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dns.go 5.70 KB
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Rohit Jnagal 提交于 2015-01-07 18:25 . Add skydns to deps.
// Package dns implements a full featured interface to the Domain Name System.
// Server- and client-side programming is supported.
// The package allows complete control over what is send out to the DNS. The package
// API follows the less-is-more principle, by presenting a small, clean interface.
// The package dns supports (asynchronous) querying/replying, incoming/outgoing zone transfers,
// TSIG, EDNS0, dynamic updates, notifies and DNSSEC validation/signing.
// Note that domain names MUST be fully qualified, before sending them, unqualified
// names in a message will result in a packing failure.
// Resource records are native types. They are not stored in wire format.
// Basic usage pattern for creating a new resource record:
// r := new(dns.MX)
// r.Hdr = dns.RR_Header{Name: "miek.nl.", Rrtype: dns.TypeMX, Class: dns.ClassINET, Ttl: 3600}
// r.Preference = 10
// r.Mx = "mx.miek.nl."
// Or directly from a string:
// mx, err := dns.NewRR("miek.nl. 3600 IN MX 10 mx.miek.nl.")
// Or when the default TTL (3600) and class (IN) suit you:
// mx, err := dns.NewRR("miek.nl. MX 10 mx.miek.nl.")
// Or even:
// mx, err := dns.NewRR("$ORIGIN nl.\nmiek 1H IN MX 10 mx.miek")
// In the DNS messages are exchanged, these messages contain resource
// records (sets). Use pattern for creating a message:
// m := new(dns.Msg)
// m.SetQuestion("miek.nl.", dns.TypeMX)
// Or when not certain if the domain name is fully qualified:
// m.SetQuestion(dns.Fqdn("miek.nl"), dns.TypeMX)
// The message m is now a message with the question section set to ask
// the MX records for the miek.nl. zone.
// The following is slightly more verbose, but more flexible:
// m1 := new(dns.Msg)
// m1.Id = dns.Id()
// m1.RecursionDesired = true
// m1.Question = make([]dns.Question, 1)
// m1.Question[0] = dns.Question{"miek.nl.", dns.TypeMX, dns.ClassINET}
// After creating a message it can be send.
// Basic use pattern for synchronous querying the DNS at a
// server configured on and port 53:
// c := new(dns.Client)
// in, rtt, err := c.Exchange(m1, "")
// Suppressing
// multiple outstanding queries (with the same question, type and class) is as easy as setting:
// c.SingleInflight = true
// If these "advanced" features are not needed, a simple UDP query can be send,
// with:
// in, err := dns.Exchange(m1, "")
// When this functions returns you will get dns message. A dns message consists
// out of four sections.
// The question section: in.Question, the answer section: in.Answer,
// the authority section: in.Ns and the additional section: in.Extra.
// Each of these sections (except the Question section) contain a []RR. Basic
// use pattern for accessing the rdata of a TXT RR as the first RR in
// the Answer section:
// if t, ok := in.Answer[0].(*dns.TXT); ok {
// // do something with t.Txt
// }
// Domain Name and TXT Character String Representations
// Both domain names and TXT character strings are converted to presentation
// form both when unpacked and when converted to strings.
// For TXT character strings, tabs, carriage returns and line feeds will be
// converted to \t, \r and \n respectively. Back slashes and quotations marks
// will be escaped. Bytes below 32 and above 127 will be converted to \DDD
// form.
// For domain names, in addition to the above rules brackets, periods,
// spaces, semicolons and the at symbol are escaped.
package dns
import (
const (
year68 = 1 << 31 // For RFC1982 (Serial Arithmetic) calculations in 32 bits.
DefaultMsgSize = 4096 // Standard default for larger than 512 bytes.
MinMsgSize = 512 // Minimal size of a DNS packet.
MaxMsgSize = 65536 // Largest possible DNS packet.
defaultTtl = 3600 // Default TTL.
// Error represents a DNS error
type Error struct{ err string }
func (e *Error) Error() string {
if e == nil {
return "dns: <nil>"
return "dns: " + e.err
// An RR represents a resource record.
type RR interface {
// Header returns the header of an resource record. The header contains
// everything up to the rdata.
Header() *RR_Header
// String returns the text representation of the resource record.
String() string
// copy returns a copy of the RR
copy() RR
// len returns the length (in octects) of the uncompressed RR in wire format.
len() int
// DNS resource records.
// There are many types of RRs,
// but they all share the same header.
type RR_Header struct {
Name string `dns:"cdomain-name"`
Rrtype uint16
Class uint16
Ttl uint32
Rdlength uint16 // length of data after header
func (h *RR_Header) Header() *RR_Header { return h }
// Just to imlement the RR interface
func (h *RR_Header) copy() RR { return nil }
func (h *RR_Header) copyHeader() *RR_Header {
r := new(RR_Header)
r.Name = h.Name
r.Rrtype = h.Rrtype
r.Class = h.Class
r.Ttl = h.Ttl
r.Rdlength = h.Rdlength
return r
func (h *RR_Header) String() string {
var s string
if h.Rrtype == TypeOPT {
s = ";"
// and maybe other things
s += sprintName(h.Name) + "\t"
s += strconv.FormatInt(int64(h.Ttl), 10) + "\t"
s += Class(h.Class).String() + "\t"
s += Type(h.Rrtype).String() + "\t"
return s
func (h *RR_Header) len() int {
l := len(h.Name) + 1
l += 10 // rrtype(2) + class(2) + ttl(4) + rdlength(2)
return l
// ToRFC3597 converts a known RR to the unknown RR representation
// from RFC 3597.
func (rr *RFC3597) ToRFC3597(r RR) error {
buf := make([]byte, r.len()*2)
off, err := PackStruct(r, buf, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
buf = buf[:off]
rawSetRdlength(buf, 0, off)
_, err = UnpackStruct(rr, buf, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
马建仓 AI 助手
