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hostport_manager.go 12.07 KB
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Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package hostport
import (
utilerrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/errors"
iptablesproxy "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/proxy/iptables"
utiliptables "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/iptables"
utilnet "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/net"
// HostPortManager is an interface for adding and removing hostport for a given pod sandbox.
type HostPortManager interface {
// Add implements port mappings.
// id should be a unique identifier for a pod, e.g. podSandboxID.
// podPortMapping is the associated port mapping information for the pod.
// natInterfaceName is the interface that localhost used to talk to the given pod.
Add(id string, podPortMapping *PodPortMapping, natInterfaceName string) error
// Remove cleans up matching port mappings
// Remove must be able to clean up port mappings without pod IP
Remove(id string, podPortMapping *PodPortMapping) error
type hostportManager struct {
hostPortMap map[hostport]closeable
execer exec.Interface
conntrackFound bool
iptables utiliptables.Interface
portOpener hostportOpener
mu sync.Mutex
func NewHostportManager(iptables utiliptables.Interface) HostPortManager {
h := &hostportManager{
hostPortMap: make(map[hostport]closeable),
execer: exec.New(),
iptables: iptables,
portOpener: openLocalPort,
h.conntrackFound = conntrack.Exists(h.execer)
if !h.conntrackFound {
glog.Warningf("The binary conntrack is not installed, this can cause failures in network connection cleanup.")
return h
func (hm *hostportManager) Add(id string, podPortMapping *PodPortMapping, natInterfaceName string) (err error) {
if podPortMapping == nil || podPortMapping.HostNetwork {
return nil
podFullName := getPodFullName(podPortMapping)
// skip if there is no hostport needed
hostportMappings := gatherHostportMappings(podPortMapping)
if len(hostportMappings) == 0 {
return nil
if podPortMapping.IP.To4() == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid or missing IP of pod %s", podFullName)
podIP := podPortMapping.IP.String()
if err = ensureKubeHostportChains(hm.iptables, natInterfaceName); err != nil {
return err
// Ensure atomicity for port opening and iptables operations
defer hm.mu.Unlock()
// try to open hostports
ports, err := openHostports(hm.portOpener, podPortMapping)
if err != nil {
return err
for hostport, socket := range ports {
hm.hostPortMap[hostport] = socket
natChains := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
natRules := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
writeLine(natChains, "*nat")
existingChains, existingRules, err := getExistingHostportIPTablesRules(hm.iptables)
if err != nil {
// clean up opened host port if encounter any error
return utilerrors.NewAggregate([]error{err, hm.closeHostports(hostportMappings)})
newChains := []utiliptables.Chain{}
conntrackPortsToRemove := []int{}
for _, pm := range hostportMappings {
protocol := strings.ToLower(string(pm.Protocol))
chain := getHostportChain(id, pm)
newChains = append(newChains, chain)
if pm.Protocol == v1.ProtocolUDP {
conntrackPortsToRemove = append(conntrackPortsToRemove, int(pm.HostPort))
// Add new hostport chain
writeLine(natChains, utiliptables.MakeChainLine(chain))
// Prepend the new chain to KUBE-HOSTPORTS
// This avoids any leaking iptables rule that takes up the same port
writeLine(natRules, "-I", string(kubeHostportsChain),
"-m", "comment", "--comment", fmt.Sprintf(`"%s hostport %d"`, podFullName, pm.HostPort),
"-m", protocol, "-p", protocol, "--dport", fmt.Sprintf("%d", pm.HostPort),
"-j", string(chain),
// SNAT if the traffic comes from the pod itself
writeLine(natRules, "-A", string(chain),
"-m", "comment", "--comment", fmt.Sprintf(`"%s hostport %d"`, podFullName, pm.HostPort),
"-s", podIP,
"-j", string(iptablesproxy.KubeMarkMasqChain))
// DNAT to the podIP:containerPort
writeLine(natRules, "-A", string(chain),
"-m", "comment", "--comment", fmt.Sprintf(`"%s hostport %d"`, podFullName, pm.HostPort),
"-m", protocol, "-p", protocol,
"-j", "DNAT", fmt.Sprintf("--to-destination=%s:%d", podIP, pm.ContainerPort))
// getHostportChain should be able to provide unique hostport chain name using hash
// if there is a chain conflict or multiple Adds have been triggered for a single pod,
// filtering should be able to avoid further problem
filterChains(existingChains, newChains)
existingRules = filterRules(existingRules, newChains)
for _, chain := range existingChains {
writeLine(natChains, chain)
for _, rule := range existingRules {
writeLine(natRules, rule)
writeLine(natRules, "COMMIT")
if err = hm.syncIPTables(append(natChains.Bytes(), natRules.Bytes()...)); err != nil {
// clean up opened host port if encounter any error
return utilerrors.NewAggregate([]error{err, hm.closeHostports(hostportMappings)})
isIpv6 := utilnet.IsIPv6(podPortMapping.IP)
// Remove conntrack entries just after adding the new iptables rules. If the conntrack entry is removed along with
// the IP tables rule, it can be the case that the packets received by the node after iptables rule removal will
// create a new conntrack entry without any DNAT. That will result in blackhole of the traffic even after correct
// iptables rules have been added back.
if hm.execer != nil && hm.conntrackFound {
glog.Infof("Starting to delete udp conntrack entries: %v, isIPv6 - %v", conntrackPortsToRemove, isIpv6)
for _, port := range conntrackPortsToRemove {
err = conntrack.ClearEntriesForPort(hm.execer, port, isIpv6, v1.ProtocolUDP)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Failed to clear udp conntrack for port %d, error: %v", port, err)
return nil
func (hm *hostportManager) Remove(id string, podPortMapping *PodPortMapping) (err error) {
if podPortMapping == nil || podPortMapping.HostNetwork {
return nil
hostportMappings := gatherHostportMappings(podPortMapping)
if len(hostportMappings) <= 0 {
return nil
// Ensure atomicity for port closing and iptables operations
defer hm.mu.Unlock()
var existingChains map[utiliptables.Chain]string
var existingRules []string
existingChains, existingRules, err = getExistingHostportIPTablesRules(hm.iptables)
if err != nil {
return err
// Gather target hostport chains for removal
chainsToRemove := []utiliptables.Chain{}
for _, pm := range hostportMappings {
chainsToRemove = append(chainsToRemove, getHostportChain(id, pm))
// remove rules that consists of target chains
remainingRules := filterRules(existingRules, chainsToRemove)
// gather target hostport chains that exists in iptables-save result
existingChainsToRemove := []utiliptables.Chain{}
for _, chain := range chainsToRemove {
if _, ok := existingChains[chain]; ok {
existingChainsToRemove = append(existingChainsToRemove, chain)
natChains := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
natRules := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
writeLine(natChains, "*nat")
for _, chain := range existingChains {
writeLine(natChains, chain)
for _, rule := range remainingRules {
writeLine(natRules, rule)
for _, chain := range existingChainsToRemove {
writeLine(natRules, "-X", string(chain))
writeLine(natRules, "COMMIT")
if err = hm.syncIPTables(append(natChains.Bytes(), natRules.Bytes()...)); err != nil {
return err
// clean up opened pod host ports
return hm.closeHostports(hostportMappings)
// syncIPTables executes iptables-restore with given lines
func (hm *hostportManager) syncIPTables(lines []byte) error {
glog.V(3).Infof("Restoring iptables rules: %s", lines)
err := hm.iptables.RestoreAll(lines, utiliptables.NoFlushTables, utiliptables.RestoreCounters)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to execute iptables-restore: %v", err)
return nil
// closeHostports tries to close all the listed host ports
// TODO: move closeHostports and openHostports into a common struct
func (hm *hostportManager) closeHostports(hostportMappings []*PortMapping) error {
errList := []error{}
for _, pm := range hostportMappings {
hp := portMappingToHostport(pm)
if socket, ok := hm.hostPortMap[hp]; ok {
glog.V(2).Infof("Closing host port %s", hp.String())
if err := socket.Close(); err != nil {
errList = append(errList, fmt.Errorf("failed to close host port %s: %v", hp.String(), err))
delete(hm.hostPortMap, hp)
return utilerrors.NewAggregate(errList)
// getHostportChain takes id, hostport and protocol for a pod and returns associated iptables chain.
// This is computed by hashing (sha256) then encoding to base32 and truncating with the prefix
// "KUBE-HP-". We do this because IPTables Chain Names must be <= 28 chars long, and the longer
// they are the harder they are to read.
// WARNING: Please do not change this function. Otherwise, HostportManager may not be able to
// identify existing iptables chains.
func getHostportChain(id string, pm *PortMapping) utiliptables.Chain {
hash := sha256.Sum256([]byte(id + strconv.Itoa(int(pm.HostPort)) + string(pm.Protocol)))
encoded := base32.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(hash[:])
return utiliptables.Chain(kubeHostportChainPrefix + encoded[:16])
// gatherHostportMappings returns all the PortMappings which has hostport for a pod
func gatherHostportMappings(podPortMapping *PodPortMapping) []*PortMapping {
mappings := []*PortMapping{}
for _, pm := range podPortMapping.PortMappings {
if pm.HostPort <= 0 {
mappings = append(mappings, pm)
return mappings
// getExistingHostportIPTablesRules retrieves raw data from iptables-save, parse it,
// return all the hostport related chains and rules
func getExistingHostportIPTablesRules(iptables utiliptables.Interface) (map[utiliptables.Chain]string, []string, error) {
iptablesData := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
err := iptables.SaveInto(utiliptables.TableNAT, iptablesData)
if err != nil { // if we failed to get any rules
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to execute iptables-save: %v", err)
existingNATChains := utiliptables.GetChainLines(utiliptables.TableNAT, iptablesData.Bytes())
existingHostportChains := make(map[utiliptables.Chain]string)
existingHostportRules := []string{}
for chain := range existingNATChains {
if strings.HasPrefix(string(chain), string(kubeHostportsChain)) || strings.HasPrefix(string(chain), kubeHostportChainPrefix) {
existingHostportChains[chain] = existingNATChains[chain]
for _, line := range strings.Split(string(iptablesData.Bytes()), "\n") {
if strings.HasPrefix(line, fmt.Sprintf("-A %s", kubeHostportChainPrefix)) ||
strings.HasPrefix(line, fmt.Sprintf("-A %s", string(kubeHostportsChain))) {
existingHostportRules = append(existingHostportRules, line)
return existingHostportChains, existingHostportRules, nil
// filterRules filters input rules with input chains. Rules that did not involve any filter chain will be returned.
// The order of the input rules is important and is preserved.
func filterRules(rules []string, filters []utiliptables.Chain) []string {
filtered := []string{}
for _, rule := range rules {
skip := false
for _, filter := range filters {
if strings.Contains(rule, string(filter)) {
skip = true
if !skip {
filtered = append(filtered, rule)
return filtered
// filterChains deletes all entries of filter chains from chain map
func filterChains(chains map[utiliptables.Chain]string, filterChains []utiliptables.Chain) {
for _, chain := range filterChains {
if _, ok := chains[chain]; ok {
delete(chains, chain)
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