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// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package user provides a client for App Engine's user authentication service.
package user
import (
pb "google.golang.org/appengine/internal/user"
// User represents a user of the application.
type User struct {
Email string
AuthDomain string
Admin bool
// ID is the unique permanent ID of the user.
// It is populated if the Email is associated
// with a Google account, or empty otherwise.
ID string
FederatedIdentity string
FederatedProvider string
// String returns a displayable name for the user.
func (u *User) String() string {
if u.AuthDomain != "" && strings.HasSuffix(u.Email, "@"+u.AuthDomain) {
return u.Email[:len(u.Email)-len("@"+u.AuthDomain)]
if u.FederatedIdentity != "" {
return u.FederatedIdentity
return u.Email
// LoginURL returns a URL that, when visited, prompts the user to sign in,
// then redirects the user to the URL specified by dest.
func LoginURL(c appengine.Context, dest string) (string, error) {
return LoginURLFederated(c, dest, "")
// LoginURLFederated is like LoginURL but accepts a user's OpenID identifier.
func LoginURLFederated(c appengine.Context, dest, identity string) (string, error) {
req := &pb.CreateLoginURLRequest{
DestinationUrl: proto.String(dest),
if identity != "" {
req.FederatedIdentity = proto.String(identity)
res := &pb.CreateLoginURLResponse{}
if err := c.Call("user", "CreateLoginURL", req, res, nil); err != nil {
return "", err
return *res.LoginUrl, nil
// LogoutURL returns a URL that, when visited, signs the user out,
// then redirects the user to the URL specified by dest.
func LogoutURL(c appengine.Context, dest string) (string, error) {
req := &pb.CreateLogoutURLRequest{
DestinationUrl: proto.String(dest),
res := &pb.CreateLogoutURLResponse{}
if err := c.Call("user", "CreateLogoutURL", req, res, nil); err != nil {
return "", err
return *res.LogoutUrl, nil
// Current returns the currently logged-in user,
// or nil if the user is not signed in.
func Current(c appengine.Context) *User {
u := &User{
Email: internal.VirtAPI(c, "user:Email"),
AuthDomain: internal.VirtAPI(c, "user:AuthDomain"),
ID: internal.VirtAPI(c, "user:ID"),
Admin: internal.VirtAPI(c, "user:IsAdmin") == "1",
FederatedIdentity: internal.VirtAPI(c, "user:FederatedIdentity"),
FederatedProvider: internal.VirtAPI(c, "user:FederatedProvider"),
if u.Email == "" && u.FederatedIdentity == "" {
return nil
return u
// IsAdmin returns true if the current user is signed in and
// is currently registered as an administrator of the application.
func IsAdmin(c appengine.Context) bool {
return internal.VirtAPI(c, "user:IsAdmin") == "1"
func init() {
internal.RegisterErrorCodeMap("user", pb.UserServiceError_ErrorCode_name)
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