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immutablet 提交于 2018-05-29 14:40 . Add metrics for envelop transformer:
Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.
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// Package value contains methods for assisting with transformation of values in storage.
package value
import (
func init() {
// Context is additional information that a storage transformation may need to verify the data at rest.
type Context interface {
// AuthenticatedData should return an array of bytes that describes the current value. If the value changes,
// the transformer may report the value as unreadable or tampered. This may be nil if no such description exists
// or is needed. For additional verification, set this to data that strongly identifies the value, such as
// the key and creation version of the stored data.
AuthenticatedData() []byte
// Transformer allows a value to be transformed before being read from or written to the underlying store. The methods
// must be able to undo the transformation caused by the other.
type Transformer interface {
// TransformFromStorage may transform the provided data from its underlying storage representation or return an error.
// Stale is true if the object on disk is stale and a write to etcd should be issued, even if the contents of the object
// have not changed.
TransformFromStorage(data []byte, context Context) (out []byte, stale bool, err error)
// TransformToStorage may transform the provided data into the appropriate form in storage or return an error.
TransformToStorage(data []byte, context Context) (out []byte, err error)
type identityTransformer struct{}
// IdentityTransformer performs no transformation of the provided data.
var IdentityTransformer Transformer = identityTransformer{}
func (identityTransformer) TransformFromStorage(b []byte, ctx Context) ([]byte, bool, error) {
return b, false, nil
func (identityTransformer) TransformToStorage(b []byte, ctx Context) ([]byte, error) {
return b, nil
// DefaultContext is a simple implementation of Context for a slice of bytes.
type DefaultContext []byte
// AuthenticatedData returns itself.
func (c DefaultContext) AuthenticatedData() []byte { return []byte(c) }
// MutableTransformer allows a transformer to be changed safely at runtime.
type MutableTransformer struct {
lock sync.RWMutex
transformer Transformer
// NewMutableTransformer creates a transformer that can be updated at any time by calling Set()
func NewMutableTransformer(transformer Transformer) *MutableTransformer {
return &MutableTransformer{transformer: transformer}
// Set updates the nested transformer.
func (t *MutableTransformer) Set(transformer Transformer) {
t.transformer = transformer
func (t *MutableTransformer) TransformFromStorage(data []byte, context Context) (out []byte, stale bool, err error) {
defer func(start time.Time) {
RecordTransformation("from_storage", start, err)
transformer := t.transformer
return transformer.TransformFromStorage(data, context)
func (t *MutableTransformer) TransformToStorage(data []byte, context Context) (out []byte, err error) {
defer func(start time.Time) {
RecordTransformation("to_storage", start, err)
transformer := t.transformer
return transformer.TransformToStorage(data, context)
// PrefixTransformer holds a transformer interface and the prefix that the transformation is located under.
type PrefixTransformer struct {
Prefix []byte
Transformer Transformer
type prefixTransformers struct {
transformers []PrefixTransformer
err error
var _ Transformer = &prefixTransformers{}
// NewPrefixTransformers supports the Transformer interface by checking the incoming data against the provided
// prefixes in order. The first matching prefix will be used to transform the value (the prefix is stripped
// before the Transformer interface is invoked). The first provided transformer will be used when writing to
// the store.
func NewPrefixTransformers(err error, transformers ...PrefixTransformer) Transformer {
if err == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("the provided value does not match any of the supported transformers")
return &prefixTransformers{
transformers: transformers,
err: err,
// TransformFromStorage finds the first transformer with a prefix matching the provided data and returns
// the result of transforming the value. It will always mark any transformation as stale that is not using
// the first transformer.
func (t *prefixTransformers) TransformFromStorage(data []byte, context Context) ([]byte, bool, error) {
for i, transformer := range t.transformers {
if bytes.HasPrefix(data, transformer.Prefix) {
result, stale, err := transformer.Transformer.TransformFromStorage(data[len(transformer.Prefix):], context)
// To migrate away from encryption, user can specify an identity transformer higher up
// (in the config file) than the encryption transformer. In that scenario, the identity transformer needs to
// identify (during reads from disk) whether the data being read is encrypted or not. If the data is encrypted,
// it shall throw an error, but that error should not prevent subsequent transformers from being tried.
if len(transformer.Prefix) == 0 && err != nil {
return result, stale || i != 0, err
return nil, false, t.err
// TransformToStorage uses the first transformer and adds its prefix to the data.
func (t *prefixTransformers) TransformToStorage(data []byte, context Context) ([]byte, error) {
transformer := t.transformers[0]
prefixedData := make([]byte, len(transformer.Prefix), len(data)+len(transformer.Prefix))
copy(prefixedData, transformer.Prefix)
result, err := transformer.Transformer.TransformToStorage(data, context)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
prefixedData = append(prefixedData, result...)
return prefixedData, nil
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