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client.go 12.36 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
package zoo
import (
log "github.com/golang/glog"
const (
defaultSessionTimeout = 60 * time.Second
defaultReconnectTimeout = 5 * time.Second
currentPath = "."
defaultRewatchDelay = 200 * time.Millisecond
type stateType int32
const (
disconnectedState stateType = iota
func (s stateType) String() string {
switch s {
case disconnectedState:
case connectionRequestedState:
return "REQUESTED"
case connectionAttemptState:
return "ATTEMPT"
case connectedState:
return "CONNECTED"
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unrecognized state: %d", int32(s)))
type Client struct {
conn Connector
defaultFactory Factory
factory Factory // must never be nil, use setFactory to update
state stateType
reconnCount uint64
reconnDelay time.Duration
rootPath string
errorHandler ErrorHandler // must never be nil
connectOnce sync.Once
stopOnce sync.Once
shouldStop chan struct{} // signal chan
shouldReconn chan struct{} // message chan
connLock sync.Mutex
hasConnected chan struct{} // message chan
rewatchDelay time.Duration
func newClient(hosts []string, path string) (*Client, error) {
zkc := &Client{
reconnDelay: defaultReconnectTimeout,
rewatchDelay: defaultRewatchDelay,
rootPath: path,
shouldStop: make(chan struct{}),
shouldReconn: make(chan struct{}, 1),
hasConnected: make(chan struct{}, 1),
errorHandler: ErrorHandler(func(*Client, error) {}),
defaultFactory: asFactory(func() (Connector, <-chan zk.Event, error) {
return zk.Connect(hosts, defaultSessionTimeout)
// TODO(vlad): validate URIs
return zkc, nil
func (zkc *Client) setFactory(f Factory) {
if f == nil {
f = zkc.defaultFactory
zkc.factory = asFactory(func() (c Connector, ch <-chan zk.Event, err error) {
select {
case <-zkc.shouldStop:
err = errors.New("client stopping")
defer zkc.connLock.Unlock()
if zkc.conn != nil {
c, ch, err = f.create()
zkc.conn = c
// return true only if the client's state was changed from `from` to `to`
func (zkc *Client) stateChange(from, to stateType) (result bool) {
defer func() {
log.V(3).Infof("stateChange: from=%v to=%v result=%v", from, to, result)
result = atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32((*int32)(&zkc.state), int32(from), int32(to))
// connect to zookeeper, blocks on the initial call to doConnect()
func (zkc *Client) connect() {
select {
case <-zkc.shouldStop:
zkc.connectOnce.Do(func() {
if zkc.stateChange(disconnectedState, connectionRequestedState) {
if err := zkc.doConnect(); err != nil {
zkc.errorHandler(zkc, err)
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-zkc.shouldStop:
defer zkc.connLock.Unlock()
if zkc.conn != nil {
case <-zkc.shouldReconn:
if err := zkc.reconnect(); err != nil {
zkc.errorHandler(zkc, err)
// attempt to reconnect to zookeeper. will ignore attempts to reconnect
// if not disconnected. if reconnection is attempted then this func will block
// for at least reconnDelay before actually attempting to connect to zookeeper.
func (zkc *Client) reconnect() error {
if !zkc.stateChange(disconnectedState, connectionRequestedState) {
log.V(4).Infoln("Ignoring reconnect, currently connected/connecting.")
return nil
defer func() { zkc.reconnCount++ }()
log.V(4).Infoln("Delaying reconnection for ", zkc.reconnDelay)
return zkc.doConnect()
func (zkc *Client) doConnect() error {
if !zkc.stateChange(connectionRequestedState, connectionAttemptState) {
log.V(4).Infoln("aborting doConnect, connection attempt already in progress or else disconnected")
return nil
// if we're not connected by the time we return then we failed.
defer func() {
zkc.stateChange(connectionAttemptState, disconnectedState)
// create Connector instance
conn, sessionEvents, err := zkc.factory.create()
if err != nil {
// once the factory stops producing connectors, it's time to stop
return err
zkc.conn = conn
log.V(4).Infof("Created connection object of type %T\n", conn)
connected := make(chan struct{})
sessionExpired := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
defer close(sessionExpired)
zkc.monitorSession(sessionEvents, connected)
// wait for connected confirmation
select {
case <-connected:
if !zkc.stateChange(connectionAttemptState, connectedState) {
log.V(4).Infoln("failed to transition to connected state")
// we could be:
// - disconnected ... reconnect() will try to connect again, otherwise;
// - connected ... another goroutine already established a connection
// - connectionRequested ... another goroutine is already trying to connect
log.Infoln("zookeeper client connected")
case <-sessionExpired:
// connection was disconnected before it was ever really 'connected'
if !zkc.stateChange(connectionAttemptState, disconnectedState) {
//programming error
panic("failed to transition from connection-attempt to disconnected state")
case <-zkc.shouldStop:
// noop
return nil
// signal for reconnect unless we're shutting down
func (zkc *Client) requestReconnect() {
select {
case <-zkc.shouldStop:
// abort reconnect request, client is shutting down
select {
case zkc.shouldReconn <- struct{}{}:
// reconnect request successful
// reconnect chan is full: reconnect has already
// been requested. move on.
// monitor a zookeeper session event channel, closes the 'connected' channel once
// a zookeeper connection has been established. errors are forwarded to the client's
// errorHandler. the closing of the sessionEvents chan triggers a call to client.onDisconnected.
// this func blocks until either the client's shouldStop or sessionEvents chan are closed.
func (zkc *Client) monitorSession(sessionEvents <-chan zk.Event, connected chan struct{}) {
firstConnected := true
for {
select {
case <-zkc.shouldStop:
case e, ok := <-sessionEvents:
if !ok {
// once sessionEvents is closed, the embedded ZK client will
// no longer attempt to reconnect.
} else if e.Err != nil {
log.Errorf("received state error: %s", e.Err.Error())
zkc.errorHandler(zkc, e.Err)
switch e.State {
case zk.StateConnecting:
log.Infoln("connecting to zookeeper..")
case zk.StateConnected:
log.V(2).Infoln("received StateConnected")
if firstConnected {
close(connected) // signal session listener
firstConnected = false
// let any listeners know about the change
select {
case <-zkc.shouldStop: // noop
case zkc.hasConnected <- struct{}{}: // noop
default: // message buf full, this becomes a non-blocking noop
case zk.StateSyncConnected:
log.Infoln("syncConnected to zookper server")
case zk.StateDisconnected:
log.Infoln("zookeeper client disconnected")
case zk.StateExpired:
log.Infoln("zookeeper client session expired")
// watch the child nodes for changes, at the specified path.
// callers that specify a path of `currentPath` will watch the currently set rootPath,
// otherwise the watchedPath is calculated as rootPath+path.
// this func spawns a go routine to actually do the watching, and so returns immediately.
// in the absense of errors a signalling channel is returned that will close
// upon the termination of the watch (e.g. due to disconnection).
func (zkc *Client) watchChildren(path string, watcher ChildWatcher) (<-chan struct{}, error) {
watchPath := zkc.rootPath
if path != "" && path != currentPath {
watchPath = watchPath + path
log.V(2).Infoln("Watching children for path", watchPath)
watchEnded := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
defer close(watchEnded)
zkc._watchChildren(watchPath, watcher)
return watchEnded, nil
// continuation of watchChildren. blocks until either underlying zk connector terminates, or else this
// client is shut down. continuously renews child watches.
func (zkc *Client) _watchChildren(watchPath string, watcher ChildWatcher) {
watcher(zkc, watchPath) // prime the listener
var zkevents <-chan zk.Event
var err error
first := true
for {
// we really only expect this to happen when zk session has expired,
// give the connection a little time to re-establish itself
for {
//TODO(jdef) it would be better if we could listen for broadcast Connection/Disconnection events,
//emitted whenever the embedded client cycles (read: when the connection state of this client changes).
//As it currently stands, if the embedded client cycles fast enough, we may actually not notice it here
//and keep on watching like nothing bad happened.
if !zkc.isConnected() {
log.Warningf("no longer connected to server, exiting child watch")
if first {
first = false
} else {
select {
case <-zkc.shouldStop:
case <-time.After(zkc.rewatchDelay):
_, _, zkevents, err = zkc.conn.ChildrenW(watchPath)
if err == nil {
log.V(2).Infoln("rewatching children for path", watchPath)
log.V(1).Infof("unable to watch children for path %s: %s", watchPath, err.Error())
zkc.errorHandler(zkc, err)
// zkevents is (at most) a one-trick channel
// (a) a child event happens (no error)
// (b) the embedded client is shutting down (zk.ErrClosing)
// (c) the zk session expires (zk.ErrSessionExpired)
select {
case <-zkc.shouldStop:
case e, ok := <-zkevents:
if !ok {
log.Warningf("expected a single zk event before channel close")
break // the select
switch e.Type {
//TODO(jdef) should we not also watch for EventNode{Created,Deleted,DataChanged}?
case zk.EventNodeChildrenChanged:
log.V(2).Infoln("Handling: zk.EventNodeChildrenChanged")
watcher(zkc, e.Path)
if e.Err != nil {
zkc.errorHandler(zkc, e.Err)
if e.Type == zk.EventNotWatching && e.State == zk.StateDisconnected {
if e.Err == zk.ErrClosing {
log.V(1).Infof("watch invalidated, embedded client terminating")
log.V(1).Infof("watch invalidated, attempting to watch again: %v", e.Err)
} else {
log.Warningf("received error while watching path %s: %s", watchPath, e.Err.Error())
func (zkc *Client) onDisconnected() {
if st := zkc.getState(); st == connectedState && zkc.stateChange(st, disconnectedState) {
log.Infoln("disconnected from the server, reconnecting...")
// return a channel that gets an empty struct every time a connection happens
func (zkc *Client) connections() <-chan struct{} {
return zkc.hasConnected
func (zkc *Client) getState() stateType {
return stateType(atomic.LoadInt32((*int32)(&zkc.state)))
// convenience function
func (zkc *Client) isConnected() bool {
return zkc.getState() == connectedState
// convenience function
func (zkc *Client) isConnecting() bool {
state := zkc.getState()
return state == connectionRequestedState || state == connectionAttemptState
// convenience function
func (zkc *Client) isDisconnected() bool {
return zkc.getState() == disconnectedState
func (zkc *Client) list(path string) ([]string, error) {
if !zkc.isConnected() {
return nil, errors.New("Unable to list children, client not connected.")
children, _, err := zkc.conn.Children(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return children, nil
func (zkc *Client) data(path string) ([]byte, error) {
if !zkc.isConnected() {
return nil, errors.New("Unable to retrieve node data, client not connected.")
data, _, err := zkc.conn.Get(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return data, nil
func (zkc *Client) stop() {
zkc.stopOnce.Do(func() {
// when this channel is closed the client is either stopping, or has stopped
func (zkc *Client) stopped() <-chan struct{} {
return zkc.shouldStop
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