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pod_task.go 10.73 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package podtask
import (
mesosmeta "k8s.io/kubernetes/contrib/mesos/pkg/scheduler/meta"
kubetypes "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/types"
log "github.com/golang/glog"
mesos "github.com/mesos/mesos-go/mesosproto"
mutil "github.com/mesos/mesos-go/mesosutil"
type StateType int
const (
StatePending StateType = iota
type FlagType string
const (
Launched = FlagType("launched")
Bound = FlagType("bound")
Deleted = FlagType("deleted")
var starRole = []string{"*"}
// Config represents elements that are used or required in order to
// create a pod task that may be scheduled.
type Config struct {
ID string // ID is an optional, unique task ID; auto-generated if not specified
DefaultPodRoles []string // DefaultPodRoles lists preferred resource groups, prioritized in order
FrameworkRoles []string // FrameworkRoles identify resource groups from which the framework may consume
Prototype *mesos.ExecutorInfo // Prototype is required
HostPortStrategy hostport.Strategy // HostPortStrategy is used as the port mapping strategy, unless overridden by the pod
GenerateTaskDiscoveryEnabled bool
mapper hostport.Mapper // host-port mapping func, derived from pod and default strategy
podKey string // k8s key for this pod; managed internally
// A struct that describes a pod task.
type T struct {
Pod api.Pod
// Stores the final procurement result, once set read-only.
// Meant to be set by algorith.SchedulerAlgorithm only.
Spec *Spec
Offer offers.Perishable // thread-safe
State StateType
Flags map[FlagType]struct{}
CreateTime time.Time
UpdatedTime time.Time // time of the most recent StatusUpdate we've seen from the mesos master
podStatus api.PodStatus
launchTime time.Time
bindTime time.Time
type Spec struct {
SlaveID string
AssignedSlave string
Resources []*mesos.Resource
PortMap []hostport.Mapping
Data []byte
Executor *mesos.ExecutorInfo
// mostly-clone this pod task. the clone will actually share the some fields:
// - executor // OK because it's read only
// - Offer // OK because it's guarantees safe concurrent access
func (t *T) Clone() *T {
if t == nil {
return nil
// shallow-copy
clone := *t
// deep copy
clone.Flags = map[FlagType]struct{}{}
for k := range t.Flags {
clone.Flags[k] = struct{}{}
return &clone
func (t *T) HasAcceptedOffer() bool {
return t.Spec != nil
func (t *T) GetOfferId() string {
if t.Offer == nil {
return ""
return t.Offer.Details().Id.GetValue()
func generateTaskName(pod *api.Pod) string {
ns := pod.Namespace
if ns == "" {
ns = api.NamespaceDefault
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.pod", pod.Name, ns)
func generateTaskDiscovery(pod *api.Pod) *mesos.DiscoveryInfo {
di := &mesos.DiscoveryInfo{
Visibility: mesos.DiscoveryInfo_CLUSTER.Enum(),
switch visibility := pod.Annotations[mesosmeta.Namespace+"/discovery-visibility"]; visibility {
case "framework":
di.Visibility = mesos.DiscoveryInfo_FRAMEWORK.Enum()
case "external":
di.Visibility = mesos.DiscoveryInfo_EXTERNAL.Enum()
case "", "cluster":
// noop, pick the default we already set
// default to CLUSTER, just warn the user
log.Warningf("unsupported discovery-visibility annotation: %q", visibility)
// name should be {{label|annotation}:name}.{pod:namespace}.pod
nameDecorator := func(n string) *string {
ns := pod.Namespace
if ns == "" {
ns = api.NamespaceDefault
x := n + "." + ns + "." + "pod"
return &x
for _, tt := range []struct {
fieldName string
dest **string
decorator func(string) *string
{"name", &di.Name, nameDecorator},
{"environment", &di.Environment, nil},
{"location", &di.Location, nil},
{"version", &di.Version, nil},
} {
d := tt.decorator
if d == nil {
d = func(s string) *string { return &s }
if v, ok := pod.Labels[tt.fieldName]; ok && v != "" {
*tt.dest = d(v)
if v, ok := pod.Annotations[mesosmeta.Namespace+"/discovery-"+tt.fieldName]; ok && v != "" {
*tt.dest = d(v)
return di
func (t *T) BuildTaskInfo() (*mesos.TaskInfo, error) {
if t.Spec == nil {
return nil, errors.New("no podtask.T.Spec given, cannot build task info")
info := &mesos.TaskInfo{
Name: proto.String(generateTaskName(&t.Pod)),
TaskId: mutil.NewTaskID(t.ID),
Executor: t.Spec.Executor,
Data: t.Spec.Data,
Resources: t.Spec.Resources,
SlaveId: mutil.NewSlaveID(t.Spec.SlaveID),
if t.GenerateTaskDiscoveryEnabled {
info.Discovery = generateTaskDiscovery(&t.Pod)
return info, nil
// Clear offer-related details from the task, should be called if/when an offer
// has already been assigned to a task but for some reason is no longer valid.
func (t *T) Reset() {
log.V(3).Infof("Clearing offer(s) from pod %v", t.Pod.Name)
t.Offer = nil
t.Spec = nil
func (t *T) Set(f FlagType) {
t.Flags[f] = struct{}{}
if Launched == f {
t.launchTime = time.Now()
queueWaitTime := t.launchTime.Sub(t.CreateTime)
func (t *T) Has(f FlagType) (exists bool) {
_, exists = t.Flags[f]
// Roles returns the valid roles under which this pod task can be scheduled.
// If the pod has roles annotations defined they are being used
// else default pod roles are being returned.
func (t *T) Roles() (result []string) {
if r, ok := t.Pod.ObjectMeta.Annotations[mesosmeta.RolesKey]; ok {
roles := strings.Split(r, ",")
for i, r := range roles {
roles[i] = strings.TrimSpace(r)
return filterRoles(
not(emptyRole), not(seenRole()), inRoles(t.FrameworkRoles...),
// no roles label defined, return defaults
return t.DefaultPodRoles
func New(ctx api.Context, config Config, pod *api.Pod) (*T, error) {
if config.Prototype == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("illegal argument: executor-info prototype is nil")
if len(config.FrameworkRoles) == 0 {
config.FrameworkRoles = starRole
if len(config.DefaultPodRoles) == 0 {
config.DefaultPodRoles = starRole
key, err := MakePodKey(ctx, pod.Name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
config.podKey = key
if config.ID == "" {
config.ID = "pod." + uuid.NewUUID().String()
// the scheduler better get the fallback strategy right, otherwise we panic here
config.mapper = config.HostPortStrategy.NewMapper(pod)
task := &T{
Pod: *pod,
Config: config,
State: StatePending,
Flags: make(map[FlagType]struct{}),
task.CreateTime = time.Now()
return task, nil
func (t *T) SaveRecoveryInfo(dict map[string]string) {
dict[mesosmeta.TaskIdKey] = t.ID
dict[mesosmeta.SlaveIdKey] = t.Spec.SlaveID
dict[mesosmeta.OfferIdKey] = t.Offer.Details().Id.GetValue()
dict[mesosmeta.ExecutorIdKey] = t.Spec.Executor.ExecutorId.GetValue()
// reconstruct a task from metadata stashed in a pod entry. there are limited pod states that
// support reconstruction. if we expect to be able to reconstruct state but encounter errors
// in the process then those errors are returned. if the pod is in a seemingly valid state but
// otherwise does not support task reconstruction return false. if we're able to reconstruct
// state then return a reconstructed task and true.
// at this time task reconstruction is only supported for pods that have been annotated with
// binding metadata, which implies that they've previously been associated with a task and
// that mesos knows about it.
// assumes that the pod data comes from the k8s registry and reflects the desired state.
func RecoverFrom(pod api.Pod) (*T, bool, error) {
// we only expect annotations if pod has been bound, which implies that it has already
// been scheduled and launched
if len(pod.Annotations) == 0 {
log.V(1).Infof("skipping recovery for unbound pod %v/%v", pod.Namespace, pod.Name)
return nil, false, nil
// we don't track mirror pods, they're considered part of the executor
if _, isMirrorPod := pod.Annotations[kubetypes.ConfigMirrorAnnotationKey]; isMirrorPod {
log.V(1).Infof("skipping recovery for mirror pod %v/%v", pod.Namespace, pod.Name)
return nil, false, nil
// only process pods that are not in a terminal state
switch pod.Status.Phase {
case api.PodPending, api.PodRunning, api.PodUnknown: // continue
log.V(1).Infof("skipping recovery for terminal pod %v/%v", pod.Namespace, pod.Name)
return nil, false, nil
ctx := api.WithNamespace(api.NewDefaultContext(), pod.Namespace)
key, err := MakePodKey(ctx, pod.Name)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
//TODO(jdef) recover ports (and other resource requirements?) from the pod spec as well
now := time.Now()
t := &T{
Config: Config{
podKey: key,
Pod: pod,
CreateTime: now,
State: StatePending, // possibly running? mesos will tell us during reconciliation
Flags: make(map[FlagType]struct{}),
launchTime: now,
bindTime: now,
Spec: &Spec{},
var (
offerId string
for _, k := range []string{
} {
v, found := pod.Annotations[k]
if !found {
return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("incomplete metadata: missing value for pod annotation: %v", k)
switch k {
case mesosmeta.BindingHostKey:
t.Spec.AssignedSlave = v
case mesosmeta.SlaveIdKey:
t.Spec.SlaveID = v
case mesosmeta.OfferIdKey:
offerId = v
case mesosmeta.TaskIdKey:
t.ID = v
case mesosmeta.ExecutorIdKey:
// this is nowhere near sufficient to re-launch a task, but we really just
// want this for tracking
t.Spec.Executor = &mesos.ExecutorInfo{ExecutorId: mutil.NewExecutorID(v)}
t.Offer = offers.Expired(offerId, t.Spec.AssignedSlave, 0)
t.Flags[Launched] = struct{}{}
t.Flags[Bound] = struct{}{}
return t, true, nil
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