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wait.go 8.28 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package wait
import (
// For any test of the style:
// ...
// <- time.After(timeout):
// t.Errorf("Timed out")
// The value for timeout should effectively be "forever." Obviously we don't want our tests to truly lock up forever, but 30s
// is long enough that it is effectively forever for the things that can slow down a run on a heavily contended machine
// (GC, seeks, etc), but not so long as to make a developer ctrl-c a test run if they do happen to break that test.
var ForeverTestTimeout = time.Second * 30
// NeverStop may be passed to Until to make it never stop.
var NeverStop <-chan struct{} = make(chan struct{})
// Forever is syntactic sugar on top of Until
func Forever(f func(), period time.Duration) {
Until(f, period, NeverStop)
// Until loops until stop channel is closed, running f every period.
// Until is syntactic sugar on top of JitterUntil with zero jitter
// factor, with sliding = true (which means the timer for period
// starts after the f completes).
func Until(f func(), period time.Duration, stopCh <-chan struct{}) {
JitterUntil(f, period, 0.0, true, stopCh)
// NonSlidingUntil loops until stop channel is closed, running f every
// period. NonSlidingUntil is syntactic sugar on top of JitterUntil
// with zero jitter factor, with sliding = false (meaning the timer for
// period starts at the same time as the function starts).
func NonSlidingUntil(f func(), period time.Duration, stopCh <-chan struct{}) {
JitterUntil(f, period, 0.0, false, stopCh)
// JitterUntil loops until stop channel is closed, running f every period.
// If jitterFactor is positive, the period is jittered before every run of f.
// If jitterFactor is not positive, the period is unchanged.
// Catches any panics, and keeps going. f may not be invoked if
// stop channel is already closed. Pass NeverStop to Until if you
// don't want it stop.
func JitterUntil(f func(), period time.Duration, jitterFactor float64, sliding bool, stopCh <-chan struct{}) {
for {
select {
case <-stopCh:
jitteredPeriod := period
if jitterFactor > 0.0 {
jitteredPeriod = Jitter(period, jitterFactor)
var t *time.Timer
if !sliding {
t = time.NewTimer(jitteredPeriod)
func() {
if sliding {
t = time.NewTimer(jitteredPeriod)
// NOTE: b/c there is no priority selection in golang
// it is possible for this to race, meaning we could
// trigger t.C and stopCh, and t.C select falls through.
// In order to mitigate we re-check stopCh at the beginning
// of every loop to prevent extra executions of f().
select {
case <-stopCh:
case <-t.C:
// Jitter returns a time.Duration between duration and duration + maxFactor * duration,
// to allow clients to avoid converging on periodic behavior. If maxFactor is 0.0, a
// suggested default value will be chosen.
func Jitter(duration time.Duration, maxFactor float64) time.Duration {
if maxFactor <= 0.0 {
maxFactor = 1.0
wait := duration + time.Duration(rand.Float64()*maxFactor*float64(duration))
return wait
// ErrWaitTimeout is returned when the condition exited without success
var ErrWaitTimeout = errors.New("timed out waiting for the condition")
// ConditionFunc returns true if the condition is satisfied, or an error
// if the loop should be aborted.
type ConditionFunc func() (done bool, err error)
// Backoff is parameters applied to a Backoff function.
type Backoff struct {
Duration time.Duration
Factor float64
Jitter float64
Steps int
// ExponentialBackoff repeats a condition check up to steps times, increasing the wait
// by multipling the previous duration by factor. If jitter is greater than zero,
// a random amount of each duration is added (between duration and duration*(1+jitter)).
// If the condition never returns true, ErrWaitTimeout is returned. All other errors
// terminate immediately.
func ExponentialBackoff(backoff Backoff, condition ConditionFunc) error {
duration := backoff.Duration
for i := 0; i < backoff.Steps; i++ {
if i != 0 {
adjusted := duration
if backoff.Jitter > 0.0 {
adjusted = Jitter(duration, backoff.Jitter)
duration = time.Duration(float64(duration) * backoff.Factor)
if ok, err := condition(); err != nil || ok {
return err
return ErrWaitTimeout
// Poll tries a condition func until it returns true, an error, or the timeout
// is reached. condition will always be invoked at least once but some intervals
// may be missed if the condition takes too long or the time window is too short.
// If you want to Poll something forever, see PollInfinite.
// Poll always waits the interval before the first check of the condition.
func Poll(interval, timeout time.Duration, condition ConditionFunc) error {
return pollInternal(poller(interval, timeout), condition)
func pollInternal(wait WaitFunc, condition ConditionFunc) error {
done := make(chan struct{})
defer close(done)
return WaitFor(wait, condition, done)
// PollImmediate is identical to Poll, except that it performs the first check
// immediately, not waiting interval beforehand.
func PollImmediate(interval, timeout time.Duration, condition ConditionFunc) error {
return pollImmediateInternal(poller(interval, timeout), condition)
func pollImmediateInternal(wait WaitFunc, condition ConditionFunc) error {
done, err := condition()
if err != nil {
return err
if done {
return nil
return pollInternal(wait, condition)
// PollInfinite polls forever.
func PollInfinite(interval time.Duration, condition ConditionFunc) error {
done := make(chan struct{})
defer close(done)
return WaitFor(poller(interval, 0), condition, done)
// PollUntil is like Poll, but it takes a stop change instead of total duration
func PollUntil(interval time.Duration, condition ConditionFunc, stopCh <-chan struct{}) error {
return WaitFor(poller(interval, 0), condition, stopCh)
// WaitFunc creates a channel that receives an item every time a test
// should be executed and is closed when the last test should be invoked.
type WaitFunc func(done <-chan struct{}) <-chan struct{}
// WaitFor gets a channel from wait(), and then invokes fn once for every value
// placed on the channel and once more when the channel is closed. If fn
// returns an error the loop ends and that error is returned, and if fn returns
// true the loop ends and nil is returned. ErrWaitTimeout will be returned if
// the channel is closed without fn ever returning true.
func WaitFor(wait WaitFunc, fn ConditionFunc, done <-chan struct{}) error {
c := wait(done)
for {
_, open := <-c
ok, err := fn()
if err != nil {
return err
if ok {
return nil
if !open {
return ErrWaitTimeout
// poller returns a WaitFunc that will send to the channel every
// interval until timeout has elapsed and then close the channel.
// Over very short intervals you may receive no ticks before
// the channel is closed. If timeout is 0, the channel
// will never be closed.
func poller(interval, timeout time.Duration) WaitFunc {
return WaitFunc(func(done <-chan struct{}) <-chan struct{} {
ch := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
defer close(ch)
tick := time.NewTicker(interval)
defer tick.Stop()
var after <-chan time.Time
if timeout != 0 {
// time.After is more convenient, but it
// potentially leaves timers around much longer
// than necessary if we exit early.
timer := time.NewTimer(timeout)
after = timer.C
defer timer.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-tick.C:
// If the consumer isn't ready for this signal drop it and
// check the other channels.
select {
case ch <- struct{}{}:
case <-after:
case <-done:
return ch
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