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algorithm.go 6.53 KB
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Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package algorithm
import (
log "github.com/golang/glog"
// SchedulerAlgorithm is the interface that orchestrates the pod scheduling.
// Schedule implements the Scheduler interface of Kubernetes.
// It returns the selectedMachine's hostname or an error if the schedule failed.
type SchedulerAlgorithm interface {
Schedule(pod *api.Pod) (string, error)
// SchedulerAlgorithm implements the algorithm.ScheduleAlgorithm interface
type schedulerAlgorithm struct {
sched scheduler.Scheduler
podUpdates queue.FIFO
podScheduler podschedulers.PodScheduler
taskConfig podtask.Config
defaultCpus resources.CPUShares
defaultMem resources.MegaBytes
// New returns a new SchedulerAlgorithm
// TODO(sur): refactor params to separate config object
func New(
sched scheduler.Scheduler,
podUpdates queue.FIFO,
podScheduler podschedulers.PodScheduler,
taskConfig podtask.Config,
defaultCpus resources.CPUShares,
defaultMem resources.MegaBytes,
) SchedulerAlgorithm {
return &schedulerAlgorithm{
sched: sched,
podUpdates: podUpdates,
podScheduler: podScheduler,
taskConfig: taskConfig,
defaultCpus: defaultCpus,
defaultMem: defaultMem,
func (k *schedulerAlgorithm) Schedule(pod *api.Pod) (string, error) {
log.Infof("Try to schedule pod %v\n", pod.Name)
ctx := api.WithNamespace(api.NewDefaultContext(), pod.Namespace)
// default upstream scheduler passes pod.Name as binding.PodID
podKey, err := podtask.MakePodKey(ctx, pod.Name)
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer k.sched.Unlock()
switch task, state := k.sched.Tasks().ForPod(podKey); state {
case podtask.StateUnknown:
// There's a bit of a potential race here, a pod could have been yielded() and
// then before we get *here* it could be deleted.
// We use meta to index the pod in the store since that's what k8s reflector does.
podName, err := cache.MetaNamespaceKeyFunc(pod)
if err != nil {
log.Warningf("aborting Schedule, unable to understand pod object %+v", pod)
return "", errors.NoSuchPodErr
if deleted := k.podUpdates.Poll(podName, queue.DELETE_EVENT); deleted {
// avoid scheduling a pod that's been deleted between yieldPod() and Schedule()
log.Infof("aborting Schedule, pod has been deleted %+v", pod)
return "", errors.NoSuchPodErr
// write resource limits into the pod spec.
// From here on we can expect that the pod spec of a task has proper limits for CPU and memory.
podTask, err := podtask.New(ctx, k.taskConfig, pod)
if err != nil {
log.Warningf("aborting Schedule, unable to create podtask object %+v: %v", pod, err)
return "", err
podTask, err = k.sched.Tasks().Register(podTask)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return k.doSchedule(podTask)
//TODO(jdef) it's possible that the pod state has diverged from what
//we knew previously, we should probably update the task.Pod state here
//before proceeding with scheduling
case podtask.StatePending:
if pod.UID != task.Pod.UID {
// we're dealing with a brand new pod spec here, so the old one must have been
// deleted -- and so our task store is out of sync w/ respect to reality
//TODO(jdef) reconcile task
return "", fmt.Errorf("task %v spec is out of sync with pod %v spec, aborting schedule", task.ID, pod.Name)
} else if task.Has(podtask.Launched) {
// task has been marked as "launched" but the pod binding creation may have failed in k8s,
// but we're going to let someone else handle it, probably the mesos task error handler
return "", fmt.Errorf("task %s has already been launched, aborting schedule", task.ID)
} else {
return k.doSchedule(task)
return "", fmt.Errorf("task %s is not pending, nothing to schedule", task.ID)
// limitPod limits the given pod based on the scheduler's default limits.
func (k *schedulerAlgorithm) limitPod(pod *api.Pod) error {
cpuRequest, cpuLimit, _, err := resources.LimitPodCPU(pod, k.defaultCpus)
if err != nil {
return err
memRequest, memLimit, _, err := resources.LimitPodMem(pod, k.defaultMem)
if err != nil {
return err
"setting pod %s/%s resources: requested cpu %.2f mem %.2f MB, limited cpu %.2f mem %.2f MB",
pod.Namespace, pod.Name, cpuRequest, memRequest, cpuLimit, memLimit,
return nil
// doSchedule implements the actual scheduling of the given pod task.
// It checks whether the offer has been accepted and is still present in the offer registry.
// It delegates to the actual pod scheduler and updates the task registry.
func (k *schedulerAlgorithm) doSchedule(task *podtask.T) (string, error) {
var offer offers.Perishable
var err error
if task.HasAcceptedOffer() {
// verify that the offer is still on the table
var ok bool
offer, ok = k.sched.Offers().Get(task.GetOfferId())
if !ok || offer.HasExpired() {
if err = k.sched.Tasks().Update(task); err != nil {
return "", err
var spec *podtask.Spec
if offer == nil {
offer, spec, err = k.podScheduler.SchedulePod(k.sched.Offers(), task)
if err != nil {
return "", err
details := offer.Details()
if details == nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("offer already invalid/expired for task %v", task.ID)
if task.Offer != nil && task.Offer != offer {
return "", fmt.Errorf("task.offer assignment must be idempotent, task %+v: offer %+v", task, offer)
task.Offer = offer
task.Spec = spec
if err := k.sched.Tasks().Update(task); err != nil {
return "", err
return details.GetHostname(), nil
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