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package services
import (
utilfeature "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/util/feature"
// E2EServices starts and stops e2e services in a separate process. The test
// uses it to start and stop all e2e services.
type E2EServices struct {
// monitorParent determines whether the sub-processes should watch and die with the current
// process.
rmDirs []string
monitorParent bool
services *server
kubelet *server
logs logFiles
// NewE2EServices returns a new E2EServices instance.
func NewE2EServices(monitorParent bool) *E2EServices {
return &E2EServices{
monitorParent: monitorParent,
// Special log files that need to be collected for additional debugging.
logs: getLogFiles(),
// Start starts the e2e services in another process by calling back into the
// test binary. Returns when all e2e services are ready or an error.
// We want to statically link e2e services into the test binary, but we don't
// want their glog output to pollute the test result. So we run the binary in
// run-services-mode to start e2e services in another process.
// The function starts 2 processes:
// * internal e2e services: services which statically linked in the test binary - apiserver, etcd and
// namespace controller.
// * kubelet: kubelet binary is outside. (We plan to move main kubelet start logic out when we have
// standard kubelet launcher)
func (e *E2EServices) Start() error {
var err error
if !framework.TestContext.NodeConformance {
// Start kubelet
e.kubelet, err = e.startKubelet()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to start kubelet: %v", err)
e.services, err = e.startInternalServices()
return err
// Stop stops the e2e services.
func (e *E2EServices) Stop() {
defer func() {
if !framework.TestContext.NodeConformance {
// Collect log files.
if e.services != nil {
if err := e.services.kill(); err != nil {
klog.Errorf("Failed to stop services: %v", err)
if e.kubelet != nil {
if err := e.kubelet.kill(); err != nil {
klog.Errorf("Failed to stop kubelet: %v", err)
if e.rmDirs != nil {
for _, d := range e.rmDirs {
err := os.RemoveAll(d)
if err != nil {
klog.Errorf("Failed to delete directory %s: %v", d, err)
// RunE2EServices actually start the e2e services. This function is used to
// start e2e services in current process. This is only used in run-services-mode.
func RunE2EServices(t *testing.T) {
// Populate global DefaultFeatureGate with value from TestContext.FeatureGates.
// This way, statically-linked components see the same feature gate config as the test context.
e := newE2EServices()
if err := e.run(t); err != nil {
klog.Fatalf("Failed to run e2e services: %v", err)
const (
// services.log is the combined log of all services
servicesLogFile = "services.log"
// LOG_VERBOSITY_LEVEL is consistent with the level used in a cluster e2e test.
// startInternalServices starts the internal services in a separate process.
func (e *E2EServices) startInternalServices() (*server, error) {
testBin, err := osext.Executable()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't get current binary: %v", err)
// Pass all flags into the child process, so that it will see the same flag set.
startCmd := exec.Command(testBin, append([]string{"--run-services-mode"}, os.Args[1:]...)...)
server := newServer("services", startCmd, nil, nil, getServicesHealthCheckURLs(), servicesLogFile, e.monitorParent, false)
return server, server.start()
// collectLogFiles collects logs of interest either via journalctl or by creating sym
// links. Since we scp files from the remote directory, symlinks will be
// treated as normal files and file contents will be copied over.
func (e *E2EServices) collectLogFiles() {
// Nothing to do if report dir is not specified.
if framework.TestContext.ReportDir == "" {
klog.Info("Fetching log files...")
journaldFound := isJournaldAvailable()
for targetFileName, log := range e.logs {
targetLink := path.Join(framework.TestContext.ReportDir, targetFileName)
if journaldFound {
// Skip log files that do not have an equivalent in journald-based machines.
if len(log.JournalctlCommand) == 0 {
klog.Infof("Get log file %q with journalctl command %v.", targetFileName, log.JournalctlCommand)
out, err := exec.Command("journalctl", log.JournalctlCommand...).CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
klog.Errorf("failed to get %q from journald: %v, %v", targetFileName, string(out), err)
} else {
if err = ioutil.WriteFile(targetLink, out, 0644); err != nil {
klog.Errorf("failed to write logs to %q: %v", targetLink, err)
for _, file := range log.Files {
if _, err := os.Stat(file); err != nil {
// Expected file not found on this distro.
if err := copyLogFile(file, targetLink); err != nil {
} else {
// isJournaldAvailable returns whether the system executing the tests uses
// journald.
func isJournaldAvailable() bool {
_, err := exec.LookPath("journalctl")
return err == nil
func copyLogFile(src, target string) error {
// If not a journald based distro, then just symlink files.
if out, err := exec.Command("cp", src, target).CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to copy %q to %q: %v, %v", src, target, out, err)
if out, err := exec.Command("chmod", "a+r", target).CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to make log file %q world readable: %v, %v", target, out, err)
return nil
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