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authenticatee.go 10.08 KB
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package sasl
import (
log "github.com/golang/glog"
mesos "github.com/mesos/mesos-go/mesosproto"
var (
UnexpectedAuthenticationMechanisms = errors.New("Unexpected authentication 'mechanisms' received")
UnexpectedAuthenticationStep = errors.New("Unexpected authentication 'step' received")
UnexpectedAuthenticationCompleted = errors.New("Unexpected authentication 'completed' received")
UnexpectedAuthenticatorPid = errors.New("Unexpected authentator pid") // authenticator pid changed mid-process
UnsupportedMechanism = errors.New("failed to identify a compatible mechanism")
type statusType int32
const (
statusReady statusType = iota
_statusTerminal // meta status, should never be assigned: all status types following are "terminal"
// this login provider name is automatically registered with the auth package; see init()
ProviderName = "SASL"
type authenticateeProcess struct {
transport messenger.Messenger
client upid.UPID
status statusType
done chan struct{}
err error
mech mech.Interface
stepFn mech.StepFunc
from *upid.UPID
handler callback.Handler
type authenticateeConfig struct {
client upid.UPID // pid of the client we're attempting to authenticate
handler callback.Handler
transport messenger.Messenger // mesos communications transport
type transportFactory interface {
makeTransport() messenger.Messenger
type transportFactoryFunc func() messenger.Messenger
func (f transportFactoryFunc) makeTransport() messenger.Messenger {
return f()
func init() {
factory := func(ctx context.Context) transportFactoryFunc {
return transportFactoryFunc(func() messenger.Messenger {
parent := auth.ParentUPID(ctx)
if parent == nil {
log.Fatal("expected to have a parent UPID in context")
process := process.New("sasl_authenticatee")
tpid := upid.UPID{
ID: process.Label(),
Host: parent.Host,
return messenger.NewHttpWithBindingAddress(tpid, BindingAddressFrom(ctx))
delegate := auth.AuthenticateeFunc(func(ctx context.Context, handler callback.Handler) error {
if impl, err := makeAuthenticatee(handler, factory(ctx)); err != nil {
return err
} else {
return impl.Authenticate(ctx, handler)
if err := auth.RegisterAuthenticateeProvider(ProviderName, delegate); err != nil {
func (s *statusType) get() statusType {
return statusType(atomic.LoadInt32((*int32)(s)))
func (s *statusType) swap(old, new statusType) bool {
return old != new && atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32((*int32)(s), int32(old), int32(new))
// build a new authenticatee implementation using the given callbacks and a new transport instance
func makeAuthenticatee(handler callback.Handler, factory transportFactory) (auth.Authenticatee, error) {
ip := callback.NewInterprocess()
if err := handler.Handle(ip); err != nil {
return nil, err
config := &authenticateeConfig{
client: ip.Client(),
handler: handler,
transport: factory.makeTransport(),
return auth.AuthenticateeFunc(func(ctx context.Context, handler callback.Handler) error {
ctx, auth := newAuthenticatee(ctx, config)
auth.authenticate(ctx, ip.Server())
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return auth.discard(ctx)
case <-auth.done:
return auth.err
}), nil
// Terminate the authentication process upon context cancellation;
// only to be called if/when ctx.Done() has been signalled.
func (self *authenticateeProcess) discard(ctx context.Context) error {
err := ctx.Err()
status := statusFrom(ctx)
for ; status < _statusTerminal; status = (&self.status).get() {
if self.terminate(status, statusDiscarded, err) {
return err
func newAuthenticatee(ctx context.Context, config *authenticateeConfig) (context.Context, *authenticateeProcess) {
initialStatus := statusReady
proc := &authenticateeProcess{
transport: config.transport,
client: config.client,
handler: config.handler,
status: initialStatus,
done: make(chan struct{}),
ctx = withStatus(ctx, initialStatus)
err := proc.installHandlers(ctx)
if err == nil {
err = proc.startTransport()
if err != nil {
proc.terminate(initialStatus, statusError, err)
return ctx, proc
func (self *authenticateeProcess) startTransport() error {
if err := self.transport.Start(); err != nil {
return err
} else {
go func() {
// stop the authentication transport upon termination of the
// authenticator process
select {
case <-self.done:
log.V(2).Infof("stopping authenticator transport: %v", self.transport.UPID())
return nil
// returns true when handlers are installed without error, otherwise terminates the
// authentication process.
func (self *authenticateeProcess) installHandlers(ctx context.Context) error {
type handlerFn func(ctx context.Context, from *upid.UPID, pbMsg proto.Message)
withContext := func(f handlerFn) messenger.MessageHandler {
return func(from *upid.UPID, m proto.Message) {
status := (&self.status).get()
if self.from != nil && !self.from.Equal(from) {
self.terminate(status, statusError, UnexpectedAuthenticatorPid)
} else {
f(withStatus(ctx, status), from, m)
// Anticipate mechanisms and steps from the server
handlers := []struct {
f handlerFn
m proto.Message
{self.mechanisms, &mesos.AuthenticationMechanismsMessage{}},
{self.step, &mesos.AuthenticationStepMessage{}},
{self.completed, &mesos.AuthenticationCompletedMessage{}},
{self.failed, &mesos.AuthenticationFailedMessage{}},
{self.errored, &mesos.AuthenticationErrorMessage{}},
for _, h := range handlers {
if err := self.transport.Install(withContext(h.f), h.m); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// return true if the authentication status was updated (if true, self.done will have been closed)
func (self *authenticateeProcess) terminate(old, new statusType, err error) bool {
if (&self.status).swap(old, new) {
self.err = err
if self.mech != nil {
return true
return false
func (self *authenticateeProcess) authenticate(ctx context.Context, pid upid.UPID) {
status := statusFrom(ctx)
if status != statusReady {
message := &mesos.AuthenticateMessage{
Pid: proto.String(self.client.String()),
if err := self.transport.Send(ctx, &pid, message); err != nil {
self.terminate(status, statusError, err)
} else {
(&self.status).swap(status, statusStarting)
func (self *authenticateeProcess) mechanisms(ctx context.Context, from *upid.UPID, pbMsg proto.Message) {
status := statusFrom(ctx)
if status != statusStarting {
self.terminate(status, statusError, UnexpectedAuthenticationMechanisms)
msg, ok := pbMsg.(*mesos.AuthenticationMechanismsMessage)
if !ok {
self.terminate(status, statusError, fmt.Errorf("Expected AuthenticationMechanismsMessage, not %T", pbMsg))
mechanisms := msg.GetMechanisms()
log.Infof("Received SASL authentication mechanisms: %v", mechanisms)
selectedMech, factory := mech.SelectSupported(mechanisms)
if selectedMech == "" {
self.terminate(status, statusError, UnsupportedMechanism)
if m, f, err := factory(self.handler); err != nil {
self.terminate(status, statusError, err)
} else {
self.mech = m
self.stepFn = f
self.from = from
// execute initialization step...
nextf, data, err := self.stepFn(self.mech, nil)
if err != nil {
self.terminate(status, statusError, err)
} else {
self.stepFn = nextf
message := &mesos.AuthenticationStartMessage{
Mechanism: proto.String(selectedMech),
Data: data, // may be nil, depends on init step
if err := self.transport.Send(ctx, from, message); err != nil {
self.terminate(status, statusError, err)
} else {
(&self.status).swap(status, statusStepping)
func (self *authenticateeProcess) step(ctx context.Context, from *upid.UPID, pbMsg proto.Message) {
status := statusFrom(ctx)
if status != statusStepping {
self.terminate(status, statusError, UnexpectedAuthenticationStep)
log.Info("Received SASL authentication step")
msg, ok := pbMsg.(*mesos.AuthenticationStepMessage)
if !ok {
self.terminate(status, statusError, fmt.Errorf("Expected AuthenticationStepMessage, not %T", pbMsg))
input := msg.GetData()
fn, output, err := self.stepFn(self.mech, input)
if err != nil {
self.terminate(status, statusError, fmt.Errorf("failed to perform authentication step: %v", err))
self.stepFn = fn
// We don't start the client with SASL_SUCCESS_DATA so we may
// need to send one more "empty" message to the server.
message := &mesos.AuthenticationStepMessage{}
if len(output) > 0 {
message.Data = output
if err := self.transport.Send(ctx, from, message); err != nil {
self.terminate(status, statusError, err)
func (self *authenticateeProcess) completed(ctx context.Context, from *upid.UPID, pbMsg proto.Message) {
status := statusFrom(ctx)
if status != statusStepping {
self.terminate(status, statusError, UnexpectedAuthenticationCompleted)
log.Info("Authentication success")
self.terminate(status, statusCompleted, nil)
func (self *authenticateeProcess) failed(ctx context.Context, from *upid.UPID, pbMsg proto.Message) {
status := statusFrom(ctx)
self.terminate(status, statusFailed, auth.AuthenticationFailed)
func (self *authenticateeProcess) errored(ctx context.Context, from *upid.UPID, pbMsg proto.Message) {
var err error
if msg, ok := pbMsg.(*mesos.AuthenticationErrorMessage); !ok {
err = fmt.Errorf("Expected AuthenticationErrorMessage, not %T", pbMsg)
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("Authentication error: %s", msg.GetError())
status := statusFrom(ctx)
self.terminate(status, statusError, err)
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