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worker.go 6.42 KB
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Daniel Smith authored 2016-07-11 14:37 . Stop eating panics
Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
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package prober
import (
kubecontainer "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/container"
// worker handles the periodic probing of its assigned container. Each worker has a go-routine
// associated with it which runs the probe loop until the container permanently terminates, or the
// stop channel is closed. The worker uses the probe Manager's statusManager to get up-to-date
// container IDs.
type worker struct {
// Channel for stopping the probe.
stopCh chan struct{}
// The pod containing this probe (read-only)
pod *api.Pod
// The container to probe (read-only)
container api.Container
// Describes the probe configuration (read-only)
spec *api.Probe
// The type of the worker.
probeType probeType
// The probe value during the initial delay.
initialValue results.Result
// Where to store this workers results.
resultsManager results.Manager
probeManager *manager
// The last known container ID for this worker.
containerID kubecontainer.ContainerID
// The last probe result for this worker.
lastResult results.Result
// How many times in a row the probe has returned the same result.
resultRun int
// If set, skip probing.
onHold bool
// Creates and starts a new probe worker.
func newWorker(
m *manager,
probeType probeType,
pod *api.Pod,
container api.Container) *worker {
w := &worker{
stopCh: make(chan struct{}, 1), // Buffer so stop() can be non-blocking.
pod: pod,
container: container,
probeType: probeType,
probeManager: m,
switch probeType {
case readiness:
w.spec = container.ReadinessProbe
w.resultsManager = m.readinessManager
w.initialValue = results.Failure
case liveness:
w.spec = container.LivenessProbe
w.resultsManager = m.livenessManager
w.initialValue = results.Success
return w
// run periodically probes the container.
func (w *worker) run() {
probeTickerPeriod := time.Duration(w.spec.PeriodSeconds) * time.Second
probeTicker := time.NewTicker(probeTickerPeriod)
defer func() {
// Clean up.
if !w.containerID.IsEmpty() {
w.probeManager.removeWorker(w.pod.UID, w.container.Name, w.probeType)
// If kubelet restarted the probes could be started in rapid succession.
// Let the worker wait for a random portion of tickerPeriod before probing.
time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Float64() * float64(probeTickerPeriod)))
for w.doProbe() {
// Wait for next probe tick.
select {
case <-w.stopCh:
break probeLoop
case <-probeTicker.C:
// continue
// stop stops the probe worker. The worker handles cleanup and removes itself from its manager.
// It is safe to call stop multiple times.
func (w *worker) stop() {
select {
case w.stopCh <- struct{}{}:
default: // Non-blocking.
// doProbe probes the container once and records the result.
// Returns whether the worker should continue.
func (w *worker) doProbe() (keepGoing bool) {
defer func() { recover() }() // Actually eat panics (HandleCrash takes care of logging)
defer runtime.HandleCrash(func(_ interface{}) { keepGoing = true })
status, ok := w.probeManager.statusManager.GetPodStatus(w.pod.UID)
if !ok {
// Either the pod has not been created yet, or it was already deleted.
glog.V(3).Infof("No status for pod: %v", format.Pod(w.pod))
return true
// Worker should terminate if pod is terminated.
if status.Phase == api.PodFailed || status.Phase == api.PodSucceeded {
glog.V(3).Infof("Pod %v %v, exiting probe worker",
format.Pod(w.pod), status.Phase)
return false
c, ok := api.GetContainerStatus(status.ContainerStatuses, w.container.Name)
if !ok || len(c.ContainerID) == 0 {
// Either the container has not been created yet, or it was deleted.
glog.V(3).Infof("Probe target container not found: %v - %v",
format.Pod(w.pod), w.container.Name)
return true // Wait for more information.
if w.containerID.String() != c.ContainerID {
if !w.containerID.IsEmpty() {
w.containerID = kubecontainer.ParseContainerID(c.ContainerID)
w.resultsManager.Set(w.containerID, w.initialValue, w.pod)
// We've got a new container; resume probing.
w.onHold = false
if w.onHold {
// Worker is on hold until there is a new container.
return true
if c.State.Running == nil {
glog.V(3).Infof("Non-running container probed: %v - %v",
format.Pod(w.pod), w.container.Name)
if !w.containerID.IsEmpty() {
w.resultsManager.Set(w.containerID, results.Failure, w.pod)
// Abort if the container will not be restarted.
return c.State.Terminated == nil ||
w.pod.Spec.RestartPolicy != api.RestartPolicyNever
if int32(time.Since(c.State.Running.StartedAt.Time).Seconds()) < w.spec.InitialDelaySeconds {
return true
result, err := w.probeManager.prober.probe(w.probeType, w.pod, status, w.container, w.containerID)
if err != nil {
// Prober error, throw away the result.
return true
if w.lastResult == result {
} else {
w.lastResult = result
w.resultRun = 1
if (result == results.Failure && w.resultRun < int(w.spec.FailureThreshold)) ||
(result == results.Success && w.resultRun < int(w.spec.SuccessThreshold)) {
// Success or failure is below threshold - leave the probe state unchanged.
return true
w.resultsManager.Set(w.containerID, result, w.pod)
if w.probeType == liveness && result == results.Failure {
// The container fails a liveness check, it will need to be restared.
// Stop probing until we see a new container ID. This is to reduce the
// chance of hitting #21751, where running `docker exec` when a
// container is being stopped may lead to corrupted container state.
w.onHold = true
return true
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