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probe.go 8.02 KB
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Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package kubelet
import (
kubecontainer "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/container"
execprobe "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/pkg/probe/exec"
httprobe "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/pkg/probe/http"
tcprobe "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/pkg/probe/tcp"
const maxProbeRetries = 3
// prober helps to check the liveness/readiness of a container.
type prober struct {
exec execprobe.ExecProber
http httprobe.HTTPProber
tcp tcprobe.TCPProber
runner dockertools.ContainerCommandRunner
readinessManager *kubecontainer.ReadinessManager
refManager *kubecontainer.RefManager
recorder record.EventRecorder
// NewProber creates a Prober, it takes a command runner and
// several container info managers.
func newProber(
runner dockertools.ContainerCommandRunner,
readinessManager *kubecontainer.ReadinessManager,
refManager *kubecontainer.RefManager,
recorder record.EventRecorder) kubecontainer.Prober {
return &prober{
exec: execprobe.New(),
http: httprobe.New(),
tcp: tcprobe.New(),
runner: runner,
readinessManager: readinessManager,
refManager: refManager,
recorder: recorder,
// Probe checks the liveness/readiness of the given container.
// If the container's liveness probe is unsuccessful, set readiness to false.
// If liveness is successful, do a readiness check and set readiness accordingly.
func (pb *prober) Probe(pod *api.Pod, status api.PodStatus, container api.Container, containerID string, createdAt int64) (probe.Result, error) {
// Probe liveness.
live, err := pb.probeLiveness(pod, status, container, containerID, createdAt)
if err != nil {
glog.V(1).Infof("Liveness probe errored: %v", err)
pb.readinessManager.SetReadiness(containerID, false)
return probe.Unknown, err
if live != probe.Success {
glog.V(1).Infof("Liveness probe unsuccessful: %v", live)
pb.readinessManager.SetReadiness(containerID, false)
return live, nil
// Probe readiness.
ready, err := pb.probeReadiness(pod, status, container, containerID, createdAt)
if err == nil && ready == probe.Success {
glog.V(3).Infof("Readiness probe successful: %v", ready)
pb.readinessManager.SetReadiness(containerID, true)
return probe.Success, nil
glog.V(1).Infof("Readiness probe failed/errored: %v, %v", ready, err)
pb.readinessManager.SetReadiness(containerID, false)
ref, ok := pb.refManager.GetRef(containerID)
if !ok {
glog.Warningf("No ref for pod '%v' - '%v'", containerID, container.Name)
return probe.Success, err
if ready != probe.Success {
pb.recorder.Eventf(ref, "unhealthy", "Readiness Probe Failed %v - %v", containerID, container.Name)
return probe.Success, nil
// probeLiveness probes the liveness of a container.
// If the initalDelay since container creation on liveness probe has not passed the probe will return probe.Success.
func (pb *prober) probeLiveness(pod *api.Pod, status api.PodStatus, container api.Container, containerID string, createdAt int64) (probe.Result, error) {
p := container.LivenessProbe
if p == nil {
return probe.Success, nil
if time.Now().Unix()-createdAt < p.InitialDelaySeconds {
return probe.Success, nil
return pb.runProbeWithRetries(p, pod, status, container, containerID, maxProbeRetries)
// probeReadiness probes the readiness of a container.
// If the initial delay on the readiness probe has not passed the probe will return probe.Failure.
func (pb *prober) probeReadiness(pod *api.Pod, status api.PodStatus, container api.Container, containerID string, createdAt int64) (probe.Result, error) {
p := container.ReadinessProbe
if p == nil {
return probe.Success, nil
if time.Now().Unix()-createdAt < p.InitialDelaySeconds {
return probe.Failure, nil
return pb.runProbeWithRetries(p, pod, status, container, containerID, maxProbeRetries)
// runProbeWithRetries tries to probe the container in a finite loop, it returns the last result
// if it never succeeds.
func (pb *prober) runProbeWithRetries(p *api.Probe, pod *api.Pod, status api.PodStatus, container api.Container, containerID string, retires int) (probe.Result, error) {
var err error
var result probe.Result
for i := 0; i < retires; i++ {
result, err = pb.runProbe(p, pod, status, container, containerID)
if result == probe.Success {
return probe.Success, nil
return result, err
func (pb *prober) runProbe(p *api.Probe, pod *api.Pod, status api.PodStatus, container api.Container, containerID string) (probe.Result, error) {
timeout := time.Duration(p.TimeoutSeconds) * time.Second
if p.Exec != nil {
glog.V(4).Infof("Exec-Probe Pod: %v, Container: %v", pod, container)
return pb.exec.Probe(pb.newExecInContainer(pod, container, containerID))
if p.HTTPGet != nil {
port, err := extractPort(p.HTTPGet.Port, container)
if err != nil {
return probe.Unknown, err
host, port, path := extractGetParams(p.HTTPGet, status, port)
glog.V(4).Infof("HTTP-Probe Host: %v, Port: %v, Path: %v", host, port, path)
return pb.http.Probe(host, port, path, timeout)
if p.TCPSocket != nil {
port, err := extractPort(p.TCPSocket.Port, container)
if err != nil {
return probe.Unknown, err
glog.V(4).Infof("TCP-Probe PodIP: %v, Port: %v, Timeout: %v", status.PodIP, port, timeout)
return pb.tcp.Probe(status.PodIP, port, timeout)
glog.Warningf("Failed to find probe builder for %s %+v", container.Name, container.LivenessProbe)
return probe.Unknown, nil
func extractGetParams(action *api.HTTPGetAction, status api.PodStatus, port int) (string, int, string) {
host := action.Host
if host == "" {
host = status.PodIP
return host, port, action.Path
func extractPort(param util.IntOrString, container api.Container) (int, error) {
port := -1
var err error
switch param.Kind {
case util.IntstrInt:
port := param.IntVal
if port > 0 && port < 65536 {
return port, nil
return port, fmt.Errorf("invalid port number: %v", port)
case util.IntstrString:
port = findPortByName(container, param.StrVal)
if port == -1 {
// Last ditch effort - maybe it was an int stored as string?
if port, err = strconv.Atoi(param.StrVal); err != nil {
return port, err
if port > 0 && port < 65536 {
return port, nil
return port, fmt.Errorf("invalid port number: %v", port)
return port, fmt.Errorf("IntOrString had no kind: %+v", param)
// findPortByName is a helper function to look up a port in a container by name.
// Returns the HostPort if found, -1 if not found.
func findPortByName(container api.Container, portName string) int {
for _, port := range container.Ports {
if port.Name == portName {
return port.HostPort
return -1
type execInContainer struct {
run func() ([]byte, error)
func (p *prober) newExecInContainer(pod *api.Pod, container api.Container, containerID string) exec.Cmd {
return execInContainer{func() ([]byte, error) {
return p.runner.RunInContainer(containerID, container.LivenessProbe.Exec.Command)
func (eic execInContainer) CombinedOutput() ([]byte, error) {
return eic.run()
func (eic execInContainer) SetDir(dir string) {
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