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instances.go 8.23 KB
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Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package aws
import (
// awsInstanceRegMatch represents Regex Match for AWS instance.
var awsInstanceRegMatch = regexp.MustCompile("^i-[^/]*$")
// awsInstanceID represents the ID of the instance in the AWS API, e.g. i-12345678
// The "traditional" format is "i-12345678"
// A new longer format is also being introduced: "i-12345678abcdef01"
// We should not assume anything about the length or format, though it seems
// reasonable to assume that instances will continue to start with "i-".
type awsInstanceID string
func (i awsInstanceID) awsString() *string {
return aws.String(string(i))
// kubernetesInstanceID represents the id for an instance in the kubernetes API;
// the following form
// * aws:///<zone>/<awsInstanceId>
// * aws:////<awsInstanceId>
// * <awsInstanceId>
type kubernetesInstanceID string
// mapToAWSInstanceID extracts the awsInstanceID from the kubernetesInstanceID
func (name kubernetesInstanceID) mapToAWSInstanceID() (awsInstanceID, error) {
s := string(name)
if !strings.HasPrefix(s, "aws://") {
// Assume a bare aws volume id (vol-1234...)
// Build a URL with an empty host (AZ)
s = "aws://" + "/" + "/" + s
url, err := url.Parse(s)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Invalid instance name (%s): %v", name, err)
if url.Scheme != "aws" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Invalid scheme for AWS instance (%s)", name)
awsID := ""
tokens := strings.Split(strings.Trim(url.Path, "/"), "/")
if len(tokens) == 1 {
// instanceId
awsID = tokens[0]
} else if len(tokens) == 2 {
// az/instanceId
awsID = tokens[1]
// We sanity check the resulting volume; the two known formats are
// i-12345678 and i-12345678abcdef01
if awsID == "" || !awsInstanceRegMatch.MatchString(awsID) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Invalid format for AWS instance (%s)", name)
return awsInstanceID(awsID), nil
// mapToAWSInstanceID extracts the awsInstanceIDs from the Nodes, returning an error if a Node cannot be mapped
func mapToAWSInstanceIDs(nodes []*v1.Node) ([]awsInstanceID, error) {
var instanceIDs []awsInstanceID
for _, node := range nodes {
if node.Spec.ProviderID == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("node %q did not have ProviderID set", node.Name)
instanceID, err := kubernetesInstanceID(node.Spec.ProviderID).mapToAWSInstanceID()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to parse ProviderID %q for node %q", node.Spec.ProviderID, node.Name)
instanceIDs = append(instanceIDs, instanceID)
return instanceIDs, nil
// mapToAWSInstanceIDsTolerant extracts the awsInstanceIDs from the Nodes, skipping Nodes that cannot be mapped
func mapToAWSInstanceIDsTolerant(nodes []*v1.Node) []awsInstanceID {
var instanceIDs []awsInstanceID
for _, node := range nodes {
if node.Spec.ProviderID == "" {
glog.Warningf("node %q did not have ProviderID set", node.Name)
instanceID, err := kubernetesInstanceID(node.Spec.ProviderID).mapToAWSInstanceID()
if err != nil {
glog.Warningf("unable to parse ProviderID %q for node %q", node.Spec.ProviderID, node.Name)
instanceIDs = append(instanceIDs, instanceID)
return instanceIDs
// Gets the full information about this instance from the EC2 API
func describeInstance(ec2Client EC2, instanceID awsInstanceID) (*ec2.Instance, error) {
request := &ec2.DescribeInstancesInput{
InstanceIds: []*string{instanceID.awsString()},
instances, err := ec2Client.DescribeInstances(request)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(instances) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no instances found for instance: %s", instanceID)
if len(instances) > 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("multiple instances found for instance: %s", instanceID)
return instances[0], nil
// instanceCache manages the cache of DescribeInstances
type instanceCache struct {
// TODO: Get rid of this field, send all calls through the instanceCache
cloud *Cloud
mutex sync.Mutex
snapshot *allInstancesSnapshot
// Gets the full information about these instance from the EC2 API
func (c *instanceCache) describeAllInstancesUncached() (*allInstancesSnapshot, error) {
now := time.Now()
glog.V(4).Infof("EC2 DescribeInstances - fetching all instances")
filters := []*ec2.Filter{}
instances, err := c.cloud.describeInstances(filters)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
m := make(map[awsInstanceID]*ec2.Instance)
for _, i := range instances {
id := awsInstanceID(aws.StringValue(i.InstanceId))
m[id] = i
snapshot := &allInstancesSnapshot{now, m}
defer c.mutex.Unlock()
if c.snapshot != nil && snapshot.olderThan(c.snapshot) {
// If this happens a lot, we could run this function in a mutex and only return one result
glog.Infof("Not caching concurrent AWS DescribeInstances results")
} else {
c.snapshot = snapshot
return snapshot, nil
// cacheCriteria holds criteria that must hold to use a cached snapshot
type cacheCriteria struct {
// MaxAge indicates the maximum age of a cached snapshot we can accept.
// If set to 0 (i.e. unset), cached values will not time out because of age.
MaxAge time.Duration
// HasInstances is a list of awsInstanceIDs that must be in a cached snapshot for it to be considered valid.
// If an instance is not found in the cached snapshot, the snapshot be ignored and we will re-fetch.
HasInstances []awsInstanceID
// describeAllInstancesCached returns all instances, using cached results if applicable
func (c *instanceCache) describeAllInstancesCached(criteria cacheCriteria) (*allInstancesSnapshot, error) {
var err error
snapshot := c.getSnapshot()
if snapshot != nil && !snapshot.MeetsCriteria(criteria) {
snapshot = nil
if snapshot == nil {
snapshot, err = c.describeAllInstancesUncached()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
glog.V(6).Infof("EC2 DescribeInstances - using cached results")
return snapshot, nil
// getSnapshot returns a snapshot if one exists
func (c *instanceCache) getSnapshot() *allInstancesSnapshot {
defer c.mutex.Unlock()
return c.snapshot
// olderThan is a simple helper to encapsulate timestamp comparison
func (s *allInstancesSnapshot) olderThan(other *allInstancesSnapshot) bool {
// After() is technically broken by time changes until we have monotonic time
return other.timestamp.After(s.timestamp)
// MeetsCriteria returns true if the snapshot meets the criteria in cacheCriteria
func (s *allInstancesSnapshot) MeetsCriteria(criteria cacheCriteria) bool {
if criteria.MaxAge > 0 {
// Sub() is technically broken by time changes until we have monotonic time
now := time.Now()
if now.Sub(s.timestamp) > criteria.MaxAge {
glog.V(6).Infof("instanceCache snapshot cannot be used as is older than MaxAge=%s", criteria.MaxAge)
return false
if len(criteria.HasInstances) != 0 {
for _, id := range criteria.HasInstances {
if nil == s.instances[id] {
glog.V(6).Infof("instanceCache snapshot cannot be used as does not contain instance %s", id)
return false
return true
// allInstancesSnapshot holds the results from querying for all instances,
// along with the timestamp for cache-invalidation purposes
type allInstancesSnapshot struct {
timestamp time.Time
instances map[awsInstanceID]*ec2.Instance
// FindInstances returns the instances corresponding to the specified ids. If an id is not found, it is ignored.
func (s *allInstancesSnapshot) FindInstances(ids []awsInstanceID) map[awsInstanceID]*ec2.Instance {
m := make(map[awsInstanceID]*ec2.Instance)
for _, id := range ids {
instance := s.instances[id]
if instance != nil {
m[id] = instance
return m
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