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xiangpengzhao 提交于 2017-12-15 16:34 . Use apps/v1 API in kubeadm.
Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package upgrade
import (
apps "k8s.io/api/apps/v1"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
clientset "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes"
kubeadmapi "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/apis/kubeadm"
const (
// upgradeTempDSPrefix is the prefix added to the temporary DaemonSet's name used during the upgrade
upgradeTempDSPrefix = "temp-upgrade-"
// upgradeTempLabel is the label key used for identifying the temporary component's DaemonSet
upgradeTempLabel = "temp-upgrade-component"
// selfHostingWaitTimeout describes the maximum amount of time a self-hosting wait process should wait before timing out
selfHostingWaitTimeout = 2 * time.Minute
// selfHostingFailureThreshold describes how many times kubeadm will retry creating the DaemonSets
selfHostingFailureThreshold int = 10
// controlPlaneComponentResources holds the relevant Pod and DaemonSet associated with a control plane component
type controlPlaneComponentResources struct {
pod *v1.Pod
daemonSet *apps.DaemonSet
// SelfHostedControlPlane upgrades a self-hosted control plane
// It works as follows:
// - The client gets the currently running DaemonSets and their associated Pods used for self-hosting the control plane
// - A temporary DaemonSet for the component in question is created; but nearly identical to the DaemonSet for the self-hosted component running right now
// - Why use this temporary DaemonSet? Because, the RollingUpdate strategy for upgrading DaemonSets first kills the old Pod, and then adds the new one
// - This doesn't work for self-hosted upgrades, as if you remove the only API server for instance you have in the cluster, the cluster essentially goes down
// - So instead, a nearly identical copy of the pre-upgrade DaemonSet is created and applied to the cluster. In the beginning, this duplicate DS is just idle
// - kubeadm waits for the temporary DaemonSet's Pod to become Running
// - kubeadm updates the real, self-hosted component. This will result in the pre-upgrade component Pod being removed from the cluster
// - Luckily, the temporary, backup DaemonSet now kicks in and takes over and acts as the control plane. It recognizes that a new Pod should be created,
// - as the "real" DaemonSet is being updated.
// - kubeadm waits for the pre-upgrade Pod to become deleted. It now takes advantage of the backup/temporary component
// - kubeadm waits for the new, upgraded DaemonSet to become Running.
// - Now that the new, upgraded DaemonSet is Running, we can delete the backup/temporary DaemonSet
// - Lastly, make sure the API /healthz endpoint still is reachable
// TL;DR; This is what the flow looks like in pseudo-code:
// for [kube-apiserver, kube-controller-manager, kube-scheduler], do:
// 1. Self-Hosted component v1 Running
// -> Duplicate the DaemonSet manifest
// 2. Self-Hosted component v1 Running (active). Backup component v1 Running (passive)
// -> Upgrade the Self-Hosted component v1 to v2.
// -> Self-Hosted component v1 is Deleted from the cluster
// 3. Backup component v1 Running becomes active and completes the upgrade by creating the Self-Hosted component v2 Pod (passive)
// -> Wait for Self-Hosted component v2 to become Running
// 4. Backup component v1 Running (active). Self-Hosted component v2 Running (passive)
// -> Backup component v1 is Deleted
// 5. Wait for Self-Hosted component v2 Running to become active
// 6. Repeat for all control plane components
func SelfHostedControlPlane(client clientset.Interface, waiter apiclient.Waiter, cfg *kubeadmapi.MasterConfiguration, k8sVersion *version.Version) error {
// Adjust the timeout slightly to something self-hosting specific
// This function returns a map of DaemonSet objects ready to post to the API server
newControlPlaneDaemonSets := BuildUpgradedDaemonSetsFromConfig(cfg, k8sVersion)
controlPlaneResources, err := getCurrentControlPlaneComponentResources(client)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, component := range constants.MasterComponents {
// Make a shallow copy of the current DaemonSet in order to create a new, temporary one
tempDS := *controlPlaneResources[component].daemonSet
// Mutate the temp daemonset a little to be suitable for this usage (change label selectors, etc)
mutateTempDaemonSet(&tempDS, component)
// Create or update the DaemonSet in the API Server, and retry selfHostingFailureThreshold times if it errors out
if err := apiclient.TryRunCommand(func() error {
return apiclient.CreateOrUpdateDaemonSet(client, &tempDS)
}, selfHostingFailureThreshold); err != nil {
return err
// Wait for the temporary/backup self-hosted component to come up
if err := waiter.WaitForPodsWithLabel(buildTempUpgradeDSLabelQuery(component)); err != nil {
return err
newDS := newControlPlaneDaemonSets[component]
// Upgrade the component's self-hosted resource
// During this upgrade; the temporary/backup component will take over
if err := apiclient.TryRunCommand(func() error {
if _, err := client.AppsV1().DaemonSets(newDS.ObjectMeta.Namespace).Update(newDS); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("couldn't update self-hosted component's DaemonSet: %v", err)
return nil
}, selfHostingFailureThreshold); err != nil {
return err
// Wait for the component's old Pod to disappear
oldPod := controlPlaneResources[component].pod
if err := waiter.WaitForPodToDisappear(oldPod.ObjectMeta.Name); err != nil {
return err
// Wait for the main, upgraded self-hosted component to come up
// Here we're talking to the temporary/backup component; the upgraded component is in the process of starting up
if err := waiter.WaitForPodsWithLabel(selfhosting.BuildSelfHostedComponentLabelQuery(component)); err != nil {
return err
// Delete the temporary DaemonSet, and retry selfHostingFailureThreshold times if it errors out
// In order to pivot back to the upgraded API server, we kill the temporary/backup component
if err := apiclient.TryRunCommand(func() error {
return apiclient.DeleteDaemonSetForeground(client, tempDS.ObjectMeta.Namespace, tempDS.ObjectMeta.Name)
}, selfHostingFailureThreshold); err != nil {
return err
// Just as an extra safety check; make sure the API server is returning ok at the /healthz endpoint
if err := waiter.WaitForAPI(); err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("[upgrade/apply] Self-hosted component %q upgraded successfully!\n", component)
return nil
// BuildUpgradedDaemonSetsFromConfig takes a config object and the current version and returns the DaemonSet objects to post to the master
func BuildUpgradedDaemonSetsFromConfig(cfg *kubeadmapi.MasterConfiguration, k8sVersion *version.Version) map[string]*apps.DaemonSet {
// Here the map of different mutators to use for the control plane's podspec is stored
mutators := selfhosting.GetMutatorsFromFeatureGates(cfg.FeatureGates)
// Get the new PodSpecs to use
controlPlanePods := controlplane.GetStaticPodSpecs(cfg, k8sVersion)
// Store the created DaemonSets in this map
controlPlaneDaemonSets := map[string]*apps.DaemonSet{}
for _, component := range constants.MasterComponents {
podSpec := controlPlanePods[component].Spec
// Build the full DaemonSet object from the PodSpec generated from the control plane phase and
// using the self-hosting mutators available from the selfhosting phase
ds := selfhosting.BuildDaemonSet(component, &podSpec, mutators)
controlPlaneDaemonSets[component] = ds
return controlPlaneDaemonSets
// addTempUpgradeDSPrefix adds the upgradeTempDSPrefix to the specified DaemonSet name
func addTempUpgradeDSPrefix(currentName string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", upgradeTempDSPrefix, currentName)
// buildTempUpgradeLabels returns the label string-string map for identifying the temporary
func buildTempUpgradeLabels(component string) map[string]string {
return map[string]string{
upgradeTempLabel: component,
// buildTempUpgradeDSLabelQuery creates the right query for matching
func buildTempUpgradeDSLabelQuery(component string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", upgradeTempLabel, component)
// mutateTempDaemonSet mutates the specified self-hosted DaemonSet for the specified component
// in a way that makes it possible to post a nearly identical, temporary DaemonSet as a backup
func mutateTempDaemonSet(tempDS *apps.DaemonSet, component string) {
// Prefix the name of the temporary DaemonSet with upgradeTempDSPrefix
tempDS.ObjectMeta.Name = addTempUpgradeDSPrefix(tempDS.ObjectMeta.Name)
// Set .Labels to something else than the "real" self-hosted components have
tempDS.ObjectMeta.Labels = buildTempUpgradeLabels(component)
tempDS.Spec.Selector.MatchLabels = buildTempUpgradeLabels(component)
tempDS.Spec.Template.ObjectMeta.Labels = buildTempUpgradeLabels(component)
// Clean all unnecessary ObjectMeta fields
tempDS.ObjectMeta = extractRelevantObjectMeta(tempDS.ObjectMeta)
// Reset .Status as we're posting a new object
tempDS.Status = apps.DaemonSetStatus{}
// extractRelevantObjectMeta returns only the relevant parts of ObjectMeta required when creating
// a new, identical resource. We should not POST ResourceVersion, UUIDs, etc., only the name, labels,
// namespace and annotations should be preserved.
func extractRelevantObjectMeta(ob metav1.ObjectMeta) metav1.ObjectMeta {
return metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: ob.Name,
Namespace: ob.Namespace,
Labels: ob.Labels,
Annotations: ob.Annotations,
// listPodsWithLabelSelector returns the relevant Pods for the given LabelSelector
func listPodsWithLabelSelector(client clientset.Interface, kvLabel string) (*v1.PodList, error) {
return client.CoreV1().Pods(metav1.NamespaceSystem).List(metav1.ListOptions{
LabelSelector: kvLabel,
// getCurrentControlPlaneComponentResources returns a string-(Pod|DaemonSet) map for later use
func getCurrentControlPlaneComponentResources(client clientset.Interface) (map[string]controlPlaneComponentResources, error) {
controlPlaneResources := map[string]controlPlaneComponentResources{}
for _, component := range constants.MasterComponents {
var podList *v1.PodList
var currentDS *apps.DaemonSet
// Get the self-hosted pod associated with the component
podLabelSelector := selfhosting.BuildSelfHostedComponentLabelQuery(component)
if err := apiclient.TryRunCommand(func() error {
var tryrunerr error
podList, tryrunerr = listPodsWithLabelSelector(client, podLabelSelector)
return tryrunerr // note that tryrunerr is most likely nil here (in successful cases)
}, selfHostingFailureThreshold); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Make sure that there are only one Pod with this label selector; otherwise unexpected things can happen
if len(podList.Items) > 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("too many pods with label selector %q found in the %s namespace", podLabelSelector, metav1.NamespaceSystem)
// Get the component's DaemonSet object
dsName := constants.AddSelfHostedPrefix(component)
if err := apiclient.TryRunCommand(func() error {
var tryrunerr error
// Try to get the current self-hosted component
currentDS, tryrunerr = client.AppsV1().DaemonSets(metav1.NamespaceSystem).Get(dsName, metav1.GetOptions{})
return tryrunerr // note that tryrunerr is most likely nil here (in successful cases)
}, selfHostingFailureThreshold); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Add the associated resources to the map to return later
controlPlaneResources[component] = controlPlaneComponentResources{
pod: &podList.Items[0],
daemonSet: currentDS,
return controlPlaneResources, nil
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