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request.go 9.12 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Trevor Pounds 提交于 2015-09-20 13:45 . Update Godeps to aws-sdk-go v0.9.9.
package request
import (
// A Request is the service request to be made.
type Request struct {
Service serviceinfo.ServiceInfo
Handlers Handlers
Time time.Time
ExpireTime time.Duration
Operation *Operation
HTTPRequest *http.Request
HTTPResponse *http.Response
Body io.ReadSeeker
BodyStart int64 // offset from beginning of Body that the request body starts
Params interface{}
Error error
Data interface{}
RequestID string
RetryCount uint
Retryable *bool
RetryDelay time.Duration
built bool
// An Operation is the service API operation to be made.
type Operation struct {
Name string
HTTPMethod string
HTTPPath string
// Paginator keeps track of pagination configuration for an API operation.
type Paginator struct {
InputTokens []string
OutputTokens []string
LimitToken string
TruncationToken string
// New returns a new Request pointer for the service API
// operation and parameters.
// Params is any value of input parameters to be the request payload.
// Data is pointer value to an object which the request's response
// payload will be deserialized to.
func New(service serviceinfo.ServiceInfo, handlers Handlers, retryer Retryer, operation *Operation, params interface{}, data interface{}) *Request {
method := operation.HTTPMethod
if method == "" {
method = "POST"
p := operation.HTTPPath
if p == "" {
p = "/"
httpReq, _ := http.NewRequest(method, "", nil)
httpReq.URL, _ = url.Parse(service.Endpoint + p)
r := &Request{
Retryer: retryer,
Service: service,
Handlers: handlers.Copy(),
Time: time.Now(),
ExpireTime: 0,
Operation: operation,
HTTPRequest: httpReq,
Body: nil,
Params: params,
Error: nil,
Data: data,
return r
// WillRetry returns if the request's can be retried.
func (r *Request) WillRetry() bool {
return r.Error != nil && aws.BoolValue(r.Retryable) && r.RetryCount < r.MaxRetries()
// ParamsFilled returns if the request's parameters have been populated
// and the parameters are valid. False is returned if no parameters are
// provided or invalid.
func (r *Request) ParamsFilled() bool {
return r.Params != nil && reflect.ValueOf(r.Params).Elem().IsValid()
// DataFilled returns true if the request's data for response deserialization
// target has been set and is a valid. False is returned if data is not
// set, or is invalid.
func (r *Request) DataFilled() bool {
return r.Data != nil && reflect.ValueOf(r.Data).Elem().IsValid()
// SetBufferBody will set the request's body bytes that will be sent to
// the service API.
func (r *Request) SetBufferBody(buf []byte) {
// SetStringBody sets the body of the request to be backed by a string.
func (r *Request) SetStringBody(s string) {
// SetReaderBody will set the request's body reader.
func (r *Request) SetReaderBody(reader io.ReadSeeker) {
r.HTTPRequest.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(reader)
r.Body = reader
// Presign returns the request's signed URL. Error will be returned
// if the signing fails.
func (r *Request) Presign(expireTime time.Duration) (string, error) {
r.ExpireTime = expireTime
if r.Error != nil {
return "", r.Error
return r.HTTPRequest.URL.String(), nil
func debugLogReqError(r *Request, stage string, retrying bool, err error) {
if !r.Service.Config.LogLevel.Matches(aws.LogDebugWithRequestErrors) {
retryStr := "not retrying"
if retrying {
retryStr = "will retry"
r.Service.Config.Logger.Log(fmt.Sprintf("DEBUG: %s %s/%s failed, %s, error %v",
stage, r.Service.ServiceName, r.Operation.Name, retryStr, err))
// Build will build the request's object so it can be signed and sent
// to the service. Build will also validate all the request's parameters.
// Anny additional build Handlers set on this request will be run
// in the order they were set.
// The request will only be built once. Multiple calls to build will have
// no effect.
// If any Validate or Build errors occur the build will stop and the error
// which occurred will be returned.
func (r *Request) Build() error {
if !r.built {
r.Error = nil
if r.Error != nil {
debugLogReqError(r, "Validate Request", false, r.Error)
return r.Error
r.built = true
return r.Error
// Sign will sign the request retuning error if errors are encountered.
// Send will build the request prior to signing. All Sign Handlers will
// be executed in the order they were set.
func (r *Request) Sign() error {
if r.Error != nil {
debugLogReqError(r, "Build Request", false, r.Error)
return r.Error
return r.Error
// Send will send the request returning error if errors are encountered.
// Send will sign the request prior to sending. All Send Handlers will
// be executed in the order they were set.
func (r *Request) Send() error {
for {
if r.Error != nil {
return r.Error
if aws.BoolValue(r.Retryable) {
if r.Service.Config.LogLevel.Matches(aws.LogDebugWithRequestRetries) {
r.Service.Config.Logger.Log(fmt.Sprintf("DEBUG: Retrying Request %s/%s, attempt %d",
r.Service.ServiceName, r.Operation.Name, r.RetryCount))
// Re-seek the body back to the original point in for a retry so that
// send will send the body's contents again in the upcoming request.
r.Body.Seek(r.BodyStart, 0)
r.HTTPRequest.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(r.Body)
r.Retryable = nil
if r.Error != nil {
err := r.Error
if r.Error != nil {
debugLogReqError(r, "Send Request", false, r.Error)
return r.Error
debugLogReqError(r, "Send Request", true, err)
if r.Error != nil {
err := r.Error
if r.Error != nil {
debugLogReqError(r, "Validate Response", false, r.Error)
return r.Error
debugLogReqError(r, "Validate Response", true, err)
if r.Error != nil {
err := r.Error
if r.Error != nil {
debugLogReqError(r, "Unmarshal Response", false, r.Error)
return r.Error
debugLogReqError(r, "Unmarshal Response", true, err)
return nil
// HasNextPage returns true if this request has more pages of data available.
func (r *Request) HasNextPage() bool {
return r.nextPageTokens() != nil
// nextPageTokens returns the tokens to use when asking for the next page of
// data.
func (r *Request) nextPageTokens() []interface{} {
if r.Operation.Paginator == nil {
return nil
if r.Operation.TruncationToken != "" {
tr := awsutil.ValuesAtAnyPath(r.Data, r.Operation.TruncationToken)
if tr == nil || len(tr) == 0 {
return nil
switch v := tr[0].(type) {
case bool:
if v == false {
return nil
found := false
tokens := make([]interface{}, len(r.Operation.OutputTokens))
for i, outtok := range r.Operation.OutputTokens {
v := awsutil.ValuesAtAnyPath(r.Data, outtok)
if v != nil && len(v) > 0 {
found = true
tokens[i] = v[0]
if found {
return tokens
return nil
// NextPage returns a new Request that can be executed to return the next
// page of result data. Call .Send() on this request to execute it.
func (r *Request) NextPage() *Request {
tokens := r.nextPageTokens()
if tokens == nil {
return nil
data := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(r.Data).Elem()).Interface()
nr := New(r.Service, r.Handlers, r.Retryer, r.Operation, awsutil.CopyOf(r.Params), data)
for i, intok := range nr.Operation.InputTokens {
awsutil.SetValueAtAnyPath(nr.Params, intok, tokens[i])
return nr
// EachPage iterates over each page of a paginated request object. The fn
// parameter should be a function with the following sample signature:
// func(page *T, lastPage bool) bool {
// return true // return false to stop iterating
// }
// Where "T" is the structure type matching the output structure of the given
// operation. For example, a request object generated by
// DynamoDB.ListTablesRequest() would expect to see dynamodb.ListTablesOutput
// as the structure "T". The lastPage value represents whether the page is
// the last page of data or not. The return value of this function should
// return true to keep iterating or false to stop.
func (r *Request) EachPage(fn func(data interface{}, isLastPage bool) (shouldContinue bool)) error {
for page := r; page != nil; page = page.NextPage() {
shouldContinue := fn(page.Data, !page.HasNextPage())
if page.Error != nil || !shouldContinue {
return page.Error
return nil
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