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persistent_volume_claims.go 8.81 KB
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Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package core
import (
utilruntime "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/runtime"
utilfeature "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/util/feature"
api "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/core"
k8s_api_v1 "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/core/v1"
k8sfeatures "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/features"
// the name used for object count quota
var pvcObjectCountName = generic.ObjectCountQuotaResourceNameFor(v1.SchemeGroupVersion.WithResource("persistentvolumeclaims").GroupResource())
// pvcResources are the set of static resources managed by quota associated with pvcs.
// for each resource in this list, it may be refined dynamically based on storage class.
var pvcResources = []api.ResourceName{
// storageClassSuffix is the suffix to the qualified portion of storage class resource name.
// For example, if you want to quota storage by storage class, you would have a declaration
// that follows <storage-class>.storageclass.storage.k8s.io/<resource>.
// For example:
// * gold.storageclass.storage.k8s.io/: 500Gi
// * bronze.storageclass.storage.k8s.io/requests.storage: 500Gi
const storageClassSuffix string = ".storageclass.storage.k8s.io/"
// ResourceByStorageClass returns a quota resource name by storage class.
func ResourceByStorageClass(storageClass string, resourceName api.ResourceName) api.ResourceName {
return api.ResourceName(string(storageClass + storageClassSuffix + string(resourceName)))
// V1ResourceByStorageClass returns a quota resource name by storage class.
func V1ResourceByStorageClass(storageClass string, resourceName v1.ResourceName) v1.ResourceName {
return v1.ResourceName(string(storageClass + storageClassSuffix + string(resourceName)))
// NewPersistentVolumeClaimEvaluator returns an evaluator that can evaluate persistent volume claims
func NewPersistentVolumeClaimEvaluator(f quota.ListerForResourceFunc) quota.Evaluator {
listFuncByNamespace := generic.ListResourceUsingListerFunc(f, v1.SchemeGroupVersion.WithResource("persistentvolumeclaims"))
pvcEvaluator := &pvcEvaluator{listFuncByNamespace: listFuncByNamespace}
return pvcEvaluator
// pvcEvaluator knows how to evaluate quota usage for persistent volume claims
type pvcEvaluator struct {
// listFuncByNamespace knows how to list pvc claims
listFuncByNamespace generic.ListFuncByNamespace
// Constraints verifies that all required resources are present on the item.
func (p *pvcEvaluator) Constraints(required []api.ResourceName, item runtime.Object) error {
// no-op for persistent volume claims
return nil
// GroupResource that this evaluator tracks
func (p *pvcEvaluator) GroupResource() schema.GroupResource {
return v1.SchemeGroupVersion.WithResource("persistentvolumeclaims").GroupResource()
// Handles returns true if the evaluator should handle the specified operation.
func (p *pvcEvaluator) Handles(a admission.Attributes) bool {
op := a.GetOperation()
if op == admission.Create {
return true
if op == admission.Update && utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(k8sfeatures.ExpandPersistentVolumes) {
initialized, err := initialization.IsObjectInitialized(a.GetObject())
if err != nil {
// fail closed, will try to give an evaluation.
return true
// only handle the update if the object is initialized after the update.
return initialized
// TODO: when the ExpandPersistentVolumes feature gate is removed, remove
// the initializationCompletion check as well, because it will become a
// subset of the "initialized" condition.
initializationCompletion, err := util.IsInitializationCompletion(a)
if err != nil {
// fail closed, will try to give an evaluation.
return true
return initializationCompletion
// Matches returns true if the evaluator matches the specified quota with the provided input item
func (p *pvcEvaluator) Matches(resourceQuota *api.ResourceQuota, item runtime.Object) (bool, error) {
return generic.Matches(resourceQuota, item, p.MatchingResources, generic.MatchesNoScopeFunc)
// MatchingScopes takes the input specified list of scopes and input object. Returns the set of scopes resource matches.
func (p *pvcEvaluator) MatchingScopes(item runtime.Object, scopes []api.ScopedResourceSelectorRequirement) ([]api.ScopedResourceSelectorRequirement, error) {
return []api.ScopedResourceSelectorRequirement{}, nil
// UncoveredQuotaScopes takes the input matched scopes which are limited by configuration and the matched quota scopes.
// It returns the scopes which are in limited scopes but dont have a corresponding covering quota scope
func (p *pvcEvaluator) UncoveredQuotaScopes(limitedScopes []api.ScopedResourceSelectorRequirement, matchedQuotaScopes []api.ScopedResourceSelectorRequirement) ([]api.ScopedResourceSelectorRequirement, error) {
return []api.ScopedResourceSelectorRequirement{}, nil
// MatchingResources takes the input specified list of resources and returns the set of resources it matches.
func (p *pvcEvaluator) MatchingResources(items []api.ResourceName) []api.ResourceName {
result := []api.ResourceName{}
for _, item := range items {
// match object count quota fields
if quota.Contains([]api.ResourceName{pvcObjectCountName}, item) {
result = append(result, item)
// match pvc resources
if quota.Contains(pvcResources, item) {
result = append(result, item)
// match pvc resources scoped by storage class (<storage-class-name>.storage-class.kubernetes.io/<resource>)
for _, resource := range pvcResources {
byStorageClass := storageClassSuffix + string(resource)
if strings.HasSuffix(string(item), byStorageClass) {
result = append(result, item)
return result
// Usage knows how to measure usage associated with item.
func (p *pvcEvaluator) Usage(item runtime.Object) (api.ResourceList, error) {
result := api.ResourceList{}
pvc, err := toInternalPersistentVolumeClaimOrError(item)
if err != nil {
return result, err
// charge for claim
result[api.ResourcePersistentVolumeClaims] = *(resource.NewQuantity(1, resource.DecimalSI))
result[pvcObjectCountName] = *(resource.NewQuantity(1, resource.DecimalSI))
if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.Initializers) {
if !initialization.IsInitialized(pvc.Initializers) {
// Only charge pvc count for uninitialized pvc.
return result, nil
storageClassRef := helper.GetPersistentVolumeClaimClass(pvc)
if len(storageClassRef) > 0 {
storageClassClaim := api.ResourceName(storageClassRef + storageClassSuffix + string(api.ResourcePersistentVolumeClaims))
result[storageClassClaim] = *(resource.NewQuantity(1, resource.DecimalSI))
// charge for storage
if request, found := pvc.Spec.Resources.Requests[api.ResourceStorage]; found {
result[api.ResourceRequestsStorage] = request
// charge usage to the storage class (if present)
if len(storageClassRef) > 0 {
storageClassStorage := api.ResourceName(storageClassRef + storageClassSuffix + string(api.ResourceRequestsStorage))
result[storageClassStorage] = request
return result, nil
// UsageStats calculates aggregate usage for the object.
func (p *pvcEvaluator) UsageStats(options quota.UsageStatsOptions) (quota.UsageStats, error) {
return generic.CalculateUsageStats(options, p.listFuncByNamespace, generic.MatchesNoScopeFunc, p.Usage)
// ensure we implement required interface
var _ quota.Evaluator = &pvcEvaluator{}
func toInternalPersistentVolumeClaimOrError(obj runtime.Object) (*api.PersistentVolumeClaim, error) {
pvc := &api.PersistentVolumeClaim{}
switch t := obj.(type) {
case *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim:
if err := k8s_api_v1.Convert_v1_PersistentVolumeClaim_To_core_PersistentVolumeClaim(t, pvc, nil); err != nil {
return nil, err
case *api.PersistentVolumeClaim:
pvc = t
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expect *api.PersistentVolumeClaim or *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim, got %v", t)
return pvc, nil
