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testclient.go 16.16 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
deads2k 提交于 2016-09-01 11:29 . move StorageClass to its own group
Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package testclient
import (
client "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned"
// NewSimpleFake returns a client that will respond with the provided objects
func NewSimpleFake(objects ...runtime.Object) *Fake {
o := NewObjects(api.Scheme, api.Codecs.UniversalDecoder())
for _, obj := range objects {
if err := o.Add(obj); err != nil {
fakeClient := &Fake{}
fakeClient.AddReactor("*", "*", ObjectReaction(o, registered.RESTMapper()))
fakeClient.AddWatchReactor("*", DefaultWatchReactor(watch.NewFake(), nil))
return fakeClient
// Fake implements client.Interface. Meant to be embedded into a struct to get a default
// implementation. This makes faking out just the method you want to test easier.
type Fake struct {
actions []Action // these may be castable to other types, but "Action" is the minimum
// ReactionChain is the list of reactors that will be attempted for every request in the order they are tried
ReactionChain []Reactor
// WatchReactionChain is the list of watch reactors that will be attempted for every request in the order they are tried
WatchReactionChain []WatchReactor
// ProxyReactionChain is the list of proxy reactors that will be attempted for every request in the order they are tried
ProxyReactionChain []ProxyReactor
Resources map[string]*unversioned.APIResourceList
// Reactor is an interface to allow the composition of reaction functions.
type Reactor interface {
// Handles indicates whether or not this Reactor deals with a given action
Handles(action Action) bool
// React handles the action and returns results. It may choose to delegate by indicated handled=false
React(action Action) (handled bool, ret runtime.Object, err error)
// WatchReactor is an interface to allow the composition of watch functions.
type WatchReactor interface {
// Handles indicates whether or not this Reactor deals with a given action
Handles(action Action) bool
// React handles a watch action and returns results. It may choose to delegate by indicated handled=false
React(action Action) (handled bool, ret watch.Interface, err error)
// ProxyReactor is an interface to allow the composition of proxy get functions.
type ProxyReactor interface {
// Handles indicates whether or not this Reactor deals with a given action
Handles(action Action) bool
// React handles a watch action and returns results. It may choose to delegate by indicated handled=false
React(action Action) (handled bool, ret restclient.ResponseWrapper, err error)
// ReactionFunc is a function that returns an object or error for a given Action. If "handled" is false,
// then the test client will continue ignore the results and continue to the next ReactionFunc
type ReactionFunc func(action Action) (handled bool, ret runtime.Object, err error)
// WatchReactionFunc is a function that returns a watch interface. If "handled" is false,
// then the test client will continue ignore the results and continue to the next ReactionFunc
type WatchReactionFunc func(action Action) (handled bool, ret watch.Interface, err error)
// ProxyReactionFunc is a function that returns a ResponseWrapper interface for a given Action. If "handled" is false,
// then the test client will continue ignore the results and continue to the next ProxyReactionFunc
type ProxyReactionFunc func(action Action) (handled bool, ret restclient.ResponseWrapper, err error)
// AddReactor appends a reactor to the end of the chain
func (c *Fake) AddReactor(verb, resource string, reaction ReactionFunc) {
c.ReactionChain = append(c.ReactionChain, &SimpleReactor{verb, resource, reaction})
// PrependReactor adds a reactor to the beginning of the chain
func (c *Fake) PrependReactor(verb, resource string, reaction ReactionFunc) {
c.ReactionChain = append([]Reactor{&SimpleReactor{verb, resource, reaction}}, c.ReactionChain...)
// AddWatchReactor appends a reactor to the end of the chain
func (c *Fake) AddWatchReactor(resource string, reaction WatchReactionFunc) {
c.WatchReactionChain = append(c.WatchReactionChain, &SimpleWatchReactor{resource, reaction})
// PrependWatchReactor adds a reactor to the beginning of the chain
func (c *Fake) PrependWatchReactor(resource string, reaction WatchReactionFunc) {
c.WatchReactionChain = append([]WatchReactor{&SimpleWatchReactor{resource, reaction}}, c.WatchReactionChain...)
// AddProxyReactor appends a reactor to the end of the chain
func (c *Fake) AddProxyReactor(resource string, reaction ProxyReactionFunc) {
c.ProxyReactionChain = append(c.ProxyReactionChain, &SimpleProxyReactor{resource, reaction})
// PrependProxyReactor adds a reactor to the beginning of the chain
func (c *Fake) PrependProxyReactor(resource string, reaction ProxyReactionFunc) {
c.ProxyReactionChain = append([]ProxyReactor{&SimpleProxyReactor{resource, reaction}}, c.ProxyReactionChain...)
// Invokes records the provided Action and then invokes the ReactFn (if provided).
// defaultReturnObj is expected to be of the same type a normal call would return.
func (c *Fake) Invokes(action Action, defaultReturnObj runtime.Object) (runtime.Object, error) {
defer c.Unlock()
c.actions = append(c.actions, action)
for _, reactor := range c.ReactionChain {
if !reactor.Handles(action) {
handled, ret, err := reactor.React(action)
if !handled {
return ret, err
return defaultReturnObj, nil
// InvokesWatch records the provided Action and then invokes the ReactFn (if provided).
func (c *Fake) InvokesWatch(action Action) (watch.Interface, error) {
defer c.Unlock()
c.actions = append(c.actions, action)
for _, reactor := range c.WatchReactionChain {
if !reactor.Handles(action) {
handled, ret, err := reactor.React(action)
if !handled {
return ret, err
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unhandled watch: %#v", action)
// InvokesProxy records the provided Action and then invokes the ReactFn (if provided).
func (c *Fake) InvokesProxy(action Action) restclient.ResponseWrapper {
defer c.Unlock()
c.actions = append(c.actions, action)
for _, reactor := range c.ProxyReactionChain {
if !reactor.Handles(action) {
handled, ret, err := reactor.React(action)
if !handled || err != nil {
return ret
return nil
// ClearActions clears the history of actions called on the fake client
func (c *Fake) ClearActions() {
defer c.Unlock()
c.actions = make([]Action, 0)
// Actions returns a chronologically ordered slice fake actions called on the fake client
func (c *Fake) Actions() []Action {
defer c.RUnlock()
fa := make([]Action, len(c.actions))
copy(fa, c.actions)
return fa
func (c *Fake) LimitRanges(namespace string) client.LimitRangeInterface {
return &FakeLimitRanges{Fake: c, Namespace: namespace}
func (c *Fake) ResourceQuotas(namespace string) client.ResourceQuotaInterface {
return &FakeResourceQuotas{Fake: c, Namespace: namespace}
func (c *Fake) ReplicationControllers(namespace string) client.ReplicationControllerInterface {
return &FakeReplicationControllers{Fake: c, Namespace: namespace}
func (c *Fake) Nodes() client.NodeInterface {
return &FakeNodes{Fake: c}
func (c *Fake) PodSecurityPolicies() client.PodSecurityPolicyInterface {
return &FakePodSecurityPolicy{Fake: c}
func (c *Fake) Events(namespace string) client.EventInterface {
return &FakeEvents{Fake: c, Namespace: namespace}
func (c *Fake) Endpoints(namespace string) client.EndpointsInterface {
return &FakeEndpoints{Fake: c, Namespace: namespace}
func (c *Fake) PersistentVolumes() client.PersistentVolumeInterface {
return &FakePersistentVolumes{Fake: c}
func (c *Fake) PersistentVolumeClaims(namespace string) client.PersistentVolumeClaimInterface {
return &FakePersistentVolumeClaims{Fake: c, Namespace: namespace}
func (c *Fake) Pods(namespace string) client.PodInterface {
return &FakePods{Fake: c, Namespace: namespace}
func (c *Fake) PodTemplates(namespace string) client.PodTemplateInterface {
return &FakePodTemplates{Fake: c, Namespace: namespace}
func (c *Fake) Services(namespace string) client.ServiceInterface {
return &FakeServices{Fake: c, Namespace: namespace}
func (c *Fake) ServiceAccounts(namespace string) client.ServiceAccountsInterface {
return &FakeServiceAccounts{Fake: c, Namespace: namespace}
func (c *Fake) Secrets(namespace string) client.SecretsInterface {
return &FakeSecrets{Fake: c, Namespace: namespace}
func (c *Fake) Namespaces() client.NamespaceInterface {
return &FakeNamespaces{Fake: c}
func (c *Fake) Apps() client.AppsInterface {
return &FakeApps{c}
func (c *Fake) Authorization() client.AuthorizationInterface {
return &FakeAuthorization{c}
func (c *Fake) Autoscaling() client.AutoscalingInterface {
return &FakeAutoscaling{c}
func (c *Fake) Batch() client.BatchInterface {
return &FakeBatch{c}
func (c *Fake) Certificates() client.CertificatesInterface {
return &FakeCertificates{c}
func (c *Fake) Extensions() client.ExtensionsInterface {
return &FakeExperimental{c}
func (c *Fake) Discovery() discovery.DiscoveryInterface {
return &FakeDiscovery{c}
func (c *Fake) ComponentStatuses() client.ComponentStatusInterface {
return &FakeComponentStatuses{Fake: c}
func (c *Fake) ConfigMaps(namespace string) client.ConfigMapsInterface {
return &FakeConfigMaps{Fake: c, Namespace: namespace}
func (c *Fake) Rbac() client.RbacInterface {
return &FakeRbac{Fake: c}
func (c *Fake) Storage() client.StorageInterface {
return &FakeStorage{Fake: c}
func (c *Fake) Authentication() client.AuthenticationInterface {
return &FakeAuthentication{Fake: c}
// SwaggerSchema returns an empty swagger.ApiDeclaration for testing
func (c *Fake) SwaggerSchema(version unversioned.GroupVersion) (*swagger.ApiDeclaration, error) {
action := ActionImpl{}
action.Verb = "get"
if version == v1.SchemeGroupVersion {
action.Resource = "/swaggerapi/api/" + version.Version
} else {
action.Resource = "/swaggerapi/apis/" + version.Group + "/" + version.Version
c.Invokes(action, nil)
return &swagger.ApiDeclaration{}, nil
// NewSimpleFakeApps returns a client that will respond with the provided objects
func NewSimpleFakeApps(objects ...runtime.Object) *FakeApps {
return &FakeApps{Fake: NewSimpleFake(objects...)}
type FakeApps struct {
func (c *FakeApps) PetSets(namespace string) client.PetSetInterface {
return &FakePetSets{Fake: c, Namespace: namespace}
// NewSimpleFakeAuthorization returns a client that will respond with the provided objects
func NewSimpleFakeAuthorization(objects ...runtime.Object) *FakeAuthorization {
return &FakeAuthorization{Fake: NewSimpleFake(objects...)}
type FakeAuthorization struct {
func (c *FakeAuthorization) SubjectAccessReviews() client.SubjectAccessReviewInterface {
return &FakeSubjectAccessReviews{Fake: c}
// NewSimpleFakeAutoscaling returns a client that will respond with the provided objects
func NewSimpleFakeAutoscaling(objects ...runtime.Object) *FakeAutoscaling {
return &FakeAutoscaling{Fake: NewSimpleFake(objects...)}
type FakeAutoscaling struct {
func (c *FakeAutoscaling) HorizontalPodAutoscalers(namespace string) client.HorizontalPodAutoscalerInterface {
return &FakeHorizontalPodAutoscalers{Fake: c, Namespace: namespace}
func NewSimpleFakeAuthentication(objects ...runtime.Object) *FakeAuthentication {
return &FakeAuthentication{Fake: NewSimpleFake(objects...)}
type FakeAuthentication struct {
func (c *FakeAuthentication) TokenReviews() client.TokenReviewInterface {
return &FakeTokenReviews{Fake: c}
// NewSimpleFakeBatch returns a client that will respond with the provided objects
func NewSimpleFakeBatch(objects ...runtime.Object) *FakeBatch {
return &FakeBatch{Fake: NewSimpleFake(objects...)}
type FakeBatch struct {
func (c *FakeBatch) Jobs(namespace string) client.JobInterface {
return &FakeJobsV1{Fake: c, Namespace: namespace}
func (c *FakeBatch) ScheduledJobs(namespace string) client.ScheduledJobInterface {
return &FakeScheduledJobs{Fake: c, Namespace: namespace}
// NewSimpleFakeExp returns a client that will respond with the provided objects
func NewSimpleFakeExp(objects ...runtime.Object) *FakeExperimental {
return &FakeExperimental{Fake: NewSimpleFake(objects...)}
type FakeExperimental struct {
func (c *FakeExperimental) DaemonSets(namespace string) client.DaemonSetInterface {
return &FakeDaemonSets{Fake: c, Namespace: namespace}
func (c *FakeExperimental) Deployments(namespace string) client.DeploymentInterface {
return &FakeDeployments{Fake: c, Namespace: namespace}
func (c *FakeExperimental) Scales(namespace string) client.ScaleInterface {
return &FakeScales{Fake: c, Namespace: namespace}
func (c *FakeExperimental) Jobs(namespace string) client.JobInterface {
return &FakeJobs{Fake: c, Namespace: namespace}
func (c *FakeExperimental) Ingress(namespace string) client.IngressInterface {
return &FakeIngress{Fake: c, Namespace: namespace}
func (c *FakeExperimental) ThirdPartyResources() client.ThirdPartyResourceInterface {
return &FakeThirdPartyResources{Fake: c}
func (c *FakeExperimental) ReplicaSets(namespace string) client.ReplicaSetInterface {
return &FakeReplicaSets{Fake: c, Namespace: namespace}
func (c *FakeExperimental) NetworkPolicies(namespace string) client.NetworkPolicyInterface {
return &FakeNetworkPolicies{Fake: c, Namespace: namespace}
func NewSimpleFakeRbac(objects ...runtime.Object) *FakeRbac {
return &FakeRbac{Fake: NewSimpleFake(objects...)}
type FakeRbac struct {
func (c *FakeRbac) Roles(namespace string) client.RoleInterface {
return &FakeRoles{Fake: c, Namespace: namespace}
func (c *FakeRbac) RoleBindings(namespace string) client.RoleBindingInterface {
return &FakeRoleBindings{Fake: c, Namespace: namespace}
func (c *FakeRbac) ClusterRoles() client.ClusterRoleInterface {
return &FakeClusterRoles{Fake: c}
func (c *FakeRbac) ClusterRoleBindings() client.ClusterRoleBindingInterface {
return &FakeClusterRoleBindings{Fake: c}
func NewSimpleFakeStorage(objects ...runtime.Object) *FakeStorage {
return &FakeStorage{Fake: NewSimpleFake(objects...)}
type FakeStorage struct {
func (c *FakeStorage) StorageClasses() client.StorageClassInterface {
return &FakeStorageClasses{Fake: c}
type FakeDiscovery struct {
func (c *FakeDiscovery) ServerPreferredResources() ([]unversioned.GroupVersionResource, error) {
return nil, nil
func (c *FakeDiscovery) ServerPreferredNamespacedResources() ([]unversioned.GroupVersionResource, error) {
return nil, nil
func (c *FakeDiscovery) ServerResourcesForGroupVersion(groupVersion string) (*unversioned.APIResourceList, error) {
action := ActionImpl{
Verb: "get",
Resource: "resource",
c.Invokes(action, nil)
return c.Resources[groupVersion], nil
func (c *FakeDiscovery) ServerResources() (map[string]*unversioned.APIResourceList, error) {
action := ActionImpl{
Verb: "get",
Resource: "resource",
c.Invokes(action, nil)
return c.Resources, nil
func (c *FakeDiscovery) ServerGroups() (*unversioned.APIGroupList, error) {
return nil, nil
func (c *FakeDiscovery) ServerVersion() (*version.Info, error) {
action := ActionImpl{}
action.Verb = "get"
action.Resource = "version"
c.Invokes(action, nil)
versionInfo := version.Get()
return &versionInfo, nil
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