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package printers
import (
// JSONPathPrintFlags provides default flags necessary for template printing.
// Given the following flag values, a printer can be requested that knows
// how to handle printing based on these values.
type JSONPathPrintFlags struct {
// indicates if it is OK to ignore missing keys for rendering
// an output template.
AllowMissingKeys *bool
TemplateArgument *string
// ToPrinter receives an templateFormat and returns a printer capable of
// handling --template format printing.
// Returns false if the specified templateFormat does not match a template format.
func (f *JSONPathPrintFlags) ToPrinter(templateFormat string) (ResourcePrinter, error) {
if (f.TemplateArgument == nil || len(*f.TemplateArgument) == 0) && len(templateFormat) == 0 {
return nil, NoCompatiblePrinterError{Options: f, OutputFormat: &templateFormat}
templateValue := ""
// templates are logically optional for specifying a format.
// this allows a user to specify a template format value
// as --output=jsonpath=
templateFormats := map[string]bool{
"jsonpath": true,
"jsonpath-file": true,
if f.TemplateArgument == nil || len(*f.TemplateArgument) == 0 {
for format := range templateFormats {
format = format + "="
if strings.HasPrefix(templateFormat, format) {
templateValue = templateFormat[len(format):]
templateFormat = format[:len(format)-1]
} else {
templateValue = *f.TemplateArgument
if _, supportedFormat := templateFormats[templateFormat]; !supportedFormat {
return nil, NoCompatiblePrinterError{Options: f, OutputFormat: &templateFormat}
if len(templateValue) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("template format specified but no template given")
if templateFormat == "jsonpath-file" {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(templateValue)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error reading --template %s, %v\n", templateValue, err)
templateValue = string(data)
p, err := NewJSONPathPrinter(templateValue)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error parsing jsonpath %s, %v\n", templateValue, err)
allowMissingKeys := true
if f.AllowMissingKeys != nil {
allowMissingKeys = *f.AllowMissingKeys
return p, nil
// AddFlags receives a *cobra.Command reference and binds
// flags related to template printing to it
func (f *JSONPathPrintFlags) AddFlags(c *cobra.Command) {
if f.TemplateArgument != nil {
c.Flags().StringVar(f.TemplateArgument, "template", *f.TemplateArgument, "Template string or path to template file to use when --output=jsonpath, --output=jsonpath-file.")
if f.AllowMissingKeys != nil {
c.Flags().BoolVar(f.AllowMissingKeys, "allow-missing-template-keys", *f.AllowMissingKeys, "If true, ignore any errors in templates when a field or map key is missing in the template. Only applies to golang and jsonpath output formats.")
// NewJSONPathPrintFlags returns flags associated with
// --template printing, with default values set.
func NewJSONPathPrintFlags(templateValue string, allowMissingKeys bool) *JSONPathPrintFlags {
return &JSONPathPrintFlags{
TemplateArgument: &templateValue,
AllowMissingKeys: &allowMissingKeys,
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