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procurement.go 10.54 KB
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joe2far 提交于 2016-07-13 15:06 . Fixed several typos
Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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limitations under the License.
package podtask
import (
log "github.com/golang/glog"
mesos "github.com/mesos/mesos-go/mesosproto"
// NewDefaultProcurement returns the default procurement strategy that combines validation
// and responsible Mesos resource procurement. c and m are resource quantities written into
// k8s api.Pod.Spec's that don't declare resources (all containers in k8s-mesos require cpu
// and memory limits).
func NewDefaultProcurement(prototype *mesos.ExecutorInfo, eir executorinfo.Registry) Procurement {
return AllOrNothingProcurement([]Procurement{
NewExecutorResourceProcurer(prototype.GetResources(), eir),
// Procurement is the interface that implements resource procurement.
// Procure procurs offered resources for a given pod task T
// on a given node and stores the procurement result.
// Initially the procurement pipe contains an initial empty Spec
// and the the complete Mesos offer. As the procurement pipeline progresses
// the specified resources go up as they are being procured
// while the remaining Mesos offer resources go down until they are depleted.
// It returns an error if the procurement failed.
// Note that the T struct also includes a Spec field.
// This differs from the procured Spec which is meant to be filled
// by a chain of Procure invocations (procurement pipeline).
// In contrast T.Spec is meant not to be filled by the procurement chain
// but rather by a final scheduler instance.
// api.Node is an optional (possibly nil) param.
type Procurement interface {
Procure(*T, *api.Node, *ProcureState) error
// ProcureState holds the current state of the procurement pipeline.
// It contains the pod launch specification and the Mesos offer
// from which resources are being procured.
type ProcureState struct {
offer *mesos.Offer // source
spec *Spec // sink
// Result returns the procurement result consisting
// of the procured pod specification and the remaining
// Mesos offer.
func (ps *ProcureState) Result() (*Spec, *mesos.Offer) {
return ps.spec, ps.offer
// NewProcureState returns an ProcureState containing an empty Spec
// and a deep copy of the given offer.
func NewProcureState(offer *mesos.Offer) *ProcureState {
return &ProcureState{
spec: &Spec{},
offer: proto.Clone(offer).(*mesos.Offer),
// The ProcurementFunc type is an adapter to use ordinary functions as Procurement implementations.
type ProcurementFunc func(*T, *api.Node, *ProcureState) error
func (p ProcurementFunc) Procure(t *T, n *api.Node, ps *ProcureState) error {
return p(t, n, ps)
// AllOrNothingProcurement provides a convenient wrapper around multiple Procurement
// objectives: the failure of any Procurement in the set results in Procure failing.
// see AllOrNothingProcurement.Procure
type AllOrNothingProcurement []Procurement
// Procure runs each Procurement in the receiver list. The first Procurement func that
// fails triggers T.Reset() and the error is returned, otherwise returns nil.
func (a AllOrNothingProcurement) Procure(t *T, n *api.Node, ps *ProcureState) error {
for _, p := range a {
err := p.Procure(t, n, ps)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// NewNodeProcurement returns a Procurement that checks whether the given pod task and offer
// have valid node informations available and whether the pod spec node selector matches
// the pod labels.
// If the check is successful the slave ID and assigned slave is set in the given Spec.
func NewNodeProcurement() Procurement {
return ProcurementFunc(func(t *T, n *api.Node, ps *ProcureState) error {
// if the user has specified a target host, make sure this offer is for that host
if t.Pod.Spec.NodeName != "" && ps.offer.GetHostname() != t.Pod.Spec.NodeName {
return fmt.Errorf(
"NodeName %q does not match offer hostname %q",
t.Pod.Spec.NodeName, ps.offer.GetHostname(),
// check the NodeSelector
if len(t.Pod.Spec.NodeSelector) > 0 {
// *api.Node is optional for procurement
if n == nil || n.Labels == nil {
return fmt.Errorf(
"NodeSelector %v does not match empty labels of pod %s/%s",
t.Pod.Spec.NodeSelector, t.Pod.Namespace, t.Pod.Name,
selector := labels.SelectorFromSet(t.Pod.Spec.NodeSelector)
if !selector.Matches(labels.Set(n.Labels)) {
return fmt.Errorf(
"NodeSelector %v does not match labels %v of pod %s/%s",
t.Pod.Spec.NodeSelector, t.Pod.Labels, t.Pod.Namespace, t.Pod.Name,
ps.spec.SlaveID = ps.offer.GetSlaveId().GetValue()
ps.spec.AssignedSlave = ps.offer.GetHostname()
return nil
// NewPodResourcesProcurement converts k8s pod cpu and memory resource requirements into
// mesos resource allocations.
func NewPodResourcesProcurement() Procurement {
return ProcurementFunc(func(t *T, _ *api.Node, ps *ProcureState) error {
// TODO(sttts): fall back to requested resources if resource limit cannot be fulfilled by the offer
_, limits, err := api.PodRequestsAndLimits(&t.Pod)
if err != nil {
return err
wantedCpus := float64(resources.NewCPUShares(limits[api.ResourceCPU]))
wantedMem := float64(resources.NewMegaBytes(limits[api.ResourceMemory]))
"trying to match offer with pod %v/%v: cpus: %.2f mem: %.2f MB",
t.Pod.Namespace, t.Pod.Name, wantedCpus, wantedMem,
podRoles := t.Roles()
procuredCpu, remaining := procureScalarResources("cpus", wantedCpus, podRoles, ps.offer.GetResources())
if procuredCpu == nil {
return fmt.Errorf(
"not enough cpu resources for pod %s/%s: want=%v",
t.Pod.Namespace, t.Pod.Name, wantedCpus,
procuredMem, remaining := procureScalarResources("mem", wantedMem, podRoles, remaining)
if procuredMem == nil {
return fmt.Errorf(
"not enough mem resources for pod %s/%s: want=%v",
t.Pod.Namespace, t.Pod.Name, wantedMem,
ps.offer.Resources = remaining
ps.spec.Resources = append(ps.spec.Resources, append(procuredCpu, procuredMem...)...)
return nil
// NewPortsProcurement returns a Procurement procuring ports
func NewPortsProcurement() Procurement {
return ProcurementFunc(func(t *T, _ *api.Node, ps *ProcureState) error {
// fill in port mapping
if mapping, err := t.mapper.Map(&t.Pod, t.Roles(), ps.offer); err != nil {
return err
} else {
ports := []resources.Port{}
for _, entry := range mapping {
ports = append(ports, resources.Port{
Port: entry.OfferPort,
Role: entry.Role,
ps.spec.PortMap = mapping
ps.spec.Resources = append(ps.spec.Resources, resources.PortRanges(ports)...)
return nil
// NewExecutorResourceProcurer returns a Procurement procuring executor resources
// If a given offer has no executor IDs set, the given prototype executor resources are considered for procurement.
// If a given offer has one executor ID set, only pod resources are being procured.
// An offer with more than one executor ID implies an invariant violation and the first executor ID is being considered.
func NewExecutorResourceProcurer(rs []*mesos.Resource, registry executorinfo.Registry) Procurement {
return ProcurementFunc(func(t *T, _ *api.Node, ps *ProcureState) error {
eids := len(ps.offer.GetExecutorIds())
switch {
case eids == 0:
wantedCpus := resources.Sum(resources.Filter(rs, resources.IsScalar, resources.HasName("cpus")))
wantedMem := resources.Sum(resources.Filter(rs, resources.IsScalar, resources.HasName("mem")))
procuredCpu, remaining := procureScalarResources("cpus", wantedCpus, t.FrameworkRoles, ps.offer.GetResources())
if procuredCpu == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("not enough cpu resources for executor: want=%v", wantedCpus)
procuredMem, remaining := procureScalarResources("mem", wantedMem, t.FrameworkRoles, remaining)
if procuredMem == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("not enough mem resources for executor: want=%v", wantedMem)
ps.offer.Resources = remaining
ps.spec.Executor = registry.New(ps.offer.GetHostname(), append(procuredCpu, procuredMem...))
return nil
case eids == 1:
e, err := registry.Get(ps.offer.GetHostname())
if err != nil {
return err
ps.spec.Executor = e
return nil
// offers with more than 1 ExecutorId should be rejected by the
// framework long before they arrive here.
return fmt.Errorf("got offer with more than 1 executor id: %v", ps.offer.GetExecutorIds())
// smallest number such that 1.0 + epsilon != 1.0
// see https://github.com/golang/go/issues/966
var epsilon = math.Nextafter(1, 2) - 1
// procureScalarResources procures offered resources that
// 1. Match the given name
// 2. Match the given roles
// 3. The given wanted scalar value can be fully consumed by offered resources
// Roles are being considered in the specified roles slice ordering.
func procureScalarResources(
name string,
want float64,
roles []string,
offered []*mesos.Resource,
) (procured, remaining []*mesos.Resource) {
sorted := resources.ByRoles(roles...).Sort(offered)
procured = make([]*mesos.Resource, 0, len(sorted))
remaining = make([]*mesos.Resource, 0, len(sorted))
for _, r := range sorted {
if want >= epsilon && resources.MatchesAll(r, resources.HasName(name), resources.IsScalar) {
left, role := r.GetScalar().GetValue(), r.Role
consumed := math.Min(want, left)
want -= consumed
left -= consumed
if left >= epsilon {
r = mesosutil.NewScalarResource(name, left)
r.Role = role
remaining = append(remaining, r)
consumedRes := mesosutil.NewScalarResource(name, consumed)
consumedRes.Role = role
procured = append(procured, consumedRes)
} else {
remaining = append(remaining, r)
// demanded value (want) was not fully consumed violating invariant 3.
// thus no resources must be procured
if want >= epsilon {
return nil, offered
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