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roundtrip.go 15.50 KB
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Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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limitations under the License.
package roundtrip
import (
flag "github.com/spf13/pflag"
apiequality "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/equality"
apimeta "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/meta"
apitesting "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/testing"
metafuzzer "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/fuzzer"
runtimeserializer "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/serializer"
type InstallFunc func(groupFactoryRegistry announced.APIGroupFactoryRegistry, registry *registered.APIRegistrationManager, scheme *runtime.Scheme)
// RoundTripTestForAPIGroup is convenient to call from your install package to make sure that a "bare" install of your group provides
// enough information to round trip
func RoundTripTestForAPIGroup(t *testing.T, installFn InstallFunc, fuzzingFuncs fuzzer.FuzzerFuncs) {
groupFactoryRegistry := make(announced.APIGroupFactoryRegistry)
registry := registered.NewOrDie("")
scheme := runtime.NewScheme()
installFn(groupFactoryRegistry, registry, scheme)
RoundTripTestForScheme(t, scheme, fuzzingFuncs)
// RoundTripTestForScheme is convenient to call if you already have a scheme and want to make sure that its well-formed
func RoundTripTestForScheme(t *testing.T, scheme *runtime.Scheme, fuzzingFuncs fuzzer.FuzzerFuncs) {
codecFactory := runtimeserializer.NewCodecFactory(scheme)
f := fuzzer.FuzzerFor(
fuzzer.MergeFuzzerFuncs(metafuzzer.Funcs, fuzzingFuncs),
RoundTripTypesWithoutProtobuf(t, scheme, codecFactory, f, nil)
// RoundTripProtobufTestForAPIGroup is convenient to call from your install package to make sure that a "bare" install of your group provides
// enough information to round trip
func RoundTripProtobufTestForAPIGroup(t *testing.T, installFn InstallFunc, fuzzingFuncs fuzzer.FuzzerFuncs) {
groupFactoryRegistry := make(announced.APIGroupFactoryRegistry)
registry := registered.NewOrDie("")
scheme := runtime.NewScheme()
installFn(groupFactoryRegistry, registry, scheme)
RoundTripProtobufTestForScheme(t, scheme, fuzzingFuncs)
// RoundTripProtobufTestForScheme is convenient to call if you already have a scheme and want to make sure that its well-formed
func RoundTripProtobufTestForScheme(t *testing.T, scheme *runtime.Scheme, fuzzingFuncs fuzzer.FuzzerFuncs) {
codecFactory := runtimeserializer.NewCodecFactory(scheme)
fuzzer := fuzzer.FuzzerFor(
fuzzer.MergeFuzzerFuncs(metafuzzer.Funcs, fuzzingFuncs),
RoundTripTypes(t, scheme, codecFactory, fuzzer, nil)
var FuzzIters = flag.Int("fuzz-iters", 20, "How many fuzzing iterations to do.")
// globalNonRoundTrippableTypes are kinds that are effectively reserved across all GroupVersions
// They don't roundtrip
var globalNonRoundTrippableTypes = sets.NewString(
// WatchEvent does not include kind and version and can only be deserialized
// implicitly (if the caller expects the specific object). The watch call defines
// the schema by content type, rather than via kind/version included in each
// object.
// ListOptions is now part of the meta group
// Delete options is only read in metav1
// RoundTripTypesWithoutProtobuf applies the round-trip test to all round-trippable Kinds
// in the scheme. It will skip all the GroupVersionKinds in the skip list.
func RoundTripTypesWithoutProtobuf(t *testing.T, scheme *runtime.Scheme, codecFactory runtimeserializer.CodecFactory, fuzzer *fuzz.Fuzzer, nonRoundTrippableTypes map[schema.GroupVersionKind]bool) {
roundTripTypes(t, scheme, codecFactory, fuzzer, nonRoundTrippableTypes, true)
func RoundTripTypes(t *testing.T, scheme *runtime.Scheme, codecFactory runtimeserializer.CodecFactory, fuzzer *fuzz.Fuzzer, nonRoundTrippableTypes map[schema.GroupVersionKind]bool) {
roundTripTypes(t, scheme, codecFactory, fuzzer, nonRoundTrippableTypes, false)
func roundTripTypes(t *testing.T, scheme *runtime.Scheme, codecFactory runtimeserializer.CodecFactory, fuzzer *fuzz.Fuzzer, nonRoundTrippableTypes map[schema.GroupVersionKind]bool, skipProtobuf bool) {
for _, group := range groupsFromScheme(scheme) {
t.Logf("starting group %q", group)
internalVersion := schema.GroupVersion{Group: group, Version: runtime.APIVersionInternal}
internalKindToGoType := scheme.KnownTypes(internalVersion)
for kind := range internalKindToGoType {
if globalNonRoundTrippableTypes.Has(kind) {
internalGVK := internalVersion.WithKind(kind)
roundTripSpecificKind(t, internalGVK, scheme, codecFactory, fuzzer, nonRoundTrippableTypes, skipProtobuf)
t.Logf("finished group %q", group)
func RoundTripSpecificKindWithoutProtobuf(t *testing.T, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, scheme *runtime.Scheme, codecFactory runtimeserializer.CodecFactory, fuzzer *fuzz.Fuzzer, nonRoundTrippableTypes map[schema.GroupVersionKind]bool) {
roundTripSpecificKind(t, gvk, scheme, codecFactory, fuzzer, nonRoundTrippableTypes, true)
func RoundTripSpecificKind(t *testing.T, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, scheme *runtime.Scheme, codecFactory runtimeserializer.CodecFactory, fuzzer *fuzz.Fuzzer, nonRoundTrippableTypes map[schema.GroupVersionKind]bool) {
roundTripSpecificKind(t, gvk, scheme, codecFactory, fuzzer, nonRoundTrippableTypes, false)
func roundTripSpecificKind(t *testing.T, gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, scheme *runtime.Scheme, codecFactory runtimeserializer.CodecFactory, fuzzer *fuzz.Fuzzer, nonRoundTrippableTypes map[schema.GroupVersionKind]bool, skipProtobuf bool) {
if nonRoundTrippableTypes[gvk] {
t.Logf("skipping %v", gvk)
t.Logf("round tripping %v", gvk)
// Try a few times, since runTest uses random values.
for i := 0; i < *FuzzIters; i++ {
if gvk.Version == runtime.APIVersionInternal {
roundTripToAllExternalVersions(t, scheme, codecFactory, fuzzer, gvk, nonRoundTrippableTypes, skipProtobuf)
} else {
roundTripOfExternalType(t, scheme, codecFactory, fuzzer, gvk, skipProtobuf)
if t.Failed() {
// fuzzInternalObject fuzzes an arbitrary runtime object using the appropriate
// fuzzer registered with the apitesting package.
func fuzzInternalObject(t *testing.T, fuzzer *fuzz.Fuzzer, object runtime.Object) runtime.Object {
j, err := apimeta.TypeAccessor(object)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected error %v for %#v", err, object)
return object
func groupsFromScheme(scheme *runtime.Scheme) []string {
ret := sets.String{}
for gvk := range scheme.AllKnownTypes() {
return ret.List()
func roundTripToAllExternalVersions(t *testing.T, scheme *runtime.Scheme, codecFactory runtimeserializer.CodecFactory, fuzzer *fuzz.Fuzzer, internalGVK schema.GroupVersionKind, nonRoundTrippableTypes map[schema.GroupVersionKind]bool, skipProtobuf bool) {
object, err := scheme.New(internalGVK)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Couldn't make a %v? %v", internalGVK, err)
if _, err := apimeta.TypeAccessor(object); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%q is not a TypeMeta and cannot be tested - add it to nonRoundTrippableInternalTypes: %v", internalGVK, err)
fuzzInternalObject(t, fuzzer, object)
// find all potential serializations in the scheme.
// TODO fix this up to handle kinds that cross registered with different names.
for externalGVK, externalGoType := range scheme.AllKnownTypes() {
if externalGVK.Version == runtime.APIVersionInternal {
if externalGVK.GroupKind() != internalGVK.GroupKind() {
if nonRoundTrippableTypes[externalGVK] {
t.Logf("\tskipping %v %v", externalGVK, externalGoType)
t.Logf("\tround tripping to %v %v", externalGVK, externalGoType)
roundTrip(t, scheme, apitesting.TestCodec(codecFactory, externalGVK.GroupVersion()), object)
// TODO remove this hack after we're past the intermediate steps
if !skipProtobuf && externalGVK.Group != "kubeadm.k8s.io" {
s := protobuf.NewSerializer(scheme, scheme, "application/arbitrary.content.type")
protobufCodec := codecFactory.CodecForVersions(s, s, externalGVK.GroupVersion(), nil)
roundTrip(t, scheme, protobufCodec, object)
func roundTripOfExternalType(t *testing.T, scheme *runtime.Scheme, codecFactory runtimeserializer.CodecFactory, fuzzer *fuzz.Fuzzer, externalGVK schema.GroupVersionKind, skipProtobuf bool) {
object, err := scheme.New(externalGVK)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Couldn't make a %v? %v", externalGVK, err)
typeAcc, err := apimeta.TypeAccessor(object)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%q is not a TypeMeta and cannot be tested - add it to nonRoundTrippableInternalTypes: %v", externalGVK, err)
fuzzInternalObject(t, fuzzer, object)
externalGoType := reflect.TypeOf(object).PkgPath()
t.Logf("\tround tripping external type %v %v", externalGVK, externalGoType)
roundTrip(t, scheme, json.NewSerializer(json.DefaultMetaFactory, scheme, scheme, false), object)
// TODO remove this hack after we're past the intermediate steps
if !skipProtobuf {
roundTrip(t, scheme, protobuf.NewSerializer(scheme, scheme, "application/protobuf"), object)
// roundTrip applies a single round-trip test to the given runtime object
// using the given codec. The round-trip test ensures that an object can be
// deep-copied, converted, marshaled and back without loss of data.
// For internal types this means
// internal -> external -> json/protobuf -> external -> internal.
// For external types this means
// external -> json/protobuf -> external.
func roundTrip(t *testing.T, scheme *runtime.Scheme, codec runtime.Codec, object runtime.Object) {
printer := spew.ConfigState{DisableMethods: true}
original := object
// deep copy the original object
object = object.DeepCopyObject()
name := reflect.TypeOf(object).Elem().Name()
if !apiequality.Semantic.DeepEqual(original, object) {
t.Errorf("%v: DeepCopy altered the object, diff: %v", name, diff.ObjectReflectDiff(original, object))
t.Errorf("%s", spew.Sdump(original))
t.Errorf("%s", spew.Sdump(object))
// encode (serialize) the deep copy using the provided codec
data, err := runtime.Encode(codec, object)
if err != nil {
if runtime.IsNotRegisteredError(err) {
t.Logf("%v: not registered: %v (%s)", name, err, printer.Sprintf("%#v", object))
} else {
t.Errorf("%v: %v (%s)", name, err, printer.Sprintf("%#v", object))
// ensure that the deep copy is equal to the original; neither the deep
// copy or conversion should alter the object
// TODO eliminate this global
if !apiequality.Semantic.DeepEqual(original, object) {
t.Errorf("%v: encode altered the object, diff: %v", name, diff.ObjectReflectDiff(original, object))
// encode (serialize) a second time to verify that it was not varying
secondData, err := runtime.Encode(codec, object)
if err != nil {
if runtime.IsNotRegisteredError(err) {
t.Logf("%v: not registered: %v (%s)", name, err, printer.Sprintf("%#v", object))
} else {
t.Errorf("%v: %v (%s)", name, err, printer.Sprintf("%#v", object))
// serialization to the wire must be stable to ensure that we don't write twice to the DB
// when the object hasn't changed.
if !bytes.Equal(data, secondData) {
t.Errorf("%v: serialization is not stable: %s", name, printer.Sprintf("%#v", object))
// decode (deserialize) the encoded data back into an object
obj2, err := runtime.Decode(codec, data)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%v: %v\nCodec: %#v\nData: %s\nSource: %#v", name, err, codec, dataAsString(data), printer.Sprintf("%#v", object))
// ensure that the object produced from decoding the encoded data is equal
// to the original object
if !apiequality.Semantic.DeepEqual(original, obj2) {
t.Errorf("%v: diff: %v\nCodec: %#v\nSource:\n\n%#v\n\nEncoded:\n\n%s\n\nFinal:\n\n%#v", name, diff.ObjectReflectDiff(original, obj2), codec, printer.Sprintf("%#v", original), dataAsString(data), printer.Sprintf("%#v", obj2))
// decode the encoded data into a new object (instead of letting the codec
// create a new object)
obj3 := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(object).Elem()).Interface().(runtime.Object)
if err := runtime.DecodeInto(codec, data, obj3); err != nil {
t.Errorf("%v: %v", name, err)
// special case for kinds which are internal and external at the same time (many in meta.k8s.io are). For those
// runtime.DecodeInto above will return the external variant and set the APIVersion and kind, while the input
// object might be internal. Hence, we clear those values for obj3 for that case to correctly compare.
intAndExt, err := internalAndExternalKind(scheme, object)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%v: %v", name, err)
if intAndExt {
typeAcc, err := apimeta.TypeAccessor(object)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%v: error accessing TypeMeta: %v", name, err)
if len(typeAcc.GetAPIVersion()) == 0 {
typeAcc, err := apimeta.TypeAccessor(obj3)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%v: error accessing TypeMeta: %v", name, err)
// ensure that the new runtime object is equal to the original after being
// decoded into
if !apiequality.Semantic.DeepEqual(object, obj3) {
t.Errorf("%v: diff: %v\nCodec: %#v", name, diff.ObjectReflectDiff(object, obj3), codec)
// do structure-preserving fuzzing of the deep-copied object. If it shares anything with the original,
// the deep-copy was actually only a shallow copy. Then original and obj3 will be different after fuzzing.
// NOTE: we use the encoding+decoding here as an alternative, guaranteed deep-copy to compare against.
if !apiequality.Semantic.DeepEqual(original, obj3) {
t.Errorf("%v: fuzzing a copy altered the original, diff: %v", name, diff.ObjectReflectDiff(original, obj3))
func internalAndExternalKind(scheme *runtime.Scheme, object runtime.Object) (bool, error) {
kinds, _, err := scheme.ObjectKinds(object)
if err != nil {
return false, err
internal, external := false, false
for _, k := range kinds {
if k.Version == runtime.APIVersionInternal {
internal = true
} else {
external = true
return internal && external, nil
// dataAsString returns the given byte array as a string; handles detecting
// protocol buffers.
func dataAsString(data []byte) string {
dataString := string(data)
if !strings.HasPrefix(dataString, "{") {
dataString = "\n" + hex.Dump(data)
proto.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 1024)).DebugPrint("decoded object", data)
return dataString
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