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restmapper.go 17.36 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Jedrzej Nowak 提交于 2016-08-23 12:41 . Fix various typos in pkg/api
Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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// TODO: move everything in this file to pkg/api/rest
package meta
import (
// Implements RESTScope interface
type restScope struct {
name RESTScopeName
paramName string
argumentName string
paramDescription string
func (r *restScope) Name() RESTScopeName {
return r.name
func (r *restScope) ParamName() string {
return r.paramName
func (r *restScope) ArgumentName() string {
return r.argumentName
func (r *restScope) ParamDescription() string {
return r.paramDescription
var RESTScopeNamespace = &restScope{
name: RESTScopeNameNamespace,
paramName: "namespaces",
argumentName: "namespace",
paramDescription: "object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects",
var RESTScopeRoot = &restScope{
name: RESTScopeNameRoot,
// DefaultRESTMapper exposes mappings between the types defined in a
// runtime.Scheme. It assumes that all types defined the provided scheme
// can be mapped with the provided MetadataAccessor and Codec interfaces.
// The resource name of a Kind is defined as the lowercase,
// English-plural version of the Kind string.
// When converting from resource to Kind, the singular version of the
// resource name is also accepted for convenience.
// TODO: Only accept plural for some operations for increased control?
// (`get pod bar` vs `get pods bar`)
type DefaultRESTMapper struct {
defaultGroupVersions []unversioned.GroupVersion
resourceToKind map[unversioned.GroupVersionResource]unversioned.GroupVersionKind
kindToPluralResource map[unversioned.GroupVersionKind]unversioned.GroupVersionResource
kindToScope map[unversioned.GroupVersionKind]RESTScope
singularToPlural map[unversioned.GroupVersionResource]unversioned.GroupVersionResource
pluralToSingular map[unversioned.GroupVersionResource]unversioned.GroupVersionResource
interfacesFunc VersionInterfacesFunc
// aliasToResource is used for mapping aliases to resources
aliasToResource map[string][]string
func (m *DefaultRESTMapper) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("DefaultRESTMapper{kindToPluralResource=%v}", m.kindToPluralResource)
var _ RESTMapper = &DefaultRESTMapper{}
// VersionInterfacesFunc returns the appropriate typer, and metadata accessor for a
// given api version, or an error if no such api version exists.
type VersionInterfacesFunc func(version unversioned.GroupVersion) (*VersionInterfaces, error)
// NewDefaultRESTMapper initializes a mapping between Kind and APIVersion
// to a resource name and back based on the objects in a runtime.Scheme
// and the Kubernetes API conventions. Takes a group name, a priority list of the versions
// to search when an object has no default version (set empty to return an error),
// and a function that retrieves the correct metadata for a given version.
func NewDefaultRESTMapper(defaultGroupVersions []unversioned.GroupVersion, f VersionInterfacesFunc) *DefaultRESTMapper {
resourceToKind := make(map[unversioned.GroupVersionResource]unversioned.GroupVersionKind)
kindToPluralResource := make(map[unversioned.GroupVersionKind]unversioned.GroupVersionResource)
kindToScope := make(map[unversioned.GroupVersionKind]RESTScope)
singularToPlural := make(map[unversioned.GroupVersionResource]unversioned.GroupVersionResource)
pluralToSingular := make(map[unversioned.GroupVersionResource]unversioned.GroupVersionResource)
aliasToResource := make(map[string][]string)
// TODO: verify name mappings work correctly when versions differ
return &DefaultRESTMapper{
resourceToKind: resourceToKind,
kindToPluralResource: kindToPluralResource,
kindToScope: kindToScope,
defaultGroupVersions: defaultGroupVersions,
singularToPlural: singularToPlural,
pluralToSingular: pluralToSingular,
aliasToResource: aliasToResource,
interfacesFunc: f,
func (m *DefaultRESTMapper) Add(kind unversioned.GroupVersionKind, scope RESTScope) {
plural, singular := KindToResource(kind)
m.singularToPlural[singular] = plural
m.pluralToSingular[plural] = singular
m.resourceToKind[singular] = kind
m.resourceToKind[plural] = kind
m.kindToPluralResource[kind] = plural
m.kindToScope[kind] = scope
// unpluralizedSuffixes is a list of resource suffixes that are the same plural and singular
// This is only is only necessary because some bits of code are lazy and don't actually use the RESTMapper like they should.
// TODO eliminate this so that different callers can correctly map to resources. This probably means updating all
// callers to use the RESTMapper they mean.
var unpluralizedSuffixes = []string{
// KindToResource converts Kind to a resource name.
// Broken. This method only "sort of" works when used outside of this package. It assumes that Kinds and Resources match
// and they aren't guaranteed to do so.
func KindToResource(kind unversioned.GroupVersionKind) ( /*plural*/ unversioned.GroupVersionResource /*singular*/, unversioned.GroupVersionResource) {
kindName := kind.Kind
if len(kindName) == 0 {
return unversioned.GroupVersionResource{}, unversioned.GroupVersionResource{}
singularName := strings.ToLower(kindName)
singular := kind.GroupVersion().WithResource(singularName)
for _, skip := range unpluralizedSuffixes {
if strings.HasSuffix(singularName, skip) {
return singular, singular
switch string(singularName[len(singularName)-1]) {
case "s":
return kind.GroupVersion().WithResource(singularName + "es"), singular
case "y":
return kind.GroupVersion().WithResource(strings.TrimSuffix(singularName, "y") + "ies"), singular
return kind.GroupVersion().WithResource(singularName + "s"), singular
// ResourceSingularizer implements RESTMapper
// It converts a resource name from plural to singular (e.g., from pods to pod)
func (m *DefaultRESTMapper) ResourceSingularizer(resourceType string) (string, error) {
partialResource := unversioned.GroupVersionResource{Resource: resourceType}
resources, err := m.ResourcesFor(partialResource)
if err != nil {
return resourceType, err
singular := unversioned.GroupVersionResource{}
for _, curr := range resources {
currSingular, ok := m.pluralToSingular[curr]
if !ok {
if singular.Empty() {
singular = currSingular
if currSingular.Resource != singular.Resource {
return resourceType, fmt.Errorf("multiple possible singular resources (%v) found for %v", resources, resourceType)
if singular.Empty() {
return resourceType, fmt.Errorf("no singular of resource %v has been defined", resourceType)
return singular.Resource, nil
// coerceResourceForMatching makes the resource lower case and converts internal versions to unspecified (legacy behavior)
func coerceResourceForMatching(resource unversioned.GroupVersionResource) unversioned.GroupVersionResource {
resource.Resource = strings.ToLower(resource.Resource)
if resource.Version == runtime.APIVersionInternal {
resource.Version = ""
return resource
func (m *DefaultRESTMapper) ResourcesFor(input unversioned.GroupVersionResource) ([]unversioned.GroupVersionResource, error) {
resource := coerceResourceForMatching(input)
hasResource := len(resource.Resource) > 0
hasGroup := len(resource.Group) > 0
hasVersion := len(resource.Version) > 0
if !hasResource {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("a resource must be present, got: %v", resource)
ret := []unversioned.GroupVersionResource{}
switch {
// fully qualified. Find the exact match
case hasGroup && hasVersion:
for plural, singular := range m.pluralToSingular {
if singular == resource {
ret = append(ret, plural)
if plural == resource {
ret = append(ret, plural)
case hasGroup:
requestedGroupResource := resource.GroupResource()
for plural, singular := range m.pluralToSingular {
if singular.GroupResource() == requestedGroupResource {
ret = append(ret, plural)
if plural.GroupResource() == requestedGroupResource {
ret = append(ret, plural)
case hasVersion:
for plural, singular := range m.pluralToSingular {
if singular.Version == resource.Version && singular.Resource == resource.Resource {
ret = append(ret, plural)
if plural.Version == resource.Version && plural.Resource == resource.Resource {
ret = append(ret, plural)
for plural, singular := range m.pluralToSingular {
if singular.Resource == resource.Resource {
ret = append(ret, plural)
if plural.Resource == resource.Resource {
ret = append(ret, plural)
if len(ret) == 0 {
return nil, &NoResourceMatchError{PartialResource: resource}
sort.Sort(resourceByPreferredGroupVersion{ret, m.defaultGroupVersions})
return ret, nil
func (m *DefaultRESTMapper) ResourceFor(resource unversioned.GroupVersionResource) (unversioned.GroupVersionResource, error) {
resources, err := m.ResourcesFor(resource)
if err != nil {
return unversioned.GroupVersionResource{}, err
if len(resources) == 1 {
return resources[0], nil
return unversioned.GroupVersionResource{}, &AmbiguousResourceError{PartialResource: resource, MatchingResources: resources}
func (m *DefaultRESTMapper) KindsFor(input unversioned.GroupVersionResource) ([]unversioned.GroupVersionKind, error) {
resource := coerceResourceForMatching(input)
hasResource := len(resource.Resource) > 0
hasGroup := len(resource.Group) > 0
hasVersion := len(resource.Version) > 0
if !hasResource {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("a resource must be present, got: %v", resource)
ret := []unversioned.GroupVersionKind{}
switch {
// fully qualified. Find the exact match
case hasGroup && hasVersion:
kind, exists := m.resourceToKind[resource]
if exists {
ret = append(ret, kind)
case hasGroup:
requestedGroupResource := resource.GroupResource()
for currResource, currKind := range m.resourceToKind {
if currResource.GroupResource() == requestedGroupResource {
ret = append(ret, currKind)
case hasVersion:
for currResource, currKind := range m.resourceToKind {
if currResource.Version == resource.Version && currResource.Resource == resource.Resource {
ret = append(ret, currKind)
for currResource, currKind := range m.resourceToKind {
if currResource.Resource == resource.Resource {
ret = append(ret, currKind)
if len(ret) == 0 {
return nil, &NoResourceMatchError{PartialResource: input}
sort.Sort(kindByPreferredGroupVersion{ret, m.defaultGroupVersions})
return ret, nil
func (m *DefaultRESTMapper) KindFor(resource unversioned.GroupVersionResource) (unversioned.GroupVersionKind, error) {
kinds, err := m.KindsFor(resource)
if err != nil {
return unversioned.GroupVersionKind{}, err
if len(kinds) == 1 {
return kinds[0], nil
return unversioned.GroupVersionKind{}, &AmbiguousResourceError{PartialResource: resource, MatchingKinds: kinds}
type kindByPreferredGroupVersion struct {
list []unversioned.GroupVersionKind
sortOrder []unversioned.GroupVersion
func (o kindByPreferredGroupVersion) Len() int { return len(o.list) }
func (o kindByPreferredGroupVersion) Swap(i, j int) { o.list[i], o.list[j] = o.list[j], o.list[i] }
func (o kindByPreferredGroupVersion) Less(i, j int) bool {
lhs := o.list[i]
rhs := o.list[j]
if lhs == rhs {
return false
if lhs.GroupVersion() == rhs.GroupVersion() {
return lhs.Kind < rhs.Kind
// otherwise, the difference is in the GroupVersion, so we need to sort with respect to the preferred order
lhsIndex := -1
rhsIndex := -1
for i := range o.sortOrder {
if o.sortOrder[i] == lhs.GroupVersion() {
lhsIndex = i
if o.sortOrder[i] == rhs.GroupVersion() {
rhsIndex = i
if rhsIndex == -1 {
return true
return lhsIndex < rhsIndex
type resourceByPreferredGroupVersion struct {
list []unversioned.GroupVersionResource
sortOrder []unversioned.GroupVersion
func (o resourceByPreferredGroupVersion) Len() int { return len(o.list) }
func (o resourceByPreferredGroupVersion) Swap(i, j int) { o.list[i], o.list[j] = o.list[j], o.list[i] }
func (o resourceByPreferredGroupVersion) Less(i, j int) bool {
lhs := o.list[i]
rhs := o.list[j]
if lhs == rhs {
return false
if lhs.GroupVersion() == rhs.GroupVersion() {
return lhs.Resource < rhs.Resource
// otherwise, the difference is in the GroupVersion, so we need to sort with respect to the preferred order
lhsIndex := -1
rhsIndex := -1
for i := range o.sortOrder {
if o.sortOrder[i] == lhs.GroupVersion() {
lhsIndex = i
if o.sortOrder[i] == rhs.GroupVersion() {
rhsIndex = i
if rhsIndex == -1 {
return true
return lhsIndex < rhsIndex
// RESTMapping returns a struct representing the resource path and conversion interfaces a
// RESTClient should use to operate on the provided group/kind in order of versions. If a version search
// order is not provided, the search order provided to DefaultRESTMapper will be used to resolve which
// version should be used to access the named group/kind.
// TODO: consider refactoring to use RESTMappings in a way that preserves version ordering and preference
func (m *DefaultRESTMapper) RESTMapping(gk unversioned.GroupKind, versions ...string) (*RESTMapping, error) {
// Pick an appropriate version
var gvk *unversioned.GroupVersionKind
hadVersion := false
for _, version := range versions {
if len(version) == 0 || version == runtime.APIVersionInternal {
currGVK := gk.WithVersion(version)
hadVersion = true
if _, ok := m.kindToPluralResource[currGVK]; ok {
gvk = &currGVK
// Use the default preferred versions
if !hadVersion && (gvk == nil) {
for _, gv := range m.defaultGroupVersions {
if gv.Group != gk.Group {
currGVK := gk.WithVersion(gv.Version)
if _, ok := m.kindToPluralResource[currGVK]; ok {
gvk = &currGVK
if gvk == nil {
return nil, &NoKindMatchError{PartialKind: gk.WithVersion("")}
// Ensure we have a REST mapping
resource, ok := m.kindToPluralResource[*gvk]
if !ok {
found := []unversioned.GroupVersion{}
for _, gv := range m.defaultGroupVersions {
if _, ok := m.kindToPluralResource[*gvk]; ok {
found = append(found, gv)
if len(found) > 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("object with kind %q exists in versions %v, not %v", gvk.Kind, found, gvk.GroupVersion().String())
return nil, fmt.Errorf("the provided version %q and kind %q cannot be mapped to a supported object", gvk.GroupVersion().String(), gvk.Kind)
// Ensure we have a REST scope
scope, ok := m.kindToScope[*gvk]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("the provided version %q and kind %q cannot be mapped to a supported scope", gvk.GroupVersion().String(), gvk.Kind)
interfaces, err := m.interfacesFunc(gvk.GroupVersion())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("the provided version %q has no relevant versions", gvk.GroupVersion().String())
retVal := &RESTMapping{
Resource: resource.Resource,
GroupVersionKind: *gvk,
Scope: scope,
ObjectConvertor: interfaces.ObjectConvertor,
MetadataAccessor: interfaces.MetadataAccessor,
return retVal, nil
// RESTMappings returns the RESTMappings for the provided group kind in a rough internal preferred order. If no
// kind is found it will return a NoResourceMatchError.
func (m *DefaultRESTMapper) RESTMappings(gk unversioned.GroupKind) ([]*RESTMapping, error) {
// Use the default preferred versions
var mappings []*RESTMapping
for _, gv := range m.defaultGroupVersions {
if gv.Group != gk.Group {
gvk := gk.WithVersion(gv.Version)
gvr, ok := m.kindToPluralResource[gvk]
if !ok {
// Ensure we have a REST scope
scope, ok := m.kindToScope[gvk]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("the provided version %q and kind %q cannot be mapped to a supported scope", gvk.GroupVersion(), gvk.Kind)
interfaces, err := m.interfacesFunc(gvk.GroupVersion())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("the provided version %q has no relevant versions", gvk.GroupVersion().String())
mappings = append(mappings, &RESTMapping{
Resource: gvr.Resource,
GroupVersionKind: gvk,
Scope: scope,
ObjectConvertor: interfaces.ObjectConvertor,
MetadataAccessor: interfaces.MetadataAccessor,
if len(mappings) == 0 {
return nil, &NoResourceMatchError{PartialResource: unversioned.GroupVersionResource{Group: gk.Group, Resource: gk.Kind}}
return mappings, nil
// AddResourceAlias maps aliases to resources
func (m *DefaultRESTMapper) AddResourceAlias(alias string, resources ...string) {
if len(resources) == 0 {
m.aliasToResource[alias] = resources
// AliasesForResource returns whether a resource has an alias or not
func (m *DefaultRESTMapper) AliasesForResource(alias string) ([]string, bool) {
if res, ok := m.aliasToResource[alias]; ok {
return res, true
return nil, false
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