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shared_credentials_provider.go 3.47 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Adam Sunderland 提交于 2015-05-14 14:33 . Update Godeps
package credentials
import (
var (
// ErrSharedCredentialsHomeNotFound is emitted when the user directory cannot be found.
ErrSharedCredentialsHomeNotFound = fmt.Errorf("User home directory not found.")
// A SharedCredentialsProvider retrieves credentials from the current user's home
// directory, and keeps track if those credentials are expired.
// Profile ini file example: $HOME/.aws/credentials
type SharedCredentialsProvider struct {
// Path to the shared credentials file. If empty will default to current user's
// home directory.
Filename string
// AWS Profile to extract credentials from the shared credentials file. If empty
// will default to environment variable "AWS_PROFILE" or "default" if
// environment variable is also not set.
Profile string
// retrieved states if the credentials have been successfully retrieved.
retrieved bool
// NewSharedCredentials returns a pointer to a new Credentials object
// wrapping the Profile file provider.
func NewSharedCredentials(filename, profile string) *Credentials {
return NewCredentials(&SharedCredentialsProvider{
Filename: filename,
Profile: profile,
// Retrieve reads and extracts the shared credentials from the current
// users home directory.
func (p *SharedCredentialsProvider) Retrieve() (Value, error) {
p.retrieved = false
filename, err := p.filename()
if err != nil {
return Value{}, err
creds, err := loadProfile(filename, p.profile())
if err != nil {
return Value{}, err
p.retrieved = true
return creds, nil
// IsExpired returns if the shared credentials have expired.
func (p *SharedCredentialsProvider) IsExpired() bool {
return !p.retrieved
// loadProfiles loads from the file pointed to by shared credentials filename for profile.
// The credentials retrieved from the profile will be returned or error. Error will be
// returned if it fails to read from the file, or the data is invalid.
func loadProfile(filename, profile string) (Value, error) {
config, err := ini.LoadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return Value{}, err
iniProfile := config.Section(profile)
id, ok := iniProfile["aws_access_key_id"]
if !ok {
return Value{}, fmt.Errorf("shared credentials %s in %s did not contain aws_access_key_id", profile, filename)
secret, ok := iniProfile["aws_secret_access_key"]
if !ok {
return Value{}, fmt.Errorf("shared credentials %s in %s did not contain aws_secret_access_key", profile, filename)
token := iniProfile["aws_session_token"]
return Value{
AccessKeyID: id,
SecretAccessKey: secret,
SessionToken: token,
}, nil
// filename returns the filename to use to read AWS shared credentials.
// Will return an error if the user's home directory path cannot be found.
func (p *SharedCredentialsProvider) filename() (string, error) {
if p.Filename == "" {
homeDir := os.Getenv("HOME") // *nix
if homeDir == "" { // Windows
homeDir = os.Getenv("USERPROFILE")
if homeDir == "" {
return "", ErrSharedCredentialsHomeNotFound
p.Filename = filepath.Join(homeDir, ".aws", "credentials")
return p.Filename, nil
// profile returns the AWS shared credentials profile. If empty will read
// environment variable "AWS_PROFILE". If that is not set profile will
// return "default".
func (p *SharedCredentialsProvider) profile() string {
if p.Profile == "" {
p.Profile = os.Getenv("AWS_PROFILE")
if p.Profile == "" {
p.Profile = "default"
return p.Profile
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