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Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package upgrades
import (
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
compute "google.golang.org/api/compute/v1"
extensions "k8s.io/api/extensions/v1beta1"
// Dependent on "static-ip-2" manifests
const path = "foo"
const host = "ingress.test.com"
// IngressUpgradeTest adapts the Ingress e2e for upgrade testing
type IngressUpgradeTest struct {
gceController *framework.GCEIngressController
// holds GCP resources pre-upgrade
resourceStore *GCPResourceStore
jig *framework.IngressTestJig
httpClient *http.Client
ip string
ipName string
skipSSLCheck bool
// GCPResourceStore keeps track of the GCP resources spun up by an ingress.
// Note: Fields are exported so that we can utilize reflection.
type GCPResourceStore struct {
Fw *compute.Firewall
FwdList []*compute.ForwardingRule
UmList []*compute.UrlMap
TpList []*compute.TargetHttpProxy
TpsList []*compute.TargetHttpsProxy
SslList []*compute.SslCertificate
BeList []*compute.BackendService
Ip *compute.Address
IgList []*compute.InstanceGroup
func (IngressUpgradeTest) Name() string { return "ingress-upgrade" }
// Setup creates a GLBC, allocates an ip, and an ingress resource,
// then waits for a successful connectivity check to the ip.
// Also keeps track of all load balancer resources for cross-checking
// during an IngressUpgrade.
func (t *IngressUpgradeTest) Setup(f *framework.Framework) {
framework.SkipUnlessProviderIs("gce", "gke")
// jig handles all Kubernetes testing logic
jig := framework.NewIngressTestJig(f.ClientSet)
ns := f.Namespace
// gceController handles all cloud testing logic
gceController := &framework.GCEIngressController{
Ns: ns.Name,
Client: jig.Client,
Cloud: framework.TestContext.CloudConfig,
t.gceController = gceController
t.jig = jig
t.httpClient = framework.BuildInsecureClient(framework.IngressReqTimeout)
// Allocate a static-ip for the Ingress, this IP is cleaned up via CleanupGCEIngressController
t.ipName = fmt.Sprintf("%s-static-ip", ns.Name)
t.ip = t.gceController.CreateStaticIP(t.ipName)
// Create a working basic Ingress
By(fmt.Sprintf("allocated static ip %v: %v through the GCE cloud provider", t.ipName, t.ip))
jig.CreateIngress(filepath.Join(framework.IngressManifestPath, "static-ip-2"), ns.Name, map[string]string{
framework.IngressStaticIPKey: t.ipName,
framework.IngressAllowHTTPKey: "false",
}, map[string]string{})
t.jig.SetHTTPS("tls-secret", "ingress.test.com")
By("waiting for Ingress to come up with ip: " + t.ip)
framework.ExpectNoError(framework.PollURL(fmt.Sprintf("https://%v/%v", t.ip, path), host, framework.LoadBalancerPollTimeout, t.jig.PollInterval, t.httpClient, false))
By("keeping track of GCP resources created by Ingress")
t.resourceStore = &GCPResourceStore{}
// Test waits for the upgrade to complete, and then verifies
// with a connectvity check to the loadbalancer ip.
func (t *IngressUpgradeTest) Test(f *framework.Framework, done <-chan struct{}, upgrade UpgradeType) {
switch upgrade {
case MasterUpgrade:
// Restarting the ingress controller shouldn't disrupt a steady state
// Ingress. Restarting the ingress controller and deleting ingresses
// while it's down will leak cloud resources, because the ingress
// controller doesn't checkpoint to disk.
t.verify(f, done, true)
case IngressUpgrade:
t.verify(f, done, true)
// Currently ingress gets disrupted across node upgrade, because endpoints
// get killed and we don't have any guarantees that 2 nodes don't overlap
// their upgrades (even on cloud platforms like GCE, because VM level
// rolling upgrades are not Kubernetes aware).
t.verify(f, done, false)
// Teardown cleans up any remaining resources.
func (t *IngressUpgradeTest) Teardown(f *framework.Framework) {
if CurrentGinkgoTestDescription().Failed {
if t.jig.Ingress != nil {
By("Deleting ingress")
} else {
By("No ingress created, no cleanup necessary")
By("Cleaning up cloud resources")
// Skip checks if the test or part of the test should be skipped.
func (t *IngressUpgradeTest) Skip(upgCtx UpgradeContext) bool {
sslNameChangeVersion, err := version.ParseGeneric("v1.10.0")
var hasVersionBelow, hasVersionAboveOrEqual bool
for _, v := range upgCtx.Versions {
if v.Version.LessThan(sslNameChangeVersion) {
hasVersionBelow = true
hasVersionAboveOrEqual = true
// Skip SSL certificates check if k8s version changes between 1.10-
// and 1.10+ because the naming scheme has changed.
if hasVersionBelow && hasVersionAboveOrEqual {
t.skipSSLCheck = true
return false
func (t *IngressUpgradeTest) verify(f *framework.Framework, done <-chan struct{}, testDuringDisruption bool) {
if testDuringDisruption {
By("continuously hitting the Ingress IP")
wait.Until(func() {
framework.ExpectNoError(framework.PollURL(fmt.Sprintf("https://%v/%v", t.ip, path), host, framework.LoadBalancerPollTimeout, t.jig.PollInterval, t.httpClient, false))
}, t.jig.PollInterval, done)
} else {
By("waiting for upgrade to finish without checking if Ingress remains up")
By("hitting the Ingress IP " + t.ip)
framework.ExpectNoError(framework.PollURL(fmt.Sprintf("https://%v/%v", t.ip, path), host, framework.LoadBalancerPollTimeout, t.jig.PollInterval, t.httpClient, false))
// We want to manually trigger a sync because then we can easily verify
// a correct sync completed after update.
By("updating ingress spec to manually trigger a sync")
t.jig.Update(func(ing *extensions.Ingress) {
ing.Spec.Rules[0].IngressRuleValue.HTTP.Paths = append(
Path: "/test",
// Note: Dependant on using "static-ip-2" manifest.
Backend: ing.Spec.Rules[0].IngressRuleValue.HTTP.Paths[0].Backend,
// WaitForIngress() tests that all paths are pinged, which is how we know
// everything is synced with the cloud.
By("comparing GCP resources post-upgrade")
postUpgradeResourceStore := &GCPResourceStore{}
// Stub out the number of instances as that is out of Ingress controller's control.
for _, ig := range t.resourceStore.IgList {
ig.Size = 0
for _, ig := range postUpgradeResourceStore.IgList {
ig.Size = 0
// Stub out compute.SslCertificates in case we know it will change during an upgrade/downgrade.
if t.skipSSLCheck {
t.resourceStore.SslList = nil
postUpgradeResourceStore.SslList = nil
// TODO(rramkumar): Remove this when GLBC v1.2.0 is released.
t.resourceStore.BeList = nil
postUpgradeResourceStore.BeList = nil
framework.ExpectNoError(compareGCPResourceStores(t.resourceStore, postUpgradeResourceStore, func(v1 reflect.Value, v2 reflect.Value) error {
i1 := v1.Interface()
i2 := v2.Interface()
// Skip verifying the UrlMap since we did that via WaitForIngress()
if !reflect.DeepEqual(i1, i2) && (v1.Type() != reflect.TypeOf([]*compute.UrlMap{})) {
return spew.Errorf("resources after ingress upgrade were different:\n Pre-Upgrade: %#v\n Post-Upgrade: %#v", i1, i2)
return nil
func (t *IngressUpgradeTest) populateGCPResourceStore(resourceStore *GCPResourceStore) {
cont := t.gceController
resourceStore.Fw = cont.GetFirewallRule()
resourceStore.FwdList = cont.ListGlobalForwardingRules()
resourceStore.UmList = cont.ListUrlMaps()
resourceStore.TpList = cont.ListTargetHttpProxies()
resourceStore.TpsList = cont.ListTargetHttpsProxies()
resourceStore.SslList = cont.ListSslCertificates()
resourceStore.BeList = cont.ListGlobalBackendServices()
resourceStore.Ip = cont.GetGlobalAddress(t.ipName)
resourceStore.IgList = cont.ListInstanceGroups()
func compareGCPResourceStores(rs1 *GCPResourceStore, rs2 *GCPResourceStore, compare func(v1 reflect.Value, v2 reflect.Value) error) error {
// Before we do a comparison, remove the ServerResponse field from the
// Compute API structs. This is needed because two objects could be the same
// but their ServerResponse will be different if they were populated through
// separate API calls.
rs1Json, _ := json.Marshal(rs1)
rs2Json, _ := json.Marshal(rs2)
rs1New := &GCPResourceStore{}
rs2New := &GCPResourceStore{}
json.Unmarshal(rs1Json, rs1New)
json.Unmarshal(rs2Json, rs2New)
// Iterate through struct fields and perform equality checks on the fields.
// We do this rather than performing a deep equal on the struct itself because
// it is easier to log which field, if any, is not the same.
rs1V := reflect.ValueOf(*rs1New)
rs2V := reflect.ValueOf(*rs2New)
for i := 0; i < rs1V.NumField(); i++ {
if err := compare(rs1V.Field(i), rs2V.Field(i)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
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