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noop.go 5.46 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license found in the LICENSE file.
package codec
import (
// NoopHandle returns a no-op handle. It basically does nothing.
// It is only useful for benchmarking, as it gives an idea of the
// overhead from the codec framework.
func NoopHandle(slen int) *noopHandle {
h := noopHandle{}
h.rand = rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
h.B = make([][]byte, slen)
h.S = make([]string, slen)
for i := 0; i < len(h.S); i++ {
b := make([]byte, i+1)
for j := 0; j < len(b); j++ {
b[j] = 'a' + byte(i)
h.B[i] = b
h.S[i] = string(b)
return &h
// noopHandle does nothing.
// It is used to simulate the overhead of the codec framework.
type noopHandle struct {
noopDrv // noopDrv is unexported here, so we can get a copy of it when needed.
type noopDrv struct {
i int
S []string
B [][]byte
mk bool // are we about to read a map key?
ct valueType // last request for IsContainerType.
cb bool // last response for IsContainerType.
rand *rand.Rand
func (h *noopDrv) r(v int) int { return h.rand.Intn(v) }
func (h *noopDrv) m(v int) int { h.i++; return h.i % v }
func (h *noopDrv) newEncDriver(_ *Encoder) encDriver { return h }
func (h *noopDrv) newDecDriver(_ *Decoder) decDriver { return h }
// --- encDriver
func (h *noopDrv) EncodeBuiltin(rt uintptr, v interface{}) {}
func (h *noopDrv) EncodeNil() {}
func (h *noopDrv) EncodeInt(i int64) {}
func (h *noopDrv) EncodeUint(i uint64) {}
func (h *noopDrv) EncodeBool(b bool) {}
func (h *noopDrv) EncodeFloat32(f float32) {}
func (h *noopDrv) EncodeFloat64(f float64) {}
func (h *noopDrv) EncodeRawExt(re *RawExt, e *Encoder) {}
func (h *noopDrv) EncodeArrayStart(length int) {}
func (h *noopDrv) EncodeArrayEnd() {}
func (h *noopDrv) EncodeArrayEntrySeparator() {}
func (h *noopDrv) EncodeMapStart(length int) {}
func (h *noopDrv) EncodeMapEnd() {}
func (h *noopDrv) EncodeMapEntrySeparator() {}
func (h *noopDrv) EncodeMapKVSeparator() {}
func (h *noopDrv) EncodeString(c charEncoding, v string) {}
func (h *noopDrv) EncodeSymbol(v string) {}
func (h *noopDrv) EncodeStringBytes(c charEncoding, v []byte) {}
func (h *noopDrv) EncodeExt(rv interface{}, xtag uint64, ext Ext, e *Encoder) {}
// ---- decDriver
func (h *noopDrv) initReadNext() {}
func (h *noopDrv) CheckBreak() bool { return false }
func (h *noopDrv) IsBuiltinType(rt uintptr) bool { return false }
func (h *noopDrv) DecodeBuiltin(rt uintptr, v interface{}) {}
func (h *noopDrv) DecodeInt(bitsize uint8) (i int64) { return int64(h.m(15)) }
func (h *noopDrv) DecodeUint(bitsize uint8) (ui uint64) { return uint64(h.m(35)) }
func (h *noopDrv) DecodeFloat(chkOverflow32 bool) (f float64) { return float64(h.m(95)) }
func (h *noopDrv) DecodeBool() (b bool) { return h.m(2) == 0 }
func (h *noopDrv) DecodeString() (s string) { return h.S[h.m(8)] }
// func (h *noopDrv) DecodeStringAsBytes(bs []byte) []byte { return h.DecodeBytes(bs) }
func (h *noopDrv) DecodeBytes(bs []byte, isstring, zerocopy bool) []byte { return h.B[h.m(len(h.B))] }
func (h *noopDrv) ReadMapEnd() { h.mk = false }
func (h *noopDrv) ReadArrayEnd() {}
func (h *noopDrv) ReadArrayEntrySeparator() {}
func (h *noopDrv) ReadMapEntrySeparator() { h.mk = true }
func (h *noopDrv) ReadMapKVSeparator() { h.mk = false }
// toggle map/slice
func (h *noopDrv) ReadMapStart() int { h.mk = true; return h.m(10) }
func (h *noopDrv) ReadArrayStart() int { return h.m(10) }
func (h *noopDrv) IsContainerType(vt valueType) bool {
// return h.m(2) == 0
// handle kStruct
if h.ct == valueTypeMap && vt == valueTypeArray || h.ct == valueTypeArray && vt == valueTypeMap {
h.cb = !h.cb
h.ct = vt
return h.cb
// go in a loop and check it.
h.ct = vt
h.cb = h.m(7) == 0
return h.cb
func (h *noopDrv) TryDecodeAsNil() bool {
if h.mk {
return false
} else {
return h.m(8) == 0
func (h *noopDrv) DecodeExt(rv interface{}, xtag uint64, ext Ext) uint64 {
return 0
func (h *noopDrv) DecodeNaked() (v interface{}, vt valueType, decodeFurther bool) {
// use h.r (random) not h.m() because h.m() could cause the same value to be given.
var sk int
if h.mk {
// if mapkey, do not support values of nil OR bytes, array, map or rawext
sk = h.r(7) + 1
} else {
sk = h.r(12)
switch sk {
case 0:
vt = valueTypeNil
case 1:
vt, v = valueTypeBool, false
case 2:
vt, v = valueTypeBool, true
case 3:
vt, v = valueTypeInt, h.DecodeInt(64)
case 4:
vt, v = valueTypeUint, h.DecodeUint(64)
case 5:
vt, v = valueTypeFloat, h.DecodeFloat(true)
case 6:
vt, v = valueTypeFloat, h.DecodeFloat(false)
case 7:
vt, v = valueTypeString, h.DecodeString()
case 8:
vt, v = valueTypeBytes, h.B[h.m(len(h.B))]
case 9:
vt, decodeFurther = valueTypeArray, true
case 10:
vt, decodeFurther = valueTypeMap, true
vt, v = valueTypeExt, &RawExt{Tag: h.DecodeUint(64), Data: h.B[h.m(len(h.B))]}
h.ct = vt
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