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attacher.go 7.67 KB
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Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package gce_pd
import (
type gcePersistentDiskAttacher struct {
host volume.VolumeHost
gceDisks gce.Disks
var _ volume.Attacher = &gcePersistentDiskAttacher{}
var _ volume.AttachableVolumePlugin = &gcePersistentDiskPlugin{}
func (plugin *gcePersistentDiskPlugin) NewAttacher() (volume.Attacher, error) {
gceCloud, err := getCloudProvider(plugin.host.GetCloudProvider())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &gcePersistentDiskAttacher{
host: plugin.host,
gceDisks: gceCloud,
}, nil
// Attach checks with the GCE cloud provider if the specified volume is already
// attached to the specified node. If the volume is attached, it succeeds
// (returns nil). If it is not, Attach issues a call to the GCE cloud provider
// to attach it.
// Callers are responsible for retryinging on failure.
// Callers are responsible for thread safety between concurrent attach and
// detach operations.
func (attacher *gcePersistentDiskAttacher) Attach(spec *volume.Spec, hostName string) (string, error) {
volumeSource, readOnly, err := getVolumeSource(spec)
if err != nil {
return "", err
pdName := volumeSource.PDName
attached, err := attacher.gceDisks.DiskIsAttached(pdName, hostName)
if err != nil {
// Log error and continue with attach
"Error checking if PD (%q) is already attached to current node (%q). Will continue and try attach anyway. err=%v",
pdName, hostName, err)
if err == nil && attached {
// Volume is already attached to node.
glog.Infof("Attach operation is successful. PD %q is already attached to node %q.", pdName, hostName)
} else {
if err := attacher.gceDisks.AttachDisk(pdName, hostName, readOnly); err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Error attaching PD %q to node %q: %+v", pdName, hostName, err)
return "", err
return path.Join(diskByIdPath, diskGooglePrefix+pdName), nil
func (attacher *gcePersistentDiskAttacher) WaitForAttach(spec *volume.Spec, devicePath string, timeout time.Duration) (string, error) {
ticker := time.NewTicker(checkSleepDuration)
defer ticker.Stop()
timer := time.NewTimer(timeout)
defer timer.Stop()
volumeSource, _, err := getVolumeSource(spec)
if err != nil {
return "", err
pdName := volumeSource.PDName
partition := ""
if volumeSource.Partition != 0 {
partition = strconv.Itoa(int(volumeSource.Partition))
sdBefore, err := filepath.Glob(diskSDPattern)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Error filepath.Glob(\"%s\"): %v\r\n", diskSDPattern, err)
sdBeforeSet := sets.NewString(sdBefore...)
devicePaths := getDiskByIdPaths(pdName, partition)
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
glog.V(5).Infof("Checking GCE PD %q is attached.", pdName)
path, err := verifyDevicePath(devicePaths, sdBeforeSet)
if err != nil {
// Log error, if any, and continue checking periodically. See issue #11321
glog.Errorf("Error verifying GCE PD (%q) is attached: %v", pdName, err)
} else if path != "" {
// A device path has successfully been created for the PD
glog.Infof("Successfully found attached GCE PD %q.", pdName)
return path, nil
case <-timer.C:
return "", fmt.Errorf("Could not find attached GCE PD %q. Timeout waiting for mount paths to be created.", pdName)
func (attacher *gcePersistentDiskAttacher) GetDeviceMountPath(
spec *volume.Spec) (string, error) {
volumeSource, _, err := getVolumeSource(spec)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return makeGlobalPDName(attacher.host, volumeSource.PDName), nil
func (attacher *gcePersistentDiskAttacher) MountDevice(spec *volume.Spec, devicePath string, deviceMountPath string) error {
// Only mount the PD globally once.
mounter := attacher.host.GetMounter()
notMnt, err := mounter.IsLikelyNotMountPoint(deviceMountPath)
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
if err := os.MkdirAll(deviceMountPath, 0750); err != nil {
return err
notMnt = true
} else {
return err
volumeSource, readOnly, err := getVolumeSource(spec)
if err != nil {
return err
options := []string{}
if readOnly {
options = append(options, "ro")
if notMnt {
diskMounter := &mount.SafeFormatAndMount{Interface: mounter, Runner: exec.New()}
err = diskMounter.FormatAndMount(devicePath, deviceMountPath, volumeSource.FSType, options)
if err != nil {
return err
glog.V(4).Infof("formatting spec %v devicePath %v deviceMountPath %v fs %v with options %+v", spec.Name(), devicePath, deviceMountPath, volumeSource.FSType, options)
return nil
type gcePersistentDiskDetacher struct {
host volume.VolumeHost
gceDisks gce.Disks
var _ volume.Detacher = &gcePersistentDiskDetacher{}
func (plugin *gcePersistentDiskPlugin) NewDetacher() (volume.Detacher, error) {
gceCloud, err := getCloudProvider(plugin.host.GetCloudProvider())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &gcePersistentDiskDetacher{
host: plugin.host,
gceDisks: gceCloud,
}, nil
// Detach checks with the GCE cloud provider if the specified volume is already
// attached to the specified node. If the volume is not attached, it succeeds
// (returns nil). If it is attached, Detach issues a call to the GCE cloud
// provider to attach it.
// Callers are responsible for retryinging on failure.
// Callers are responsible for thread safety between concurrent attach and detach
// operations.
func (detacher *gcePersistentDiskDetacher) Detach(deviceMountPath string, hostName string) error {
pdName := path.Base(deviceMountPath)
attached, err := detacher.gceDisks.DiskIsAttached(pdName, hostName)
if err != nil {
// Log error and continue with detach
"Error checking if PD (%q) is already attached to current node (%q). Will continue and try detach anyway. err=%v",
pdName, hostName, err)
if err == nil && !attached {
// Volume is not attached to node. Success!
glog.Infof("Detach operation is successful. PD %q was not attached to node %q.", pdName, hostName)
return nil
if err = detacher.gceDisks.DetachDisk(pdName, hostName); err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Error detaching PD %q from node %q: %v", pdName, hostName, err)
return err
return nil
func (detacher *gcePersistentDiskDetacher) WaitForDetach(devicePath string, timeout time.Duration) error {
ticker := time.NewTicker(checkSleepDuration)
defer ticker.Stop()
timer := time.NewTimer(timeout)
defer timer.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
glog.V(5).Infof("Checking device %q is detached.", devicePath)
if pathExists, err := pathExists(devicePath); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error checking if device path exists: %v", err)
} else if !pathExists {
return nil
case <-timer.C:
return fmt.Errorf("Timeout reached; PD Device %v is still attached", devicePath)
func (detacher *gcePersistentDiskDetacher) UnmountDevice(deviceMountPath string) error {
return unmountPDAndRemoveGlobalPath(deviceMountPath, detacher.host.GetMounter())
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