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package monitors
import (
// Monitor represents a load balancer health monitor. A health monitor is used
// to determine whether or not back-end members of the VIP's pool are usable
// for processing a request. A pool can have several health monitors associated
// with it. There are different types of health monitors supported:
// PING: used to ping the members using ICMP.
// TCP: used to connect to the members using TCP.
// HTTP: used to send an HTTP request to the member.
// HTTPS: used to send a secure HTTP request to the member.
// When a pool has several monitors associated with it, each member of the pool
// is monitored by all these monitors. If any monitor declares the member as
// unhealthy, then the member status is changed to INACTIVE and the member
// won't participate in its pool's load balancing. In other words, ALL monitors
// must declare the member to be healthy for it to stay ACTIVE.
type Monitor struct {
// The unique ID for the VIP.
ID string
// Owner of the VIP. Only an administrative user can specify a tenant ID
// other than its own.
TenantID string `json:"tenant_id" mapstructure:"tenant_id"`
// The type of probe sent by the load balancer to verify the member state,
// which is PING, TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS.
Type string
// The time, in seconds, between sending probes to members.
Delay int
// The maximum number of seconds for a monitor to wait for a connection to be
// established before it times out. This value must be less than the delay value.
Timeout int
// Number of allowed connection failures before changing the status of the
// member to INACTIVE. A valid value is from 1 to 10.
MaxRetries int `json:"max_retries" mapstructure:"max_retries"`
// The HTTP method that the monitor uses for requests.
HTTPMethod string `json:"http_method" mapstructure:"http_method"`
// The HTTP path of the request sent by the monitor to test the health of a
// member. Must be a string beginning with a forward slash (/).
URLPath string `json:"url_path" mapstructure:"url_path"`
// Expected HTTP codes for a passing HTTP(S) monitor.
ExpectedCodes string `json:"expected_codes" mapstructure:"expected_codes"`
// The administrative state of the health monitor, which is up (true) or down (false).
AdminStateUp bool `json:"admin_state_up" mapstructure:"admin_state_up"`
// The status of the health monitor. Indicates whether the health monitor is
// operational.
Status string
// MonitorPage is the page returned by a pager when traversing over a
// collection of health monitors.
type MonitorPage struct {
// NextPageURL is invoked when a paginated collection of monitors has reached
// the end of a page and the pager seeks to traverse over a new one. In order
// to do this, it needs to construct the next page's URL.
func (p MonitorPage) NextPageURL() (string, error) {
type resp struct {
Links []gophercloud.Link `mapstructure:"health_monitors_links"`
var r resp
err := mapstructure.Decode(p.Body, &r)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return gophercloud.ExtractNextURL(r.Links)
// IsEmpty checks whether a PoolPage struct is empty.
func (p MonitorPage) IsEmpty() (bool, error) {
is, err := ExtractMonitors(p)
if err != nil {
return true, nil
return len(is) == 0, nil
// ExtractMonitors accepts a Page struct, specifically a MonitorPage struct,
// and extracts the elements into a slice of Monitor structs. In other words,
// a generic collection is mapped into a relevant slice.
func ExtractMonitors(page pagination.Page) ([]Monitor, error) {
var resp struct {
Monitors []Monitor `mapstructure:"health_monitors" json:"health_monitors"`
err := mapstructure.Decode(page.(MonitorPage).Body, &resp)
return resp.Monitors, err
type commonResult struct {
// Extract is a function that accepts a result and extracts a monitor.
func (r commonResult) Extract() (*Monitor, error) {
if r.Err != nil {
return nil, r.Err
var res struct {
Monitor *Monitor `json:"health_monitor" mapstructure:"health_monitor"`
err := mapstructure.Decode(r.Body, &res)
return res.Monitor, err
// CreateResult represents the result of a create operation.
type CreateResult struct {
// GetResult represents the result of a get operation.
type GetResult struct {
// UpdateResult represents the result of an update operation.
type UpdateResult struct {
// DeleteResult represents the result of a delete operation.
type DeleteResult struct {
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