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Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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// Package mock encapsulates mocks for testing GCE provider functionality.
// These methods are used to override the mock objects' methods in order to
// intercept the standard processing and to add custom logic for test purposes.
// // Example usage:
// cloud := cloud.NewMockGCE()
// cloud.MockTargetPools.AddInstanceHook = mock.AddInstanceHook
package mock
import (
alpha "google.golang.org/api/compute/v0.alpha"
beta "google.golang.org/api/compute/v0.beta"
ga "google.golang.org/api/compute/v1"
// gceObject is an abstraction of all GCE API object in go client
type gceObject interface {
MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
// AddInstanceHook mocks adding a Instance to MockTargetPools
func AddInstanceHook(ctx context.Context, key *meta.Key, req *ga.TargetPoolsAddInstanceRequest, m *cloud.MockTargetPools) error {
pool, err := m.Get(ctx, key)
if err != nil {
return &googleapi.Error{
Code: http.StatusNotFound,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Key: %s was not found in TargetPools", key.String()),
for _, instance := range req.Instances {
pool.Instances = append(pool.Instances, instance.Instance)
return nil
// RemoveInstanceHook mocks removing a Instance from MockTargetPools
func RemoveInstanceHook(ctx context.Context, key *meta.Key, req *ga.TargetPoolsRemoveInstanceRequest, m *cloud.MockTargetPools) error {
pool, err := m.Get(ctx, key)
if err != nil {
return &googleapi.Error{
Code: http.StatusNotFound,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Key: %s was not found in TargetPools", key.String()),
for _, instanceToRemove := range req.Instances {
for i, instance := range pool.Instances {
if instanceToRemove.Instance == instance {
// Delete instance from pool.Instances without preserving order
pool.Instances[i] = pool.Instances[len(pool.Instances)-1]
pool.Instances = pool.Instances[:len(pool.Instances)-1]
return nil
func convertAndInsertAlphaForwardingRule(key *meta.Key, obj gceObject, mRules map[meta.Key]*cloud.MockForwardingRulesObj, version meta.Version, projectID string) (bool, error) {
if !key.Valid() {
return false, fmt.Errorf("invalid GCE key (%+v)", key)
if _, ok := mRules[*key]; ok {
err := &googleapi.Error{
Code: http.StatusConflict,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("MockForwardingRule %v exists", key),
return false, err
enc, err := obj.MarshalJSON()
if err != nil {
return false, err
var fwdRule alpha.ForwardingRule
if err := json.Unmarshal(enc, &fwdRule); err != nil {
return false, err
// Set the default values for the Alpha fields.
if fwdRule.NetworkTier == "" {
fwdRule.NetworkTier = cloud.NetworkTierDefault.ToGCEValue()
fwdRule.Name = key.Name
if fwdRule.SelfLink == "" {
fwdRule.SelfLink = cloud.SelfLink(version, projectID, "forwardingRules", key)
mRules[*key] = &cloud.MockForwardingRulesObj{Obj: fwdRule}
return true, nil
// InsertFwdRuleHook mocks inserting a ForwardingRule. ForwardingRules are
// expected to default to Premium tier if no NetworkTier is specified.
func InsertFwdRuleHook(ctx context.Context, key *meta.Key, obj *ga.ForwardingRule, m *cloud.MockForwardingRules) (bool, error) {
projectID := m.ProjectRouter.ProjectID(ctx, meta.VersionGA, "forwardingRules")
return convertAndInsertAlphaForwardingRule(key, obj, m.Objects, meta.VersionGA, projectID)
// InsertBetaFwdRuleHook mocks inserting a BetaForwardingRule.
func InsertBetaFwdRuleHook(ctx context.Context, key *meta.Key, obj *beta.ForwardingRule, m *cloud.MockForwardingRules) (bool, error) {
projectID := m.ProjectRouter.ProjectID(ctx, meta.VersionBeta, "forwardingRules")
return convertAndInsertAlphaForwardingRule(key, obj, m.Objects, meta.VersionBeta, projectID)
// InsertAlphaFwdRuleHook mocks inserting an AlphaForwardingRule.
func InsertAlphaFwdRuleHook(ctx context.Context, key *meta.Key, obj *alpha.ForwardingRule, m *cloud.MockForwardingRules) (bool, error) {
projectID := m.ProjectRouter.ProjectID(ctx, meta.VersionAlpha, "forwardingRules")
return convertAndInsertAlphaForwardingRule(key, obj, m.Objects, meta.VersionAlpha, projectID)
// Used to assign Addresses with no IP a unique IP address
var ipCounter = 1
func convertAndInsertAlphaAddress(key *meta.Key, obj gceObject, mAddrs map[meta.Key]*cloud.MockAddressesObj, version meta.Version, projectID string) (bool, error) {
if !key.Valid() {
return false, fmt.Errorf("invalid GCE key (%+v)", key)
if _, ok := mAddrs[*key]; ok {
err := &googleapi.Error{
Code: http.StatusConflict,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("MockAddresses %v exists", key),
return false, err
enc, err := obj.MarshalJSON()
if err != nil {
return false, err
var addr alpha.Address
if err := json.Unmarshal(enc, &addr); err != nil {
return false, err
// Set default address type if not present.
if addr.AddressType == "" {
addr.AddressType = string(cloud.SchemeExternal)
var existingAddresses []*ga.Address
for _, obj := range mAddrs {
existingAddresses = append(existingAddresses, obj.ToGA())
for _, existingAddr := range existingAddresses {
if addr.Address == existingAddr.Address {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("MockAddresses IP %v in use", addr.Address)
// When the IP is already in use, this call returns a StatusBadRequest
// if the address is an external address, and StatusConflict if an
// internal address. This is to be consistent with actual GCE API.
errorCode := http.StatusConflict
if addr.AddressType == string(cloud.SchemeExternal) {
errorCode = http.StatusBadRequest
return false, &googleapi.Error{Code: errorCode, Message: msg}
// Set default values used in tests
addr.Name = key.Name
if addr.SelfLink == "" {
addr.SelfLink = cloud.SelfLink(version, projectID, "addresses", key)
if addr.Address == "" {
addr.Address = fmt.Sprintf("1.2.3.%d", ipCounter)
// Set the default values for the Alpha fields.
if addr.NetworkTier == "" {
addr.NetworkTier = cloud.NetworkTierDefault.ToGCEValue()
mAddrs[*key] = &cloud.MockAddressesObj{Obj: addr}
return true, nil
// InsertAddressHook mocks inserting an Address.
func InsertAddressHook(ctx context.Context, key *meta.Key, obj *ga.Address, m *cloud.MockAddresses) (bool, error) {
projectID := m.ProjectRouter.ProjectID(ctx, meta.VersionGA, "addresses")
return convertAndInsertAlphaAddress(key, obj, m.Objects, meta.VersionGA, projectID)
// InsertBetaAddressHook mocks inserting a BetaAddress.
func InsertBetaAddressHook(ctx context.Context, key *meta.Key, obj *beta.Address, m *cloud.MockAddresses) (bool, error) {
projectID := m.ProjectRouter.ProjectID(ctx, meta.VersionBeta, "addresses")
return convertAndInsertAlphaAddress(key, obj, m.Objects, meta.VersionBeta, projectID)
// InsertAlphaAddressHook mocks inserting an Address. Addresses are expected to
// default to Premium tier if no NetworkTier is specified.
func InsertAlphaAddressHook(ctx context.Context, key *meta.Key, obj *alpha.Address, m *cloud.MockAlphaAddresses) (bool, error) {
projectID := m.ProjectRouter.ProjectID(ctx, meta.VersionBeta, "addresses")
return convertAndInsertAlphaAddress(key, obj, m.Objects, meta.VersionAlpha, projectID)
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