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eviction_manager.go 21.44 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package eviction
import (
utilfeature "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/util/feature"
apiv1resource "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/v1/resource"
v1helper "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/core/v1/helper"
v1qos "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/core/v1/helper/qos"
statsapi "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/apis/stats/v1alpha1"
evictionapi "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/eviction/api"
kubepod "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/pod"
kubelettypes "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/types"
const (
podCleanupTimeout = 30 * time.Second
podCleanupPollFreq = time.Second
// managerImpl implements Manager
type managerImpl struct {
// used to track time
clock clock.Clock
// config is how the manager is configured
config Config
// the function to invoke to kill a pod
killPodFunc KillPodFunc
// the interface that knows how to do image gc
imageGC ImageGC
// the interface that knows how to do container gc
containerGC ContainerGC
// protects access to internal state
// node conditions are the set of conditions present
nodeConditions []v1.NodeConditionType
// captures when a node condition was last observed based on a threshold being met
nodeConditionsLastObservedAt nodeConditionsObservedAt
// nodeRef is a reference to the node
nodeRef *v1.ObjectReference
// used to record events about the node
recorder record.EventRecorder
// used to measure usage stats on system
summaryProvider stats.SummaryProvider
// records when a threshold was first observed
thresholdsFirstObservedAt thresholdsObservedAt
// records the set of thresholds that have been met (including graceperiod) but not yet resolved
thresholdsMet []evictionapi.Threshold
// signalToRankFunc maps a resource to ranking function for that resource.
signalToRankFunc map[evictionapi.Signal]rankFunc
// signalToNodeReclaimFuncs maps a resource to an ordered list of functions that know how to reclaim that resource.
signalToNodeReclaimFuncs map[evictionapi.Signal]nodeReclaimFuncs
// last observations from synchronize
lastObservations signalObservations
// dedicatedImageFs indicates if imagefs is on a separate device from the rootfs
dedicatedImageFs *bool
// thresholdNotifiers is a list of memory threshold notifiers which each notify for a memory eviction threshold
thresholdNotifiers []ThresholdNotifier
// thresholdsLastUpdated is the last time the thresholdNotifiers were updated.
thresholdsLastUpdated time.Time
// ensure it implements the required interface
var _ Manager = &managerImpl{}
// NewManager returns a configured Manager and an associated admission handler to enforce eviction configuration.
func NewManager(
summaryProvider stats.SummaryProvider,
config Config,
killPodFunc KillPodFunc,
imageGC ImageGC,
containerGC ContainerGC,
recorder record.EventRecorder,
nodeRef *v1.ObjectReference,
clock clock.Clock,
) (Manager, lifecycle.PodAdmitHandler) {
manager := &managerImpl{
clock: clock,
killPodFunc: killPodFunc,
imageGC: imageGC,
containerGC: containerGC,
config: config,
recorder: recorder,
summaryProvider: summaryProvider,
nodeRef: nodeRef,
nodeConditionsLastObservedAt: nodeConditionsObservedAt{},
thresholdsFirstObservedAt: thresholdsObservedAt{},
dedicatedImageFs: nil,
thresholdNotifiers: []ThresholdNotifier{},
return manager, manager
// Admit rejects a pod if its not safe to admit for node stability.
func (m *managerImpl) Admit(attrs *lifecycle.PodAdmitAttributes) lifecycle.PodAdmitResult {
defer m.RUnlock()
if len(m.nodeConditions) == 0 {
return lifecycle.PodAdmitResult{Admit: true}
// Admit Critical pods even under resource pressure since they are required for system stability.
// https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/40573 has more details.
if kubelettypes.IsCriticalPod(attrs.Pod) {
return lifecycle.PodAdmitResult{Admit: true}
// the node has memory pressure, admit if not best-effort
if hasNodeCondition(m.nodeConditions, v1.NodeMemoryPressure) {
notBestEffort := v1.PodQOSBestEffort != v1qos.GetPodQOS(attrs.Pod)
if notBestEffort {
return lifecycle.PodAdmitResult{Admit: true}
// When node has memory pressure and TaintNodesByCondition is enabled, check BestEffort Pod's toleration:
// admit it if tolerates memory pressure taint, fail for other tolerations, e.g. OutOfDisk.
if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.TaintNodesByCondition) &&
v1helper.TolerationsTolerateTaint(attrs.Pod.Spec.Tolerations, &v1.Taint{
Key: algorithm.TaintNodeMemoryPressure,
Effect: v1.TaintEffectNoSchedule,
}) {
return lifecycle.PodAdmitResult{Admit: true}
// reject pods when under memory pressure (if pod is best effort), or if under disk pressure.
glog.Warningf("Failed to admit pod %s - node has conditions: %v", format.Pod(attrs.Pod), m.nodeConditions)
return lifecycle.PodAdmitResult{
Admit: false,
Reason: Reason,
Message: fmt.Sprintf(nodeLowMessageFmt, m.nodeConditions),
// Start starts the control loop to observe and response to low compute resources.
func (m *managerImpl) Start(diskInfoProvider DiskInfoProvider, podFunc ActivePodsFunc, podCleanedUpFunc PodCleanedUpFunc, monitoringInterval time.Duration) {
thresholdHandler := func(message string) {
m.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, podFunc)
if m.config.KernelMemcgNotification {
for _, threshold := range m.config.Thresholds {
if threshold.Signal == evictionapi.SignalMemoryAvailable || threshold.Signal == evictionapi.SignalAllocatableMemoryAvailable {
notifier, err := NewMemoryThresholdNotifier(threshold, m.config.PodCgroupRoot, &CgroupNotifierFactory{}, thresholdHandler)
if err != nil {
glog.Warningf("eviction manager: failed to create memory threshold notifier: %v", err)
} else {
go notifier.Start()
m.thresholdNotifiers = append(m.thresholdNotifiers, notifier)
// start the eviction manager monitoring
go func() {
for {
if evictedPods := m.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, podFunc); evictedPods != nil {
glog.Infof("eviction manager: pods %s evicted, waiting for pod to be cleaned up", format.Pods(evictedPods))
m.waitForPodsCleanup(podCleanedUpFunc, evictedPods)
} else {
// IsUnderMemoryPressure returns true if the node is under memory pressure.
func (m *managerImpl) IsUnderMemoryPressure() bool {
defer m.RUnlock()
return hasNodeCondition(m.nodeConditions, v1.NodeMemoryPressure)
// IsUnderDiskPressure returns true if the node is under disk pressure.
func (m *managerImpl) IsUnderDiskPressure() bool {
defer m.RUnlock()
return hasNodeCondition(m.nodeConditions, v1.NodeDiskPressure)
// IsUnderPIDPressure returns true if the node is under PID pressure.
func (m *managerImpl) IsUnderPIDPressure() bool {
defer m.RUnlock()
return hasNodeCondition(m.nodeConditions, v1.NodePIDPressure)
// synchronize is the main control loop that enforces eviction thresholds.
// Returns the pod that was killed, or nil if no pod was killed.
func (m *managerImpl) synchronize(diskInfoProvider DiskInfoProvider, podFunc ActivePodsFunc) []*v1.Pod {
// if we have nothing to do, just return
thresholds := m.config.Thresholds
if len(thresholds) == 0 && !utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.LocalStorageCapacityIsolation) {
return nil
glog.V(3).Infof("eviction manager: synchronize housekeeping")
// build the ranking functions (if not yet known)
// TODO: have a function in cadvisor that lets us know if global housekeeping has completed
if m.dedicatedImageFs == nil {
hasImageFs, ok := diskInfoProvider.HasDedicatedImageFs()
if ok != nil {
return nil
m.dedicatedImageFs = &hasImageFs
m.signalToRankFunc = buildSignalToRankFunc(hasImageFs)
m.signalToNodeReclaimFuncs = buildSignalToNodeReclaimFuncs(m.imageGC, m.containerGC, hasImageFs)
activePods := podFunc()
updateStats := true
summary, err := m.summaryProvider.Get(updateStats)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("eviction manager: failed to get get summary stats: %v", err)
return nil
if m.clock.Since(m.thresholdsLastUpdated) > notifierRefreshInterval {
m.thresholdsLastUpdated = m.clock.Now()
for _, notifier := range m.thresholdNotifiers {
if err := notifier.UpdateThreshold(summary); err != nil {
glog.Warningf("eviction manager: failed to update %s: %v", notifier.Description(), err)
// make observations and get a function to derive pod usage stats relative to those observations.
observations, statsFunc := makeSignalObservations(summary)
debugLogObservations("observations", observations)
// determine the set of thresholds met independent of grace period
thresholds = thresholdsMet(thresholds, observations, false)
debugLogThresholdsWithObservation("thresholds - ignoring grace period", thresholds, observations)
// determine the set of thresholds previously met that have not yet satisfied the associated min-reclaim
if len(m.thresholdsMet) > 0 {
thresholdsNotYetResolved := thresholdsMet(m.thresholdsMet, observations, true)
thresholds = mergeThresholds(thresholds, thresholdsNotYetResolved)
debugLogThresholdsWithObservation("thresholds - reclaim not satisfied", thresholds, observations)
// track when a threshold was first observed
now := m.clock.Now()
thresholdsFirstObservedAt := thresholdsFirstObservedAt(thresholds, m.thresholdsFirstObservedAt, now)
// the set of node conditions that are triggered by currently observed thresholds
nodeConditions := nodeConditions(thresholds)
if len(nodeConditions) > 0 {
glog.V(3).Infof("eviction manager: node conditions - observed: %v", nodeConditions)
// track when a node condition was last observed
nodeConditionsLastObservedAt := nodeConditionsLastObservedAt(nodeConditions, m.nodeConditionsLastObservedAt, now)
// node conditions report true if it has been observed within the transition period window
nodeConditions = nodeConditionsObservedSince(nodeConditionsLastObservedAt, m.config.PressureTransitionPeriod, now)
if len(nodeConditions) > 0 {
glog.V(3).Infof("eviction manager: node conditions - transition period not met: %v", nodeConditions)
// determine the set of thresholds we need to drive eviction behavior (i.e. all grace periods are met)
thresholds = thresholdsMetGracePeriod(thresholdsFirstObservedAt, now)
debugLogThresholdsWithObservation("thresholds - grace periods satisified", thresholds, observations)
// update internal state
m.nodeConditions = nodeConditions
m.thresholdsFirstObservedAt = thresholdsFirstObservedAt
m.nodeConditionsLastObservedAt = nodeConditionsLastObservedAt
m.thresholdsMet = thresholds
// determine the set of thresholds whose stats have been updated since the last sync
thresholds = thresholdsUpdatedStats(thresholds, observations, m.lastObservations)
debugLogThresholdsWithObservation("thresholds - updated stats", thresholds, observations)
m.lastObservations = observations
// evict pods if there is a resource usage violation from local volume temporary storage
// If eviction happens in localStorageEviction function, skip the rest of eviction action
if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.LocalStorageCapacityIsolation) {
if evictedPods := m.localStorageEviction(summary, activePods); len(evictedPods) > 0 {
return evictedPods
if len(thresholds) == 0 {
glog.V(3).Infof("eviction manager: no resources are starved")
return nil
// rank the thresholds by eviction priority
thresholdToReclaim := thresholds[0]
resourceToReclaim, found := signalToResource[thresholdToReclaim.Signal]
if !found {
glog.V(3).Infof("eviction manager: threshold %s was crossed, but reclaim is not implemented for this threshold.", thresholdToReclaim.Signal)
return nil
glog.Warningf("eviction manager: attempting to reclaim %v", resourceToReclaim)
// record an event about the resources we are now attempting to reclaim via eviction
m.recorder.Eventf(m.nodeRef, v1.EventTypeWarning, "EvictionThresholdMet", "Attempting to reclaim %s", resourceToReclaim)
// check if there are node-level resources we can reclaim to reduce pressure before evicting end-user pods.
if m.reclaimNodeLevelResources(thresholdToReclaim.Signal, resourceToReclaim) {
glog.Infof("eviction manager: able to reduce %v pressure without evicting pods.", resourceToReclaim)
return nil
glog.Infof("eviction manager: must evict pod(s) to reclaim %v", resourceToReclaim)
// rank the pods for eviction
rank, ok := m.signalToRankFunc[thresholdToReclaim.Signal]
if !ok {
glog.Errorf("eviction manager: no ranking function for signal %s", thresholdToReclaim.Signal)
return nil
// the only candidates viable for eviction are those pods that had anything running.
if len(activePods) == 0 {
glog.Errorf("eviction manager: eviction thresholds have been met, but no pods are active to evict")
return nil
// rank the running pods for eviction for the specified resource
rank(activePods, statsFunc)
glog.Infof("eviction manager: pods ranked for eviction: %s", format.Pods(activePods))
//record age of metrics for met thresholds that we are using for evictions.
for _, t := range thresholds {
timeObserved := observations[t.Signal].time
if !timeObserved.IsZero() {
// we kill at most a single pod during each eviction interval
for i := range activePods {
pod := activePods[i]
gracePeriodOverride := int64(0)
if !isHardEvictionThreshold(thresholdToReclaim) {
gracePeriodOverride = m.config.MaxPodGracePeriodSeconds
message, annotations := evictionMessage(resourceToReclaim, pod, statsFunc)
if m.evictPod(pod, gracePeriodOverride, message, annotations) {
return []*v1.Pod{pod}
glog.Infof("eviction manager: unable to evict any pods from the node")
return nil
func (m *managerImpl) waitForPodsCleanup(podCleanedUpFunc PodCleanedUpFunc, pods []*v1.Pod) {
timeout := m.clock.NewTimer(podCleanupTimeout)
defer timeout.Stop()
ticker := m.clock.NewTicker(podCleanupPollFreq)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-timeout.C():
glog.Warningf("eviction manager: timed out waiting for pods %s to be cleaned up", format.Pods(pods))
case <-ticker.C():
for i, pod := range pods {
if !podCleanedUpFunc(pod) {
if i == len(pods)-1 {
glog.Infof("eviction manager: pods %s successfully cleaned up", format.Pods(pods))
// reclaimNodeLevelResources attempts to reclaim node level resources. returns true if thresholds were satisfied and no pod eviction is required.
func (m *managerImpl) reclaimNodeLevelResources(signalToReclaim evictionapi.Signal, resourceToReclaim v1.ResourceName) bool {
nodeReclaimFuncs := m.signalToNodeReclaimFuncs[signalToReclaim]
for _, nodeReclaimFunc := range nodeReclaimFuncs {
// attempt to reclaim the pressured resource.
if err := nodeReclaimFunc(); err != nil {
glog.Warningf("eviction manager: unexpected error when attempting to reduce %v pressure: %v", resourceToReclaim, err)
if len(nodeReclaimFuncs) > 0 {
summary, err := m.summaryProvider.Get(true)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("eviction manager: failed to get get summary stats after resource reclaim: %v", err)
return false
// make observations and get a function to derive pod usage stats relative to those observations.
observations, _ := makeSignalObservations(summary)
debugLogObservations("observations after resource reclaim", observations)
// determine the set of thresholds met independent of grace period
thresholds := thresholdsMet(m.config.Thresholds, observations, false)
debugLogThresholdsWithObservation("thresholds after resource reclaim - ignoring grace period", thresholds, observations)
if len(thresholds) == 0 {
return true
return false
// localStorageEviction checks the EmptyDir volume usage for each pod and determine whether it exceeds the specified limit and needs
// to be evicted. It also checks every container in the pod, if the container overlay usage exceeds the limit, the pod will be evicted too.
func (m *managerImpl) localStorageEviction(summary *statsapi.Summary, pods []*v1.Pod) []*v1.Pod {
statsFunc := cachedStatsFunc(summary.Pods)
evicted := []*v1.Pod{}
for _, pod := range pods {
podStats, ok := statsFunc(pod)
if !ok {
if m.emptyDirLimitEviction(podStats, pod) {
evicted = append(evicted, pod)
if m.podEphemeralStorageLimitEviction(podStats, pod) {
evicted = append(evicted, pod)
if m.containerEphemeralStorageLimitEviction(podStats, pod) {
evicted = append(evicted, pod)
return evicted
func (m *managerImpl) emptyDirLimitEviction(podStats statsapi.PodStats, pod *v1.Pod) bool {
podVolumeUsed := make(map[string]*resource.Quantity)
for _, volume := range podStats.VolumeStats {
podVolumeUsed[volume.Name] = resource.NewQuantity(int64(*volume.UsedBytes), resource.BinarySI)
for i := range pod.Spec.Volumes {
source := &pod.Spec.Volumes[i].VolumeSource
if source.EmptyDir != nil {
size := source.EmptyDir.SizeLimit
used := podVolumeUsed[pod.Spec.Volumes[i].Name]
if used != nil && size != nil && size.Sign() == 1 && used.Cmp(*size) > 0 {
// the emptyDir usage exceeds the size limit, evict the pod
return m.evictPod(pod, 0, fmt.Sprintf(emptyDirMessageFmt, pod.Spec.Volumes[i].Name, size.String()), nil)
return false
func (m *managerImpl) podEphemeralStorageLimitEviction(podStats statsapi.PodStats, pod *v1.Pod) bool {
_, podLimits := apiv1resource.PodRequestsAndLimits(pod)
_, found := podLimits[v1.ResourceEphemeralStorage]
if !found {
return false
podEphemeralStorageTotalUsage := &resource.Quantity{}
fsStatsSet := []fsStatsType{}
if *m.dedicatedImageFs {
fsStatsSet = []fsStatsType{fsStatsLogs, fsStatsLocalVolumeSource}
} else {
fsStatsSet = []fsStatsType{fsStatsRoot, fsStatsLogs, fsStatsLocalVolumeSource}
podEphemeralUsage, err := podLocalEphemeralStorageUsage(podStats, pod, fsStatsSet)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("eviction manager: error getting pod disk usage %v", err)
return false
podEphemeralStorageLimit := podLimits[v1.ResourceEphemeralStorage]
if podEphemeralStorageTotalUsage.Cmp(podEphemeralStorageLimit) > 0 {
// the total usage of pod exceeds the total size limit of containers, evict the pod
return m.evictPod(pod, 0, fmt.Sprintf(podEphemeralStorageMessageFmt, podEphemeralStorageLimit.String()), nil)
return false
func (m *managerImpl) containerEphemeralStorageLimitEviction(podStats statsapi.PodStats, pod *v1.Pod) bool {
thresholdsMap := make(map[string]*resource.Quantity)
for _, container := range pod.Spec.Containers {
ephemeralLimit := container.Resources.Limits.StorageEphemeral()
if ephemeralLimit != nil && ephemeralLimit.Value() != 0 {
thresholdsMap[container.Name] = ephemeralLimit
for _, containerStat := range podStats.Containers {
containerUsed := diskUsage(containerStat.Logs)
if !*m.dedicatedImageFs {
if ephemeralStorageThreshold, ok := thresholdsMap[containerStat.Name]; ok {
if ephemeralStorageThreshold.Cmp(*containerUsed) < 0 {
return m.evictPod(pod, 0, fmt.Sprintf(containerEphemeralStorageMessageFmt, containerStat.Name, ephemeralStorageThreshold.String()), nil)
return false
func (m *managerImpl) evictPod(pod *v1.Pod, gracePeriodOverride int64, evictMsg string, annotations map[string]string) bool {
// If the pod is marked as critical and static, and support for critical pod annotations is enabled,
// do not evict such pods. Static pods are not re-admitted after evictions.
// https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/40573 has more details.
if kubelettypes.IsCriticalPod(pod) && kubepod.IsStaticPod(pod) {
glog.Errorf("eviction manager: cannot evict a critical static pod %s", format.Pod(pod))
return false
status := v1.PodStatus{
Phase: v1.PodFailed,
Message: evictMsg,
Reason: Reason,
// record that we are evicting the pod
m.recorder.AnnotatedEventf(pod, annotations, v1.EventTypeWarning, Reason, evictMsg)
// this is a blocking call and should only return when the pod and its containers are killed.
err := m.killPodFunc(pod, status, &gracePeriodOverride)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("eviction manager: pod %s failed to evict %v", format.Pod(pod), err)
} else {
glog.Infof("eviction manager: pod %s is evicted successfully", format.Pod(pod))
return true
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