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Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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limitations under the License.
package aws
import (
// TagNameKubernetesClusterPrefix is the tag name we use to differentiate multiple
// logically independent clusters running in the same AZ.
// The tag key = TagNameKubernetesClusterPrefix + clusterID
// The tag value is an ownership value
const TagNameKubernetesClusterPrefix = "kubernetes.io/cluster/"
// TagNameKubernetesClusterLegacy is the legacy tag name we use to differentiate multiple
// logically independent clusters running in the same AZ. The problem with it was that it
// did not allow shared resources.
const TagNameKubernetesClusterLegacy = "KubernetesCluster"
type ResourceLifecycle string
const (
// ResourceLifecycleOwned is the value we use when tagging resources to indicate
// that the resource is considered owned and managed by the cluster,
// and in particular that the lifecycle is tied to the lifecycle of the cluster.
ResourceLifecycleOwned = "owned"
// ResourceLifecycleShared is the value we use when tagging resources to indicate
// that the resource is shared between multiple clusters, and should not be destroyed
// if the cluster is destroyed.
ResourceLifecycleShared = "shared"
type awsTagging struct {
// ClusterID is our cluster identifier: we tag AWS resources with this value,
// and thus we can run two independent clusters in the same VPC or subnets.
// This gives us similar functionality to GCE projects.
ClusterID string
// usesLegacyTags is true if we are using the legacy TagNameKubernetesClusterLegacy tags
usesLegacyTags bool
func (t *awsTagging) init(legacyClusterID string, clusterID string) error {
if legacyClusterID != "" {
if clusterID != "" && legacyClusterID != clusterID {
return fmt.Errorf("ClusterID tags did not match: %q vs %q", clusterID, legacyClusterID)
t.usesLegacyTags = true
clusterID = legacyClusterID
t.ClusterID = clusterID
if clusterID != "" {
glog.Infof("AWS cloud filtering on ClusterID: %v", clusterID)
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("AWS cloud failed to find ClusterID")
return nil
// Extracts a clusterID from the given tags, if one is present
// If no clusterID is found, returns "", nil
// If multiple (different) clusterIDs are found, returns an error
func (t *awsTagging) initFromTags(tags []*ec2.Tag) error {
legacyClusterID, newClusterID, err := findClusterIDs(tags)
if err != nil {
return err
if legacyClusterID == "" && newClusterID == "" {
glog.Errorf("Tag %q nor %q not found; Kubernetes may behave unexpectedly.", TagNameKubernetesClusterLegacy, TagNameKubernetesClusterPrefix+"...")
return t.init(legacyClusterID, newClusterID)
// Extracts the legacy & new cluster ids from the given tags, if they are present
// If duplicate tags are found, returns an error
func findClusterIDs(tags []*ec2.Tag) (string, string, error) {
legacyClusterID := ""
newClusterID := ""
for _, tag := range tags {
tagKey := aws.StringValue(tag.Key)
if strings.HasPrefix(tagKey, TagNameKubernetesClusterPrefix) {
id := strings.TrimPrefix(tagKey, TagNameKubernetesClusterPrefix)
if newClusterID != "" {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Found multiple cluster tags with prefix %s (%q and %q)", TagNameKubernetesClusterPrefix, newClusterID, id)
newClusterID = id
if tagKey == TagNameKubernetesClusterLegacy {
id := aws.StringValue(tag.Value)
if legacyClusterID != "" {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Found multiple %s tags (%q and %q)", TagNameKubernetesClusterLegacy, legacyClusterID, id)
legacyClusterID = id
return legacyClusterID, newClusterID, nil
func (t *awsTagging) clusterTagKey() string {
return TagNameKubernetesClusterPrefix + t.ClusterID
func (t *awsTagging) hasClusterTag(tags []*ec2.Tag) bool {
// if the clusterID is not configured -- we consider all instances.
if len(t.ClusterID) == 0 {
return true
clusterTagKey := t.clusterTagKey()
for _, tag := range tags {
tagKey := aws.StringValue(tag.Key)
// For 1.6, we continue to recognize the legacy tags, for the 1.5 -> 1.6 upgrade
// Note that we want to continue traversing tag list if we see a legacy tag with value != ClusterID
if (tagKey == TagNameKubernetesClusterLegacy) && (aws.StringValue(tag.Value) == t.ClusterID) {
return true
if tagKey == clusterTagKey {
return true
return false
// Ensure that a resource has the correct tags
// If it has no tags, we assume that this was a problem caused by an error in between creation and tagging,
// and we add the tags. If it has a different cluster's tags, that is an error.
func (c *awsTagging) readRepairClusterTags(client EC2, resourceID string, lifecycle ResourceLifecycle, additionalTags map[string]string, observedTags []*ec2.Tag) error {
actualTagMap := make(map[string]string)
for _, tag := range observedTags {
actualTagMap[aws.StringValue(tag.Key)] = aws.StringValue(tag.Value)
expectedTags := c.buildTags(lifecycle, additionalTags)
addTags := make(map[string]string)
for k, expected := range expectedTags {
actual := actualTagMap[k]
if actual == expected {
if actual == "" {
glog.Warningf("Resource %q was missing expected cluster tag %q. Will add (with value %q)", resourceID, k, expected)
addTags[k] = expected
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("resource %q has tag belonging to another cluster: %q=%q (expected %q)", resourceID, k, actual, expected)
if len(addTags) == 0 {
return nil
if err := c.createTags(client, resourceID, lifecycle, addTags); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error adding missing tags to resource %q: %q", resourceID, err)
return nil
// createTags calls EC2 CreateTags, but adds retry-on-failure logic
// We retry mainly because if we create an object, we cannot tag it until it is "fully created" (eventual consistency)
// The error code varies though (depending on what we are tagging), so we simply retry on all errors
func (t *awsTagging) createTags(client EC2, resourceID string, lifecycle ResourceLifecycle, additionalTags map[string]string) error {
tags := t.buildTags(lifecycle, additionalTags)
if tags == nil || len(tags) == 0 {
return nil
var awsTags []*ec2.Tag
for k, v := range tags {
tag := &ec2.Tag{
Key: aws.String(k),
Value: aws.String(v),
awsTags = append(awsTags, tag)
backoff := wait.Backoff{
Duration: createTagInitialDelay,
Factor: createTagFactor,
Steps: createTagSteps,
request := &ec2.CreateTagsInput{}
request.Resources = []*string{&resourceID}
request.Tags = awsTags
var lastErr error
err := wait.ExponentialBackoff(backoff, func() (bool, error) {
_, err := client.CreateTags(request)
if err == nil {
return true, nil
// We could check that the error is retryable, but the error code changes based on what we are tagging
// SecurityGroup: InvalidGroup.NotFound
glog.V(2).Infof("Failed to create tags; will retry. Error was %q", err)
lastErr = err
return false, nil
if err == wait.ErrWaitTimeout {
// return real CreateTags error instead of timeout
err = lastErr
return err
// Add additional filters, to match on our tags
// This lets us run multiple k8s clusters in a single EC2 AZ
func (t *awsTagging) addFilters(filters []*ec2.Filter) []*ec2.Filter {
// if there are no clusterID configured - no filtering by special tag names
// should be applied to revert to legacy behaviour.
if len(t.ClusterID) == 0 {
if len(filters) == 0 {
// We can't pass a zero-length Filters to AWS (it's an error)
// So if we end up with no filters; just return nil
return nil
return filters
// For 1.6, we always recognize the legacy tag, for the 1.5 -> 1.6 upgrade
// There are no "or" filters by key, so we look for both the legacy and new key, and then we have to post-filter
f := newEc2Filter("tag-key", TagNameKubernetesClusterLegacy, t.clusterTagKey())
// We can't pass a zero-length Filters to AWS (it's an error)
// So if we end up with no filters; we need to return nil
filters = append(filters, f)
return filters
func (t *awsTagging) buildTags(lifecycle ResourceLifecycle, additionalTags map[string]string) map[string]string {
tags := make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range additionalTags {
tags[k] = v
// no clusterID is a sign of misconfigured cluster, but we can't be tagging the resources with empty
// strings
if len(t.ClusterID) == 0 {
return tags
// We only create legacy tags if we are using legacy tags, i.e. if we have seen a legacy tag on our instance
if t.usesLegacyTags {
tags[TagNameKubernetesClusterLegacy] = t.ClusterID
tags[t.clusterTagKey()] = string(lifecycle)
return tags
func (t *awsTagging) clusterID() string {
return t.ClusterID
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