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Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package service
import (
const (
// minDnsTtl is the minimum safe DNS TTL value to use (in seconds). We use this as the TTL for all DNS records.
minDnsTtl = 180
// getHealthyEndpoints returns the hostnames and/or IP addresses of healthy endpoints for the service, at a zone, region and global level (or an error)
func (s *ServiceController) getHealthyEndpoints(clusterName string, cachedService *cachedService) (zoneEndpoints, regionEndpoints, globalEndpoints []string, err error) {
var (
zoneNames []string
regionName string
if zoneNames, regionName, err = s.getClusterZoneNames(clusterName); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
for lbClusterName, lbStatus := range cachedService.serviceStatusMap {
lbZoneNames, lbRegionName, err := s.getClusterZoneNames(lbClusterName)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
for _, ingress := range lbStatus.Ingress {
var address string
// We should get either an IP address or a hostname - use whichever one we get
if ingress.IP != "" {
address = ingress.IP
} else if ingress.Hostname != "" {
address = ingress.Hostname
if len(address) <= 0 {
return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Service %s/%s in cluster %s has neither LoadBalancerStatus.ingress.ip nor LoadBalancerStatus.ingress.hostname. Cannot use it as endpoint for federated service.",
cachedService.lastState.Name, cachedService.lastState.Namespace, clusterName)
for _, lbZoneName := range lbZoneNames {
for _, zoneName := range zoneNames {
if lbZoneName == zoneName {
zoneEndpoints = append(zoneEndpoints, address)
if lbRegionName == regionName {
regionEndpoints = append(regionEndpoints, address)
globalEndpoints = append(globalEndpoints, address)
return zoneEndpoints, regionEndpoints, globalEndpoints, nil
// getClusterZoneNames returns the name of the zones (and the region) where the specified cluster exists (e.g. zones "us-east1-c" on GCE, or "us-east-1b" on AWS)
func (s *ServiceController) getClusterZoneNames(clusterName string) (zones []string, region string, err error) {
client, ok := s.clusterCache.clientMap[clusterName]
if !ok {
return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("Cluster cache does not contain entry for cluster %s", clusterName)
if client.cluster == nil {
return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("Cluster cache entry for cluster %s is nil", clusterName)
return client.cluster.Status.Zones, client.cluster.Status.Region, nil
// getFederationDNSZoneName returns the name of the managed DNS Zone configured for this federation
func (s *ServiceController) getFederationDNSZoneName() (string, error) {
return s.zoneName, nil
// getDnsZone is a hack around the fact that dnsprovider does not yet support a Get() method, only a List() method. TODO: Fix that.
func getDnsZone(dnsZoneName string, dnsZonesInterface dnsprovider.Zones) (dnsprovider.Zone, error) {
dnsZones, err := dnsZonesInterface.List()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, dnsZone := range dnsZones {
if dnsZone.Name() == dnsZoneName {
return dnsZone, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("DNS zone %s not found.", dnsZoneName)
/* getRrset is a hack around the fact that dnsprovider.ResourceRecordSets interface does not yet include a Get() method, only a List() method. TODO: Fix that.
Note that if the named resource record set does not exist, but no error occurred, the returned set, and error, are both nil
func getRrset(dnsName string, rrsetsInterface dnsprovider.ResourceRecordSets) (dnsprovider.ResourceRecordSet, error) {
var returnVal dnsprovider.ResourceRecordSet
rrsets, err := rrsetsInterface.List()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, rrset := range rrsets {
if rrset.Name() == dnsName {
returnVal = rrset
return returnVal, nil
/* getResolvedEndpoints perfoms DNS resolution on the provided slice of endpoints (which might be DNS names or IPv4 addresses)
and returns a list of IPv4 addresses. If any of the endpoints are neither valid IPv4 addresses nor resolvable DNS names,
non-nil error is also returned (possibly along with a partially complete list of resolved endpoints.
func getResolvedEndpoints(endpoints []string) ([]string, error) {
resolvedEndpoints := make([]string, 0, len(endpoints))
for _, endpoint := range endpoints {
if net.ParseIP(endpoint) == nil {
// It's not a valid IP address, so assume it's a DNS name, and try to resolve it,
// replacing it's DNS name with it's IP addresses in expandedEndpoints
ipAddrs, err := net.LookupHost(endpoint)
if err != nil {
return resolvedEndpoints, err
resolvedEndpoints = append(resolvedEndpoints, ipAddrs...)
} else {
resolvedEndpoints = append(resolvedEndpoints, endpoint)
return resolvedEndpoints, nil
/* ensureDnsRrsets ensures (idempotently, and with minimum mutations) that all of the DNS resource record sets for dnsName are consistent with endpoints.
if endpoints is nil or empty, a CNAME record to uplevelCname is ensured.
func (s *ServiceController) ensureDnsRrsets(dnsZoneName, dnsName string, endpoints []string, uplevelCname string, endpointReachable bool) error {
dnsZone, err := getDnsZone(dnsZoneName, s.dnsZones)
if err != nil {
return err
rrsets, supported := dnsZone.ResourceRecordSets()
if !supported {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to ensure DNS records for %s. DNS provider does not support the ResourceRecordSets interface.", dnsName)
rrset, err := getRrset(dnsName, rrsets) // TODO: rrsets.Get(dnsName)
if err != nil {
return err
if rrset == nil {
if endpointReachable {
// It doesn't exist yet, so create it, if we indeed have healthy endpoints
if len(endpoints) < 1 {
// There are no endpoint addresses at this level, so CNAME to uplevel, if provided
if uplevelCname != "" {
newRrset := rrsets.New(dnsName, []string{uplevelCname}, minDnsTtl, rrstype.CNAME)
rrset, err = rrsets.Add(newRrset)
if err != nil {
return err
// else we want no record, and we have no record, so we're all good.
} else {
// We have valid endpoint addresses, so just add them as A records.
// But first resolve DNS names, as some cloud providers (like AWS) expose
// load balancers behind DNS names, not IP addresses.
resolvedEndpoints, err := getResolvedEndpoints(endpoints)
if err != nil {
return err // TODO: We could potentially add the ones we did get back, even if some of them failed to resolve.
newRrset := rrsets.New(dnsName, resolvedEndpoints, minDnsTtl, rrstype.A)
rrset, err = rrsets.Add(newRrset)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
// the rrset already exists, so make it right.
if len(endpoints) < 1 {
// Need an appropriate CNAME record. Check that we have it.
newRrset := rrsets.New(dnsName, []string{uplevelCname}, minDnsTtl, rrstype.CNAME)
if rrset == newRrset {
if !endpointReachable {
if err = rrsets.Remove(rrset); err != nil {
return err
// The existing rrset is equal to the required one - our work is done here
return nil
} else {
// Need to replace the existing one with a better one (or just remove it if we have no healthy endpoints).
// TODO: Ideally do these inside a transaction, or do an atomic update, but dnsprovider interface doesn't support that yet.
if err = rrsets.Remove(rrset); err != nil {
return err
if uplevelCname != "" && endpointReachable {
if _, err = rrsets.Add(newRrset); err != nil {
return err
} else {
// We have an rrset in DNS, possibly with some missing addresses and some unwanted addresses.
// And we have healthy endpoints. Just replace what's there with the healthy endpoints, if it's not already correct.
resolvedEndpoints, err := getResolvedEndpoints(endpoints)
if err != nil { // Some invalid addresses or otherwise unresolvable DNS names.
return err // TODO: We could potentially add the ones we did get back, even if some of them failed to resolve.
newRrset := rrsets.New(dnsName, resolvedEndpoints, minDnsTtl, rrstype.A)
if rrset == newRrset {
if !endpointReachable {
if err = rrsets.Remove(rrset); err != nil {
return err
// The existing rrset is equal to the required one - our work is done here
// TODO: We could be more thorough about checking for equivalence to avoid unnecessary updates, but in the
// worst case we'll just replace what's there with an equivalent, if not exactly identical record set.
return nil
} else {
// Need to replace the existing one with a better one
// TODO: Ideally do these inside a transaction, or do an atomic update, but dnsprovider interface doesn't support that yet.
if err = rrsets.Remove(rrset); err != nil {
return err
if endpointReachable {
if _, err = rrsets.Add(newRrset); err != nil {
return err
return nil
/* ensureDnsRecords ensures (idempotently, and with minimum mutations) that all of the DNS records for a service in a given cluster are correct, given the current state of that service in that cluster. This should be called every time the state of a service might have changed (either w.r.t. it's loadblancer address, or if the number of healthy backend endpoints for that service transitioned from zero to non-zero (or vice verse). Only shards of the service which have both a loadbalancer ingress IP address or hostname AND at least one healthy backend endpoint are included in DNS records for that service (at all of zone, region and global levels). All other addresses are removed. Also, if no shards exist in the zone or region of the cluster, a CNAME reference to the next higher level is ensured to exist.
func (s *ServiceController) ensureDnsRecords(clusterName string, cachedService *cachedService) error {
// Quinton: Pseudocode....
// See https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/25107#issuecomment-218026648
// For each service we need the following DNS names:
// mysvc.myns.myfed.svc.z1.r1.mydomain.com (for zone z1 in region r1)
// - an A record to IP address of specific shard in that zone (if that shard exists and has healthy endpoints)
// - OR a CNAME record to the next level up, i.e. mysvc.myns.myfed.svc.r1.mydomain.com (if a healthy shard does not exist in zone z1)
// mysvc.myns.myfed.svc.r1.federation
// - a set of A records to IP addresses of all healthy shards in region r1, if one or more of these exist
// - OR a CNAME record to the next level up, i.e. mysvc.myns.myfed.svc.mydomain.com (if no healthy shards exist in region r1)
// mysvc.myns.myfed.svc.federation
// - a set of A records to IP addresses of all healthy shards in all regions, if one or more of these exist.
// - no record (NXRECORD response) if no healthy shards exist in any regions)
// For each cached service, cachedService.lastState tracks the current known state of the service, while cachedService.appliedState contains
// the state of the service when we last successfully sync'd it's DNS records.
// So this time around we only need to patch that (add new records, remove deleted records, and update changed records.
if s == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("nil ServiceController passed to ServiceController.ensureDnsRecords(clusterName: %s, cachedService: %v)", clusterName, cachedService)
if s.dns == nil {
return nil
if cachedService == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("nil cachedService passed to ServiceController.ensureDnsRecords(clusterName: %s, cachedService: %v)", clusterName, cachedService)
serviceName := cachedService.lastState.Name
namespaceName := cachedService.lastState.Namespace
zoneNames, regionName, err := s.getClusterZoneNames(clusterName)
if zoneNames == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("fail to get cluster zone names")
if err != nil {
return err
dnsZoneName, err := s.getFederationDNSZoneName()
if err != nil {
return err
zoneEndpoints, regionEndpoints, globalEndpoints, err := s.getHealthyEndpoints(clusterName, cachedService)
if err != nil {
return err
_, endpointReachable := cachedService.endpointMap[clusterName]
commonPrefix := serviceName + "." + namespaceName + "." + s.federationName + ".svc"
// dnsNames is the path up the DNS search tree, starting at the leaf
dnsNames := []string{
commonPrefix + "." + zoneNames[0] + "." + regionName + "." + dnsZoneName, // zone level - TODO might need other zone names for multi-zone clusters
commonPrefix + "." + regionName + "." + dnsZoneName, // region level, one up from zone level
commonPrefix + "." + dnsZoneName, // global level, one up from region level
"", // nowhere to go up from global level
endpoints := [][]string{zoneEndpoints, regionEndpoints, globalEndpoints}
for i, endpoint := range endpoints {
if err = s.ensureDnsRrsets(dnsZoneName, dnsNames[i], endpoint, dnsNames[i+1], endpointReachable); err != nil {
return err
return nil
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