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defaults.go 6.57 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Rohit Jnagal 提交于 2015-01-07 18:25 . Add skydns to deps.
package dns
import (
const hexDigit = "0123456789abcdef"
// Everything is assumed in ClassINET.
// SetReply creates a reply message from a request message.
func (dns *Msg) SetReply(request *Msg) *Msg {
dns.Id = request.Id
dns.RecursionDesired = request.RecursionDesired // Copy rd bit
dns.Response = true
dns.Opcode = OpcodeQuery
dns.Rcode = RcodeSuccess
if len(request.Question) > 0 {
dns.Question = make([]Question, 1)
dns.Question[0] = request.Question[0]
return dns
// SetQuestion creates a question message.
func (dns *Msg) SetQuestion(z string, t uint16) *Msg {
dns.Id = Id()
dns.RecursionDesired = true
dns.Question = make([]Question, 1)
dns.Question[0] = Question{z, t, ClassINET}
return dns
// SetNotify creates a notify message.
func (dns *Msg) SetNotify(z string) *Msg {
dns.Opcode = OpcodeNotify
dns.Authoritative = true
dns.Id = Id()
dns.Question = make([]Question, 1)
dns.Question[0] = Question{z, TypeSOA, ClassINET}
return dns
// SetRcode creates an error message suitable for the request.
func (dns *Msg) SetRcode(request *Msg, rcode int) *Msg {
dns.Rcode = rcode
return dns
// SetRcodeFormatError creates a message with FormError set.
func (dns *Msg) SetRcodeFormatError(request *Msg) *Msg {
dns.Rcode = RcodeFormatError
dns.Opcode = OpcodeQuery
dns.Response = true
dns.Authoritative = false
dns.Id = request.Id
return dns
// SetUpdate makes the message a dynamic update message. It
// sets the ZONE section to: z, TypeSOA, ClassINET.
func (dns *Msg) SetUpdate(z string) *Msg {
dns.Id = Id()
dns.Response = false
dns.Opcode = OpcodeUpdate
dns.Compress = false // BIND9 cannot handle compression
dns.Question = make([]Question, 1)
dns.Question[0] = Question{z, TypeSOA, ClassINET}
return dns
// SetIxfr creates message for requesting an IXFR.
func (dns *Msg) SetIxfr(z string, serial uint32) *Msg {
dns.Id = Id()
dns.Question = make([]Question, 1)
dns.Ns = make([]RR, 1)
s := new(SOA)
s.Hdr = RR_Header{z, TypeSOA, ClassINET, defaultTtl, 0}
s.Serial = serial
dns.Question[0] = Question{z, TypeIXFR, ClassINET}
dns.Ns[0] = s
return dns
// SetAxfr creates message for requesting an AXFR.
func (dns *Msg) SetAxfr(z string) *Msg {
dns.Id = Id()
dns.Question = make([]Question, 1)
dns.Question[0] = Question{z, TypeAXFR, ClassINET}
return dns
// SetTsig appends a TSIG RR to the message.
// This is only a skeleton TSIG RR that is added as the last RR in the
// additional section. The Tsig is calculated when the message is being send.
func (dns *Msg) SetTsig(z, algo string, fudge, timesigned int64) *Msg {
t := new(TSIG)
t.Hdr = RR_Header{z, TypeTSIG, ClassANY, 0, 0}
t.Algorithm = algo
t.Fudge = 300
t.TimeSigned = uint64(timesigned)
t.OrigId = dns.Id
dns.Extra = append(dns.Extra, t)
return dns
// SetEdns0 appends a EDNS0 OPT RR to the message.
// TSIG should always the last RR in a message.
func (dns *Msg) SetEdns0(udpsize uint16, do bool) *Msg {
e := new(OPT)
e.Hdr.Name = "."
e.Hdr.Rrtype = TypeOPT
if do {
dns.Extra = append(dns.Extra, e)
return dns
// IsTsig checks if the message has a TSIG record as the last record
// in the additional section. It returns the TSIG record found or nil.
func (dns *Msg) IsTsig() *TSIG {
if len(dns.Extra) > 0 {
if dns.Extra[len(dns.Extra)-1].Header().Rrtype == TypeTSIG {
return dns.Extra[len(dns.Extra)-1].(*TSIG)
return nil
// IsEdns0 checks if the message has a EDNS0 (OPT) record, any EDNS0
// record in the additional section will do. It returns the OPT record
// found or nil.
func (dns *Msg) IsEdns0() *OPT {
for _, r := range dns.Extra {
if r.Header().Rrtype == TypeOPT {
return r.(*OPT)
return nil
// IsDomainName checks if s is a valid domainname, it returns
// the number of labels and true, when a domain name is valid.
// Note that non fully qualified domain name is considered valid, in this case the
// last label is counted in the number of labels.
// When false is returned the number of labels is not defined.
func IsDomainName(s string) (labels int, ok bool) {
_, labels, err := packDomainName(s, nil, 0, nil, false)
return labels, err == nil
// IsSubDomain checks if child is indeed a child of the parent. Both child and
// parent are *not* downcased before doing the comparison.
func IsSubDomain(parent, child string) bool {
// Entire child is contained in parent
return CompareDomainName(parent, child) == CountLabel(parent)
// IsMsg sanity checks buf and returns an error if it isn't a valid DNS packet.
// The checking is performed on the binary payload.
func IsMsg(buf []byte) error {
// Header
if len(buf) < 12 {
return errors.New("dns: bad message header")
// Header: Opcode
// TODO(miek): more checks here, e.g. check all header bits.
return nil
// IsFqdn checks if a domain name is fully qualified.
func IsFqdn(s string) bool {
l := len(s)
if l == 0 {
return false
return s[l-1] == '.'
// Fqdns return the fully qualified domain name from s.
// If s is already fully qualified, it behaves as the identity function.
func Fqdn(s string) string {
if IsFqdn(s) {
return s
return s + "."
// Copied from the official Go code.
// ReverseAddr returns the in-addr.arpa. or ip6.arpa. hostname of the IP
// address suitable for reverse DNS (PTR) record lookups or an error if it fails
// to parse the IP address.
func ReverseAddr(addr string) (arpa string, err error) {
ip := net.ParseIP(addr)
if ip == nil {
return "", &Error{err: "unrecognized address: " + addr}
if ip.To4() != nil {
return strconv.Itoa(int(ip[15])) + "." + strconv.Itoa(int(ip[14])) + "." + strconv.Itoa(int(ip[13])) + "." +
strconv.Itoa(int(ip[12])) + ".in-addr.arpa.", nil
// Must be IPv6
buf := make([]byte, 0, len(ip)*4+len("ip6.arpa."))
// Add it, in reverse, to the buffer
for i := len(ip) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
v := ip[i]
buf = append(buf, hexDigit[v&0xF])
buf = append(buf, '.')
buf = append(buf, hexDigit[v>>4])
buf = append(buf, '.')
// Append "ip6.arpa." and return (buf already has the final .)
buf = append(buf, "ip6.arpa."...)
return string(buf), nil
// String returns the string representation for the type t.
func (t Type) String() string {
if t1, ok := TypeToString[uint16(t)]; ok {
return t1
return "TYPE" + strconv.Itoa(int(t))
// String returns the string representation for the class c.
func (c Class) String() string {
if c1, ok := ClassToString[uint16(c)]; ok {
return c1
return "CLASS" + strconv.Itoa(int(c))
// String returns the string representation for the name n.
func (n Name) String() string {
return sprintName(string(n))
马建仓 AI 助手
