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srcimporter.go 7.64 KB
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Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors.
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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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// Forked from go's go/internal/srcimporter
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package srcimporter implements importing directly
// from source files rather than installed packages.
package srcimporter
import (
// An Importer provides the context for importing packages from source code.
type Importer struct {
ctxt *build.Context
fset *token.FileSet
sizes types.Sizes
packages map[string]*types.Package
// New returns a new Importer for the given context, file set, and map
// of packages. The context is used to resolve import paths to package paths,
// and identifying the files belonging to the package. If the context provides
// non-nil file system functions, they are used instead of the regular package
// os functions. The file set is used to track position information of package
// files; and imported packages are added to the packages map.
func New(ctxt *build.Context, fset *token.FileSet, packages map[string]*types.Package) *Importer {
return &Importer{
ctxt: ctxt,
fset: fset,
sizes: types.SizesFor(ctxt.Compiler, ctxt.GOARCH), // uses go/types default if GOARCH not found
packages: packages,
// Importing is a sentinel taking the place in Importer.packages
// for a package that is in the process of being imported.
var importing types.Package
// Import (path) is a shortcut for ImportFrom(path, "", 0).
func (p *Importer) Import(path string) (*types.Package, error) {
return p.ImportFrom(path, "", 0)
// ImportFrom imports the package with the given import path resolved from the given srcDir,
// adds the new package to the set of packages maintained by the importer, and returns the
// package. Package path resolution and file system operations are controlled by the context
// maintained with the importer. The import mode must be zero but is otherwise ignored.
// Packages that are not comprised entirely of pure Go files may fail to import because the
// type checker may not be able to determine all exported entities (e.g. due to cgo dependencies).
func (p *Importer) ImportFrom(path, srcDir string, mode types.ImportMode) (*types.Package, error) {
if mode != 0 {
panic("non-zero import mode")
// determine package path (do vendor resolution)
var bp *build.Package
var err error
switch {
if abs, err := p.absPath(srcDir); err == nil { // see issue #14282
srcDir = abs
bp, err = p.ctxt.Import(path, srcDir, build.FindOnly)
case build.IsLocalImport(path):
// "./x" -> "srcDir/x"
bp, err = p.ctxt.ImportDir(filepath.Join(srcDir, path), build.FindOnly)
case p.isAbsPath(path):
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid absolute import path %q", path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err // err may be *build.NoGoError - return as is
// package unsafe is known to the type checker
if bp.ImportPath == "unsafe" {
return types.Unsafe, nil
// no need to re-import if the package was imported completely before
pkg := p.packages[bp.ImportPath]
if pkg != nil {
if pkg == &importing {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("import cycle through package %q", bp.ImportPath)
if !pkg.Complete() {
// Package exists but is not complete - we cannot handle this
// at the moment since the source importer replaces the package
// wholesale rather than augmenting it (see #19337 for details).
// Return incomplete package with error (see #16088).
return pkg, fmt.Errorf("reimported partially imported package %q", bp.ImportPath)
return pkg, nil
p.packages[bp.ImportPath] = &importing
defer func() {
// clean up in case of error
// TODO(gri) Eventually we may want to leave a (possibly empty)
// package in the map in all cases (and use that package to
// identify cycles). See also issue 16088.
if p.packages[bp.ImportPath] == &importing {
p.packages[bp.ImportPath] = nil
// collect package files
bp, err = p.ctxt.ImportDir(bp.Dir, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err // err may be *build.NoGoError - return as is
var filenames []string
filenames = append(filenames, bp.GoFiles...)
filenames = append(filenames, bp.CgoFiles...)
files, err := p.parseFiles(bp.Dir, filenames)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// type-check package files
var firstHardErr error
conf := types.Config{
IgnoreFuncBodies: true,
FakeImportC: true,
// continue type-checking after the first error
Error: func(err error) {
if firstHardErr == nil && !err.(types.Error).Soft {
firstHardErr = err
Importer: p,
Sizes: p.sizes,
pkg, err = conf.Check(bp.ImportPath, p.fset, files, nil)
if err != nil {
// If there was a hard error it is possibly unsafe
// to use the package as it may not be fully populated.
// Do not return it (see also #20837, #20855).
if firstHardErr != nil {
pkg = nil
err = firstHardErr // give preference to first hard error over any soft error
return pkg, fmt.Errorf("type-checking package %q failed (%v)", bp.ImportPath, err)
if firstHardErr != nil {
// this can only happen if we have a bug in go/types
panic("package is not safe yet no error was returned")
p.packages[bp.ImportPath] = pkg
return pkg, nil
func (p *Importer) parseFiles(dir string, filenames []string) ([]*ast.File, error) {
open := p.ctxt.OpenFile // possibly nil
files := make([]*ast.File, len(filenames))
errors := make([]error, len(filenames))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i, filename := range filenames {
go func(i int, filepath string) {
defer wg.Done()
if open != nil {
src, err := open(filepath)
if err != nil {
errors[i] = fmt.Errorf("opening package file %s failed (%v)", filepath, err)
files[i], errors[i] = parser.ParseFile(p.fset, filepath, src, 0)
src.Close() // ignore Close error - parsing may have succeeded which is all we need
} else {
// Special-case when ctxt doesn't provide a custom OpenFile and use the
// parser's file reading mechanism directly. This appears to be quite a
// bit faster than opening the file and providing an io.ReaderCloser in
// both cases.
// TODO(gri) investigate performance difference (issue #19281)
files[i], errors[i] = parser.ParseFile(p.fset, filepath, nil, 0)
}(i, p.joinPath(dir, filename))
// if there are errors, return the first one for deterministic results
for _, err := range errors {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return files, nil
// context-controlled file system operations
func (p *Importer) absPath(path string) (string, error) {
// TODO(gri) This should be using p.ctxt.AbsPath which doesn't
// exist but probably should. See also issue #14282.
return filepath.Abs(path)
func (p *Importer) isAbsPath(path string) bool {
if f := p.ctxt.IsAbsPath; f != nil {
return f(path)
return filepath.IsAbs(path)
func (p *Importer) joinPath(elem ...string) string {
if f := p.ctxt.JoinPath; f != nil {
return f(elem...)
return filepath.Join(elem...)
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