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initconfiguration.go 14.86 KB
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Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package config
import (
bootstraputil "k8s.io/cluster-bootstrap/token/util"
kubeadmapi "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/apis/kubeadm"
kubeadmscheme "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/apis/kubeadm/scheme"
kubeadmapiv1beta1 "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/apis/kubeadm/v1beta1"
kubeadmconstants "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/constants"
kubeadmutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kubeadm/app/util"
nodeutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/node"
// SetInitDynamicDefaults checks and sets configuration values for the InitConfiguration object
func SetInitDynamicDefaults(cfg *kubeadmapi.InitConfiguration) error {
if err := SetBootstrapTokensDynamicDefaults(&cfg.BootstrapTokens); err != nil {
return err
if err := SetNodeRegistrationDynamicDefaults(&cfg.NodeRegistration, true); err != nil {
return err
if err := SetAPIEndpointDynamicDefaults(&cfg.LocalAPIEndpoint); err != nil {
return err
if err := SetClusterDynamicDefaults(&cfg.ClusterConfiguration, cfg.LocalAPIEndpoint.AdvertiseAddress, cfg.LocalAPIEndpoint.BindPort); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// SetBootstrapTokensDynamicDefaults checks and sets configuration values for the BootstrapTokens object
func SetBootstrapTokensDynamicDefaults(cfg *[]kubeadmapi.BootstrapToken) error {
// Populate the .Token field with a random value if unset
// We do this at this layer, and not the API defaulting layer
// because of possible security concerns, and more practically
// because we can't return errors in the API object defaulting
// process but here we can.
for i, bt := range *cfg {
if bt.Token != nil && len(bt.Token.String()) > 0 {
tokenStr, err := bootstraputil.GenerateBootstrapToken()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "couldn't generate random token")
token, err := kubeadmapi.NewBootstrapTokenString(tokenStr)
if err != nil {
return err
(*cfg)[i].Token = token
return nil
// SetNodeRegistrationDynamicDefaults checks and sets configuration values for the NodeRegistration object
func SetNodeRegistrationDynamicDefaults(cfg *kubeadmapi.NodeRegistrationOptions, masterTaint bool) error {
var err error
cfg.Name, err = nodeutil.GetHostname(cfg.Name)
if err != nil {
return err
// Only if the slice is nil, we should append the master taint. This allows the user to specify an empty slice for no default master taint
if masterTaint && cfg.Taints == nil {
cfg.Taints = []v1.Taint{kubeadmconstants.MasterTaint}
return nil
// SetAPIEndpointDynamicDefaults checks and sets configuration values for the APIEndpoint object
func SetAPIEndpointDynamicDefaults(cfg *kubeadmapi.APIEndpoint) error {
// validate cfg.API.AdvertiseAddress.
addressIP := net.ParseIP(cfg.AdvertiseAddress)
if addressIP == nil && cfg.AdvertiseAddress != "" {
return errors.Errorf("couldn't use \"%s\" as \"apiserver-advertise-address\", must be ipv4 or ipv6 address", cfg.AdvertiseAddress)
// This is the same logic as the API Server uses, except that if no interface is found the address is set to, which is invalid and cannot be used
// for bootstrapping a cluster.
ip, err := ChooseAPIServerBindAddress(addressIP)
if err != nil {
return err
cfg.AdvertiseAddress = ip.String()
return nil
// SetClusterDynamicDefaults checks and sets values for the ClusterConfiguration object
func SetClusterDynamicDefaults(cfg *kubeadmapi.ClusterConfiguration, advertiseAddress string, bindPort int32) error {
// Default all the embedded ComponentConfig structs
ip := net.ParseIP(advertiseAddress)
if ip.To4() != nil {
cfg.ComponentConfigs.KubeProxy.BindAddress = kubeadmapiv1beta1.DefaultProxyBindAddressv4
} else {
cfg.ComponentConfigs.KubeProxy.BindAddress = kubeadmapiv1beta1.DefaultProxyBindAddressv6
// Resolve possible version labels and validate version string
if err := NormalizeKubernetesVersion(cfg); err != nil {
return err
// If ControlPlaneEndpoint is specified without a port number defaults it to
// the bindPort number of the APIEndpoint.
// This will allow join of additional control plane instances with different bindPort number
if cfg.ControlPlaneEndpoint != "" {
host, port, err := kubeadmutil.ParseHostPort(cfg.ControlPlaneEndpoint)
if err != nil {
return err
if port == "" {
cfg.ControlPlaneEndpoint = net.JoinHostPort(host, strconv.FormatInt(int64(bindPort), 10))
// Downcase SANs. Some domain names (like ELBs) have capitals in them.
return nil
// ConfigFileAndDefaultsToInternalConfig takes a path to a config file and a versioned configuration that can serve as the default config
// If cfgPath is specified, defaultversionedcfg will always get overridden. Otherwise, the default config (often populated by flags) will be used.
// Then the external, versioned configuration is defaulted and converted to the internal type.
// Right thereafter, the configuration is defaulted again with dynamic values (like IP addresses of a machine, etc)
// Lastly, the internal config is validated and returned.
func ConfigFileAndDefaultsToInternalConfig(cfgPath string, defaultversionedcfg *kubeadmapiv1beta1.InitConfiguration) (*kubeadmapi.InitConfiguration, error) {
internalcfg := &kubeadmapi.InitConfiguration{}
if cfgPath != "" {
// Loads configuration from config file, if provided
// Nb. --config overrides command line flags
klog.V(1).Infoln("loading configuration from the given file")
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(cfgPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to read config from %q ", cfgPath)
internalcfg, err = BytesToInternalConfig(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
// Takes passed flags into account; the defaulting is executed once again enforcing assignment of
// static default values to cfg only for values not provided with flags
kubeadmscheme.Scheme.Convert(defaultversionedcfg, internalcfg, nil)
// Applies dynamic defaults to settings not provided with flags
if err := SetInitDynamicDefaults(internalcfg); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Validates cfg (flags/configs + defaults + dynamic defaults)
if err := validation.ValidateInitConfiguration(internalcfg).ToAggregate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return internalcfg, nil
// BytesToInternalConfig converts a byte slice to an internal, defaulted and validated configuration object.
// The byte slice may contain one or many different YAML documents. These YAML documents are parsed one-by-one
// and well-known ComponentConfig GroupVersionKinds are stored inside of the internal InitConfiguration struct
func BytesToInternalConfig(b []byte) (*kubeadmapi.InitConfiguration, error) {
var initcfg *kubeadmapi.InitConfiguration
var clustercfg *kubeadmapi.ClusterConfiguration
decodedComponentConfigObjects := map[componentconfigs.RegistrationKind]runtime.Object{}
if err := DetectUnsupportedVersion(b); err != nil {
return nil, err
gvkmap, err := kubeadmutil.SplitYAMLDocuments(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for gvk, fileContent := range gvkmap {
// verify the validity of the YAML
strict.VerifyUnmarshalStrict(fileContent, gvk)
// Try to get the registration for the ComponentConfig based on the kind
regKind := componentconfigs.RegistrationKind(gvk.Kind)
registration, found := componentconfigs.Known[regKind]
if found {
// Unmarshal the bytes from the YAML document into a runtime.Object containing the ComponentConfiguration struct
obj, err := registration.Unmarshal(fileContent)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
decodedComponentConfigObjects[regKind] = obj
if kubeadmutil.GroupVersionKindsHasInitConfiguration(gvk) {
// Set initcfg to an empty struct value the deserializer will populate
initcfg = &kubeadmapi.InitConfiguration{}
// Decode the bytes into the internal struct. Under the hood, the bytes will be unmarshalled into the
// right external version, defaulted, and converted into the internal version.
if err := runtime.DecodeInto(kubeadmscheme.Codecs.UniversalDecoder(), fileContent, initcfg); err != nil {
return nil, err
if kubeadmutil.GroupVersionKindsHasClusterConfiguration(gvk) {
// Set clustercfg to an empty struct value the deserializer will populate
clustercfg = &kubeadmapi.ClusterConfiguration{}
// Decode the bytes into the internal struct. Under the hood, the bytes will be unmarshalled into the
// right external version, defaulted, and converted into the internal version.
if err := runtime.DecodeInto(kubeadmscheme.Codecs.UniversalDecoder(), fileContent, clustercfg); err != nil {
return nil, err
fmt.Printf("[config] WARNING: Ignored YAML document with GroupVersionKind %v\n", gvk)
// Enforce that InitConfiguration and/or ClusterConfiguration has to exist among the YAML documents
if initcfg == nil && clustercfg == nil {
return nil, errors.New("no InitConfiguration or ClusterConfiguration kind was found in the YAML file")
// If InitConfiguration wasn't given, default it by creating an external struct instance, default it and convert into the internal type
if initcfg == nil {
extinitcfg := &kubeadmapiv1beta1.InitConfiguration{}
// Set initcfg to an empty struct value the deserializer will populate
initcfg = &kubeadmapi.InitConfiguration{}
kubeadmscheme.Scheme.Convert(extinitcfg, initcfg, nil)
// If ClusterConfiguration was given, populate it in the InitConfiguration struct
if clustercfg != nil {
initcfg.ClusterConfiguration = *clustercfg
// Save the loaded ComponentConfig objects in the initcfg object
for kind, obj := range decodedComponentConfigObjects {
registration, found := componentconfigs.Known[kind]
if found {
if ok := registration.SetToInternalConfig(obj, &initcfg.ClusterConfiguration); !ok {
return nil, errors.Errorf("couldn't save componentconfig value for kind %q", string(kind))
} else {
// This should never happen in practice
fmt.Printf("[config] WARNING: Decoded a kind that couldn't be saved to the internal configuration: %q\n", string(kind))
return initcfg, nil
func defaultedInternalConfig() *kubeadmapi.ClusterConfiguration {
externalcfg := &kubeadmapiv1beta1.ClusterConfiguration{}
internalcfg := &kubeadmapi.ClusterConfiguration{}
kubeadmscheme.Scheme.Convert(externalcfg, internalcfg, nil)
// Default the embedded ComponentConfig structs
return internalcfg
// MarshalInitConfigurationToBytes marshals the internal InitConfiguration object to bytes. It writes the embedded
// ClusterConfiguration object with ComponentConfigs out as separate YAML documents
func MarshalInitConfigurationToBytes(cfg *kubeadmapi.InitConfiguration, gv schema.GroupVersion) ([]byte, error) {
initbytes, err := kubeadmutil.MarshalToYamlForCodecs(cfg, gv, kubeadmscheme.Codecs)
if err != nil {
return []byte{}, err
allFiles := [][]byte{initbytes}
// Exception: If the specified groupversion is targeting the internal type, don't print embedded ClusterConfiguration contents
// This is mostly used for unit testing. In a real scenario the internal version of the API is never marshalled as-is.
if gv.Version != runtime.APIVersionInternal {
clusterbytes, err := MarshalClusterConfigurationToBytes(&cfg.ClusterConfiguration, gv)
if err != nil {
return []byte{}, err
allFiles = append(allFiles, clusterbytes)
return bytes.Join(allFiles, []byte(kubeadmconstants.YAMLDocumentSeparator)), nil
// MarshalClusterConfigurationToBytes marshals the internal ClusterConfiguration object to bytes. It writes the embedded
// ComponentConfiguration objects out as separate YAML documents
func MarshalClusterConfigurationToBytes(clustercfg *kubeadmapi.ClusterConfiguration, gv schema.GroupVersion) ([]byte, error) {
clusterbytes, err := kubeadmutil.MarshalToYamlForCodecs(clustercfg, gv, kubeadmscheme.Codecs)
if err != nil {
return []byte{}, err
allFiles := [][]byte{clusterbytes}
componentConfigContent := map[string][]byte{}
defaultedcfg := defaultedInternalConfig()
for kind, registration := range componentconfigs.Known {
// If the ComponentConfig struct for the current registration is nil, skip it when marshalling
realobj, ok := registration.GetFromInternalConfig(clustercfg)
if !ok {
defaultedobj, ok := registration.GetFromInternalConfig(defaultedcfg)
// Invalid: The caller asked to not print the componentconfigs if defaulted, but defaultComponentConfigs() wasn't able to create default objects to use for reference
if !ok {
return []byte{}, errors.New("couldn't create a default componentconfig object")
// If the real ComponentConfig object differs from the default, print it out. If not, there's no need to print it out, so skip it
if !reflect.DeepEqual(realobj, defaultedobj) {
contentBytes, err := registration.Marshal(realobj)
if err != nil {
return []byte{}, err
componentConfigContent[string(kind)] = contentBytes
// Sort the ComponentConfig files by kind when marshalling
sortedComponentConfigFiles := consistentOrderByteSlice(componentConfigContent)
allFiles = append(allFiles, sortedComponentConfigFiles...)
return bytes.Join(allFiles, []byte(kubeadmconstants.YAMLDocumentSeparator)), nil
// consistentOrderByteSlice takes a map of a string key and a byte slice, and returns a byte slice of byte slices
// with consistent ordering, where the keys in the map determine the ordering of the return value. This has to be
// done as the order of a for...range loop over a map in go is undeterministic, and could otherwise lead to flakes
// in e.g. unit tests when marshalling content with a random order
func consistentOrderByteSlice(content map[string][]byte) [][]byte {
keys := []string{}
sortedContent := [][]byte{}
for key := range content {
keys = append(keys, key)
for _, key := range keys {
sortedContent = append(sortedContent, content[key])
return sortedContent
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