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Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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limitations under the License.
// Package leaderelection implements leader election of a set of endpoints.
// It uses an annotation in the endpoints object to store the record of the
// election state.
// This implementation does not guarantee that only one client is acting as a
// leader (a.k.a. fencing). A client observes timestamps captured locally to
// infer the state of the leader election. Thus the implementation is tolerant
// to arbitrary clock skew, but is not tolerant to arbitrary clock skew rate.
// However the level of tolerance to skew rate can be configured by setting
// RenewDeadline and LeaseDuration appropriately. The tolerance expressed as a
// maximum tolerated ratio of time passed on the fastest node to time passed on
// the slowest node can be approximately achieved with a configuration that sets
// the same ratio of LeaseDuration to RenewDeadline. For example if a user wanted
// to tolerate some nodes progressing forward in time twice as fast as other nodes,
// the user could set LeaseDuration to 60 seconds and RenewDeadline to 30 seconds.
// While not required, some method of clock synchronization between nodes in the
// cluster is highly recommended. It's important to keep in mind when configuring
// this client that the tolerance to skew rate varies inversely to master
// availability.
// Larger clusters often have a more lenient SLA for API latency. This should be
// taken into account when configuring the client. The rate of leader transitions
// should be monitored and RetryPeriod and LeaseDuration should be increased
// until the rate is stable and acceptably low. It's important to keep in mind
// when configuring this client that the tolerance to API latency varies inversely
// to master availability.
// DISCLAIMER: this is an alpha API. This library will likely change significantly
// or even be removed entirely in subsequent releases. Depend on this API at
// your own risk.
package leaderelection
import (
client "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned"
const (
JitterFactor = 1.2
LeaderElectionRecordAnnotationKey = "control-plane.alpha.kubernetes.io/leader"
DefaultLeaseDuration = 15 * time.Second
DefaultRenewDeadline = 10 * time.Second
DefaultRetryPeriod = 2 * time.Second
// NewLeadereElector creates a LeaderElector from a LeaderElecitionConfig
func NewLeaderElector(lec LeaderElectionConfig) (*LeaderElector, error) {
if lec.LeaseDuration <= lec.RenewDeadline {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("leaseDuration must be greater than renewDeadline")
if lec.RenewDeadline <= time.Duration(JitterFactor*float64(lec.RetryPeriod)) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("renewDeadline must be greater than retryPeriod*JitterFactor")
if lec.Client == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Client must not be nil.")
if lec.EventRecorder == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("EventRecorder must not be nil.")
return &LeaderElector{
config: lec,
}, nil
type LeaderElectionConfig struct {
// EndpointsMeta should contain a Name and a Namespace of an
// Endpoints object that the LeaderElector will attempt to lead.
EndpointsMeta api.ObjectMeta
// Identity is a unique identifier of the leader elector.
Identity string
Client client.Interface
EventRecorder record.EventRecorder
// LeaseDuration is the duration that non-leader candidates will
// wait to force acquire leadership. This is measured against time of
// last observed ack.
LeaseDuration time.Duration
// RenewDeadline is the duration that the acting master will retry
// refreshing leadership before giving up.
RenewDeadline time.Duration
// RetryPeriod is the duration the LeaderElector clients should wait
// between tries of actions.
RetryPeriod time.Duration
// Callbacks are callbacks that are triggered during certain lifecycle
// events of the LeaderElector
Callbacks LeaderCallbacks
// LeaderCallbacks are callbacks that are triggered during certain
// lifecycle events of the LeaderElector. These are invoked asynchronously.
// possible future callbacks:
// * OnChallenge()
type LeaderCallbacks struct {
// OnStartedLeading is called when a LeaderElector client starts leading
OnStartedLeading func(stop <-chan struct{})
// OnStoppedLeading is called when a LeaderElector client stops leading
OnStoppedLeading func()
// OnNewLeader is called when the client observes a leader that is
// not the previously observed leader. This includes the first observed
// leader when the client starts.
OnNewLeader func(identity string)
// LeaderElector is a leader election client.
// possible future methods:
// * (le *LeaderElector) IsLeader()
// * (le *LeaderElector) GetLeader()
type LeaderElector struct {
config LeaderElectionConfig
// internal bookkeeping
observedRecord LeaderElectionRecord
observedTime time.Time
// used to implement OnNewLeader(), may lag slightly from the
// value observedRecord.HolderIdentity if the transition has
// not yet been reported.
reportedLeader string
// LeaderElectionRecord is the record that is stored in the leader election annotation.
// This information should be used for observational purposes only and could be replaced
// with a random string (e.g. UUID) with only slight modification of this code.
// TODO(mikedanese): this should potentially be versioned
type LeaderElectionRecord struct {
HolderIdentity string `json:"holderIdentity"`
LeaseDurationSeconds int `json:"leaseDurationSeconds"`
AcquireTime unversioned.Time `json:"acquireTime"`
RenewTime unversioned.Time `json:"renewTime"`
LeaderTransitions int `json:"leaderTransitions"`
// Run starts the leader election loop
func (le *LeaderElector) Run() {
defer func() {
stop := make(chan struct{})
go le.config.Callbacks.OnStartedLeading(stop)
// RunOrDie starts a client with the provided config or panics if the config
// fails to validate.
func RunOrDie(lec LeaderElectionConfig) {
le, err := NewLeaderElector(lec)
if err != nil {
// GetLeader returns the identity of the last observed leader or returns the empty string if
// no leader has yet been observed.
func (le *LeaderElector) GetLeader() string {
return le.observedRecord.HolderIdentity
// IsLeader returns true if the last observed leader was this client else returns false.
func (le *LeaderElector) IsLeader() bool {
return le.observedRecord.HolderIdentity == le.config.Identity
// acquire loops calling tryAcquireOrRenew and returns immediately when tryAcquireOrRenew succeeds.
func (le *LeaderElector) acquire() {
stop := make(chan struct{})
wait.JitterUntil(func() {
succeeded := le.tryAcquireOrRenew()
if !succeeded {
glog.V(4).Infof("failed to renew lease %v/%v", le.config.EndpointsMeta.Namespace, le.config.EndpointsMeta.Name)
le.config.EventRecorder.Eventf(&api.Endpoints{ObjectMeta: le.config.EndpointsMeta}, api.EventTypeNormal, "%v became leader", le.config.Identity)
glog.Infof("sucessfully acquired lease %v/%v", le.config.EndpointsMeta.Namespace, le.config.EndpointsMeta.Name)
}, le.config.RetryPeriod, JitterFactor, true, stop)
// renew loops calling tryAcquireOrRenew and returns immediately when tryAcquireOrRenew fails.
func (le *LeaderElector) renew() {
stop := make(chan struct{})
wait.Until(func() {
err := wait.Poll(le.config.RetryPeriod, le.config.RenewDeadline, func() (bool, error) {
return le.tryAcquireOrRenew(), nil
if err == nil {
glog.V(4).Infof("succesfully renewed lease %v/%v", le.config.EndpointsMeta.Namespace, le.config.EndpointsMeta.Name)
le.config.EventRecorder.Eventf(&api.Endpoints{ObjectMeta: le.config.EndpointsMeta}, api.EventTypeNormal, "%v stopped leading", le.config.Identity)
glog.Infof("failed to renew lease %v/%v", le.config.EndpointsMeta.Namespace, le.config.EndpointsMeta.Name)
}, 0, stop)
// tryAcquireOrRenew tries to acquire a leader lease if it is not already acquired,
// else it tries to renew the lease if it has already been acquired. Returns true
// on success else returns false.
func (le *LeaderElector) tryAcquireOrRenew() bool {
now := unversioned.Now()
leaderElectionRecord := LeaderElectionRecord{
HolderIdentity: le.config.Identity,
LeaseDurationSeconds: int(le.config.LeaseDuration / time.Second),
RenewTime: now,
AcquireTime: now,
e, err := le.config.Client.Endpoints(le.config.EndpointsMeta.Namespace).Get(le.config.EndpointsMeta.Name)
if err != nil {
if !errors.IsNotFound(err) {
glog.Errorf("error retrieving endpoint: %v", err)
return false
leaderElectionRecordBytes, err := json.Marshal(leaderElectionRecord)
if err != nil {
return false
_, err = le.config.Client.Endpoints(le.config.EndpointsMeta.Namespace).Create(&api.Endpoints{
ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
Name: le.config.EndpointsMeta.Name,
Namespace: le.config.EndpointsMeta.Namespace,
Annotations: map[string]string{
LeaderElectionRecordAnnotationKey: string(leaderElectionRecordBytes),
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("error initially creating endpoints: %v", err)
return false
le.observedRecord = leaderElectionRecord
le.observedTime = time.Now()
return true
if e.Annotations == nil {
e.Annotations = make(map[string]string)
var oldLeaderElectionRecord LeaderElectionRecord
if oldLeaderElectionRecordBytes, found := e.Annotations[LeaderElectionRecordAnnotationKey]; found {
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(oldLeaderElectionRecordBytes), &oldLeaderElectionRecord); err != nil {
glog.Errorf("error unmarshaling leader election record: %v", err)
return false
if !reflect.DeepEqual(le.observedRecord, oldLeaderElectionRecord) {
le.observedRecord = oldLeaderElectionRecord
le.observedTime = time.Now()
if le.observedTime.Add(le.config.LeaseDuration).After(now.Time) &&
oldLeaderElectionRecord.HolderIdentity != le.config.Identity {
glog.Infof("lock is held by %v and has not yet expired", oldLeaderElectionRecord.HolderIdentity)
return false
// We're going to try to update. The leaderElectionRecord is set to it's default
// here. Let's correct it before updating.
if oldLeaderElectionRecord.HolderIdentity == le.config.Identity {
leaderElectionRecord.AcquireTime = oldLeaderElectionRecord.AcquireTime
} else {
leaderElectionRecord.LeaderTransitions = oldLeaderElectionRecord.LeaderTransitions + 1
leaderElectionRecordBytes, err := json.Marshal(leaderElectionRecord)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("err marshaling leader election record: %v", err)
return false
e.Annotations[LeaderElectionRecordAnnotationKey] = string(leaderElectionRecordBytes)
_, err = le.config.Client.Endpoints(le.config.EndpointsMeta.Namespace).Update(e)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("err: %v", err)
return false
le.observedRecord = leaderElectionRecord
le.observedTime = time.Now()
return true
func (l *LeaderElector) maybeReportTransition() {
if l.observedRecord.HolderIdentity == l.reportedLeader {
l.reportedLeader = l.observedRecord.HolderIdentity
if l.config.Callbacks.OnNewLeader != nil {
go l.config.Callbacks.OnNewLeader(l.reportedLeader)
func DefaultLeaderElectionConfiguration() componentconfig.LeaderElectionConfiguration {
return componentconfig.LeaderElectionConfiguration{
LeaderElect: false,
LeaseDuration: unversioned.Duration{Duration: DefaultLeaseDuration},
RenewDeadline: unversioned.Duration{Duration: DefaultRenewDeadline},
RetryPeriod: unversioned.Duration{Duration: DefaultRetryPeriod},
// BindFlags binds the common LeaderElectionCLIConfig flags to a flagset
func BindFlags(l *componentconfig.LeaderElectionConfiguration, fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
fs.BoolVar(&l.LeaderElect, "leader-elect", l.LeaderElect, ""+
"Start a leader election client and gain leadership before "+
"executing the main loop. Enable this when running replicated "+
"components for high availability.")
fs.DurationVar(&l.LeaseDuration.Duration, "leader-elect-lease-duration", l.LeaseDuration.Duration, ""+
"The duration that non-leader candidates will wait after observing a leadership "+
"renewal until attempting to acquire leadership of a led but unrenewed leader "+
"slot. This is effectively the maximum duration that a leader can be stopped "+
"before it is replaced by another candidate. This is only applicable if leader "+
"election is enabled.")
fs.DurationVar(&l.RenewDeadline.Duration, "leader-elect-renew-deadline", l.RenewDeadline.Duration, ""+
"The interval between attempts by the acting master to renew a leadership slot "+
"before it stops leading. This must be less than or equal to the lease duration. "+
"This is only applicable if leader election is enabled.")
fs.DurationVar(&l.RetryPeriod.Duration, "leader-elect-retry-period", l.RetryPeriod.Duration, ""+
"The duration the clients should wait between attempting acquisition and renewal "+
"of a leadership. This is only applicable if leader election is enabled.")
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