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kubelet_stats.go 29.48 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package framework
import (
cadvisorapi "github.com/google/cadvisor/info/v1"
clientset "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/clientset_generated/internalclientset"
kubeletmetrics "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/metrics"
kubeletstats "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/server/stats"
utilerrors "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/errors"
// KubeletMetric stores metrics scraped from the kubelet server's /metric endpoint.
// TODO: Get some more structure around the metrics and this type
type KubeletLatencyMetric struct {
// eg: list, info, create
Operation string
// eg: sync_pods, pod_worker
Method string
// 0 <= quantile <=1, e.g. 0.95 is 95%tile, 0.5 is median.
Quantile float64
Latency time.Duration
// KubeletMetricByLatency implements sort.Interface for []KubeletMetric based on
// the latency field.
type KubeletLatencyMetrics []KubeletLatencyMetric
func (a KubeletLatencyMetrics) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a KubeletLatencyMetrics) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a KubeletLatencyMetrics) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].Latency > a[j].Latency }
// If a apiserver client is passed in, the function will try to get kubelet metrics from metrics grabber;
// or else, the function will try to get kubelet metrics directly from the node.
func getKubeletMetricsFromNode(c clientset.Interface, nodeName string) (metrics.KubeletMetrics, error) {
if c == nil {
return metrics.GrabKubeletMetricsWithoutProxy(nodeName)
grabber, err := metrics.NewMetricsGrabber(c, true, false, false, false)
if err != nil {
return metrics.KubeletMetrics{}, err
return grabber.GrabFromKubelet(nodeName)
// getKubeletMetrics gets all metrics in kubelet subsystem from specified node and trims
// the subsystem prefix.
func getKubeletMetrics(c clientset.Interface, nodeName string) (metrics.KubeletMetrics, error) {
ms, err := getKubeletMetricsFromNode(c, nodeName)
if err != nil {
return metrics.KubeletMetrics{}, err
kubeletMetrics := make(metrics.KubeletMetrics)
for name, samples := range ms {
const prefix = kubeletmetrics.KubeletSubsystem + "_"
if !strings.HasPrefix(name, prefix) {
// Not a kubelet metric.
method := strings.TrimPrefix(name, prefix)
kubeletMetrics[method] = samples
return kubeletMetrics, nil
// GetKubeletLatencyMetrics gets all latency related kubelet metrics. Note that the KubeletMetrcis
// passed in should not contain subsystem prefix.
func GetKubeletLatencyMetrics(ms metrics.KubeletMetrics) KubeletLatencyMetrics {
latencyMethods := sets.NewString(
var latencyMetrics KubeletLatencyMetrics
for method, samples := range ms {
if !latencyMethods.Has(method) {
for _, sample := range samples {
latency := sample.Value
operation := string(sample.Metric["operation_type"])
var quantile float64
if val, ok := sample.Metric[model.QuantileLabel]; ok {
var err error
if quantile, err = strconv.ParseFloat(string(val), 64); err != nil {
latencyMetrics = append(latencyMetrics, KubeletLatencyMetric{
Operation: operation,
Method: method,
Quantile: quantile,
Latency: time.Duration(int64(latency)) * time.Microsecond,
return latencyMetrics
// RuntimeOperationMonitor is the tool getting and parsing docker operation metrics.
type RuntimeOperationMonitor struct {
client clientset.Interface
nodesRuntimeOps map[string]NodeRuntimeOperationErrorRate
// NodeRuntimeOperationErrorRate is the runtime operation error rate on one node.
type NodeRuntimeOperationErrorRate map[string]*RuntimeOperationErrorRate
// RuntimeOperationErrorRate is the error rate of a specified runtime operation.
type RuntimeOperationErrorRate struct {
TotalNumber float64
ErrorRate float64
TimeoutRate float64
func NewRuntimeOperationMonitor(c clientset.Interface) *RuntimeOperationMonitor {
m := &RuntimeOperationMonitor{
client: c,
nodesRuntimeOps: make(map[string]NodeRuntimeOperationErrorRate),
nodes, err := m.client.Core().Nodes().List(api.ListOptions{})
if err != nil {
Failf("RuntimeOperationMonitor: unable to get list of nodes: %v", err)
for _, node := range nodes.Items {
m.nodesRuntimeOps[node.Name] = make(NodeRuntimeOperationErrorRate)
// Initialize the runtime operation error rate
return m
// GetRuntimeOperationErrorRate gets runtime operation records from kubelet metrics and calculate
// error rates of all runtime operations.
func (m *RuntimeOperationMonitor) GetRuntimeOperationErrorRate() map[string]NodeRuntimeOperationErrorRate {
for node := range m.nodesRuntimeOps {
nodeResult, err := getNodeRuntimeOperationErrorRate(m.client, node)
if err != nil {
Logf("GetRuntimeOperationErrorRate: unable to get kubelet metrics from node %q: %v", node, err)
m.nodesRuntimeOps[node] = nodeResult
return m.nodesRuntimeOps
// GetLatestRuntimeOperationErrorRate gets latest error rate and timeout rate from last observed RuntimeOperationErrorRate.
func (m *RuntimeOperationMonitor) GetLatestRuntimeOperationErrorRate() map[string]NodeRuntimeOperationErrorRate {
result := make(map[string]NodeRuntimeOperationErrorRate)
for node := range m.nodesRuntimeOps {
result[node] = make(NodeRuntimeOperationErrorRate)
oldNodeResult := m.nodesRuntimeOps[node]
curNodeResult, err := getNodeRuntimeOperationErrorRate(m.client, node)
if err != nil {
Logf("GetLatestRuntimeOperationErrorRate: unable to get kubelet metrics from node %q: %v", node, err)
for op, cur := range curNodeResult {
t := *cur
if old, found := oldNodeResult[op]; found {
t.ErrorRate = (t.ErrorRate*t.TotalNumber - old.ErrorRate*old.TotalNumber) / (t.TotalNumber - old.TotalNumber)
t.TimeoutRate = (t.TimeoutRate*t.TotalNumber - old.TimeoutRate*old.TotalNumber) / (t.TotalNumber - old.TotalNumber)
t.TotalNumber -= old.TotalNumber
result[node][op] = &t
m.nodesRuntimeOps[node] = curNodeResult
return result
// FormatRuntimeOperationErrorRate formats the runtime operation error rate to string.
func FormatRuntimeOperationErrorRate(nodesResult map[string]NodeRuntimeOperationErrorRate) string {
lines := []string{}
for node, nodeResult := range nodesResult {
lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("node %q runtime operation error rate:", node))
for op, result := range nodeResult {
line := fmt.Sprintf("operation %q: total - %.0f; error rate - %f; timeout rate - %f", op,
result.TotalNumber, result.ErrorRate, result.TimeoutRate)
lines = append(lines, line)
lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintln())
return strings.Join(lines, "\n")
// getNodeRuntimeOperationErrorRate gets runtime operation error rate from specified node.
func getNodeRuntimeOperationErrorRate(c clientset.Interface, node string) (NodeRuntimeOperationErrorRate, error) {
result := make(NodeRuntimeOperationErrorRate)
ms, err := getKubeletMetrics(c, node)
if err != nil {
return result, err
// If no corresponding metrics are found, the returned samples will be empty. Then the following
// loop will be skipped automatically.
allOps := ms[kubeletmetrics.DockerOperationsKey]
errOps := ms[kubeletmetrics.DockerOperationsErrorsKey]
timeoutOps := ms[kubeletmetrics.DockerOperationsTimeoutKey]
for _, sample := range allOps {
operation := string(sample.Metric["operation_type"])
result[operation] = &RuntimeOperationErrorRate{TotalNumber: float64(sample.Value)}
for _, sample := range errOps {
operation := string(sample.Metric["operation_type"])
// Should always find the corresponding item, just in case
if _, found := result[operation]; found {
result[operation].ErrorRate = float64(sample.Value) / result[operation].TotalNumber
for _, sample := range timeoutOps {
operation := string(sample.Metric["operation_type"])
if _, found := result[operation]; found {
result[operation].TimeoutRate = float64(sample.Value) / result[operation].TotalNumber
return result, nil
// HighLatencyKubeletOperations logs and counts the high latency metrics exported by the kubelet server via /metrics.
func HighLatencyKubeletOperations(c clientset.Interface, threshold time.Duration, nodeName string, logFunc func(fmt string, args ...interface{})) (KubeletLatencyMetrics, error) {
ms, err := getKubeletMetrics(c, nodeName)
if err != nil {
return KubeletLatencyMetrics{}, err
latencyMetrics := GetKubeletLatencyMetrics(ms)
var badMetrics KubeletLatencyMetrics
logFunc("\nLatency metrics for node %v", nodeName)
for _, m := range latencyMetrics {
if m.Latency > threshold {
badMetrics = append(badMetrics, m)
Logf("%+v", m)
return badMetrics, nil
// getContainerInfo contacts kubelet for the container information. The "Stats"
// in the returned ContainerInfo is subject to the requirements in statsRequest.
// TODO: This function uses the deprecated kubelet stats API; it should be
// removed.
func getContainerInfo(c clientset.Interface, nodeName string, req *kubeletstats.StatsRequest) (map[string]cadvisorapi.ContainerInfo, error) {
reqBody, err := json.Marshal(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
subResourceProxyAvailable, err := ServerVersionGTE(subResourceServiceAndNodeProxyVersion, c.Discovery())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var data []byte
if subResourceProxyAvailable {
data, err = c.Core().RESTClient().Post().
Name(fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", nodeName, ports.KubeletPort)).
SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json").
} else {
data, err = c.Core().RESTClient().Post().
Name(fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", nodeName, ports.KubeletPort)).
SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json").
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var containers map[string]cadvisorapi.ContainerInfo
err = json.Unmarshal(data, &containers)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return containers, nil
// getOneTimeResourceUsageOnNode queries the node's /stats/container endpoint
// and returns the resource usage of all containerNames for the past
// cpuInterval.
// The acceptable range of the interval is 2s~120s. Be warned that as the
// interval (and #containers) increases, the size of kubelet's response
// could be significant. E.g., the 60s interval stats for ~20 containers is
// ~1.5MB. Don't hammer the node with frequent, heavy requests.
// cadvisor records cumulative cpu usage in nanoseconds, so we need to have two
// stats points to compute the cpu usage over the interval. Assuming cadvisor
// polls every second, we'd need to get N stats points for N-second interval.
// Note that this is an approximation and may not be accurate, hence we also
// write the actual interval used for calculation (based on the timestamps of
// the stats points in ContainerResourceUsage.CPUInterval.
// containerNames is a function returning a collection of container names in which
// user is interested in. ExpectMissingContainers is a flag which says if the test
// should fail if one of containers listed by containerNames is missing on any node
// (useful e.g. when looking for system containers or daemons). If set to true function
// is more forgiving and ignores missing containers.
// TODO: This function relies on the deprecated kubelet stats API and should be
// removed and/or rewritten.
func getOneTimeResourceUsageOnNode(
c clientset.Interface,
nodeName string,
cpuInterval time.Duration,
containerNames func() []string,
expectMissingContainers bool,
) (ResourceUsagePerContainer, error) {
const (
// cadvisor records stats about every second.
cadvisorStatsPollingIntervalInSeconds float64 = 1.0
// cadvisor caches up to 2 minutes of stats (configured by kubelet).
maxNumStatsToRequest int = 120
numStats := int(float64(cpuInterval.Seconds()) / cadvisorStatsPollingIntervalInSeconds)
if numStats < 2 || numStats > maxNumStatsToRequest {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("numStats needs to be > 1 and < %d", maxNumStatsToRequest)
// Get information of all containers on the node.
containerInfos, err := getContainerInfo(c, nodeName, &kubeletstats.StatsRequest{
ContainerName: "/",
NumStats: numStats,
Subcontainers: true,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
f := func(name string, oldStats, newStats *cadvisorapi.ContainerStats) *ContainerResourceUsage {
return &ContainerResourceUsage{
Name: name,
Timestamp: newStats.Timestamp,
CPUUsageInCores: float64(newStats.Cpu.Usage.Total-oldStats.Cpu.Usage.Total) / float64(newStats.Timestamp.Sub(oldStats.Timestamp).Nanoseconds()),
MemoryUsageInBytes: newStats.Memory.Usage,
MemoryWorkingSetInBytes: newStats.Memory.WorkingSet,
MemoryRSSInBytes: newStats.Memory.RSS,
CPUInterval: newStats.Timestamp.Sub(oldStats.Timestamp),
// Process container infos that are relevant to us.
containers := containerNames()
usageMap := make(ResourceUsagePerContainer, len(containers))
for _, name := range containers {
info, ok := containerInfos[name]
if !ok {
if !expectMissingContainers {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing info for container %q on node %q", name, nodeName)
first := info.Stats[0]
last := info.Stats[len(info.Stats)-1]
usageMap[name] = f(name, first, last)
return usageMap, nil
func getNodeStatsSummary(c clientset.Interface, nodeName string) (*stats.Summary, error) {
subResourceProxyAvailable, err := ServerVersionGTE(subResourceServiceAndNodeProxyVersion, c.Discovery())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var data []byte
if subResourceProxyAvailable {
data, err = c.Core().RESTClient().Get().
Name(fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", nodeName, ports.KubeletPort)).
SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json").
} else {
data, err = c.Core().RESTClient().Get().
Name(fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", nodeName, ports.KubeletPort)).
SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json").
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var summary *stats.Summary
err = json.Unmarshal(data, &summary)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return summary, nil
func getSystemContainerStats(summary *stats.Summary) map[string]*stats.ContainerStats {
statsList := summary.Node.SystemContainers
statsMap := make(map[string]*stats.ContainerStats)
for i := range statsList {
statsMap[statsList[i].Name] = &statsList[i]
// Create a root container stats using information available in
// stats.NodeStats. This is necessary since it is a different type.
statsMap[rootContainerName] = &stats.ContainerStats{
CPU: summary.Node.CPU,
Memory: summary.Node.Memory,
return statsMap
const (
rootContainerName = "/"
// A list of containers for which we want to collect resource usage.
func TargetContainers() []string {
return []string{
type ContainerResourceUsage struct {
Name string
Timestamp time.Time
CPUUsageInCores float64
MemoryUsageInBytes uint64
MemoryWorkingSetInBytes uint64
MemoryRSSInBytes uint64
// The interval used to calculate CPUUsageInCores.
CPUInterval time.Duration
func (r *ContainerResourceUsage) isStrictlyGreaterThan(rhs *ContainerResourceUsage) bool {
return r.CPUUsageInCores > rhs.CPUUsageInCores && r.MemoryWorkingSetInBytes > rhs.MemoryWorkingSetInBytes
type ResourceUsagePerContainer map[string]*ContainerResourceUsage
type ResourceUsagePerNode map[string]ResourceUsagePerContainer
func formatResourceUsageStats(nodeName string, containerStats ResourceUsagePerContainer) string {
// Example output:
// Resource usage for node "e2e-test-foo-node-abcde":
// container cpu(cores) memory(MB)
// "/" 0.363 2942.09
// "/docker-daemon" 0.088 521.80
// "/kubelet" 0.086 424.37
// "/system" 0.007 119.88
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
w := tabwriter.NewWriter(buf, 1, 0, 1, ' ', 0)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "container\tcpu(cores)\tmemory_working_set(MB)\tmemory_rss(MB)\n")
for name, s := range containerStats {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%q\t%.3f\t%.2f\t%.2f\n", name, s.CPUUsageInCores, float64(s.MemoryWorkingSetInBytes)/(1024*1024), float64(s.MemoryRSSInBytes)/(1024*1024))
return fmt.Sprintf("Resource usage on node %q:\n%s", nodeName, buf.String())
type uint64arr []uint64
func (a uint64arr) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a uint64arr) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a uint64arr) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i] < a[j] }
type usageDataPerContainer struct {
cpuData []float64
memUseData []uint64
memWorkSetData []uint64
func GetKubeletHeapStats(c clientset.Interface, nodeName string) (string, error) {
client, err := NodeProxyRequest(c, nodeName, "debug/pprof/heap")
if err != nil {
return "", err
raw, errRaw := client.Raw()
if errRaw != nil {
return "", err
stats := string(raw)
// Only dumping the runtime.MemStats numbers to avoid polluting the log.
numLines := 23
lines := strings.Split(stats, "\n")
return strings.Join(lines[len(lines)-numLines:], "\n"), nil
func PrintAllKubeletPods(c clientset.Interface, nodeName string) {
podList, err := GetKubeletPods(c, nodeName)
if err != nil {
Logf("Unable to retrieve kubelet pods for node %v: %v", nodeName, err)
for _, p := range podList.Items {
Logf("%v from %v started at %v (%d container statuses recorded)", p.Name, p.Namespace, p.Status.StartTime, len(p.Status.ContainerStatuses))
for _, c := range p.Status.ContainerStatuses {
Logf("\tContainer %v ready: %v, restart count %v",
c.Name, c.Ready, c.RestartCount)
func computeContainerResourceUsage(name string, oldStats, newStats *stats.ContainerStats) *ContainerResourceUsage {
return &ContainerResourceUsage{
Name: name,
Timestamp: newStats.CPU.Time.Time,
CPUUsageInCores: float64(*newStats.CPU.UsageCoreNanoSeconds-*oldStats.CPU.UsageCoreNanoSeconds) / float64(newStats.CPU.Time.Time.Sub(oldStats.CPU.Time.Time).Nanoseconds()),
MemoryUsageInBytes: *newStats.Memory.UsageBytes,
MemoryWorkingSetInBytes: *newStats.Memory.WorkingSetBytes,
MemoryRSSInBytes: *newStats.Memory.RSSBytes,
CPUInterval: newStats.CPU.Time.Time.Sub(oldStats.CPU.Time.Time),
// resourceCollector periodically polls the node, collect stats for a given
// list of containers, computes and cache resource usage up to
// maxEntriesPerContainer for each container.
type resourceCollector struct {
lock sync.RWMutex
node string
containers []string
client clientset.Interface
buffers map[string][]*ContainerResourceUsage
pollingInterval time.Duration
stopCh chan struct{}
func newResourceCollector(c clientset.Interface, nodeName string, containerNames []string, pollingInterval time.Duration) *resourceCollector {
buffers := make(map[string][]*ContainerResourceUsage)
return &resourceCollector{
node: nodeName,
containers: containerNames,
client: c,
buffers: buffers,
pollingInterval: pollingInterval,
// Start starts a goroutine to Poll the node every pollingInterval.
func (r *resourceCollector) Start() {
r.stopCh = make(chan struct{}, 1)
// Keep the last observed stats for comparison.
oldStats := make(map[string]*stats.ContainerStats)
go wait.Until(func() { r.collectStats(oldStats) }, r.pollingInterval, r.stopCh)
// Stop sends a signal to terminate the stats collecting goroutine.
func (r *resourceCollector) Stop() {
// collectStats gets the latest stats from kubelet stats summary API, computes
// the resource usage, and pushes it to the buffer.
func (r *resourceCollector) collectStats(oldStatsMap map[string]*stats.ContainerStats) {
summary, err := getNodeStatsSummary(r.client, r.node)
if err != nil {
Logf("Error getting node stats summary on %q, err: %v", r.node, err)
cStatsMap := getSystemContainerStats(summary)
defer r.lock.Unlock()
for _, name := range r.containers {
cStats, ok := cStatsMap[name]
if !ok {
Logf("Missing info/stats for container %q on node %q", name, r.node)
if oldStats, ok := oldStatsMap[name]; ok {
if oldStats.CPU.Time.Equal(cStats.CPU.Time) {
// No change -> skip this stat.
r.buffers[name] = append(r.buffers[name], computeContainerResourceUsage(name, oldStats, cStats))
// Update the old stats.
oldStatsMap[name] = cStats
func (r *resourceCollector) GetLatest() (ResourceUsagePerContainer, error) {
defer r.lock.RUnlock()
stats := make(ResourceUsagePerContainer)
for _, name := range r.containers {
contStats, ok := r.buffers[name]
if !ok || len(contStats) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Resource usage on node %q is not ready yet", r.node)
stats[name] = contStats[len(contStats)-1]
return stats, nil
// Reset frees the stats and start over.
func (r *resourceCollector) Reset() {
defer r.lock.Unlock()
for _, name := range r.containers {
r.buffers[name] = []*ContainerResourceUsage{}
type resourceUsageByCPU []*ContainerResourceUsage
func (r resourceUsageByCPU) Len() int { return len(r) }
func (r resourceUsageByCPU) Swap(i, j int) { r[i], r[j] = r[j], r[i] }
func (r resourceUsageByCPU) Less(i, j int) bool { return r[i].CPUUsageInCores < r[j].CPUUsageInCores }
// The percentiles to report.
var percentiles = [...]float64{0.05, 0.20, 0.50, 0.70, 0.90, 0.95, 0.99}
// GetBasicCPUStats returns the percentiles the cpu usage in cores for
// containerName. This method examines all data currently in the buffer.
func (r *resourceCollector) GetBasicCPUStats(containerName string) map[float64]float64 {
defer r.lock.RUnlock()
result := make(map[float64]float64, len(percentiles))
usages := r.buffers[containerName]
for _, q := range percentiles {
index := int(float64(len(usages))*q) - 1
if index < 0 {
// We don't have enough data.
result[q] = 0
result[q] = usages[index].CPUUsageInCores
return result
// ResourceMonitor manages a resourceCollector per node.
type ResourceMonitor struct {
client clientset.Interface
containers []string
pollingInterval time.Duration
collectors map[string]*resourceCollector
func NewResourceMonitor(c clientset.Interface, containerNames []string, pollingInterval time.Duration) *ResourceMonitor {
return &ResourceMonitor{
containers: containerNames,
client: c,
pollingInterval: pollingInterval,
func (r *ResourceMonitor) Start() {
// It should be OK to monitor unschedulable Nodes
nodes, err := r.client.Core().Nodes().List(api.ListOptions{})
if err != nil {
Failf("ResourceMonitor: unable to get list of nodes: %v", err)
r.collectors = make(map[string]*resourceCollector, 0)
for _, node := range nodes.Items {
collector := newResourceCollector(r.client, node.Name, r.containers, r.pollingInterval)
r.collectors[node.Name] = collector
func (r *ResourceMonitor) Stop() {
for _, collector := range r.collectors {
func (r *ResourceMonitor) Reset() {
for _, collector := range r.collectors {
func (r *ResourceMonitor) LogLatest() {
summary, err := r.GetLatest()
if err != nil {
Logf("%v", err)
Logf("%s", r.FormatResourceUsage(summary))
func (r *ResourceMonitor) FormatResourceUsage(s ResourceUsagePerNode) string {
summary := []string{}
for node, usage := range s {
summary = append(summary, formatResourceUsageStats(node, usage))
return strings.Join(summary, "\n")
func (r *ResourceMonitor) GetLatest() (ResourceUsagePerNode, error) {
result := make(ResourceUsagePerNode)
errs := []error{}
for key, collector := range r.collectors {
s, err := collector.GetLatest()
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
result[key] = s
return result, utilerrors.NewAggregate(errs)
func (r *ResourceMonitor) GetMasterNodeLatest(usagePerNode ResourceUsagePerNode) ResourceUsagePerNode {
result := make(ResourceUsagePerNode)
var masterUsage ResourceUsagePerContainer
var nodesUsage []ResourceUsagePerContainer
for node, usage := range usagePerNode {
if strings.HasSuffix(node, "master") {
masterUsage = usage
} else {
nodesUsage = append(nodesUsage, usage)
nodeAvgUsage := make(ResourceUsagePerContainer)
for _, nodeUsage := range nodesUsage {
for c, usage := range nodeUsage {
if _, found := nodeAvgUsage[c]; !found {
nodeAvgUsage[c] = &ContainerResourceUsage{Name: usage.Name}
nodeAvgUsage[c].CPUUsageInCores += usage.CPUUsageInCores
nodeAvgUsage[c].MemoryUsageInBytes += usage.MemoryUsageInBytes
nodeAvgUsage[c].MemoryWorkingSetInBytes += usage.MemoryWorkingSetInBytes
nodeAvgUsage[c].MemoryRSSInBytes += usage.MemoryRSSInBytes
for c := range nodeAvgUsage {
nodeAvgUsage[c].CPUUsageInCores /= float64(len(nodesUsage))
nodeAvgUsage[c].MemoryUsageInBytes /= uint64(len(nodesUsage))
nodeAvgUsage[c].MemoryWorkingSetInBytes /= uint64(len(nodesUsage))
nodeAvgUsage[c].MemoryRSSInBytes /= uint64(len(nodesUsage))
result["master"] = masterUsage
result["node"] = nodeAvgUsage
return result
// ContainersCPUSummary is indexed by the container name with each entry a
// (percentile, value) map.
type ContainersCPUSummary map[string]map[float64]float64
// NodesCPUSummary is indexed by the node name with each entry a
// ContainersCPUSummary map.
type NodesCPUSummary map[string]ContainersCPUSummary
func (r *ResourceMonitor) FormatCPUSummary(summary NodesCPUSummary) string {
// Example output for a node (the percentiles may differ):
// CPU usage of containers on node "e2e-test-foo-node-0vj7":
// container 5th% 50th% 90th% 95th%
// "/" 0.051 0.159 0.387 0.455
// "/runtime 0.000 0.000 0.146 0.166
// "/kubelet" 0.036 0.053 0.091 0.154
// "/misc" 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002
var summaryStrings []string
var header []string
header = append(header, "container")
for _, p := range percentiles {
header = append(header, fmt.Sprintf("%.0fth%%", p*100))
for nodeName, containers := range summary {
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
w := tabwriter.NewWriter(buf, 1, 0, 1, ' ', 0)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\n", strings.Join(header, "\t"))
for _, containerName := range TargetContainers() {
var s []string
s = append(s, fmt.Sprintf("%q", containerName))
data, ok := containers[containerName]
for _, p := range percentiles {
value := "N/A"
if ok {
value = fmt.Sprintf("%.3f", data[p])
s = append(s, value)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\n", strings.Join(s, "\t"))
summaryStrings = append(summaryStrings, fmt.Sprintf("CPU usage of containers on node %q\n:%s", nodeName, buf.String()))
return strings.Join(summaryStrings, "\n")
func (r *ResourceMonitor) LogCPUSummary() {
summary := r.GetCPUSummary()
Logf("%s", r.FormatCPUSummary(summary))
func (r *ResourceMonitor) GetCPUSummary() NodesCPUSummary {
result := make(NodesCPUSummary)
for nodeName, collector := range r.collectors {
result[nodeName] = make(ContainersCPUSummary)
for _, containerName := range TargetContainers() {
data := collector.GetBasicCPUStats(containerName)
result[nodeName][containerName] = data
return result
func (r *ResourceMonitor) GetMasterNodeCPUSummary(summaryPerNode NodesCPUSummary) NodesCPUSummary {
result := make(NodesCPUSummary)
var masterSummary ContainersCPUSummary
var nodesSummaries []ContainersCPUSummary
for node, summary := range summaryPerNode {
if strings.HasSuffix(node, "master") {
masterSummary = summary
} else {
nodesSummaries = append(nodesSummaries, summary)
nodeAvgSummary := make(ContainersCPUSummary)
for _, nodeSummary := range nodesSummaries {
for c, summary := range nodeSummary {
if _, found := nodeAvgSummary[c]; !found {
nodeAvgSummary[c] = map[float64]float64{}
for perc, value := range summary {
nodeAvgSummary[c][perc] += value
for c := range nodeAvgSummary {
for perc := range nodeAvgSummary[c] {
nodeAvgSummary[c][perc] /= float64(len(nodesSummaries))
result["master"] = masterSummary
result["node"] = nodeAvgSummary
return result
马建仓 AI 助手
