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errors.go 16.53 KB
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Doug Davis authored 2016-05-05 13:41 . Change minion to node
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package errors
import (
// HTTP Status codes not in the golang http package.
const (
StatusUnprocessableEntity = 422
StatusTooManyRequests = 429
// StatusServerTimeout is an indication that a transient server error has
// occurred and the client *should* retry, with an optional Retry-After
// header to specify the back off window.
StatusServerTimeout = 504
// StatusError is an error intended for consumption by a REST API server; it can also be
// reconstructed by clients from a REST response. Public to allow easy type switches.
type StatusError struct {
ErrStatus unversioned.Status
// APIStatus is exposed by errors that can be converted to an api.Status object
// for finer grained details.
type APIStatus interface {
Status() unversioned.Status
var _ error = &StatusError{}
// Error implements the Error interface.
func (e *StatusError) Error() string {
return e.ErrStatus.Message
// Status allows access to e's status without having to know the detailed workings
// of StatusError. Used by pkg/apiserver.
func (e *StatusError) Status() unversioned.Status {
return e.ErrStatus
// DebugError reports extended info about the error to debug output.
func (e *StatusError) DebugError() (string, []interface{}) {
if out, err := json.MarshalIndent(e.ErrStatus, "", " "); err == nil {
return "server response object: %s", []interface{}{string(out)}
return "server response object: %#v", []interface{}{e.ErrStatus}
// UnexpectedObjectError can be returned by FromObject if it's passed a non-status object.
type UnexpectedObjectError struct {
Object runtime.Object
// Error returns an error message describing 'u'.
func (u *UnexpectedObjectError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("unexpected object: %v", u.Object)
// FromObject generates an StatusError from an unversioned.Status, if that is the type of obj; otherwise,
// returns an UnexpecteObjectError.
func FromObject(obj runtime.Object) error {
switch t := obj.(type) {
case *unversioned.Status:
return &StatusError{*t}
return &UnexpectedObjectError{obj}
// NewNotFound returns a new error which indicates that the resource of the kind and the name was not found.
func NewNotFound(qualifiedResource unversioned.GroupResource, name string) *StatusError {
return &StatusError{unversioned.Status{
Status: unversioned.StatusFailure,
Code: http.StatusNotFound,
Reason: unversioned.StatusReasonNotFound,
Details: &unversioned.StatusDetails{
Group: qualifiedResource.Group,
Kind: qualifiedResource.Resource,
Name: name,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("%s %q not found", qualifiedResource.String(), name),
// NewAlreadyExists returns an error indicating the item requested exists by that identifier.
func NewAlreadyExists(qualifiedResource unversioned.GroupResource, name string) *StatusError {
return &StatusError{unversioned.Status{
Status: unversioned.StatusFailure,
Code: http.StatusConflict,
Reason: unversioned.StatusReasonAlreadyExists,
Details: &unversioned.StatusDetails{
Group: qualifiedResource.Group,
Kind: qualifiedResource.Resource,
Name: name,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("%s %q already exists", qualifiedResource.String(), name),
// NewUnauthorized returns an error indicating the client is not authorized to perform the requested
// action.
func NewUnauthorized(reason string) *StatusError {
message := reason
if len(message) == 0 {
message = "not authorized"
return &StatusError{unversioned.Status{
Status: unversioned.StatusFailure,
Code: http.StatusUnauthorized,
Reason: unversioned.StatusReasonUnauthorized,
Message: message,
// NewForbidden returns an error indicating the requested action was forbidden
func NewForbidden(qualifiedResource unversioned.GroupResource, name string, err error) *StatusError {
return &StatusError{unversioned.Status{
Status: unversioned.StatusFailure,
Code: http.StatusForbidden,
Reason: unversioned.StatusReasonForbidden,
Details: &unversioned.StatusDetails{
Group: qualifiedResource.Group,
Kind: qualifiedResource.Resource,
Name: name,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("%s %q is forbidden: %v", qualifiedResource.String(), name, err),
// NewConflict returns an error indicating the item can't be updated as provided.
func NewConflict(qualifiedResource unversioned.GroupResource, name string, err error) *StatusError {
return &StatusError{unversioned.Status{
Status: unversioned.StatusFailure,
Code: http.StatusConflict,
Reason: unversioned.StatusReasonConflict,
Details: &unversioned.StatusDetails{
Group: qualifiedResource.Group,
Kind: qualifiedResource.Resource,
Name: name,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Operation cannot be fulfilled on %s %q: %v", qualifiedResource.String(), name, err),
// NewGone returns an error indicating the item no longer available at the server and no forwarding address is known.
func NewGone(message string) *StatusError {
return &StatusError{unversioned.Status{
Status: unversioned.StatusFailure,
Code: http.StatusGone,
Reason: unversioned.StatusReasonGone,
Message: message,
// NewInvalid returns an error indicating the item is invalid and cannot be processed.
func NewInvalid(qualifiedKind unversioned.GroupKind, name string, errs field.ErrorList) *StatusError {
causes := make([]unversioned.StatusCause, 0, len(errs))
for i := range errs {
err := errs[i]
causes = append(causes, unversioned.StatusCause{
Type: unversioned.CauseType(err.Type),
Message: err.ErrorBody(),
Field: err.Field,
return &StatusError{unversioned.Status{
Status: unversioned.StatusFailure,
Code: StatusUnprocessableEntity, // RFC 4918: StatusUnprocessableEntity
Reason: unversioned.StatusReasonInvalid,
Details: &unversioned.StatusDetails{
Group: qualifiedKind.Group,
Kind: qualifiedKind.Kind,
Name: name,
Causes: causes,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("%s %q is invalid: %v", qualifiedKind.String(), name, errs.ToAggregate()),
// NewBadRequest creates an error that indicates that the request is invalid and can not be processed.
func NewBadRequest(reason string) *StatusError {
return &StatusError{unversioned.Status{
Status: unversioned.StatusFailure,
Code: http.StatusBadRequest,
Reason: unversioned.StatusReasonBadRequest,
Message: reason,
// NewServiceUnavailable creates an error that indicates that the requested service is unavailable.
func NewServiceUnavailable(reason string) *StatusError {
return &StatusError{unversioned.Status{
Status: unversioned.StatusFailure,
Code: http.StatusServiceUnavailable,
Reason: unversioned.StatusReasonServiceUnavailable,
Message: reason,
// NewMethodNotSupported returns an error indicating the requested action is not supported on this kind.
func NewMethodNotSupported(qualifiedResource unversioned.GroupResource, action string) *StatusError {
return &StatusError{unversioned.Status{
Status: unversioned.StatusFailure,
Code: http.StatusMethodNotAllowed,
Reason: unversioned.StatusReasonMethodNotAllowed,
Details: &unversioned.StatusDetails{
Group: qualifiedResource.Group,
Kind: qualifiedResource.Resource,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("%s is not supported on resources of kind %q", action, qualifiedResource.String()),
// NewServerTimeout returns an error indicating the requested action could not be completed due to a
// transient error, and the client should try again.
func NewServerTimeout(qualifiedResource unversioned.GroupResource, operation string, retryAfterSeconds int) *StatusError {
return &StatusError{unversioned.Status{
Status: unversioned.StatusFailure,
Code: http.StatusInternalServerError,
Reason: unversioned.StatusReasonServerTimeout,
Details: &unversioned.StatusDetails{
Group: qualifiedResource.Group,
Kind: qualifiedResource.Resource,
Name: operation,
RetryAfterSeconds: int32(retryAfterSeconds),
Message: fmt.Sprintf("The %s operation against %s could not be completed at this time, please try again.", operation, qualifiedResource.String()),
// NewServerTimeoutForKind should not exist. Server timeouts happen when accessing resources, the Kind is just what we
// happened to be looking at when the request failed. This delegates to keep code sane, but we should work towards removing this.
func NewServerTimeoutForKind(qualifiedKind unversioned.GroupKind, operation string, retryAfterSeconds int) *StatusError {
return NewServerTimeout(unversioned.GroupResource{Group: qualifiedKind.Group, Resource: qualifiedKind.Kind}, operation, retryAfterSeconds)
// NewInternalError returns an error indicating the item is invalid and cannot be processed.
func NewInternalError(err error) *StatusError {
return &StatusError{unversioned.Status{
Status: unversioned.StatusFailure,
Code: http.StatusInternalServerError,
Reason: unversioned.StatusReasonInternalError,
Details: &unversioned.StatusDetails{
Causes: []unversioned.StatusCause{{Message: err.Error()}},
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Internal error occurred: %v", err),
// NewTimeoutError returns an error indicating that a timeout occurred before the request
// could be completed. Clients may retry, but the operation may still complete.
func NewTimeoutError(message string, retryAfterSeconds int) *StatusError {
return &StatusError{unversioned.Status{
Status: unversioned.StatusFailure,
Code: StatusServerTimeout,
Reason: unversioned.StatusReasonTimeout,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Timeout: %s", message),
Details: &unversioned.StatusDetails{
RetryAfterSeconds: int32(retryAfterSeconds),
// NewGenericServerResponse returns a new error for server responses that are not in a recognizable form.
func NewGenericServerResponse(code int, verb string, qualifiedResource unversioned.GroupResource, name, serverMessage string, retryAfterSeconds int, isUnexpectedResponse bool) *StatusError {
reason := unversioned.StatusReasonUnknown
message := fmt.Sprintf("the server responded with the status code %d but did not return more information", code)
switch code {
case http.StatusConflict:
if verb == "POST" {
reason = unversioned.StatusReasonAlreadyExists
} else {
reason = unversioned.StatusReasonConflict
message = "the server reported a conflict"
case http.StatusNotFound:
reason = unversioned.StatusReasonNotFound
message = "the server could not find the requested resource"
case http.StatusBadRequest:
reason = unversioned.StatusReasonBadRequest
message = "the server rejected our request for an unknown reason"
case http.StatusUnauthorized:
reason = unversioned.StatusReasonUnauthorized
message = "the server has asked for the client to provide credentials"
case http.StatusForbidden:
reason = unversioned.StatusReasonForbidden
message = "the server does not allow access to the requested resource"
case http.StatusMethodNotAllowed:
reason = unversioned.StatusReasonMethodNotAllowed
message = "the server does not allow this method on the requested resource"
case StatusUnprocessableEntity:
reason = unversioned.StatusReasonInvalid
message = "the server rejected our request due to an error in our request"
case StatusServerTimeout:
reason = unversioned.StatusReasonServerTimeout
message = "the server cannot complete the requested operation at this time, try again later"
case StatusTooManyRequests:
reason = unversioned.StatusReasonTimeout
message = "the server has received too many requests and has asked us to try again later"
if code >= 500 {
reason = unversioned.StatusReasonInternalError
message = fmt.Sprintf("an error on the server (%q) has prevented the request from succeeding", serverMessage)
switch {
case !qualifiedResource.Empty() && len(name) > 0:
message = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s %s %s)", message, strings.ToLower(verb), qualifiedResource.String(), name)
case !qualifiedResource.Empty():
message = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s %s)", message, strings.ToLower(verb), qualifiedResource.String())
var causes []unversioned.StatusCause
if isUnexpectedResponse {
causes = []unversioned.StatusCause{
Type: unversioned.CauseTypeUnexpectedServerResponse,
Message: serverMessage,
} else {
causes = nil
return &StatusError{unversioned.Status{
Status: unversioned.StatusFailure,
Code: int32(code),
Reason: reason,
Details: &unversioned.StatusDetails{
Group: qualifiedResource.Group,
Kind: qualifiedResource.Resource,
Name: name,
Causes: causes,
RetryAfterSeconds: int32(retryAfterSeconds),
Message: message,
// IsNotFound returns true if the specified error was created by NewNotFound.
func IsNotFound(err error) bool {
return reasonForError(err) == unversioned.StatusReasonNotFound
// IsAlreadyExists determines if the err is an error which indicates that a specified resource already exists.
func IsAlreadyExists(err error) bool {
return reasonForError(err) == unversioned.StatusReasonAlreadyExists
// IsConflict determines if the err is an error which indicates the provided update conflicts.
func IsConflict(err error) bool {
return reasonForError(err) == unversioned.StatusReasonConflict
// IsInvalid determines if the err is an error which indicates the provided resource is not valid.
func IsInvalid(err error) bool {
return reasonForError(err) == unversioned.StatusReasonInvalid
// IsMethodNotSupported determines if the err is an error which indicates the provided action could not
// be performed because it is not supported by the server.
func IsMethodNotSupported(err error) bool {
return reasonForError(err) == unversioned.StatusReasonMethodNotAllowed
// IsBadRequest determines if err is an error which indicates that the request is invalid.
func IsBadRequest(err error) bool {
return reasonForError(err) == unversioned.StatusReasonBadRequest
// IsUnauthorized determines if err is an error which indicates that the request is unauthorized and
// requires authentication by the user.
func IsUnauthorized(err error) bool {
return reasonForError(err) == unversioned.StatusReasonUnauthorized
// IsForbidden determines if err is an error which indicates that the request is forbidden and cannot
// be completed as requested.
func IsForbidden(err error) bool {
return reasonForError(err) == unversioned.StatusReasonForbidden
// IsServerTimeout determines if err is an error which indicates that the request needs to be retried
// by the client.
func IsServerTimeout(err error) bool {
return reasonForError(err) == unversioned.StatusReasonServerTimeout
// IsInternalError determines if err is an error which indicates an internal server error.
func IsInternalError(err error) bool {
return reasonForError(err) == unversioned.StatusReasonInternalError
// IsUnexpectedServerError returns true if the server response was not in the expected API format,
// and may be the result of another HTTP actor.
func IsUnexpectedServerError(err error) bool {
switch t := err.(type) {
case APIStatus:
if d := t.Status().Details; d != nil {
for _, cause := range d.Causes {
if cause.Type == unversioned.CauseTypeUnexpectedServerResponse {
return true
return false
// IsUnexpectedObjectError determines if err is due to an unexpected object from the master.
func IsUnexpectedObjectError(err error) bool {
_, ok := err.(*UnexpectedObjectError)
return err != nil && ok
// SuggestsClientDelay returns true if this error suggests a client delay as well as the
// suggested seconds to wait, or false if the error does not imply a wait.
func SuggestsClientDelay(err error) (int, bool) {
switch t := err.(type) {
case APIStatus:
if t.Status().Details != nil {
switch t.Status().Reason {
case unversioned.StatusReasonServerTimeout, unversioned.StatusReasonTimeout:
return int(t.Status().Details.RetryAfterSeconds), true
return 0, false
func reasonForError(err error) unversioned.StatusReason {
switch t := err.(type) {
case APIStatus:
return t.Status().Reason
return unversioned.StatusReasonUnknown
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