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Thom May 提交于 2015-01-09 17:24 . Update to latest goamz
// goamz - Go packages to interact with the Amazon Web Services.
// https://wiki.ubuntu.com/goamz
// Copyright (c) 2011 Canonical Ltd.
// Written by Gustavo Niemeyer <gustavo.niemeyer@canonical.com>
package ec2
import (
const debug = false
// The EC2 type encapsulates operations with a specific EC2 region.
type EC2 struct {
httpClient *http.Client
private byte // Reserve the right of using private data.
// New creates a new EC2.
func NewWithClient(auth aws.Auth, region aws.Region, client *http.Client) *EC2 {
return &EC2{auth, region, client, 0}
func New(auth aws.Auth, region aws.Region) *EC2 {
return NewWithClient(auth, region, aws.RetryingClient)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Filtering helper.
// Filter builds filtering parameters to be used in an EC2 query which supports
// filtering. For example:
// filter := NewFilter()
// filter.Add("architecture", "i386")
// filter.Add("launch-index", "0")
// resp, err := ec2.Instances(nil, filter)
type Filter struct {
m map[string][]string
// NewFilter creates a new Filter.
func NewFilter() *Filter {
return &Filter{make(map[string][]string)}
// Add appends a filtering parameter with the given name and value(s).
func (f *Filter) Add(name string, value ...string) {
f.m[name] = append(f.m[name], value...)
func (f *Filter) addParams(params map[string]string) {
if f != nil {
a := make([]string, len(f.m))
i := 0
for k := range f.m {
a[i] = k
for i, k := range a {
prefix := "Filter." + strconv.Itoa(i+1)
params[prefix+".Name"] = k
for j, v := range f.m[k] {
params[prefix+".Value."+strconv.Itoa(j+1)] = v
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Request dispatching logic.
// Error encapsulates an error returned by EC2.
// See http://goo.gl/VZGuC for more details.
type Error struct {
// HTTP status code (200, 403, ...)
StatusCode int
// EC2 error code ("UnsupportedOperation", ...)
Code string
// The human-oriented error message
Message string
RequestId string `xml:"RequestID"`
func (err *Error) Error() string {
if err.Code == "" {
return err.Message
return fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", err.Message, err.Code)
// For now a single error inst is being exposed. In the future it may be useful
// to provide access to all of them, but rather than doing it as an array/slice,
// use a *next pointer, so that it's backward compatible and it continues to be
// easy to handle the first error, which is what most people will want.
type xmlErrors struct {
RequestId string `xml:"RequestID"`
Errors []Error `xml:"Errors>Error"`
var timeNow = time.Now
func (ec2 *EC2) query(params map[string]string, resp interface{}) error {
params["Version"] = "2014-06-15"
params["Timestamp"] = timeNow().In(time.UTC).Format(time.RFC3339)
endpoint, err := url.Parse(ec2.Region.EC2Endpoint)
if err != nil {
return err
if endpoint.Path == "" {
endpoint.Path = "/"
sign(ec2.Auth, "GET", endpoint.Path, params, endpoint.Host)
endpoint.RawQuery = multimap(params).Encode()
if debug {
log.Printf("get { %v } -> {\n", endpoint.String())
r, err := ec2.httpClient.Get(endpoint.String())
if err != nil {
return err
defer r.Body.Close()
if debug {
dump, _ := httputil.DumpResponse(r, true)
log.Printf("%v\n}\n", string(dump))
if r.StatusCode != 200 {
return buildError(r)
err = xml.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(resp)
return err
func multimap(p map[string]string) url.Values {
q := make(url.Values, len(p))
for k, v := range p {
q[k] = []string{v}
return q
func buildError(r *http.Response) error {
errors := xmlErrors{}
var err Error
if len(errors.Errors) > 0 {
err = errors.Errors[0]
err.RequestId = errors.RequestId
err.StatusCode = r.StatusCode
if err.Message == "" {
err.Message = err.Code
return &err
func makeParams(action string) map[string]string {
params := make(map[string]string)
params["Action"] = action
return params
func addParamsList(params map[string]string, label string, ids []string) {
for i, id := range ids {
params[label+"."+strconv.Itoa(i+1)] = id
func addBlockDeviceParams(prename string, params map[string]string, blockdevices []BlockDeviceMapping) {
for i, k := range blockdevices {
// Fixup index since Amazon counts these from 1
prefix := prename + "BlockDeviceMapping." + strconv.Itoa(i+1) + "."
if k.DeviceName != "" {
params[prefix+"DeviceName"] = k.DeviceName
if k.VirtualName != "" {
params[prefix+"VirtualName"] = k.VirtualName
} else if k.NoDevice {
params[prefix+"NoDevice"] = ""
} else {
if k.SnapshotId != "" {
params[prefix+"Ebs.SnapshotId"] = k.SnapshotId
if k.VolumeType != "" {
params[prefix+"Ebs.VolumeType"] = k.VolumeType
if k.IOPS != 0 {
params[prefix+"Ebs.Iops"] = strconv.FormatInt(k.IOPS, 10)
if k.VolumeSize != 0 {
params[prefix+"Ebs.VolumeSize"] = strconv.FormatInt(k.VolumeSize, 10)
if k.DeleteOnTermination {
params[prefix+"Ebs.DeleteOnTermination"] = "true"
} else {
params[prefix+"Ebs.DeleteOnTermination"] = "false"
if k.Encrypted {
params[prefix+"Ebs.Encrypted"] = "true"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Instance management functions and types.
// The RunInstances type encapsulates options for the respective request in EC2.
// See http://goo.gl/Mcm3b for more details.
type RunInstances struct {
ImageId string
MinCount int
MaxCount int
KeyName string
InstanceType string
SecurityGroups []SecurityGroup
IamInstanceProfile string
KernelId string
RamdiskId string
UserData []byte
AvailZone string
PlacementGroupName string
Monitoring bool
SubnetId string
AssociatePublicIpAddress bool
DisableAPITermination bool
EbsOptimized bool
ShutdownBehavior string
PrivateIPAddress string
BlockDevices []BlockDeviceMapping
Tenancy string
// Response to a RunInstances request.
// See http://goo.gl/Mcm3b for more details.
type RunInstancesResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
ReservationId string `xml:"reservationId"`
OwnerId string `xml:"ownerId"`
SecurityGroups []SecurityGroup `xml:"groupSet>item"`
Instances []Instance `xml:"instancesSet>item"`
// BlockDevice represents the association of a block device with an instance.
type BlockDevice struct {
DeviceName string `xml:"deviceName"`
VolumeId string `xml:"ebs>volumeId"`
Status string `xml:"ebs>status"`
AttachTime string `xml:"ebs>attachTime"`
DeleteOnTermination bool `xml:"ebs>deleteOnTermination"`
// Instance encapsulates a running instance in EC2.
// See http://goo.gl/OCH8a for more details.
type Instance struct {
InstanceId string `xml:"instanceId"`
InstanceType string `xml:"instanceType"`
ImageId string `xml:"imageId"`
PrivateDNSName string `xml:"privateDnsName"`
DNSName string `xml:"dnsName"`
KeyName string `xml:"keyName"`
AMILaunchIndex int `xml:"amiLaunchIndex"`
Hypervisor string `xml:"hypervisor"`
VirtType string `xml:"virtualizationType"`
Monitoring string `xml:"monitoring>state"`
AvailZone string `xml:"placement>availabilityZone"`
Tenancy string `xml:"placement>tenancy"`
PlacementGroupName string `xml:"placement>groupName"`
State InstanceState `xml:"instanceState"`
Tags []Tag `xml:"tagSet>item"`
VpcId string `xml:"vpcId"`
SubnetId string `xml:"subnetId"`
IamInstanceProfile string `xml:"iamInstanceProfile"`
PrivateIpAddress string `xml:"privateIpAddress"`
PublicIpAddress string `xml:"ipAddress"`
Architecture string `xml:"architecture"`
LaunchTime time.Time `xml:"launchTime"`
SourceDestCheck bool `xml:"sourceDestCheck"`
SecurityGroups []SecurityGroup `xml:"groupSet>item"`
EbsOptimized string `xml:"ebsOptimized"`
BlockDevices []BlockDevice `xml:"blockDeviceMapping>item"`
// RunInstances starts new instances in EC2.
// If options.MinCount and options.MaxCount are both zero, a single instance
// will be started; otherwise if options.MaxCount is zero, options.MinCount
// will be used insteead.
// See http://goo.gl/Mcm3b for more details.
func (ec2 *EC2) RunInstances(options *RunInstances) (resp *RunInstancesResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("RunInstances")
params["ImageId"] = options.ImageId
params["InstanceType"] = options.InstanceType
var min, max int
if options.MinCount == 0 && options.MaxCount == 0 {
min = 1
max = 1
} else if options.MaxCount == 0 {
min = options.MinCount
max = min
} else {
min = options.MinCount
max = options.MaxCount
params["MinCount"] = strconv.Itoa(min)
params["MaxCount"] = strconv.Itoa(max)
token, err := clientToken()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
params["ClientToken"] = token
if options.KeyName != "" {
params["KeyName"] = options.KeyName
if options.KernelId != "" {
params["KernelId"] = options.KernelId
if options.RamdiskId != "" {
params["RamdiskId"] = options.RamdiskId
if options.UserData != nil {
userData := make([]byte, b64.EncodedLen(len(options.UserData)))
b64.Encode(userData, options.UserData)
params["UserData"] = string(userData)
if options.AvailZone != "" {
params["Placement.AvailabilityZone"] = options.AvailZone
if options.PlacementGroupName != "" {
params["Placement.GroupName"] = options.PlacementGroupName
if options.Monitoring {
params["Monitoring.Enabled"] = "true"
if options.Tenancy != "" {
params["Placement.Tenancy"] = options.Tenancy
if options.SubnetId != "" && options.AssociatePublicIpAddress {
// If we have a non-default VPC / Subnet specified, we can flag
// AssociatePublicIpAddress to get a Public IP assigned. By default these are not provided.
// You cannot specify both SubnetId and the NetworkInterface.0.* parameters though, otherwise
// you get: Network interfaces and an instance-level subnet ID may not be specified on the same request
// You also need to attach Security Groups to the NetworkInterface instead of the instance,
// to avoid: Network interfaces and an instance-level security groups may not be specified on
// the same request
params["NetworkInterface.0.DeviceIndex"] = "0"
params["NetworkInterface.0.AssociatePublicIpAddress"] = "true"
params["NetworkInterface.0.SubnetId"] = options.SubnetId
if options.PrivateIPAddress != "" {
params["NetworkInterface.0.PrivateIpAddress"] = options.PrivateIPAddress
i := 1
for _, g := range options.SecurityGroups {
// We only have SecurityGroupId's on NetworkInterface's, no SecurityGroup params.
if g.Id != "" {
params["NetworkInterface.0.SecurityGroupId."+strconv.Itoa(i)] = g.Id
} else {
if options.SubnetId != "" {
params["SubnetId"] = options.SubnetId
if options.PrivateIPAddress != "" {
params["PrivateIpAddress"] = options.PrivateIPAddress
i, j := 1, 1
for _, g := range options.SecurityGroups {
if g.Id != "" {
params["SecurityGroupId."+strconv.Itoa(i)] = g.Id
} else {
params["SecurityGroup."+strconv.Itoa(j)] = g.Name
if options.IamInstanceProfile != "" {
params["IamInstanceProfile.Name"] = options.IamInstanceProfile
if options.DisableAPITermination {
params["DisableApiTermination"] = "true"
if options.EbsOptimized {
params["EbsOptimized"] = "true"
if options.ShutdownBehavior != "" {
params["InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior"] = options.ShutdownBehavior
addBlockDeviceParams("", params, options.BlockDevices)
resp = &RunInstancesResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
func clientToken() (string, error) {
// Maximum EC2 client token size is 64 bytes.
// Each byte expands to two when hex encoded.
buf := make([]byte, 32)
_, err := rand.Read(buf)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return hex.EncodeToString(buf), nil
// The GetConsoleOutput type encapsulates options for the respective request in EC2.
// See http://goo.gl/EY70zb for more details.
type GetConsoleOutput struct {
InstanceId string
// Response to a GetConsoleOutput request. Note that Output is base64-encoded,
// as in the underlying AWS API.
// See http://goo.gl/EY70zb for more details.
type GetConsoleOutputResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
InstanceId string `xml:"instanceId"`
Timestamp time.Time `xml:"timestamp"`
Output string `xml:"output"`
// GetConsoleOutput returns the console output for the sepcified instance. Note
// that console output is base64-encoded, as in the underlying AWS API.
// See http://goo.gl/EY70zb for more details.
func (ec2 *EC2) GetConsoleOutput(options *GetConsoleOutput) (resp *GetConsoleOutputResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("GetConsoleOutput")
params["InstanceId"] = options.InstanceId
resp = &GetConsoleOutputResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Instance events and status functions and types.
// The DescribeInstanceStatus type encapsulates options for the respective request in EC2.
// See http://goo.gl/DFySJY for more details.
type EventsSet struct {
Code string `xml:"code"`
Description string `xml:"description"`
NotBefore string `xml:"notBefore"`
NotAfter string `xml:"notAfter"`
type StatusDetails struct {
Name string `xml:"name"`
Status string `xml:"status"`
ImpairedSince string `xml:"impairedSince"`
type Status struct {
Status string `xml:"status"`
Details []StatusDetails `xml:"details>item"`
type InstanceStatusSet struct {
InstanceId string `xml:"instanceId"`
AvailabilityZone string `xml:"availabilityZone"`
InstanceState InstanceState `xml:"instanceState"`
SystemStatus Status `xml:"systemStatus"`
InstanceStatus Status `xml:"instanceStatus"`
Events []EventsSet `xml:"eventsSet>item"`
type DescribeInstanceStatusResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
InstanceStatus []InstanceStatusSet `xml:"instanceStatusSet>item"`
type DescribeInstanceStatus struct {
InstanceIds []string
IncludeAllInstances bool
MaxResults int64
NextToken string
func (ec2 *EC2) DescribeInstanceStatus(options *DescribeInstanceStatus, filter *Filter) (resp *DescribeInstanceStatusResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DescribeInstanceStatus")
if options.IncludeAllInstances {
params["IncludeAllInstances"] = "true"
if len(options.InstanceIds) > 0 {
addParamsList(params, "InstanceId", options.InstanceIds)
if options.MaxResults > 0 {
params["MaxResults"] = strconv.FormatInt(options.MaxResults, 10)
if options.NextToken != "" {
params["NextToken"] = options.NextToken
if filter != nil {
resp = &DescribeInstanceStatusResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Spot Instance management functions and types.
// The RequestSpotInstances type encapsulates options for the respective request in EC2.
// See http://goo.gl/GRZgCD for more details.
type RequestSpotInstances struct {
SpotPrice string
InstanceCount int
Type string
ImageId string
KeyName string
InstanceType string
SecurityGroups []SecurityGroup
IamInstanceProfile string
KernelId string
RamdiskId string
UserData []byte
AvailZone string
PlacementGroupName string
Monitoring bool
SubnetId string
AssociatePublicIpAddress bool
PrivateIPAddress string
BlockDevices []BlockDeviceMapping
type SpotInstanceSpec struct {
ImageId string
KeyName string
InstanceType string
SecurityGroups []SecurityGroup
IamInstanceProfile string
KernelId string
RamdiskId string
UserData []byte
AvailZone string
PlacementGroupName string
Monitoring bool
SubnetId string
AssociatePublicIpAddress bool
PrivateIPAddress string
BlockDevices []BlockDeviceMapping
type SpotLaunchSpec struct {
ImageId string `xml:"imageId"`
KeyName string `xml:"keyName"`
InstanceType string `xml:"instanceType"`
SecurityGroups []SecurityGroup `xml:"groupSet>item"`
IamInstanceProfile string `xml:"iamInstanceProfile"`
KernelId string `xml:"kernelId"`
RamdiskId string `xml:"ramdiskId"`
PlacementGroupName string `xml:"placement>groupName"`
Monitoring bool `xml:"monitoring>enabled"`
SubnetId string `xml:"subnetId"`
BlockDevices []BlockDeviceMapping `xml:"blockDeviceMapping>item"`
type SpotStatus struct {
Code string `xml:"code"`
UpdateTime string `xml:"updateTime"`
Message string `xml:"message"`
type SpotRequestResult struct {
SpotRequestId string `xml:"spotInstanceRequestId"`
SpotPrice string `xml:"spotPrice"`
Type string `xml:"type"`
AvailZone string `xml:"launchedAvailabilityZone"`
InstanceId string `xml:"instanceId"`
State string `xml:"state"`
Status SpotStatus `xml:"status"`
SpotLaunchSpec SpotLaunchSpec `xml:"launchSpecification"`
CreateTime string `xml:"createTime"`
Tags []Tag `xml:"tagSet>item"`
// Response to a RequestSpotInstances request.
// See http://goo.gl/GRZgCD for more details.
type RequestSpotInstancesResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
SpotRequestResults []SpotRequestResult `xml:"spotInstanceRequestSet>item"`
// RequestSpotInstances requests a new spot instances in EC2.
func (ec2 *EC2) RequestSpotInstances(options *RequestSpotInstances) (resp *RequestSpotInstancesResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("RequestSpotInstances")
prefix := "LaunchSpecification" + "."
params["SpotPrice"] = options.SpotPrice
params[prefix+"ImageId"] = options.ImageId
params[prefix+"InstanceType"] = options.InstanceType
if options.InstanceCount != 0 {
params["InstanceCount"] = strconv.Itoa(options.InstanceCount)
if options.KeyName != "" {
params[prefix+"KeyName"] = options.KeyName
if options.KernelId != "" {
params[prefix+"KernelId"] = options.KernelId
if options.RamdiskId != "" {
params[prefix+"RamdiskId"] = options.RamdiskId
if options.UserData != nil {
userData := make([]byte, b64.EncodedLen(len(options.UserData)))
b64.Encode(userData, options.UserData)
params[prefix+"UserData"] = string(userData)
if options.AvailZone != "" {
params[prefix+"Placement.AvailabilityZone"] = options.AvailZone
if options.PlacementGroupName != "" {
params[prefix+"Placement.GroupName"] = options.PlacementGroupName
if options.Monitoring {
params[prefix+"Monitoring.Enabled"] = "true"
if options.SubnetId != "" && options.AssociatePublicIpAddress {
// If we have a non-default VPC / Subnet specified, we can flag
// AssociatePublicIpAddress to get a Public IP assigned. By default these are not provided.
// You cannot specify both SubnetId and the NetworkInterface.0.* parameters though, otherwise
// you get: Network interfaces and an instance-level subnet ID may not be specified on the same request
// You also need to attach Security Groups to the NetworkInterface instead of the instance,
// to avoid: Network interfaces and an instance-level security groups may not be specified on
// the same request
params[prefix+"NetworkInterface.0.DeviceIndex"] = "0"
params[prefix+"NetworkInterface.0.AssociatePublicIpAddress"] = "true"
params[prefix+"NetworkInterface.0.SubnetId"] = options.SubnetId
i := 1
for _, g := range options.SecurityGroups {
// We only have SecurityGroupId's on NetworkInterface's, no SecurityGroup params.
if g.Id != "" {
params[prefix+"NetworkInterface.0.SecurityGroupId."+strconv.Itoa(i)] = g.Id
} else {
if options.SubnetId != "" {
params[prefix+"SubnetId"] = options.SubnetId
i, j := 1, 1
for _, g := range options.SecurityGroups {
if g.Id != "" {
params[prefix+"SecurityGroupId."+strconv.Itoa(i)] = g.Id
} else {
params[prefix+"SecurityGroup."+strconv.Itoa(j)] = g.Name
if options.IamInstanceProfile != "" {
params[prefix+"IamInstanceProfile.Name"] = options.IamInstanceProfile
if options.PrivateIPAddress != "" {
params[prefix+"PrivateIpAddress"] = options.PrivateIPAddress
addBlockDeviceParams(prefix, params, options.BlockDevices)
resp = &RequestSpotInstancesResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Response to a DescribeSpotInstanceRequests request.
// See http://goo.gl/KsKJJk for more details.
type SpotRequestsResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
SpotRequestResults []SpotRequestResult `xml:"spotInstanceRequestSet>item"`
// DescribeSpotInstanceRequests returns details about spot requests in EC2. Both parameters
// are optional, and if provided will limit the spot requests returned to those
// matching the given spot request ids or filtering rules.
// See http://goo.gl/KsKJJk for more details.
func (ec2 *EC2) DescribeSpotRequests(spotrequestIds []string, filter *Filter) (resp *SpotRequestsResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DescribeSpotInstanceRequests")
addParamsList(params, "SpotInstanceRequestId", spotrequestIds)
resp = &SpotRequestsResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Response to a CancelSpotInstanceRequests request.
// See http://goo.gl/3BKHj for more details.
type CancelSpotRequestResult struct {
SpotRequestId string `xml:"spotInstanceRequestId"`
State string `xml:"state"`
type CancelSpotRequestsResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
CancelSpotRequestResults []CancelSpotRequestResult `xml:"spotInstanceRequestSet>item"`
// CancelSpotRequests requests the cancellation of spot requests when the given ids.
// See http://goo.gl/3BKHj for more details.
func (ec2 *EC2) CancelSpotRequests(spotrequestIds []string) (resp *CancelSpotRequestsResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("CancelSpotInstanceRequests")
addParamsList(params, "SpotInstanceRequestId", spotrequestIds)
resp = &CancelSpotRequestsResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
type DescribeSpotPriceHistory struct {
InstanceType []string
ProductDescription []string
AvailabilityZone string
StartTime, EndTime time.Time
// Response to a DescribeSpotPriceHisotyr request.
// See http://goo.gl/3BKHj for more details.
type DescribeSpotPriceHistoryResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
History []SpotPriceHistory `xml:"spotPriceHistorySet>item"`
type SpotPriceHistory struct {
InstanceType string `xml:"instanceType"`
ProductDescription string `xml:"productDescription"`
SpotPrice string `xml:"spotPrice"`
Timestamp time.Time `xml:"timestamp"`
AvailabilityZone string `xml:"availabilityZone"`
// DescribeSpotPriceHistory gets the spot pricing history.
// See http://goo.gl/3BKHj for more details.
func (ec2 *EC2) DescribeSpotPriceHistory(o *DescribeSpotPriceHistory) (resp *DescribeSpotPriceHistoryResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DescribeSpotPriceHistory")
if o.AvailabilityZone != "" {
params["AvailabilityZone"] = o.AvailabilityZone
if !o.StartTime.IsZero() {
params["StartTime"] = o.StartTime.In(time.UTC).Format(time.RFC3339)
if !o.EndTime.IsZero() {
params["EndTime"] = o.EndTime.In(time.UTC).Format(time.RFC3339)
if len(o.InstanceType) > 0 {
addParamsList(params, "InstanceType", o.InstanceType)
if len(o.ProductDescription) > 0 {
addParamsList(params, "ProductDescription", o.ProductDescription)
resp = &DescribeSpotPriceHistoryResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Response to a TerminateInstances request.
// See http://goo.gl/3BKHj for more details.
type TerminateInstancesResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
StateChanges []InstanceStateChange `xml:"instancesSet>item"`
// InstanceState encapsulates the state of an instance in EC2.
// See http://goo.gl/y3ZBq for more details.
type InstanceState struct {
Code int `xml:"code"` // Watch out, bits 15-8 have unpublished meaning.
Name string `xml:"name"`
// InstanceStateChange informs of the previous and current states
// for an instance when a state change is requested.
type InstanceStateChange struct {
InstanceId string `xml:"instanceId"`
CurrentState InstanceState `xml:"currentState"`
PreviousState InstanceState `xml:"previousState"`
// TerminateInstances requests the termination of instances when the given ids.
// See http://goo.gl/3BKHj for more details.
func (ec2 *EC2) TerminateInstances(instIds []string) (resp *TerminateInstancesResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("TerminateInstances")
addParamsList(params, "InstanceId", instIds)
resp = &TerminateInstancesResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Response to a DescribeInstances request.
// See http://goo.gl/mLbmw for more details.
type InstancesResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
Reservations []Reservation `xml:"reservationSet>item"`
// Reservation represents details about a reservation in EC2.
// See http://goo.gl/0ItPT for more details.
type Reservation struct {
ReservationId string `xml:"reservationId"`
OwnerId string `xml:"ownerId"`
RequesterId string `xml:"requesterId"`
SecurityGroups []SecurityGroup `xml:"groupSet>item"`
Instances []Instance `xml:"instancesSet>item"`
// Instances returns details about instances in EC2. Both parameters
// are optional, and if provided will limit the instances returned to those
// matching the given instance ids or filtering rules.
// See http://goo.gl/4No7c for more details.
func (ec2 *EC2) Instances(instIds []string, filter *Filter) (resp *InstancesResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DescribeInstances")
addParamsList(params, "InstanceId", instIds)
resp = &InstancesResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Volume management
// The CreateVolume request parameters
// See http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/ApiReference-query-CreateVolume.html
type CreateVolume struct {
AvailZone string
Size int64
SnapshotId string
VolumeType string
IOPS int64
Encrypted bool
// Response to an AttachVolume request
type AttachVolumeResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
VolumeId string `xml:"volumeId"`
InstanceId string `xml:"instanceId"`
Device string `xml:"device"`
Status string `xml:"status"`
AttachTime string `xml:"attachTime"`
// Response to a CreateVolume request
type CreateVolumeResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
VolumeId string `xml:"volumeId"`
Size int64 `xml:"size"`
SnapshotId string `xml:"snapshotId"`
AvailZone string `xml:"availabilityZone"`
Status string `xml:"status"`
CreateTime string `xml:"createTime"`
VolumeType string `xml:"volumeType"`
IOPS int64 `xml:"iops"`
Encrypted bool `xml:"encrypted"`
// Volume is a single volume.
type Volume struct {
VolumeId string `xml:"volumeId"`
Size string `xml:"size"`
SnapshotId string `xml:"snapshotId"`
AvailZone string `xml:"availabilityZone"`
Status string `xml:"status"`
Attachments []VolumeAttachment `xml:"attachmentSet>item"`
VolumeType string `xml:"volumeType"`
IOPS int64 `xml:"iops"`
Encrypted bool `xml:"encrypted"`
Tags []Tag `xml:"tagSet>item"`
type VolumeAttachment struct {
VolumeId string `xml:"volumeId"`
InstanceId string `xml:"instanceId"`
Device string `xml:"device"`
Status string `xml:"status"`
// Response to a DescribeVolumes request
type VolumesResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
Volumes []Volume `xml:"volumeSet>item"`
// Attach a volume.
func (ec2 *EC2) AttachVolume(volumeId string, instanceId string, device string) (resp *AttachVolumeResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("AttachVolume")
params["VolumeId"] = volumeId
params["InstanceId"] = instanceId
params["Device"] = device
resp = &AttachVolumeResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Create a new volume.
func (ec2 *EC2) CreateVolume(options *CreateVolume) (resp *CreateVolumeResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("CreateVolume")
params["AvailabilityZone"] = options.AvailZone
if options.Size > 0 {
params["Size"] = strconv.FormatInt(options.Size, 10)
if options.SnapshotId != "" {
params["SnapshotId"] = options.SnapshotId
if options.VolumeType != "" {
params["VolumeType"] = options.VolumeType
if options.IOPS > 0 {
params["Iops"] = strconv.FormatInt(options.IOPS, 10)
if options.Encrypted {
params["Encrypted"] = "true"
resp = &CreateVolumeResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Delete an EBS volume.
func (ec2 *EC2) DeleteVolume(id string) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DeleteVolume")
params["VolumeId"] = id
resp = &SimpleResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Detaches an EBS volume.
func (ec2 *EC2) DetachVolume(id string) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DetachVolume")
params["VolumeId"] = id
resp = &SimpleResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Finds or lists all volumes.
func (ec2 *EC2) Volumes(volIds []string, filter *Filter) (resp *VolumesResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DescribeVolumes")
addParamsList(params, "VolumeId", volIds)
resp = &VolumesResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Availability zone management functions and types.
// See http://goo.gl/ylxT4R for more details.
// DescribeAvailabilityZonesResp represents a response to a DescribeAvailabilityZones
// request in EC2.
type DescribeAvailabilityZonesResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
Zones []AvailabilityZoneInfo `xml:"availabilityZoneInfo>item"`
// AvailabilityZoneInfo encapsulates details for an availability zone in EC2.
type AvailabilityZoneInfo struct {
State string `xml:"zoneState"`
MessageSet []string `xml:"messageSet>item"`
// AvailabilityZone represents an EC2 availability zone.
type AvailabilityZone struct {
Name string `xml:"zoneName"`
Region string `xml:"regionName"`
// DescribeAvailabilityZones returns details about availability zones in EC2.
// The filter parameter is optional, and if provided will limit the
// availability zones returned to those matching the given filtering
// rules.
// See http://goo.gl/ylxT4R for more details.
func (ec2 *EC2) DescribeAvailabilityZones(filter *Filter) (resp *DescribeAvailabilityZonesResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DescribeAvailabilityZones")
resp = &DescribeAvailabilityZonesResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ElasticIp management (for VPC)
// The AllocateAddress request parameters
// see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/ApiReference-query-AllocateAddress.html
type AllocateAddress struct {
Domain string
// Response to an AllocateAddress request
type AllocateAddressResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
PublicIp string `xml:"publicIp"`
Domain string `xml:"domain"`
AllocationId string `xml:"allocationId"`
// The AssociateAddress request parameters
// http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/ApiReference-query-AssociateAddress.html
type AssociateAddress struct {
InstanceId string
PublicIp string
AllocationId string
AllowReassociation bool
// Response to an AssociateAddress request
type AssociateAddressResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
Return bool `xml:"return"`
AssociationId string `xml:"associationId"`
// Address represents an Elastic IP Address
// See http://goo.gl/uxCjp7 for more details
type Address struct {
PublicIp string `xml:"publicIp"`
AllocationId string `xml:"allocationId"`
Domain string `xml:"domain"`
InstanceId string `xml:"instanceId"`
AssociationId string `xml:"associationId"`
NetworkInterfaceId string `xml:"networkInterfaceId"`
NetworkInterfaceOwnerId string `xml:"networkInterfaceOwnerId"`
PrivateIpAddress string `xml:"privateIpAddress"`
type DescribeAddressesResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
Addresses []Address `xml:"addressesSet>item"`
// Allocate a new Elastic IP.
func (ec2 *EC2) AllocateAddress(options *AllocateAddress) (resp *AllocateAddressResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("AllocateAddress")
params["Domain"] = options.Domain
resp = &AllocateAddressResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Release an Elastic IP (VPC).
func (ec2 *EC2) ReleaseAddress(id string) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("ReleaseAddress")
params["AllocationId"] = id
resp = &SimpleResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Release an Elastic IP (Public)
func (ec2 *EC2) ReleasePublicAddress(publicIp string) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("ReleaseAddress")
params["PublicIp"] = publicIp
resp = &SimpleResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Associate an address with a VPC instance.
func (ec2 *EC2) AssociateAddress(options *AssociateAddress) (resp *AssociateAddressResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("AssociateAddress")
params["InstanceId"] = options.InstanceId
if options.PublicIp != "" {
params["PublicIp"] = options.PublicIp
if options.AllocationId != "" {
params["AllocationId"] = options.AllocationId
if options.AllowReassociation {
params["AllowReassociation"] = "true"
resp = &AssociateAddressResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Disassociate an address from a VPC instance.
func (ec2 *EC2) DisassociateAddress(id string) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DisassociateAddress")
params["AssociationId"] = id
resp = &SimpleResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Disassociate an address from a VPC instance.
func (ec2 *EC2) DisassociateAddressClassic(ip string) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DisassociateAddress")
params["PublicIp"] = ip
resp = &SimpleResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// DescribeAddresses returns details about one or more
// Elastic IP Addresses. Returned addresses can be
// filtered by Public IP, Allocation ID or multiple filters
// See http://goo.gl/zW7J4p for more details.
func (ec2 *EC2) Addresses(publicIps []string, allocationIds []string, filter *Filter) (resp *DescribeAddressesResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DescribeAddresses")
addParamsList(params, "PublicIp", publicIps)
addParamsList(params, "AllocationId", allocationIds)
resp = &DescribeAddressesResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Image and snapshot management functions and types.
// The CreateImage request parameters.
// See http://goo.gl/cxU41 for more details.
type CreateImage struct {
InstanceId string
Name string
Description string
NoReboot bool
BlockDevices []BlockDeviceMapping
// Response to a CreateImage request.
// See http://goo.gl/cxU41 for more details.
type CreateImageResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
ImageId string `xml:"imageId"`
// Response to a DescribeImages request.
// See http://goo.gl/hLnyg for more details.
type ImagesResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
Images []Image `xml:"imagesSet>item"`
// Response to a DescribeImageAttribute request.
// See http://goo.gl/bHO3zT for more details.
type ImageAttributeResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
ImageId string `xml:"imageId"`
Kernel string `xml:"kernel>value"`
RamDisk string `xml:"ramdisk>value"`
Description string `xml:"description>value"`
Group string `xml:"launchPermission>item>group"`
UserIds []string `xml:"launchPermission>item>userId"`
ProductCodes []string `xml:"productCodes>item>productCode"`
BlockDevices []BlockDeviceMapping `xml:"blockDeviceMapping>item"`
// The RegisterImage request parameters.
type RegisterImage struct {
ImageLocation string
Name string
Description string
Architecture string
KernelId string
RamdiskId string
RootDeviceName string
VirtType string
SriovNetSupport string
BlockDevices []BlockDeviceMapping
// Response to a RegisterImage request.
type RegisterImageResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
ImageId string `xml:"imageId"`
// Response to a DegisterImage request.
// See http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/ApiReference-query-DeregisterImage.html
type DeregisterImageResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
Return bool `xml:"return"`
// BlockDeviceMapping represents the association of a block device with an image.
// See http://goo.gl/wnDBf for more details.
type BlockDeviceMapping struct {
DeviceName string `xml:"deviceName"`
VirtualName string `xml:"virtualName"`
SnapshotId string `xml:"ebs>snapshotId"`
VolumeType string `xml:"ebs>volumeType"`
VolumeSize int64 `xml:"ebs>volumeSize"`
DeleteOnTermination bool `xml:"ebs>deleteOnTermination"`
Encrypted bool `xml:"ebs>encrypted"`
NoDevice bool `xml:"noDevice"`
// The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the volume supports.
IOPS int64 `xml:"ebs>iops"`
// Image represents details about an image.
// See http://goo.gl/iSqJG for more details.
type Image struct {
Id string `xml:"imageId"`
Name string `xml:"name"`
Description string `xml:"description"`
Type string `xml:"imageType"`
State string `xml:"imageState"`
Location string `xml:"imageLocation"`
Public bool `xml:"isPublic"`
Architecture string `xml:"architecture"`
Platform string `xml:"platform"`
ProductCodes []string `xml:"productCode>item>productCode"`
KernelId string `xml:"kernelId"`
RamdiskId string `xml:"ramdiskId"`
StateReason string `xml:"stateReason"`
OwnerId string `xml:"imageOwnerId"`
OwnerAlias string `xml:"imageOwnerAlias"`
RootDeviceType string `xml:"rootDeviceType"`
RootDeviceName string `xml:"rootDeviceName"`
VirtualizationType string `xml:"virtualizationType"`
Hypervisor string `xml:"hypervisor"`
BlockDevices []BlockDeviceMapping `xml:"blockDeviceMapping>item"`
Tags []Tag `xml:"tagSet>item"`
// The ModifyImageAttribute request parameters.
type ModifyImageAttribute struct {
AddUsers []string
RemoveUsers []string
AddGroups []string
RemoveGroups []string
ProductCodes []string
Description string
// The CopyImage request parameters.
// See http://goo.gl/hQwPCK for more details.
type CopyImage struct {
SourceRegion string
SourceImageId string
Name string
Description string
ClientToken string
// Response to a CopyImage request.
// See http://goo.gl/hQwPCK for more details.
type CopyImageResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
ImageId string `xml:"imageId"`
// Creates an Amazon EBS-backed AMI from an Amazon EBS-backed instance
// that is either running or stopped.
// See http://goo.gl/cxU41 for more details.
func (ec2 *EC2) CreateImage(options *CreateImage) (resp *CreateImageResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("CreateImage")
params["InstanceId"] = options.InstanceId
params["Name"] = options.Name
if options.Description != "" {
params["Description"] = options.Description
if options.NoReboot {
params["NoReboot"] = "true"
addBlockDeviceParams("", params, options.BlockDevices)
resp = &CreateImageResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Images returns details about available images.
// The ids and filter parameters, if provided, will limit the images returned.
// For example, to get all the private images associated with this account set
// the boolean filter "is-public" to 0.
// For list of filters: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/ApiReference-query-DescribeImages.html
// Note: calling this function with nil ids and filter parameters will result in
// a very large number of images being returned.
// See http://goo.gl/SRBhW for more details.
func (ec2 *EC2) Images(ids []string, filter *Filter) (resp *ImagesResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DescribeImages")
for i, id := range ids {
params["ImageId."+strconv.Itoa(i+1)] = id
resp = &ImagesResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// ImagesByOwners returns details about available images.
// The ids, owners, and filter parameters, if provided, will limit the images returned.
// For example, to get all the private images associated with this account set
// the boolean filter "is-public" to 0.
// For list of filters: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/ApiReference-query-DescribeImages.html
// Note: calling this function with nil ids and filter parameters will result in
// a very large number of images being returned.
// See http://goo.gl/SRBhW for more details.
func (ec2 *EC2) ImagesByOwners(ids []string, owners []string, filter *Filter) (resp *ImagesResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DescribeImages")
for i, id := range ids {
params["ImageId."+strconv.Itoa(i+1)] = id
for i, owner := range owners {
params[fmt.Sprintf("Owner.%d", i+1)] = owner
resp = &ImagesResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// ImageAttribute describes an attribute of an AMI.
// You can specify only one attribute at a time.
// Valid attributes are:
// description | kernel | ramdisk | launchPermission | productCodes | blockDeviceMapping
// See http://goo.gl/bHO3zT for more details.
func (ec2 *EC2) ImageAttribute(imageId, attribute string) (resp *ImageAttributeResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DescribeImageAttribute")
params["ImageId"] = imageId
params["Attribute"] = attribute
resp = &ImageAttributeResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// ModifyImageAttribute sets attributes for an image.
// See http://goo.gl/YUjO4G for more details.
func (ec2 *EC2) ModifyImageAttribute(imageId string, options *ModifyImageAttribute) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("ModifyImageAttribute")
params["ImageId"] = imageId
if options.Description != "" {
params["Description.Value"] = options.Description
if options.AddUsers != nil {
for i, user := range options.AddUsers {
p := fmt.Sprintf("LaunchPermission.Add.%d.UserId", i+1)
params[p] = user
if options.RemoveUsers != nil {
for i, user := range options.RemoveUsers {
p := fmt.Sprintf("LaunchPermission.Remove.%d.UserId", i+1)
params[p] = user
if options.AddGroups != nil {
for i, group := range options.AddGroups {
p := fmt.Sprintf("LaunchPermission.Add.%d.Group", i+1)
params[p] = group
if options.RemoveGroups != nil {
for i, group := range options.RemoveGroups {
p := fmt.Sprintf("LaunchPermission.Remove.%d.Group", i+1)
params[p] = group
if options.ProductCodes != nil {
addParamsList(params, "ProductCode", options.ProductCodes)
resp = &SimpleResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
resp = nil
// Registers a new AMI with EC2.
// See: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/ApiReference-query-RegisterImage.html
func (ec2 *EC2) RegisterImage(options *RegisterImage) (resp *RegisterImageResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("RegisterImage")
params["Name"] = options.Name
if options.ImageLocation != "" {
params["ImageLocation"] = options.ImageLocation
if options.Description != "" {
params["Description"] = options.Description
if options.Architecture != "" {
params["Architecture"] = options.Architecture
if options.KernelId != "" {
params["KernelId"] = options.KernelId
if options.RamdiskId != "" {
params["RamdiskId"] = options.RamdiskId
if options.RootDeviceName != "" {
params["RootDeviceName"] = options.RootDeviceName
if options.VirtType != "" {
params["VirtualizationType"] = options.VirtType
if options.SriovNetSupport != "" {
params["SriovNetSupport"] = "simple"
addBlockDeviceParams("", params, options.BlockDevices)
resp = &RegisterImageResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Degisters an image. Note that this does not delete the backing stores of the AMI.
// See http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/ApiReference-query-DeregisterImage.html
func (ec2 *EC2) DeregisterImage(imageId string) (resp *DeregisterImageResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DeregisterImage")
params["ImageId"] = imageId
resp = &DeregisterImageResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Copy and Image from one region to another.
// See http://goo.gl/hQwPCK for more details.
func (ec2 *EC2) CopyImage(options *CopyImage) (resp *CopyImageResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("CopyImage")
if options.SourceRegion != "" {
params["SourceRegion"] = options.SourceRegion
if options.SourceImageId != "" {
params["SourceImageId"] = options.SourceImageId
if options.Name != "" {
params["Name"] = options.Name
if options.Description != "" {
params["Description"] = options.Description
if options.ClientToken != "" {
params["ClientToken"] = options.ClientToken
resp = &CopyImageResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Response to a CreateSnapshot request.
// See http://goo.gl/ttcda for more details.
type CreateSnapshotResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
// CreateSnapshot creates a volume snapshot and stores it in S3.
// See http://goo.gl/ttcda for more details.
func (ec2 *EC2) CreateSnapshot(volumeId, description string) (resp *CreateSnapshotResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("CreateSnapshot")
params["VolumeId"] = volumeId
params["Description"] = description
resp = &CreateSnapshotResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// DeleteSnapshots deletes the volume snapshots with the given ids.
// Note: If you make periodic snapshots of a volume, the snapshots are
// incremental so that only the blocks on the device that have changed
// since your last snapshot are incrementally saved in the new snapshot.
// Even though snapshots are saved incrementally, the snapshot deletion
// process is designed so that you need to retain only the most recent
// snapshot in order to restore the volume.
// See http://goo.gl/vwU1y for more details.
func (ec2 *EC2) DeleteSnapshots(ids []string) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DeleteSnapshot")
for i, id := range ids {
params["SnapshotId."+strconv.Itoa(i+1)] = id
resp = &SimpleResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Response to a DescribeSnapshots request.
// See http://goo.gl/nClDT for more details.
type SnapshotsResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
Snapshots []Snapshot `xml:"snapshotSet>item"`
// Snapshot represents details about a volume snapshot.
// See http://goo.gl/nkovs for more details.
type Snapshot struct {
Id string `xml:"snapshotId"`
VolumeId string `xml:"volumeId"`
VolumeSize string `xml:"volumeSize"`
Status string `xml:"status"`
StartTime string `xml:"startTime"`
Description string `xml:"description"`
Progress string `xml:"progress"`
OwnerId string `xml:"ownerId"`
OwnerAlias string `xml:"ownerAlias"`
Encrypted bool `xml:"encrypted"`
Tags []Tag `xml:"tagSet>item"`
// Snapshots returns details about volume snapshots available to the user.
// The ids and filter parameters, if provided, limit the snapshots returned.
// See http://goo.gl/ogJL4 for more details.
func (ec2 *EC2) Snapshots(ids []string, filter *Filter) (resp *SnapshotsResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DescribeSnapshots")
for i, id := range ids {
params["SnapshotId."+strconv.Itoa(i+1)] = id
resp = &SnapshotsResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// KeyPair management functions and types.
type KeyPair struct {
Name string `xml:"keyName"`
Fingerprint string `xml:"keyFingerprint"`
type KeyPairsResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
Keys []KeyPair `xml:"keySet>item"`
type CreateKeyPairResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
KeyName string `xml:"keyName"`
KeyFingerprint string `xml:"keyFingerprint"`
KeyMaterial string `xml:"keyMaterial"`
type ImportKeyPairResponse struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
KeyName string `xml:"keyName"`
KeyFingerprint string `xml:"keyFingerprint"`
// CreateKeyPair creates a new key pair and returns the private key contents.
// See http://goo.gl/0S6hV
func (ec2 *EC2) CreateKeyPair(keyName string) (resp *CreateKeyPairResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("CreateKeyPair")
params["KeyName"] = keyName
resp = &CreateKeyPairResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err == nil {
resp.KeyFingerprint = strings.TrimSpace(resp.KeyFingerprint)
// DeleteKeyPair deletes a key pair.
// See http://goo.gl/0bqok
func (ec2 *EC2) DeleteKeyPair(name string) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DeleteKeyPair")
params["KeyName"] = name
resp = &SimpleResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
// KeyPairs returns list of key pairs for this account
// See http://goo.gl/Apzsfz
func (ec2 *EC2) KeyPairs(keynames []string, filter *Filter) (resp *KeyPairsResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DescribeKeyPairs")
for i, name := range keynames {
params["KeyName."+strconv.Itoa(i)] = name
resp = &KeyPairsResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, nil
// ImportKeyPair imports a key into AWS
// See http://goo.gl/NbZUvw
func (ec2 *EC2) ImportKeyPair(keyname string, key string) (resp *ImportKeyPairResponse, err error) {
params := makeParams("ImportKeyPair")
params["KeyName"] = keyname
// Oddly, AWS requires the key material to be base64-encoded, even if it was
// already encoded. So, we force another round of encoding...
// c.f. https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/boto-dev/IczrStO9Q8M
params["PublicKeyMaterial"] = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(key))
resp = &ImportKeyPairResponse{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, nil
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Security group management functions and types.
// SimpleResp represents a response to an EC2 request which on success will
// return no other information besides a request id.
type SimpleResp struct {
XMLName xml.Name
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
// CreateSecurityGroupResp represents a response to a CreateSecurityGroup request.
type CreateSecurityGroupResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
// CreateSecurityGroup run a CreateSecurityGroup request in EC2, with the provided
// name and description.
// See http://goo.gl/Eo7Yl for more details.
func (ec2 *EC2) CreateSecurityGroup(group SecurityGroup) (resp *CreateSecurityGroupResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("CreateSecurityGroup")
params["GroupName"] = group.Name
params["GroupDescription"] = group.Description
if group.VpcId != "" {
params["VpcId"] = group.VpcId
resp = &CreateSecurityGroupResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resp.Name = group.Name
return resp, nil
// SecurityGroupsResp represents a response to a DescribeSecurityGroups
// request in EC2.
// See http://goo.gl/k12Uy for more details.
type SecurityGroupsResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
Groups []SecurityGroupInfo `xml:"securityGroupInfo>item"`
// SecurityGroup encapsulates details for a security group in EC2.
// See http://goo.gl/CIdyP for more details.
type SecurityGroupInfo struct {
OwnerId string `xml:"ownerId"`
Description string `xml:"groupDescription"`
IPPerms []IPPerm `xml:"ipPermissions>item"`
// IPPerm represents an allowance within an EC2 security group.
// See http://goo.gl/4oTxv for more details.
type IPPerm struct {
Protocol string `xml:"ipProtocol"`
FromPort int `xml:"fromPort"`
ToPort int `xml:"toPort"`
SourceIPs []string `xml:"ipRanges>item>cidrIp"`
SourceGroups []UserSecurityGroup `xml:"groups>item"`
// UserSecurityGroup holds a security group and the owner
// of that group.
type UserSecurityGroup struct {
Id string `xml:"groupId"`
Name string `xml:"groupName"`
OwnerId string `xml:"userId"`
// SecurityGroup represents an EC2 security group.
// If SecurityGroup is used as a parameter, then one of Id or Name
// may be empty. If both are set, then Id is used.
type SecurityGroup struct {
Id string `xml:"groupId"`
Name string `xml:"groupName"`
Description string `xml:"groupDescription"`
VpcId string `xml:"vpcId"`
Tags []Tag `xml:"tagSet>item"`
// SecurityGroupNames is a convenience function that
// returns a slice of security groups with the given names.
func SecurityGroupNames(names ...string) []SecurityGroup {
g := make([]SecurityGroup, len(names))
for i, name := range names {
g[i] = SecurityGroup{Name: name}
return g
// SecurityGroupNames is a convenience function that
// returns a slice of security groups with the given ids.
func SecurityGroupIds(ids ...string) []SecurityGroup {
g := make([]SecurityGroup, len(ids))
for i, id := range ids {
g[i] = SecurityGroup{Id: id}
return g
// SecurityGroups returns details about security groups in EC2. Both parameters
// are optional, and if provided will limit the security groups returned to those
// matching the given groups or filtering rules.
// See http://goo.gl/k12Uy for more details.
func (ec2 *EC2) SecurityGroups(groups []SecurityGroup, filter *Filter) (resp *SecurityGroupsResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DescribeSecurityGroups")
i, j := 1, 1
for _, g := range groups {
if g.Id != "" {
params["GroupId."+strconv.Itoa(i)] = g.Id
} else {
params["GroupName."+strconv.Itoa(j)] = g.Name
resp = &SecurityGroupsResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, nil
// DeleteSecurityGroup removes the given security group in EC2.
// See http://goo.gl/QJJDO for more details.
func (ec2 *EC2) DeleteSecurityGroup(group SecurityGroup) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DeleteSecurityGroup")
if group.Id != "" {
params["GroupId"] = group.Id
} else {
params["GroupName"] = group.Name
resp = &SimpleResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, nil
// AuthorizeSecurityGroup creates an allowance for clients matching the provided
// rules to access instances within the given security group.
// See http://goo.gl/u2sDJ for more details.
func (ec2 *EC2) AuthorizeSecurityGroup(group SecurityGroup, perms []IPPerm) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
return ec2.authOrRevoke("AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress", group, perms)
// AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress creates an allowance for clients matching the provided
// rules for egress access.
// See http://goo.gl/UHnH4L for more details.
func (ec2 *EC2) AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress(group SecurityGroup, perms []IPPerm) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
return ec2.authOrRevoke("AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress", group, perms)
// RevokeSecurityGroup revokes permissions from a group.
// See http://goo.gl/ZgdxA for more details.
func (ec2 *EC2) RevokeSecurityGroup(group SecurityGroup, perms []IPPerm) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
return ec2.authOrRevoke("RevokeSecurityGroupIngress", group, perms)
func (ec2 *EC2) authOrRevoke(op string, group SecurityGroup, perms []IPPerm) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
params := makeParams(op)
if group.Id != "" {
params["GroupId"] = group.Id
} else {
params["GroupName"] = group.Name
for i, perm := range perms {
prefix := "IpPermissions." + strconv.Itoa(i+1)
params[prefix+".IpProtocol"] = perm.Protocol
params[prefix+".FromPort"] = strconv.Itoa(perm.FromPort)
params[prefix+".ToPort"] = strconv.Itoa(perm.ToPort)
for j, ip := range perm.SourceIPs {
params[prefix+".IpRanges."+strconv.Itoa(j+1)+".CidrIp"] = ip
for j, g := range perm.SourceGroups {
subprefix := prefix + ".Groups." + strconv.Itoa(j+1)
if g.OwnerId != "" {
params[subprefix+".UserId"] = g.OwnerId
if g.Id != "" {
params[subprefix+".GroupId"] = g.Id
} else {
params[subprefix+".GroupName"] = g.Name
resp = &SimpleResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, nil
// ResourceTag represents key-value metadata used to classify and organize
// EC2 instances.
// See http://goo.gl/bncl3 for more details
type Tag struct {
Key string `xml:"key"`
Value string `xml:"value"`
// CreateTags adds or overwrites one or more tags for the specified taggable resources.
// For a list of tagable resources, see: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/Using_Tags.html
// See http://goo.gl/Vmkqc for more details
func (ec2 *EC2) CreateTags(resourceIds []string, tags []Tag) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("CreateTags")
addParamsList(params, "ResourceId", resourceIds)
for j, tag := range tags {
params["Tag."+strconv.Itoa(j+1)+".Key"] = tag.Key
params["Tag."+strconv.Itoa(j+1)+".Value"] = tag.Value
resp = &SimpleResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, nil
// DeleteTags deletes tags.
func (ec2 *EC2) DeleteTags(resourceIds []string, tags []Tag) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DeleteTags")
addParamsList(params, "ResourceId", resourceIds)
for j, tag := range tags {
params["Tag."+strconv.Itoa(j+1)+".Key"] = tag.Key
if tag.Value != "" {
params["Tag."+strconv.Itoa(j+1)+".Value"] = tag.Value
resp = &SimpleResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, nil
type TagsResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
Tags []ResourceTag `xml:"tagSet>item"`
type ResourceTag struct {
ResourceId string `xml:"resourceId"`
ResourceType string `xml:"resourceType"`
func (ec2 *EC2) Tags(filter *Filter) (*TagsResp, error) {
params := makeParams("DescribeTags")
resp := &TagsResp{}
if err := ec2.query(params, resp); err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, nil
// Response to a StartInstances request.
// See http://goo.gl/awKeF for more details.
type StartInstanceResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
StateChanges []InstanceStateChange `xml:"instancesSet>item"`
// Response to a StopInstances request.
// See http://goo.gl/436dJ for more details.
type StopInstanceResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
StateChanges []InstanceStateChange `xml:"instancesSet>item"`
// StartInstances starts an Amazon EBS-backed AMI that you've previously stopped.
// See http://goo.gl/awKeF for more details.
func (ec2 *EC2) StartInstances(ids ...string) (resp *StartInstanceResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("StartInstances")
addParamsList(params, "InstanceId", ids)
resp = &StartInstanceResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, nil
// StopInstances requests stopping one or more Amazon EBS-backed instances.
// See http://goo.gl/436dJ for more details.
func (ec2 *EC2) StopInstances(ids ...string) (resp *StopInstanceResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("StopInstances")
addParamsList(params, "InstanceId", ids)
resp = &StopInstanceResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, nil
// RebootInstance requests a reboot of one or more instances. This operation is asynchronous;
// it only queues a request to reboot the specified instance(s). The operation will succeed
// if the instances are valid and belong to you.
// Requests to reboot terminated instances are ignored.
// See http://goo.gl/baoUf for more details.
func (ec2 *EC2) RebootInstances(ids ...string) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("RebootInstances")
addParamsList(params, "InstanceId", ids)
resp = &SimpleResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, nil
// The ModifyInstanceAttribute request parameters.
type ModifyInstance struct {
InstanceType string
BlockDevices []BlockDeviceMapping
DisableAPITermination bool
EbsOptimized bool
SecurityGroups []SecurityGroup
ShutdownBehavior string
KernelId string
RamdiskId string
SourceDestCheck bool
SriovNetSupport bool
UserData []byte
SetSourceDestCheck bool
// Response to a ModifyInstanceAttribute request.
// http://goo.gl/icuXh5 for more details.
type ModifyInstanceResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
Return bool `xml:"return"`
// ModifyImageAttribute modifies the specified attribute of the specified instance.
// You can specify only one attribute at a time. To modify some attributes, the
// instance must be stopped.
// See http://goo.gl/icuXh5 for more details.
func (ec2 *EC2) ModifyInstance(instId string, options *ModifyInstance) (resp *ModifyInstanceResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("ModifyInstanceAttribute")
params["InstanceId"] = instId
addBlockDeviceParams("", params, options.BlockDevices)
if options.InstanceType != "" {
params["InstanceType.Value"] = options.InstanceType
if options.DisableAPITermination {
params["DisableApiTermination.Value"] = "true"
if options.EbsOptimized {
params["EbsOptimized"] = "true"
if options.ShutdownBehavior != "" {
params["InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior.Value"] = options.ShutdownBehavior
if options.KernelId != "" {
params["Kernel.Value"] = options.KernelId
if options.RamdiskId != "" {
params["Ramdisk.Value"] = options.RamdiskId
if options.SourceDestCheck || options.SetSourceDestCheck {
if options.SourceDestCheck {
params["SourceDestCheck.Value"] = "true"
} else {
params["SourceDestCheck.Value"] = "false"
if options.SriovNetSupport {
params["SriovNetSupport.Value"] = "simple"
if options.UserData != nil {
userData := make([]byte, b64.EncodedLen(len(options.UserData)))
b64.Encode(userData, options.UserData)
params["UserData"] = string(userData)
i := 1
for _, g := range options.SecurityGroups {
if g.Id != "" {
params["GroupId."+strconv.Itoa(i)] = g.Id
resp = &ModifyInstanceResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
resp = nil
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// VPC management functions and types.
// The CreateVpc request parameters
// See http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/ApiReference-query-CreateVpc.html
type CreateVpc struct {
CidrBlock string
InstanceTenancy string
// Response to a CreateVpc request
type CreateVpcResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
VPC VPC `xml:"vpc"`
// The ModifyVpcAttribute request parameters.
// See http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/index.html?ApiReference-query-DescribeVpcAttribute.html for more details.
type ModifyVpcAttribute struct {
EnableDnsSupport bool
EnableDnsHostnames bool
SetEnableDnsSupport bool
SetEnableDnsHostnames bool
// Response to a DescribeVpcAttribute request.
// See http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/index.html?ApiReference-query-DescribeVpcAttribute.html for more details.
type VpcAttributeResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
VpcId string `xml:"vpcId"`
EnableDnsSupport bool `xml:"enableDnsSupport>value"`
EnableDnsHostnames bool `xml:"enableDnsHostnames>value"`
// CreateInternetGateway request parameters.
// http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/ApiReference-query-CreateInternetGateway.html
type CreateInternetGateway struct{}
// CreateInternetGateway response
type CreateInternetGatewayResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
InternetGateway InternetGateway `xml:"internetGateway"`
// The CreateRouteTable request parameters.
// http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/ApiReference-query-CreateRouteTable.html
type CreateRouteTable struct {
VpcId string
// Response to a CreateRouteTable request.
type CreateRouteTableResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
RouteTable RouteTable `xml:"routeTable"`
// CreateRoute request parameters
// http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/ApiReference-query-CreateRoute.html
type CreateRoute struct {
RouteTableId string
DestinationCidrBlock string
GatewayId string
InstanceId string
NetworkInterfaceId string
VpcPeeringConnectionId string
type ReplaceRoute struct {
RouteTableId string
DestinationCidrBlock string
GatewayId string
InstanceId string
NetworkInterfaceId string
VpcPeeringConnectionId string
type AssociateRouteTableResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
AssociationId string `xml:"associationId"`
type ReassociateRouteTableResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
AssociationId string `xml:"newAssociationId"`
// The CreateSubnet request parameters
// http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/ApiReference-query-CreateSubnet.html
type CreateSubnet struct {
VpcId string
CidrBlock string
AvailabilityZone string
// Response to a CreateSubnet request
type CreateSubnetResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
Subnet Subnet `xml:"subnet"`
// The ModifySubnetAttribute request parameters
// http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/ApiReference-query-ModifySubnetAttribute.html
type ModifySubnetAttribute struct {
SubnetId string
MapPublicIpOnLaunch bool
type ModifySubnetAttributeResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
Return bool `xml:"return"`
// The CreateNetworkAcl request parameters
// http://goo.gl/BZmCRF
type CreateNetworkAcl struct {
VpcId string
// Response to a CreateNetworkAcl request
type CreateNetworkAclResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
NetworkAcl NetworkAcl `xml:"networkAcl"`
// Response to CreateNetworkAclEntry request
type CreateNetworkAclEntryResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
Return bool `xml:"return"`
// Response to a DescribeInternetGateways request.
type InternetGatewaysResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
InternetGateways []InternetGateway `xml:"internetGatewaySet>item"`
// Response to a DescribeRouteTables request.
type RouteTablesResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
RouteTables []RouteTable `xml:"routeTableSet>item"`
// Response to a DescribeVpcs request.
type VpcsResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
VPCs []VPC `xml:"vpcSet>item"`
// Internet Gateway
type InternetGateway struct {
InternetGatewayId string `xml:"internetGatewayId"`
Attachments []InternetGatewayAttachment `xml:"attachmentSet>item"`
Tags []Tag `xml:"tagSet>item"`
type InternetGatewayAttachment struct {
VpcId string `xml:"vpcId"`
State string `xml:"state"`
// Routing Table
type RouteTable struct {
RouteTableId string `xml:"routeTableId"`
VpcId string `xml:"vpcId"`
Associations []RouteTableAssociation `xml:"associationSet>item"`
Routes []Route `xml:"routeSet>item"`
Tags []Tag `xml:"tagSet>item"`
type RouteTableAssociation struct {
AssociationId string `xml:"routeTableAssociationId"`
RouteTableId string `xml:"routeTableId"`
SubnetId string `xml:"subnetId"`
Main bool `xml:"main"`
type Route struct {
DestinationCidrBlock string `xml:"destinationCidrBlock"`
GatewayId string `xml:"gatewayId"`
InstanceId string `xml:"instanceId"`
InstanceOwnerId string `xml:"instanceOwnerId"`
NetworkInterfaceId string `xml:"networkInterfaceId"`
State string `xml:"state"`
Origin string `xml:"origin"`
VpcPeeringConnectionId string `xml:"vpcPeeringConnectionId"`
// Subnet
type Subnet struct {
SubnetId string `xml:"subnetId"`
State string `xml:"state"`
VpcId string `xml:"vpcId"`
CidrBlock string `xml:"cidrBlock"`
AvailableIpAddressCount int `xml:"availableIpAddressCount"`
AvailabilityZone string `xml:"availabilityZone"`
DefaultForAZ bool `xml:"defaultForAz"`
MapPublicIpOnLaunch bool `xml:"mapPublicIpOnLaunch"`
Tags []Tag `xml:"tagSet>item"`
// NetworkAcl represent network acl
type NetworkAcl struct {
NetworkAclId string `xml:"networkAclId"`
VpcId string `xml:"vpcId"`
Default string `xml:"default"`
EntrySet []NetworkAclEntry `xml:"entrySet>item"`
AssociationSet []NetworkAclAssociation `xml:"associationSet>item"`
Tags []Tag `xml:"tagSet>item"`
// NetworkAclAssociation
type NetworkAclAssociation struct {
NetworkAclAssociationId string `xml:"networkAclAssociationId"`
NetworkAclId string `xml:"networkAclId"`
SubnetId string `xml:"subnetId"`
// NetworkAclEntry represent a rule within NetworkAcl
type NetworkAclEntry struct {
RuleNumber int `xml:"ruleNumber"`
Protocol int `xml:"protocol"`
RuleAction string `xml:"ruleAction"`
Egress bool `xml:"egress"`
CidrBlock string `xml:"cidrBlock"`
IcmpCode IcmpCode `xml:"icmpTypeCode"`
PortRange PortRange `xml:"portRange"`
// IcmpCode
type IcmpCode struct {
Code int `xml:"code"`
Type int `xml:"type"`
// PortRange
type PortRange struct {
From int `xml:"from"`
To int `xml:"to"`
// Response to describe NetworkAcls
type NetworkAclsResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
NetworkAcls []NetworkAcl `xml:"networkAclSet>item"`
// VPC represents a single VPC.
type VPC struct {
VpcId string `xml:"vpcId"`
State string `xml:"state"`
CidrBlock string `xml:"cidrBlock"`
DHCPOptionsID string `xml:"dhcpOptionsId"`
InstanceTenancy string `xml:"instanceTenancy"`
IsDefault bool `xml:"isDefault"`
Tags []Tag `xml:"tagSet>item"`
// Response to a DescribeSubnets request.
type SubnetsResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
Subnets []Subnet `xml:"subnetSet>item"`
// Create a new VPC.
func (ec2 *EC2) CreateVpc(options *CreateVpc) (resp *CreateVpcResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("CreateVpc")
params["CidrBlock"] = options.CidrBlock
if options.InstanceTenancy != "" {
params["InstanceTenancy"] = options.InstanceTenancy
resp = &CreateVpcResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Delete a VPC.
func (ec2 *EC2) DeleteVpc(id string) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DeleteVpc")
params["VpcId"] = id
resp = &SimpleResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// DescribeVpcs
// See http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/ApiReference-query-DescribeVpcs.html
func (ec2 *EC2) DescribeVpcs(ids []string, filter *Filter) (resp *VpcsResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DescribeVpcs")
addParamsList(params, "VpcId", ids)
resp = &VpcsResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// VpcAttribute describes an attribute of a VPC.
// You can specify only one attribute at a time.
// Valid attributes are:
// enableDnsSupport | enableDnsHostnames
// See http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/index.html?ApiReference-query-DescribeVpcAttribute.html for more details.
func (ec2 *EC2) VpcAttribute(vpcId, attribute string) (resp *VpcAttributeResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DescribeVpcAttribute")
params["VpcId"] = vpcId
params["Attribute"] = attribute
resp = &VpcAttributeResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// ModifyVpcAttribute modifies the specified attribute of the specified VPC.
// See http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/index.html?ApiReference-query-ModifyVpcAttribute.html for more details.
func (ec2 *EC2) ModifyVpcAttribute(vpcId string, options *ModifyVpcAttribute) (*SimpleResp, error) {
params := makeParams("ModifyVpcAttribute")
params["VpcId"] = vpcId
if options.SetEnableDnsSupport {
params["EnableDnsSupport.Value"] = strconv.FormatBool(options.EnableDnsSupport)
if options.SetEnableDnsHostnames {
params["EnableDnsHostnames.Value"] = strconv.FormatBool(options.EnableDnsHostnames)
resp := &SimpleResp{}
if err := ec2.query(params, resp); err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, nil
// Create a new subnet.
func (ec2 *EC2) CreateSubnet(options *CreateSubnet) (resp *CreateSubnetResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("CreateSubnet")
params["AvailabilityZone"] = options.AvailabilityZone
params["CidrBlock"] = options.CidrBlock
params["VpcId"] = options.VpcId
resp = &CreateSubnetResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Delete a Subnet.
func (ec2 *EC2) DeleteSubnet(id string) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DeleteSubnet")
params["SubnetId"] = id
resp = &SimpleResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// ModifySubnetAttribute
// http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/ApiReference-query-ModifySubnetAttribute.html
func (ec2 *EC2) ModifySubnetAttribute(options *ModifySubnetAttribute) (resp *ModifySubnetAttributeResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("ModifySubnetAttribute")
params["SubnetId"] = options.SubnetId
if options.MapPublicIpOnLaunch {
params["MapPublicIpOnLaunch.Value"] = "true"
} else {
params["MapPublicIpOnLaunch.Value"] = "false"
resp = &ModifySubnetAttributeResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// DescribeSubnets
// http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/ApiReference-query-DescribeSubnets.html
func (ec2 *EC2) DescribeSubnets(ids []string, filter *Filter) (resp *SubnetsResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DescribeSubnets")
addParamsList(params, "SubnetId", ids)
resp = &SubnetsResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// CreateNetworkAcl creates a network ACL in a VPC.
// http://goo.gl/51X7db
func (ec2 *EC2) CreateNetworkAcl(options *CreateNetworkAcl) (resp *CreateNetworkAclResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("CreateNetworkAcl")
params["VpcId"] = options.VpcId
resp = &CreateNetworkAclResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// CreateNetworkAclEntry creates an entry (a rule) in a network ACL with the specified rule number.
// http://goo.gl/BtXhtj
func (ec2 *EC2) CreateNetworkAclEntry(networkAclId string, options *NetworkAclEntry) (resp *CreateNetworkAclEntryResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("CreateNetworkAclEntry")
params["NetworkAclId"] = networkAclId
params["RuleNumber"] = strconv.Itoa(options.RuleNumber)
params["Protocol"] = strconv.Itoa(options.Protocol)
params["RuleAction"] = options.RuleAction
params["Egress"] = strconv.FormatBool(options.Egress)
params["CidrBlock"] = options.CidrBlock
if params["Protocol"] == "-1" {
params["Icmp.Type"] = strconv.Itoa(options.IcmpCode.Type)
params["Icmp.Code"] = strconv.Itoa(options.IcmpCode.Code)
params["PortRange.From"] = strconv.Itoa(options.PortRange.From)
params["PortRange.To"] = strconv.Itoa(options.PortRange.To)
resp = &CreateNetworkAclEntryResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, nil
// NetworkAcls describes one or more of your network ACLs for given filter.
// http://goo.gl/mk9RsV
func (ec2 *EC2) NetworkAcls(networkAclIds []string, filter *Filter) (resp *NetworkAclsResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DescribeNetworkAcls")
addParamsList(params, "NetworkAclId", networkAclIds)
resp = &NetworkAclsResp{}
if err = ec2.query(params, resp); err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, nil
// Response to a DeleteNetworkAcl request.
type DeleteNetworkAclResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
Return bool `xml:"return"`
// DeleteNetworkAcl deletes the network ACL with specified id.
// http://goo.gl/nC78Wx
func (ec2 *EC2) DeleteNetworkAcl(id string) (resp *DeleteNetworkAclResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DeleteNetworkAcl")
params["NetworkAclId"] = id
resp = &DeleteNetworkAclResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, nil
// Response to a DeleteNetworkAclEntry request.
type DeleteNetworkAclEntryResp struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
Return bool `xml:"return"`
// DeleteNetworkAclEntry deletes the specified ingress or egress entry (rule) from the specified network ACL.
// http://goo.gl/moQbE2
func (ec2 *EC2) DeleteNetworkAclEntry(id string, ruleNumber int, egress bool) (resp *DeleteNetworkAclEntryResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DeleteNetworkAclEntry")
params["NetworkAclId"] = id
params["RuleNumber"] = strconv.Itoa(ruleNumber)
params["Egress"] = strconv.FormatBool(egress)
resp = &DeleteNetworkAclEntryResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, nil
type ReplaceNetworkAclAssociationResponse struct {
RequestId string `xml:"requestId"`
NewAssociationId string `xml:"newAssociationId"`
// ReplaceNetworkAclAssociation changes which network ACL a subnet is associated with.
// http://goo.gl/ar0MH5
func (ec2 *EC2) ReplaceNetworkAclAssociation(associationId string, networkAclId string) (resp *ReplaceNetworkAclAssociationResponse, err error) {
params := makeParams("ReplaceNetworkAclAssociation")
params["NetworkAclId"] = networkAclId
params["AssociationId"] = associationId
resp = &ReplaceNetworkAclAssociationResponse{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, nil
// Create a new internet gateway.
func (ec2 *EC2) CreateInternetGateway(
options *CreateInternetGateway) (resp *CreateInternetGatewayResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("CreateInternetGateway")
resp = &CreateInternetGatewayResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Attach an InternetGateway.
func (ec2 *EC2) AttachInternetGateway(id, vpcId string) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("AttachInternetGateway")
params["InternetGatewayId"] = id
params["VpcId"] = vpcId
resp = &SimpleResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Detach an InternetGateway.
func (ec2 *EC2) DetachInternetGateway(id, vpcId string) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DetachInternetGateway")
params["InternetGatewayId"] = id
params["VpcId"] = vpcId
resp = &SimpleResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Delete an InternetGateway.
func (ec2 *EC2) DeleteInternetGateway(id string) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DeleteInternetGateway")
params["InternetGatewayId"] = id
resp = &SimpleResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// DescribeInternetGateways
// http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/ApiReference-query-DescribeInternetGateways.html
func (ec2 *EC2) DescribeInternetGateways(ids []string, filter *Filter) (resp *InternetGatewaysResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DescribeInternetGateways")
addParamsList(params, "InternetGatewayId", ids)
resp = &InternetGatewaysResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Create a new routing table.
func (ec2 *EC2) CreateRouteTable(
options *CreateRouteTable) (resp *CreateRouteTableResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("CreateRouteTable")
params["VpcId"] = options.VpcId
resp = &CreateRouteTableResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Delete a RouteTable.
func (ec2 *EC2) DeleteRouteTable(id string) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DeleteRouteTable")
params["RouteTableId"] = id
resp = &SimpleResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// DescribeRouteTables
// http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/ApiReference-query-DescribeRouteTables.html
func (ec2 *EC2) DescribeRouteTables(ids []string, filter *Filter) (resp *RouteTablesResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DescribeRouteTables")
addParamsList(params, "RouteTableId", ids)
resp = &RouteTablesResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Associate a routing table.
func (ec2 *EC2) AssociateRouteTable(id, subnetId string) (*AssociateRouteTableResp, error) {
params := makeParams("AssociateRouteTable")
params["RouteTableId"] = id
params["SubnetId"] = subnetId
resp := &AssociateRouteTableResp{}
err := ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, nil
// Disassociate a routing table.
func (ec2 *EC2) DisassociateRouteTable(id string) (*SimpleResp, error) {
params := makeParams("DisassociateRouteTable")
params["AssociationId"] = id
resp := &SimpleResp{}
err := ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, nil
// Re-associate a routing table.
func (ec2 *EC2) ReassociateRouteTable(id, routeTableId string) (*ReassociateRouteTableResp, error) {
params := makeParams("ReplaceRouteTableAssociation")
params["AssociationId"] = id
params["RouteTableId"] = routeTableId
resp := &ReassociateRouteTableResp{}
err := ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, nil
// Create a new route.
func (ec2 *EC2) CreateRoute(options *CreateRoute) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("CreateRoute")
params["RouteTableId"] = options.RouteTableId
params["DestinationCidrBlock"] = options.DestinationCidrBlock
if v := options.GatewayId; v != "" {
params["GatewayId"] = v
if v := options.InstanceId; v != "" {
params["InstanceId"] = v
if v := options.NetworkInterfaceId; v != "" {
params["NetworkInterfaceId"] = v
if v := options.VpcPeeringConnectionId; v != "" {
params["VpcPeeringConnectionId"] = v
resp = &SimpleResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Delete a Route.
func (ec2 *EC2) DeleteRoute(routeTableId, cidr string) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("DeleteRoute")
params["RouteTableId"] = routeTableId
params["DestinationCidrBlock"] = cidr
resp = &SimpleResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Replace a new route.
func (ec2 *EC2) ReplaceRoute(options *ReplaceRoute) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("ReplaceRoute")
params["RouteTableId"] = options.RouteTableId
params["DestinationCidrBlock"] = options.DestinationCidrBlock
if v := options.GatewayId; v != "" {
params["GatewayId"] = v
if v := options.InstanceId; v != "" {
params["InstanceId"] = v
if v := options.NetworkInterfaceId; v != "" {
params["NetworkInterfaceId"] = v
if v := options.VpcPeeringConnectionId; v != "" {
params["VpcPeeringConnectionId"] = v
resp = &SimpleResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// The ResetImageAttribute request parameters.
type ResetImageAttribute struct {
Attribute string
// ResetImageAttribute resets an attribute of an AMI to its default value.
// http://goo.gl/r6ZCPm for more details.
func (ec2 *EC2) ResetImageAttribute(imageId string, options *ResetImageAttribute) (resp *SimpleResp, err error) {
params := makeParams("ResetImageAttribute")
params["ImageId"] = imageId
if options.Attribute != "" {
params["Attribute"] = options.Attribute
resp = &SimpleResp{}
err = ec2.query(params, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
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