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validation.go 12.41 KB
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Daniel Smith 提交于 2017-11-11 18:00 . fix docs and validation
Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package validation
import (
genericvalidation "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/validation"
metav1validation "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1/validation"
func ValidateInitializerConfiguration(ic *admissionregistration.InitializerConfiguration) field.ErrorList {
allErrors := genericvalidation.ValidateObjectMeta(&ic.ObjectMeta, false, genericvalidation.NameIsDNSSubdomain, field.NewPath("metadata"))
for i, initializer := range ic.Initializers {
allErrors = append(allErrors, validateInitializer(&initializer, field.NewPath("initializers").Index(i))...)
return allErrors
func validateInitializer(initializer *admissionregistration.Initializer, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList {
var allErrors field.ErrorList
// initlializer.Name must be fully qualified
allErrors = append(allErrors, validation.IsFullyQualifiedName(fldPath.Child("name"), initializer.Name)...)
for i, rule := range initializer.Rules {
notAllowSubresources := false
allErrors = append(allErrors, validateRule(&rule, fldPath.Child("rules").Index(i), notAllowSubresources)...)
return allErrors
func hasWildcard(slice []string) bool {
for _, s := range slice {
if s == "*" {
return true
return false
func validateResources(resources []string, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList {
var allErrors field.ErrorList
if len(resources) == 0 {
allErrors = append(allErrors, field.Required(fldPath, ""))
// */x
resourcesWithWildcardSubresoures := sets.String{}
// x/*
subResoucesWithWildcardResource := sets.String{}
// */*
hasDoubleWildcard := false
// *
hasSingleWildcard := false
// x
hasResourceWithoutSubresource := false
for i, resSub := range resources {
if resSub == "" {
allErrors = append(allErrors, field.Required(fldPath.Index(i), ""))
if resSub == "*/*" {
hasDoubleWildcard = true
if resSub == "*" {
hasSingleWildcard = true
parts := strings.SplitN(resSub, "/", 2)
if len(parts) == 1 {
hasResourceWithoutSubresource = resSub != "*"
res, sub := parts[0], parts[1]
if _, ok := resourcesWithWildcardSubresoures[res]; ok {
allErrors = append(allErrors, field.Invalid(fldPath.Index(i), resSub, fmt.Sprintf("if '%s/*' is present, must not specify %s", res, resSub)))
if _, ok := subResoucesWithWildcardResource[sub]; ok {
allErrors = append(allErrors, field.Invalid(fldPath.Index(i), resSub, fmt.Sprintf("if '*/%s' is present, must not specify %s", sub, resSub)))
if sub == "*" {
resourcesWithWildcardSubresoures[res] = struct{}{}
if res == "*" {
subResoucesWithWildcardResource[sub] = struct{}{}
if len(resources) > 1 && hasDoubleWildcard {
allErrors = append(allErrors, field.Invalid(fldPath, resources, "if '*/*' is present, must not specify other resources"))
if hasSingleWildcard && hasResourceWithoutSubresource {
allErrors = append(allErrors, field.Invalid(fldPath, resources, "if '*' is present, must not specify other resources without subresources"))
return allErrors
func validateResourcesNoSubResources(resources []string, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList {
var allErrors field.ErrorList
if len(resources) == 0 {
allErrors = append(allErrors, field.Required(fldPath, ""))
for i, resource := range resources {
if resource == "" {
allErrors = append(allErrors, field.Required(fldPath.Index(i), ""))
if strings.Contains(resource, "/") {
allErrors = append(allErrors, field.Invalid(fldPath.Index(i), resource, "must not specify subresources"))
if len(resources) > 1 && hasWildcard(resources) {
allErrors = append(allErrors, field.Invalid(fldPath, resources, "if '*' is present, must not specify other resources"))
return allErrors
func validateRule(rule *admissionregistration.Rule, fldPath *field.Path, allowSubResource bool) field.ErrorList {
var allErrors field.ErrorList
if len(rule.APIGroups) == 0 {
allErrors = append(allErrors, field.Required(fldPath.Child("apiGroups"), ""))
if len(rule.APIGroups) > 1 && hasWildcard(rule.APIGroups) {
allErrors = append(allErrors, field.Invalid(fldPath.Child("apiGroups"), rule.APIGroups, "if '*' is present, must not specify other API groups"))
// Note: group could be empty, e.g., the legacy "v1" API
if len(rule.APIVersions) == 0 {
allErrors = append(allErrors, field.Required(fldPath.Child("apiVersions"), ""))
if len(rule.APIVersions) > 1 && hasWildcard(rule.APIVersions) {
allErrors = append(allErrors, field.Invalid(fldPath.Child("apiVersions"), rule.APIVersions, "if '*' is present, must not specify other API versions"))
for i, version := range rule.APIVersions {
if version == "" {
allErrors = append(allErrors, field.Required(fldPath.Child("apiVersions").Index(i), ""))
if allowSubResource {
allErrors = append(allErrors, validateResources(rule.Resources, fldPath.Child("resources"))...)
} else {
allErrors = append(allErrors, validateResourcesNoSubResources(rule.Resources, fldPath.Child("resources"))...)
return allErrors
func ValidateInitializerConfigurationUpdate(newIC, oldIC *admissionregistration.InitializerConfiguration) field.ErrorList {
return ValidateInitializerConfiguration(newIC)
func ValidateValidatingWebhookConfiguration(e *admissionregistration.ValidatingWebhookConfiguration) field.ErrorList {
allErrors := genericvalidation.ValidateObjectMeta(&e.ObjectMeta, false, genericvalidation.NameIsDNSSubdomain, field.NewPath("metadata"))
for i, hook := range e.Webhooks {
allErrors = append(allErrors, validateWebhook(&hook, field.NewPath("webhooks").Index(i))...)
return allErrors
func ValidateMutatingWebhookConfiguration(e *admissionregistration.MutatingWebhookConfiguration) field.ErrorList {
allErrors := genericvalidation.ValidateObjectMeta(&e.ObjectMeta, false, genericvalidation.NameIsDNSSubdomain, field.NewPath("metadata"))
for i, hook := range e.Webhooks {
allErrors = append(allErrors, validateWebhook(&hook, field.NewPath("webhooks").Index(i))...)
return allErrors
func validateWebhook(hook *admissionregistration.Webhook, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList {
var allErrors field.ErrorList
// hook.Name must be fully qualified
allErrors = append(allErrors, validation.IsFullyQualifiedName(fldPath.Child("name"), hook.Name)...)
for i, rule := range hook.Rules {
allErrors = append(allErrors, validateRuleWithOperations(&rule, fldPath.Child("rules").Index(i))...)
if hook.FailurePolicy != nil && !supportedFailurePolicies.Has(string(*hook.FailurePolicy)) {
allErrors = append(allErrors, field.NotSupported(fldPath.Child("failurePolicy"), *hook.FailurePolicy, supportedFailurePolicies.List()))
if hook.NamespaceSelector != nil {
allErrors = append(allErrors, metav1validation.ValidateLabelSelector(hook.NamespaceSelector, fldPath.Child("namespaceSelector"))...)
allErrors = append(allErrors, validateWebhookClientConfig(fldPath.Child("clientConfig"), &hook.ClientConfig)...)
return allErrors
func validateWebhookClientConfig(fldPath *field.Path, cc *admissionregistration.WebhookClientConfig) field.ErrorList {
var allErrors field.ErrorList
if (cc.URL == nil) == (cc.Service == nil) {
allErrors = append(allErrors, field.Required(fldPath.Child("url"), "exactly one of url or service is required"))
if cc.URL != nil {
const form = "; desired format: https://host[/path]"
if u, err := url.Parse(*cc.URL); err != nil {
allErrors = append(allErrors, field.Required(fldPath.Child("url"), "url must be a valid URL: "+err.Error()+form))
} else {
if u.Scheme != "https" {
allErrors = append(allErrors, field.Invalid(fldPath.Child("url"), u.Scheme, "'https' is the only allowed URL scheme"+form))
if len(u.Host) == 0 {
allErrors = append(allErrors, field.Invalid(fldPath.Child("url"), u.Host, "host must be provided"+form))
if u.User != nil {
allErrors = append(allErrors, field.Invalid(fldPath.Child("url"), u.User.String(), "user information is not permitted in the URL"))
if len(u.Fragment) != 0 {
allErrors = append(allErrors, field.Invalid(fldPath.Child("url"), u.Fragment, "fragments are not permitted in the URL"))
if len(u.RawQuery) != 0 {
allErrors = append(allErrors, field.Invalid(fldPath.Child("url"), u.RawQuery, "query parameters are not permitted in the URL"))
if cc.Service != nil {
allErrors = append(allErrors, validateWebhookService(fldPath.Child("service"), cc.Service)...)
return allErrors
func validateWebhookService(fldPath *field.Path, svc *admissionregistration.ServiceReference) field.ErrorList {
var allErrors field.ErrorList
if len(svc.Name) == 0 {
allErrors = append(allErrors, field.Required(fldPath.Child("name"), "service name is required"))
if len(svc.Namespace) == 0 {
allErrors = append(allErrors, field.Required(fldPath.Child("namespace"), "service namespace is required"))
if svc.Path == nil {
return allErrors
// TODO: replace below with url.Parse + verifying that host is empty?
urlPath := *svc.Path
if urlPath == "/" || len(urlPath) == 0 {
return allErrors
if urlPath == "//" {
allErrors = append(allErrors, field.Invalid(fldPath.Child("path"), urlPath, "segment[0] may not be empty"))
return allErrors
if !strings.HasPrefix(urlPath, "/") {
allErrors = append(allErrors, field.Invalid(fldPath.Child("path"), urlPath, "must start with a '/'"))
urlPathToCheck := urlPath[1:]
if strings.HasSuffix(urlPathToCheck, "/") {
urlPathToCheck = urlPathToCheck[:len(urlPathToCheck)-1]
steps := strings.Split(urlPathToCheck, "/")
for i, step := range steps {
if len(step) == 0 {
allErrors = append(allErrors, field.Invalid(fldPath.Child("path"), urlPath, fmt.Sprintf("segment[%d] may not be empty", i)))
failures := validation.IsDNS1123Subdomain(step)
for _, failure := range failures {
allErrors = append(allErrors, field.Invalid(fldPath.Child("path"), urlPath, fmt.Sprintf("segment[%d]: %v", i, failure)))
return allErrors
var supportedFailurePolicies = sets.NewString(
var supportedOperations = sets.NewString(
func hasWildcardOperation(operations []admissionregistration.OperationType) bool {
for _, o := range operations {
if o == admissionregistration.OperationAll {
return true
return false
func validateRuleWithOperations(ruleWithOperations *admissionregistration.RuleWithOperations, fldPath *field.Path) field.ErrorList {
var allErrors field.ErrorList
if len(ruleWithOperations.Operations) == 0 {
allErrors = append(allErrors, field.Required(fldPath.Child("operations"), ""))
if len(ruleWithOperations.Operations) > 1 && hasWildcardOperation(ruleWithOperations.Operations) {
allErrors = append(allErrors, field.Invalid(fldPath.Child("operations"), ruleWithOperations.Operations, "if '*' is present, must not specify other operations"))
for i, operation := range ruleWithOperations.Operations {
if !supportedOperations.Has(string(operation)) {
allErrors = append(allErrors, field.NotSupported(fldPath.Child("operations").Index(i), operation, supportedOperations.List()))
allowSubResource := true
allErrors = append(allErrors, validateRule(&ruleWithOperations.Rule, fldPath, allowSubResource)...)
return allErrors
func ValidateValidatingWebhookConfigurationUpdate(newC, oldC *admissionregistration.ValidatingWebhookConfiguration) field.ErrorList {
return ValidateValidatingWebhookConfiguration(newC)
func ValidateMutatingWebhookConfigurationUpdate(newC, oldC *admissionregistration.MutatingWebhookConfiguration) field.ErrorList {
return ValidateMutatingWebhookConfiguration(newC)
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