage Usage `json:"minute_usage"`
// Percentile in last hour.
HourUsage Usage `json:"hour_usage"`
// Percentile in last day.
DayUsage Usage `json:"day_usage"`
type FsInfo struct {
// The block device name associated with the filesystem.
Device string `json:"device"`
// Path where the filesystem is mounted.
Mountpoint string `json:"mountpoint"`
// Filesystem usage in bytes.
Capacity uint64 `json:"capacity"`
// Number of bytes used on this filesystem.
Usage uint64 `json:"usage"`
// Labels associated with this filesystem.
Labels []string `json:"labels"`
type RequestOptions struct {
// Type of container identifier specified - "name", "dockerid", dockeralias"
IdType string `json:"type"`
// Number of stats to return
Count int `json:"count"`
// Whether to include stats for child subcontainers.
Recursive bool `json:"recursive"`
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